àUÙ TB* tom* i33r. ALL THE NEWS > OP OLENOARRY OP GLENGARRY FOR GLENG ARRIANS The Glengarry New FOR GLENGARRIANS THX FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO $2.00 A YEAS VOL. Lm—No. 27 Alexandria, Ont., Friday, July 6, 1945 Prime Minister Not To Be Opposed P0 Alf. McGregor Reached Homes Kirk Hill Calls One Dead, Four Rescued In In By-Election Set For Aug. 6 Reported Killed From Overseas Capt.N.F. Sharkey Drowning Accident, Sunday Glengarry Presbytery Colin MacCuaig of Vancouver, Accident Prime Minister Accepts Invitation To Martintown Airman Was Many Airmen Among Also Agrees To Release Victim While On Visit Home — Rowboat Attend Liberal Nomination Meeting: Reported Missing In Glengarrians Reaching Rev. R. W. Ellis Swamped By High Waves. Here, Night Of July 7th. Action Last December Canada On Week End The regular summer meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacGregor, The following are among Glengar- Dragging operations have not yet Prime Minister King has accepted Presbytery of Glengarry of the Pres- Martintown have been informed that ry servicemen who have reached their been successful in locating the body of an invitation extended hhn to come byterian Chureh in Canada was held their son, PO John Alfred Stewart Girl Drowned Colin MacCuaig, 35 one of a party to Alexandria, Tuesday evening, July Hear Airman Son homes this week after serving over- in Gordon Church, St. Elmo with the MacGregor lost his life on active ser- from the Laggan area whose boating 17th to attend the Nominating Con- seas, Moderator, Rev H S. Philpott, of Dun- vice. He and the entire crew of a Lan- expedition on the St. Lawrence , Sun- vention of the Glengarry Liberal As- LAC Alex. D. McLachlan, R.C.A.F., vegan, presiding over a good attend- At Montreal Killed In Action caster bomber have been missing since day afternoon resulted in the death sociation. The invitation followed • an son of Mr. and Mrs. John McLach- ance of members. The Clerk, Rev A granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. last December. The aircraft failed to of Mr. MacCuaig and the rescue of his Announcement, Tuesday, by Jules lan, Alexandria. Roberston Millar, of Pinch, was pre- return to the base after taking off at Leo Laporte, Alexandria, Constance four companions after thy had been Castonguay, chief electoral officer, at Pte Lawrence Villeneuve, husband ’ sent in his official capacity, Mallette, 16, of Montreal, lost her life dawn on December 28th 1944, to carry in the water for forty- five minutes. Ottawa, that the seat .was nôw' vacant of Mrs. A. Villeneuve, MaxviUe. The first major item of business was In a drowning accident on Thursday out air operations over Opladen, Ger- The fatality marred the enjoyment of and the writ for the by-election in Gleh' afternoon, June 28, while swimming in many. Pte. L. J.Lapierre,husband of Mrs ! consideration of a Call addrsesed to Rev the holiday week-end in Glengarry and garry had been issued. D. Lapierre, Lancaster. R- W. Éllis of Maxville, from the charge the Laprairie River at Cartierville. The Alfred was bom at Riceville, Ont, on it was particularly tragic in the fact The writ set nomination day for Sgt James Plumadore, R.C.ASX).. !o£ Manotick and Kars, in the Presby- young girl was the daughter of Mrs. that the young man had arrived from July 30th, and election day, August May 4, 1918, and when quite young of Mallette, formerly Pauline Laporte of came to Martintown with his parents son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Pluma- Ottawa. Representatives of Mar Vancouver just last week to visit his 6th. • d re !le Alexandria, and the late Henry Mal- old home at Laggan after an absence and other members of the family.family He ° ’ Alexandria.Tuesday Sgt evenlnePlumadore will who be 'v>the highestSessionand terms congregation of Mr Ellis’ spokeservices in At their annual meeting, held in arrlved lette, 5243 Papineau Ave., Montreal. of ten years. Alexander Hall, Tuesday evening, the was educated in the local-school, St. here Tuesday evening, will be In addition to her mother, there „ m-ritviile ' followed later by his wife, the for- uurhiS the eight and a half years of The four rescued were Miss Ruth members of the Progressive Conser- Andrew’s Academy and P hls are left to mourn her tragic death, 'mer Gwendolyn DerrUl of Surrey, and Pastorate, and expressed deep re- Fraser of Alexandria ■ Miss Jean Rit- Agricultural School. With the exception ret at three sisters and five brothers. vative Association of Alexandria, un- their two Children. I e the prospect of his leaving. chie of Marriott, Sask., at present visit animously voted that no opposition be of six months in Valleyfield, Que work _ . „ _ , ,, _ . , I Members of Presbytery also paid tri The body was recovered On Sunday, ing relatives at Kirk Hill; Alex. Mac- offered the Prime Minister .in. the ap-. ing with the D.I.L., he had worked on JJJ i bute to Mr and Mrs Ellis and extend- and the funeral was held Wednesday Millan, Laggan and Rae MacGililvray preaching by-election. There ■ is- little' the home farm until his enlistment in ed good wishes forthe future. After Mr morning at Montreal. Among ‘rela- j Kirk Hill. doubt but that Mr King will toe given- the R.C.A.F. in January 1942. He train LAC Alcide Berry, R.C.A.F., Apple Ellis had expressed his desire to ac- lives present from Alexandria, were j an acclamation, for individual C.CJF. I ed in ground crew for five months, HU1. I cept, the Call was placed in hls hands Mrs. Leo Laporte, Messrs Sebastian town, as the party was rowing toward officers, here, have expressed the opin- then in air crew, and graduated at FO Donald McDonald of the R.C. ^ and the Presbytery agreed to release and Wilfred Laporte, Lucien and Jac- The accident occurred off Summers- ion that, their- party would not oppose I London, Ont. on June 25, 1943 as a A.F., Montreal, son of Mrs. Allen Me- him from his charge on July 8. Rev. queline Laporte. ohurned up the waters of the channel him. I Sergeant Air Bomber. Hie proceeded Donald, North Lancaster. |M. N. McDonald, of Avonmore, was the American shore. A high wind had Glengarry constituency was made overseas a month later, and was a mem Sgt. D. G. MacDonald of the R.C. appointed Interim Moderator, the pul- and the boat was swamped at a point vacant when Dr W. B. MacDiarmid, ber of the famous ‘ ‘Moose” Squadron. AF., Lancaster. pit to be declared vacant on July 15. off Round Island. AH five clung to the FLIGHT-LIEUT. STUART PAUL In October 1943, he was seriously in- A.H.S. Seeking upturned craft and when MacCuaig MP.-elect accepted “an office -of .ran-, I Another important item of business WHYTE, son of Mr. and Mrs, Cle- jured in a plane crash in England and was seen to be in trouble, the young olument under the Crown.” It is un- was a Call from the congregation of ment P. Whyte of Lancaster, reported suffered bums which prevented his 3 New Teachers men took turns holding him above derstood it is a nominal position. Glens Fought ; St. Columba, Kirk Hill to their former missing while on operations with the returning to flying for seven months. t water In spite of their efforts, how- The procedure by which a member minister, Rev. Norman F. Sharkey, who . There will be extensive changes hi he became exhausted and sank, of Parliament automatically vacates R.CA.P. to January and who now is Dunring part of this time, however, he resigned from that charge four years the staff ef Alexandria High School Their cries for help were at last - his seat when hé accepts a government known to have been killed in action was able to work in the Intelligence, Until Surrenrer J on January 16th. _ ! Prom September 1944 until Novem- ago after going overseas on Chaplain- for the opening of the September heard by a Mr Kelsey of Hoganshuigk position carrying a salary will enable j cy service. term following the resignation of has a cottage on Round Ik- Mi King to enter the House of Com- Pilot of a giant Lancaster bomber, ter of the same year, he received Order Given ; N Y who FIt-Lt. Whyte was on a bombing mis- ' three promotions, Flight - Sergeant, j The Call was presented by the In- three members of the staff. Miss El- | lan<i He was able to rescue the four mons when it opens August. 23 BY WILLIAM BOSS | terim Moderator, Rev H. S. Philpott, mira Macdonell, BA., Miss Betty | ô taking them to his cottage he Dr. MacDiarmid could not. rseign sion directed against the -oil fields at Warrant Officer and, on Nov. 10th, alJ Zeits, .in .Germany. According to 1344, he was commissioned with the WITH THE 1ST CANADIAN ARMY and supported by congregational re- Mark, B.A., and Miss Patricia Baker, gaye them every care and then convey- his seat, at this time because-his resig- IN GERMANY, June 27—When the presentatives, who testified that it was BA. Applications are now being re- | them to the mainland at Summers- nation could only be’ accepted- by the word Just received from the mid-upper | rank of Pilot Officer. He had taken ed •■cease fire” sounded, the Stormont, most hearty and harmonious. ceived for replacements on the staff town. Speaker of the House of Commons and- gunner—the. sole survivor of the crew—'part in nineteen attacks on the en- Dundas and Glengarry* Highlanders Tbe Presbytery sustained the Call, and there will be a general re-ar- , .
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