AccConF: An Access Control Framework for Leveraging In-Network Cached Data in ICNs Satyajayant Misray, Reza Touraniy, Frank Natividady, Travis Micky, Nahid Ebrahimi Majdz and Hong Huang? y Computer Science Department, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico Email:fmisra, rtourani, fnativid,[email protected] z Computer Science Department, California State University, San Marcos, California Email:[email protected] ? Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico Email:[email protected] Netflix Repository Abstract—The fast-growing Internet traffic is increasingly becoming content-based and driven by mobile users, with users more interested in data rather than its source. This has precipitated the need for an information-centric Internet archi- Netflix server1 Netflix server2 tecture. Research in information-centric networks (ICNs) have resulted in novel architectures, e.g., CCN/NDN, DONA, and Top Level PSIRP/PURSUIT; all agree on named data based addressing CDN and pervasive caching as integral design components. With CDN1 CDN2 CDN3 CDN4 5 network-wide content caching, enforcement of content access Upper Level control policies become non-trivial. Each caching node in the network needs to enforce access control policies with the help ISP2 ISP3 ISP of the content provider. This becomes inefficient and prone to 1 Base Station unbounded latencies especially during provider outages. Lower Level In this paper, we propose an efficient access control frame- Bottom Level work for ICN, which allows legitimate users to access and Fig. 1. Multi-level network architecture for Internet-based content distri- use the cached content directly, and does not require verifica- bution. tion/authentication by an online provider authentication server or the content serving router. This framework would help reduce allows each user on the Internet to become a data server. the impact of system down-time from server outages and re- duce delivery latency by leveraging caching while guaranteeing This phenomenon has led to the Internet users becoming access only to legitimate users. Experimental/simulation results indifferent about the data source (video, music, movies) as demonstrate the suitability of this scheme for all users, but long as they are reasonably sure about the content. These are particularly for mobile users, especially in terms of the security alarming signs—the Internet was not engineered to scale for and latency overheads. such trends. Keywords: Information-centric networks, threshold secret sharing, authentication, caching, access control. To address these concerns there has been a strong push to redesign the Internet architecture. This push is aimed at a shift from the host-centric Internet to the information- arXiv:1603.03501v1 [cs.NI] 11 Mar 2016 1. INTRODUCTION centric network [15] where each data item is named and The nature of the traffic and the service requirements from routing is performed using the name. The ICN Internet the Internet have changed tremendously. As per the Cisco leverages pervasive in-network data caching and has built- Visual Networking Index Forecast (2019) [6]: high bandwidth in intelligence to satisfy requests by obtaining the data from video traffic would account for 77% of the Internet traffic by network caches or the content provider, and transferring it to 2019 and mobile wireless devices will account for 77% of the requester(s). Several newly proposed Information-Centric the world Internet traffic. This implies that the majority of the Network (ICN) architectures, such as the CCN/NDN [15], traffic on the Internet will be multimedia and emanate from DONA [16], PSIRP [30], PURSUIT [11], and NetInf [7], wireless mobile users. This rapid growth has also been fueled aim to attain the above objectives. We refer the interested by the use of P2P software (Ares, BitTorrent, etc.), which readers to a survey on Information-Centric Networks [1] for more information. This work has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information In today’s Internet most Content Providers (CPs) use Forensics and Security journal and is supported in part by the U.S. NSF grants:1345232 and 1248109 and the U.S. DoD/ARO grant: W911NF-07- content distribution networks (CDNs) to cache (store) content 2-0027. geographically closer to the users for faster content delivery. As shown in Fig. 1, the Internet hierarchy consists of CPs at authenticator/verifier. (ii) Discussions on design and imple- the top, followed by the CDNs (e.g. Akamai and Limelight), mentation issues of AccConF in the popular CCN/NDN and then the ISPs (e.g. Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon), architecture. (iii) Proof that AccConF can handle user revo- culminating in the static/mobile end-users. This architecture cations limited by a large threshold t and can be augmented places most of the CDN nodes at the edge of ISPs (refer to handle more than t revoked users. (iv) Implementation of Fig. 1) to reduce the network traffic; yet the ISPs keep AccConF in a CCN/NDN testbed and the ndn-SIM simulator deploying more network resources to handle the explosive on ns-3 and accompanying analysis validating its usability in data growth. The ICN paradigm, with its decoupling of data mobile devices. from the source, will enable in-network caching by the ISPs, In Section 2, we present the related work. In Section 3, we reducing their network traffic load and improving scalability present the basic definitions and notations, and in Section 4, and data availability [33]. But, the important concern is how we present the system model, security assumptions, and the to ensure that the available cached content are only usable threat model. We present our framework in Section 5, its ICN by authentic/legitimate users? specific details in Section 6, and discuss its security provi- Let’s illustrate this concern using Netflix as the CP and sions in Section 7. In Section 8, we present our experimental the CCN/NDN Internet architecture [15]. To ensure user results and analysis. In Section 9, we present our conclusions. authenticity, in the current architecture, a legitimate user’s Netflix player authenticates itself to a server hosted on a 2. RELATED WORK Cloud service (e.g., Amazon EC2). Once the server authen- In CCN/NDN [15], the user’s data interest (request) is ticates the user, the player/client connects to a CDN node either served by an intermediate router that receives the (selected based on network load, proximity, etc.) to access interest and has the data cached or the Content Provider (CP). the content. The access control (AC) is enforced by the server Data is routed back using information stored in a router’s and subsequently, streaming happens from the designated pending interests table and the forwarding information base, CDN node. and is cached at each forwarding router. In DONA [16], CPs With ICN, ubiquitous caching would require each node advertise their named content, in form of P:L where P is the that caches any portion of a content to enforce the AC hash of their public key and L is the content’s unique label, policies; an impractical exercise. To cope with this problem, to resolution handlers (RHs), which form an inter-domain the user still has to authenticate himself to Netflix. The RH-hierarchy. A user transmits a data request with the help decryption key, for the encrypted cached content, is granted of the RH-hierarchy to a data source, which then transmits to the user upon successful authentication. However, there is the data back along the same path. The data can be cached an obvious concern; in our illustration, if the cloud service, in the buffer of the involved RHs along the return path. The Amazon EC2, is down, then the Netflix service is down. The design paradigms of both PURSUIT and PSIRP [11] involve user cannot authenticate himself to use the cached content. three separate elements – publishers, subscribers, and the This has occurred several times in the past. One may argue REndezvous NEtwork (RENE) with similar naming scheme that this service-loss can be addressed through better service- as DONA. Rendezvous Points (RPs) in RENE perform level agreements (SLAs) with the cloud provider, but even the rendezvous action between publishers and subscribers and best SLA cannot guarantee zero downtime. A better approach select a path for a publisher/subscriber pair. Network of In- is one that can leverage the data available in routers close to formation (NetInf) [7] provides a service conceptually similar the users, to satisfy requests from legitimate users. to the rendezvous service in PSIRP/PURSUIT. Caching and This research is motivated by these observations. We named data based addressing are integral facets of all these address the question: Can we design an efficient AC frame- architectures, which are also the only two pre-requisites of work to utilize the cached content in ICNs that only serves our framework. legitimate users/subscribers? In this paper, we extend our AC in the ICN has recently received more attention from preliminary framework to answer this question [23] (ACM the community [2], [5], [10], [12], [14], [19], [20]. In [2], ICN Workshop, 2013) and show that our framework also the authors proposed a per-user privacy design in which increases content availability (even when the provider’s au- content chunks are mixed with chunks of cover and the thentication service is offline) and improves clients’ quality results are published into the network. The user gets the of experience. necessary decoding information via a secure back channel In a nutshell, our contributions include: (i) Design of from the CP, which requires the CP to be always online. AccConF a novel ICN AC framework to guarantee trusted Fotiou et al. proposed an AC enforcement delegation tech- content in nearby caches can be efficiently used by only nique [10].
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