BULLETIN OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE The Quarterly Review Journal of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance VOLUME 7 APRIL, 1985 NUMBER 1 CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF ISMAR 3 REVIEWS STOCHASTIC NMR SPECTROSCOPY, B. BlOmich 5 ANALYSIS OF CHAIN MICROSTRUCTURE BY 'HAND ™C NMR SPECTROSCOPY, Yu. E. Shapiro 27 ISMAR MEMBERSHIP LIST AND ADDRESSES, 1984 59 ANNOUNCEMENTS 71 NEW BOOKS 72 INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS 73 FORTHCOMING PAPERS 75 University of Illinois at Chicago ' • - i •••••• *~? BULLETIN OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE The Quarterly Review Journal of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance Editor: DAVID G. GORENSTEIN Department of Chemistry University of Illinois at Chicago Post Office Box 4348 Chicago. Illinois. U.S.A. Editorial Board: E.R. ANDREW DAVID GRANT University of Florida University of Utah Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. ROBERT BLINC JOHN MARKLEY E. Kardelj University of Ljubljana Purdue University Ljubljana, Yugoslavia West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. H. CHIHARA MICHAEL PINTAR Osaka University University of Waterloo Toyonaka, Japan Waterloo, Ontario, Canada GARETH R. EATON CHARLES P. POOLE, JR. University of Denver University of South Carolina Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. Columbia, South Carolina, U.S.A. DANIEL FIAT JAKOB SMIDT University of Illinois at Chicago Technische Hogeschool Delft Chicago, FJinois, U.S.A. Delft, The Netherlands SHIZUO FUJIWARA BRIAN SYKES University of Tokyo University of Alberta Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Edmonton, Alberta, Canada The Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance is a quarterly review journal sponsored by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance, Reviews cover all parts of the broad field of magnetic resonance, viz., the theory and practice of nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance, and nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy including applications in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. The BULLETIN also acts as a house journal for the International Society of Magnetic Resonance. CODENrBUMRDT ISSN:0163-559X Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance, The Quarterly Journal of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance. Copyright® 1985 by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance. Rates: Libraries and non-members of ISMAR. $60.00, members of ISMAR, $18.00. All subscriptions are for a volume year. All rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproduced in any form for any purpose or by any means, abstracted, or entered into any data base, electronic or otherwise, without specific permission in writing from the publisher. Council of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance E.R. ANDREW, President C.P. SLICHTER, Vice President D. FIAT, Secretary-General and Founding Chairman C.P. POOLE, Jr., Treasurer E.R. ANDREW J. JEENER Gainesville Brussels G.J. BENE V.J. KOWALEWSKI Geneve Buenos Aires R. BLINC P.C. LAUTERBUR Ljubljana Stony Brook M. BLOOM E. LIPPMAA Vancouver Taffin W.S. BREY, JR. A. LOSCHE Gainesville Leipzig V. BYSTROV P.T. NARASIMHAN Moscow Kanpur F. CONTI D. NORBERG Rome St. Louis R.R. ERNST H. PFEIFER Zurich Leipzig D. FIAT W. von PHILIPSBORN Chicago Zurich S. FORSEN A. PINES Lund S.FUJIWARA L.W. REEVES Urawa Waterloo M. GOLDMAN R. RICHARDS GifsurYvette Oxford H.S. GUTOWSKY J. D. ROBERTS Urbana R.K. HARRIS J. SMIDT Durham Delft K.H. HAUSSER J. STANKOWSKY Heidelberg Poznan J. HENNEL I. URSU Krakow Bucharest 0. JARDETSKY H.C. WOLF N.V. VUGMAN Stanford Stuttgart Rio de Janeiro The aims of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance are to advance and diffuse knowledge of magnetic resonance and its applications in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine, and to encourage and develop international contacts between scientists. The Society sponsors international meetings and schools in magnetic resonance and its applications and publishes the quarterly review journal. The Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance, the house journal of ISMAR. The annual fee for ISMAR membership is S20 plus S18 for a member subscription to the Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance: Send subscription to: International Society of Magnetic Resonance Professor Charles P. Poole, Jr. Treasurer Department of Physics & Astronomy University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina 29208 U.S.A. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF ISMAR As I approach the half-way mark in mj' term Society and deals with dues and Bulletin sub- of three years as President of ISMAR, I am very scriptions. The Society has opened a bank happy to accept the Editor's invitation to write a account in Columbia, South Carolina, where the message to members of the Society and to sub- Treasurer lives. A certified public accountant in scribers and readers of the Bulletin. Columbia has been appointed to carry out an First of air I want to let you know that the annual audit of the Society's accounts. Any date and location of the next ISMAR Conference questions concerning dues and Bulletin subscrip- has been fixed by the Council. It will be held at tions should be addressed to the Treasurer the Hotel Gloria, Rio de Janiero, 29 June - 5 (Professor C.P. Poole, Department of Physics, July 1986, and will be organized by Dr. Ney University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C. Vernon Vugman from whom further information 29208 U.S.A.). may be obtained. His address is Dr. N.V. Vug- Between the triennial meetings of the Society man, Institute de Fisica, Universidade Federal the Council carries out its business by corre- de Rio de Janiero, Cidade Universitaria, Bloco A spondence. I write to Council members four - CCMN, Rio de Janiero 21945, Brazil. We hope times a year and I am most grateful for their you will plan to be there and help to make this a advice. really successful international magnetic reso- The Society's journal, Bulletin of Magnetic nance meeting. Resonance, is prospering under the energetic edi- Now let me turn to some domestic matters. torship of Professor David Gorenstein. He is At the last ISMAR meeting in Chicago in August shortly moving to a new appointment in the 1983, a new ISMAR Constitution was pre- Department of Chemistry at Purdue University sented to the Council and to a Business Meeting and will continue to edit the Bulletin from there. of the Society, who both approved it with minor As we look to the future, the next ISMAR amendments. It was then circulated to the whole triennial meeting after Rio de Janiero will be membership for ballot by mail, and was over- held in 1989. It will be recalled that previous whelmingly approved. At the same time a list of international magnetic resonance meetings have candidates for the various offices and for the been held in Tokyo (1965), Sao Paulo (1968), Council was circulated for election by mail ballot. Melbourne (1969), Israel (1971), Bombay (1974), The following officers were elected: President: E. Banff (1977), Delft (1980) (jointly with the R. Andrew, Vice-President: C. P. Slichter, Secre- Groupement Ampere), Chicago (1983). Any tary-General: D. Fiat, Treasurer: C.P. Poole. A members who have suggestions for 1989 or full list of Council members elected appears at about any other aspect of the Society's activities, the front of the Bulletin. Those elected assumed should write to me at the address below. office in January 1984. In recognition of his Finally I send my cordial greetings to all special contributions to the establishment of the members of ISMAR and my best wishes for your Society, Professor Daniel Fiat was accorded in life and work. the Constitution the personal office of Founding Chairman. The Secretary-General maintains the records Raymond Andrew of the Society and any questions concerning President, ISMAR membership and general information should be Department of Physics addressed to him (Professor D. Fiat, E-207 MSA, University of Florida University of Illinois Medical Center, P.O. Box Gainesville, Florida 32611 6998, Chicago, Illinois 60680, U.S.A.). U.S.A. The Treasurer looks after the finances of the Vol. 7, No. 1 NINTH WATERLOO NMR SUMMER INSTITUTE ADVANCES IN NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE JUNE 10-17,1985 Lectures will be held on nuclear spin thermodynamics, r.f. pulse technology, two dimensional NMR, double resonances, multiquantum NMR, quadrupole NMR, spin polarization spectroscopy, and on applications in biophysics, chemical physics and solid state physics. On Saturday, June 15 there will be a NMR Imaging Symposium. Invited Speakers Summer School in Basic NMR P. Allen (Edmonton), R. Andrew (Gainsville, Fl.), May 27-June 7,1985 R. Armstrong (Toronto), P. Beckmann (Bryn Mawr An introductory course on NMR will cover basic theory, Penn.), R. Blinc (Ljubljana, Yugoslavia), M. Btoom magnetic dipolar broadening in rigid lattices, spin- (UBC, Vancouver), E. Burnell (UBC, Vancouver), lattice relaxation, experimental methods and spectrome- S. Clough (Nottingham, England), F. Conti (Rome, ter design. This course will be taught by D. Nicoll and Italy), W. Doane (Kent, Ohio), R. Dong (Brandon, Ma.), M. Pintar during the first week. Following will be a week D. Edmonds (Oxford), D. Gorenstein (Chicago), of introductory review lectures on NMR concepts (den- R. Griffin (MIT), E. Hahn (Berkeley). J. Jeener sity matrix, spin temperature, quadrupole interaction) (Bruxelles, Belgium), K. Jeffrey (Guelph), R. Kaiser and applications (membranes, phase transitions, liquid (UNB, Fredericton), P. Lauterbur (Stony Brook, N.Y.), crystals, biological activity, NMR of mammalian tissues, I. Lowe (Pittsburgh, Penn.), A. Pines (Berkeley), NMR imaging, topical NMR, instrumentation fine tuning P. Mansfield (Nottingham, England), M. Mehring and others). The reviews will be given by R. Armstrong (Stuttgart, FRG), K. Packer (Norwich, England), (Toronto), G. Chidichimo (U Calabria, Italy), J. Davis H. Peemoeller (UNB, Fredericton), M. Pintar (Waterloo), (Guelph), R. Kind (Zurich, Switzerland), E. Fukushima C. Poole (S. Carolina), L. Reeves (Waterloo), (Los Alamos), K. Jeffrey (Guelph), R. Lenkinski B. Sanctuary (McGill), I.C.P. Smith (NRC, Ottawa) and (Guelph), F. Prato (U of Western Ontario), W. Sobol J. Stankowski (Poznan, Poland). Some speakers have (Silesian U, Poland), R.
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