1 Minutes of the remote Meeting of Old Weston Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th July 2020, 7:30pm Present: Cllrs F Wing (Chairman), D Costura, E McKenzie, R Smith, M Stenson (from agenda item 5), D Tebbit, L Ellis (Clerk),County Cllr I Gardener and District Cllr J Gray Members of the public: 3 Key: CCC – Cambridgeshire County Council HDC – Huntingdonshire District Council PC - Parish Council PCC – Parochial Church Council 1 Chairman’s Welcome The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. 2 To receive apologies and reasons None received. for absence 3 Member Declarations of Pecuniary Councillor Smith declared an interest in the planning Interests application at Home Farm, Main Street 4 Public and press participation A resident asked what the Council’s position was on the session with respect to items on planning application at Yew Trees Farm, Brington Road and if it the agenda were to be approved to note that it would push the village envelope further out. D.Cllr Gray reported that nothing was happening regarding the Weston Park Mx application. HDC were awaiting three assessments from the applicant, these will be provided to the PC prior to any decision being taken. If any planning breaches occur these should be reported to him. He thanked the resident for the analysis work undertaken on the comments displayed on the HDC planning portal. The Chairman reported that he is still in touch with the Chairmen of the adjoining PCs regarding this application. 5 Planning application Councillors considered the planning application and noted that 20/00962/FUL the previous application for 3 no. dwelling houses was still live Agricultural buildings, Yew Trees and had not been withdrawn. The Clerk to raise this as a query Farm, Brington Road, Old Weston with HDC. No objection . Demolition of agricultural buildings including piggery D.Cllr Gray reported that anyone can submit as many buildings and erection of 2 applications as they wish on the condition that they pay the no.dwelling houses planning fee. 20/0977/FUL Home Farm, Main Street, Old Weston Councillors considered the planning application noting the Residential conversion of an applicants recent communication. No objection. agricultural building and construction of a new access Signed………………………………………………………………………………………………. Dated…………………………………… 2 (pursuant to approval 18/00732/PMBPA for residential conversion of an agricultural building) 6 Communication C.Cllr Gardener reported that as we are coming out of lockdown and into the recovery phase CCC has set up an outbreak control plan. CCC are at the forefront in the Eastern Region and possibly nationally. Prevention is better than the cure so much emphasis is being put into this. The Cambs & Peterborough local outbreak control plan was published on 30th June and is available on the CCC website:- https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset- library/Cambridgeshire-and-Peterborough-Local-Outbreak- Control-Plan-v12.pdf At 28th May the COVID-19 rate of infections was 178.4 per 100,000 population which is comparatively lower than the overall rate in England of 269.6 per 100,000 population. A Local Plan for support to Care Homes has been produced outlining our health and care system response to support care homes to imbed infection prevention and control to minimise the rise of COVID-19 outbreaks in homes:- https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset- library/Peterborough-and-Cambridgeshire-Care-Home-Support- Plan.pdf Work is progressing well on the new Alconbury Weald headquarters building however the hub is only part of an overall plan for which the spokes model has already begun. Officers and staff are moving to their new sites in the community. Huntingdon Recycling Centres have reopened however due to traffic management issues CCC is moving to an online booking system for residents wanting to take waste to one of the centres. Alconbury and St Neots are already using this system. These measures were introduced to help manage queueing vehicles and minimise the impact on local businesses, residents or traffic flows. Ian reported the he now sits on the following committees:- CCC: . Environment & Sustainability . Planning & Pensions (Vice Chairman) . Fire Authority . Green Projects Investment Internal Advisory Group HDC: . Development Management (Vice Chairman) . Overview & Scrutiny – Performance & Growth . Alconbury & Ellington Drainage Board . Section 106 Advisory Panel Ian reported that he has also been elected as the HDC representative to the Board of Governors of Kimbolton School. This year’s LHI bids date for submissions was extended due to COVID-19. As soon as the date of the meeting to review the submissions is known he will update the Clerk. Signed………………………………………………………………………………………………. Dated…………………………………… 3 Ian advised that if a PC decides to object to a planning application it is alwas advisable to attend the HDC Development Control meeting to support their objection. D.Cllr Gray reported that HDC had launched a new round of bidding for discretionary grants as there was £200,000 left in the pot. He will provide the PC with the application criteria. It will go out further to other groups on a first come first served basis. The Government has announced a comprehensive package regarding lost income however there is a whole range not covered. HDC are still permitting free car parking which is a massive loss of revenue including lost revenue from leisure centres. HDC want to attract more footfall into the towns but they may need to re-introduce parking charges in the near future. C.Cllr Gardener left the meeting at this juncture (7:52pm) The Chairman reported that the recent newsletter to residents had been well received. And that social media is an important tool. He asked Cllrs to consider the following:- . Quarterley Chairman’s newsletter . Re-start Village Matters . Twitter account . Face-book account . Email list, if residents sign up to receiving emails from the PC we would be within the GDPR rules and regulations criteria. Lisison with village groups . Continue hosting on Grapevine Cllr Stenson suggested door knocking as a way of engagement. 7 Agree Councillor responsibilities The Chairman asked Cllrs to consider possible roles for themselves. Cllrs agreed in principle to take the lead on the following:- . Planning - Cllr Smith . Neighbourhood Plan - Cllrs Costura & Wing . Highways/footpaths/litter - Cllr Tebbit . Asset management - Cllr Stenson . Communication/Liaison - Cllrs Stenson & Wing . Village Hall - Cllr McKenzie Environment/Sustainability is included within NHP and Planning. 8 Neighbourhood Plan update It was reported that a meeting had recently been held with a Planning Consultant to discuss a housing needs assessment. It was noted that funding is available. Cllrs thanked Cllr Stenson for his email communication regarding the Community Communication & Engagement Strategy document. Timescale to finalise the plan is anticipated to be Signed………………………………………………………………………………………………. Dated…………………………………… 4 August/Septembe 2021. D.Cllr Gray left at this juncture (8:47pm) 9 To consider holding an autumn Cllrs agreed that an autumn litter pick was an excellent idea. litter pick (September) Cllr Tebbit to liaise with Cllr Jack to make the necessary arrangements and agree the event date. 10 Finance a.Payment of accounts:- All paperwork prepared by the Clerk was checked and £155.08 (100403) Clerk’s salary and countersigned by Cllr Smith. misc £14.39 (100404) F Wing zoom subscription b.To note the current bank The current account balance was duly noted. account balance The Clerk to arrange for a new set of Barclays Bank mandate forms to be available for completion at the September meeting. 11 Date of next meeting Tuesday 8th September 2020. The meeting then closed at 9:00pm. Signed………………………………………………………………………………………………. Dated…………………………………… .
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