/' ■^ ■ - . i , -./, . * It .. i pl7n^•.’■..... ■ •• - tHOTs^t; tm I ksOy Net PXw : ’ITie:Weaa|er,’;;| ' Hto W eek a n iu E v e n in g ■' - ' ‘ V--■■ -■ ■■'•■ - '■ ■■ ..anow sedtaig todsar, .ralA ie ^ . I M n r a r i e ,l 8« tonight lifto BnntoA IMT 88; deOdy, eoldsr toea&tNmt . Tbo. nrat Uatrlet Amarlean fbed. XMelifM4 Mrid JMm Ha J. ItavfMMt GUllaUr oC 4U 14,582 ‘ Uidilds t t BtoHek Ugh » -IBL Hh ^ IMk .anxilatail IngUn Amdttaxy.i^ meet son- Rockville Native v m co u b fte . ’ ' . * •**»35 f b(W»^>• - -'.w ............................................................................. a ’triui^e oC'th« U tiM a ci School day at t :t b p jn . at tha Anm ii- Historian for AM stiMadta,'':nCHrfU«i: a C ity k f ViOagM Chanm Strtdda^ * Ot o o « tb* Biia^ ;toc., it # m u r can XAgian Poat, CHaatcnbory. - naoe) creed or of m S dMioa w te l|old a bddislbrta'daf >. MANCHESTER, €ONN„ FBmAT» FEBRUARY 3S> 1966 toi'frau-ui- P R I d S B V S f New York State YOIk U O XV, NO. 134 yiWENlT PAGES) mi iTiM aH /na^ . CSHUNIi wffl ^ .WWlC tMCtfOT^ pfiWMBC Of Tha VFW wUl RMnaor a Sea­ gras and bAva bacli Aocaptad by' an' aocreditad fimdiiata' acftool H rt b p - « «n ,X «6a food Night for m an^n and A Rockville native, D r.,Louis a com !^;SSa^^SU» ^ « o f social caaewoEli, sTO d ig - rjtaawlay at« pjn. in ^ -—T . „ guests tomorrow from 1:80 p.m. ’ L, Tucker, has been named ao- S>la to apf^.. The pmisoe of i f S i l l at tha ctannm. nuiy to iliidnlgtt at the post home. Bistant commissioner and state y 0 ^ 0 M the arlinlagdilp progwwn ia to’: IS o r f i S - ' be pudiaaad a t the dour or w fl Mra.. Jolee|li c t 9® Ustorian for New York State Antj-Communist Uprising Hope IPs Right help ditidwto file SCTto nattonal ■sArom roenthersof thegnmp. Re> Broad at., hae adriered h l^ ee- OdOoera o f Chapman Court, and will take iq> his duUes May Order ct Amaranth, win ra- ■ftaidaga of., prpftod nrtally- :;HashmonU wm ha aemd. Mra. oow»Un« hoooro at the B u y 1 at Albany. *Tt ther^a toe sn toe pond Season’s Heaviest hearse for Initiation tonight at. trataad eaaaworttara.: - i <&nea Jiarr and hba 3 m m ZnatMlito o< Aneoantiac in Tucker was graduated from Feb. 25, there will be a recocnition for high.(tadee dur- at the Mas<mlo Templa. AppHoaftana. m ay'.W sto^ ^ SSbckwlUi mrm 5ai^|y^|lyywfff i jtf 8 Rockville High School in 1946. warm and early s(Hlng.’’ inir the aeoood m a ri^ period. the vurioua loctd oiinroo ^tha amnt > While there he played soccer, That’s an old German be- R e la a gniiduata at. ICancliea^ VFW Auxiliary wMI sponsor OaflnUc Family S eM eai ei> W Student Riot basketball, and baaebaS. Uef, says Mrs. Lucy B. Reid a card piarty tomorrow at 8 p.m. oontaetteg 3mam F - . :The Rev. Ifta. Jeanette Mb- ^2Lfc?SL*tta*taaU tS TwAer has been director of o f.650 LydaU St, and you at the post home. Mhta'Bb, Hartford. The .IbtoK/’ can bet that there are a lot ~(B«noliey. paator o< North Oroa- the Cincinnati Historical Society cheater office of tto fwewtaai^ .uennordale caturch, wU apeak in" May. of people of many ancestries atnee I960, m his new post he ttaq Ja knoted at, iAPaife S t ’.’iH iitt'. Proves Groundhog The executive board of Oha- r^DDMUToar at W orld Xhty o f will admUdstw a bureau of his­ In Indonesia today pulling for her omen. CMaatortMiy Sqw re IM ooe mlnade Musical CSttb w*H meet nmoNtm/MAH ^ r;Rrayer at South Xethodiat torical research, a new his­ '-^urch. Her topic arill be Ohd> win have a 3 u ic t Satur­ Monday at 8 p.m. at the home SINGAPORE (AP)--M ore than 10,000 anti-Commu- *^00 of Mrs. Russell Venoart, 70 torical museum fOr New Ybric ;^Are M y Witneoaea.” Dedaert day a t 8 pan., at Academy _____ m A P D « » i nist students marched in Jakarta today vowing to Juater High Sdiool, Main St-. Weaver Rd. iState and a bureau o f communi­ ^wiU be aerved at 11:80 pjn. in Jirim Firm ty servicas. He will aleo admin­ ltw »yotoc«rttoc “ struggle to the death” to dissolve President Sukarno s Dodd Critic ^.ipooper Han.; of ttae church. The CJlaaptotdwry. A1 Broaek ta gueat Served o n ^ “’i l A i^ . jDomisle SqusdrHo la ister a historical sites program. “new Communist Cabinet,” reports reaching Singa­ Worahip Servloe win begin at caller. The Manchester YWCA will Town Gets rrbwr.haeociaAaed wMb the taw pore said. J:30 p.m. in the aanctuary. aponsm- a duplicate bridge game Mka. M aigaret Barry 'i f ,126 dok ^ to TJX Mil J g Is Muzzled fii«ii.^pf;Bayw and Pbclon in the AU streets leading to Sukar- streets, msrinee and police 7Mursery fbcUltieB are available Mamheater Teen Center will tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Com­ Parker St. baa served notice munity V, 79 N. Main St. RCgte- genisM practice o f law. TTu Family Services upon the town of tadaMea Ta-’ no’s palace were Mocked off by armed with machine guns stood at Suaannah Wealey Hall, 30 aponaor a dance Saturday at barbed wire and armored cars watch. 12 Inches 7:30 p.m. at the center. "The trattons win be taken at 7:46. aanbunceipMnt la made by Ahty. ceived in an alleged rstdiwmlt In House -Hartford Rd. The aervlee ia as the students marched in a All governmeiU offices were Quiet Onea" win play for danc­ Refreehments win be served. Phtt^ Bayer .and Hmbert A. To Off«* Grants fa« on Brookfield St en Feb: 8. open to aU. funeral procession for three stu­ WASHINGTON (AP) — A caU ing. Out-of-town teen-agers, The game is open to the public. Phplon 3v. Their offioes are at She olatme, in a latter fSed' closed and many shope re­ dents shot by palace guards in a mained shut, the sources added. over 15 years of age, are invit­ 68 E. Center at. OathuUc Family Servlcee of wttb ttie town rierk’s office, that tor a congressional code of O f Cover Ritdiard Xj, Beritman, son at demonstration Thursday. ’The Voice Of Free Indonesia ed. There win be an admission Atty, Squatrito received hie the Archdlooeee of Hartford is she struck her head on an i^ ,. ethics wM deadened Thursday ' Mr. and Mrs. Saul Beritman of The students have been out- said Kami described the serv- Every snow storm, like A fee for non-members. Refrosb- Public Records law degree from Yale Univer­ offering a total of 8126,500 in uneven and rutted sidewalk, and when it encountered an older :■ » RusmU 8t„ 1. on the dean's sity aiKl was admitted to the. schotarshdps for .social work that rile sustained achee, strain) raged by Sukarno’s dismissal ices for the three students as a doud, has a silver Iteii^-^ one — that a member of one list at Norwich University. ^ **• ® Connecticut Bar this month. He education. Funds have been and sprains to her heed and Monday of his defense minister, 'heroes’ funeral” and vowed: Warrantee Deeds branch must never speak ill of but the only ones smilinf ■ Northfleld, Vt, fdr W» first '*'• graduated from Manchester made available by various ooun- ba<dc, plw k)w of tone from her Gen. Abdul Haris NasuUon, an “ Our struggle wiU go on and Bruce A. .^tderson to Robert a member in the other. in New England today are semester o f tte Currant opUege Lewis Btaiery Jr. and Nancy High School in 1967 and Wesley­ eSa of OathoUc Women in Hhrt- employment. anti-Oommunist. Nasution led we will struggle to the death to '■'year. He is a frCshMah^' hu.]0|r- Membero «d the Good Shep- Freshman Rep. Joseph Y. ski resort operators. 4) Bmery, property at 4 Diane Dr. an University in 1961. He also the R«d purge after the unsuc- get the new Communist Cabinet 7 ing in mechanical engineering, herd Guild Of St. Bridget’s cessful Communist coup. Oct. 1. dissolved.” Resnlck, D-N.Y., sought in a coastal storm, described by ____ OhurCh ihterosted in attending Lillian Hahn Roas to Abllio R. attended the . University of the U.S. Weather Bureau Santoe, property off Radding Florence in Italy, lMl-1962, to Reports circulating in various Reports from Jakarta, said prepared speech to exprese his Tho Society of Oonnecticnt men^rShlp tea <m Sin^ay St. study church-state relations un­ capitals said Sukarno had been feeling of the students was still “shock” over a series of col­ as the largest of the seasdii, "OroftemeniB sponsoring a meet- P*"- John Richard Hoenlg and Fva der the auapicee ef a Fulbright overthrown in a new coup, but ninning high over the killings umns by Drew Pearson and dumped heavy amounts o| tag Sunday at 2 pm. at ^the »!^ , .H«rtford, are requested to there was no oonflrmaitlon in thousands of them were Jack Anderson concerning the the white stuff all over contact Mrs. James BlanohReM, litmea Kbentg to Hugo Benson Grant Prior to going to Flor­ home of Robert B. Nprris, 9 and Glofia E. Benson, pnq>erty ence, he worked for a summer Jakarta broadcasts. “milling around ttie campus of alleged relationship between Connecticut last nii^t and 81 WMts St.
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