City of Charlotte City of Charlotte Bid Number: 269-2019-054 Radios and Communication Equipment TWO WAY RADIO OF CAROLINA, INC. A Legend in Communications since 1956 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: RJ Ochoa Jonathan Sable Regional Manger Phone: (704) 372-3444 Fax: (704) 372-7059 Email: [email protected] [email protected] “A LEGEND IN COMMUNICATIONS SINCE 1956.” $SULO %LG1XPEHU &KDUORWWH0HFNOHQEXUJ*RYHUQPHQW&HQWHU 3URFXUHPHQW6HUYLFHV'LYLVLRQWK )ORRU (DVW)RXUWK6WUHHWWK )ORRU± &0*& &KDUORWWH1& $WWQ'DYLG7DWH &RYHU/HWWHU 'HDU&LW\RI&KDUORWWH 7KDQN\RXIRUWKHLQYLWDWLRQWRSODFHDELGIRUWKH&LW\RI&KDUORWWH¶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¶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“A LEGEND IN COMMUNICATIONS SINCE 1956.” ³7KHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGLQWKLV3URSRVDORUDQ\SDUWWKHUHRILQFOXGLQJLWV([KLELWV6FKHGXOHV DQGRWKHUGRFXPHQWVDQGLQVWUXPHQWVGHOLYHUHGRUWREHGHOLYHUHGWRWKH&LW\LVWUXHDFFXUDWHDQG FRPSOHWH7KLV3URSRVDOLQFOXGHVDOOLQIRUPDWLRQQHFHVVDU\WRHQVXUHWKDWWKHVWDWHPHQWVWKHUHLQGR QRWLQZKROHRULQSDUWPLVOHDGWKH&LW\DVWRDQ\PDWHULDOIDFWV´ 1XPEHU 7ZR:D\5DGLRRI&DUROLQD,QF :HVW0RUHKHDG6W &KDUORWWH1& $WWQ-RQDWKDQ6DEOH5-2FKRD 3KRQH )D[ 7ZR:D\5DGLRRI&DUROLQD,QFKDVKHOGD &&3$ FRQWUDFWIRUWKHSUHYLRXVILYH \HDUVVR WUDQVLWLRQWRWKHQHZFRQWUDFWZLOOEHYHU\DGYDQWDJHRXVWRWKH&LW\ 6LQFHUHO\ Digitally signed by Jonathan Sable Jonathan DN: cn=Jonathan Sable, o=Two Way Radio of Carolina, Inc., ou, [email protected], c=US Sable Date: 2019.04.23 09:15:52 -04'00' -RQDWKDQ6DEOH &,7<2)&+$5/277(7:2:$<5$',22)&$52/,1$ 6XEPLVVLRQ'DWH 6(&7,21 352326(' 62/87,21 5DGLRDQG&RPPXQLFDWLRQV(TXLSPHQWV 8VHRUGLVFORVXUHRIWKLVSURSRVDOLVVXEMHFW WRWKHUHVWULFWLRQVRQWKHFRYHUSDJH Two Way Radio of Carolina section 2 1 &,7<2)&+$5/277(7:2:$<5$',22)&$52/,1$ $SULO 6(&7,21 29(59,(: 7ZR:D\5DGLRRI&DUROLQD·VVROXWLRQLQFOXGHVFRQWUDFWSULFLQJIRU()-RKQVRQ-9& .HQZRRG0RWRUROD6ROXWLRQV0RWRWUER5DGLRVDQG,&20$YLRQLFV5DGLRV7KHUDGLRV TXRWHGDUHFRPSOLDQWZLWKWKHUHTXHVWHGELGVSHFLILFDWLRQV :HKDYHH[WHQGHGSULFLQJWRWKH&LW\RI&KDUORWWHJUHDWHUWKDQWKHSHUFHQWDJH GLVFRXQWVDVWKHFXUUHQW1RUWK&DUROLQD*SULFLQJFRQWUDFW(DFKPDQXIDFWXUHUDOVR RIIHUVSURPRWLRQVWKURXJKRXWWKH\HDUDQG7ZR:D\5DGLRRI&DUROLQDZLOOH[WHQGWKHVH RIIHUVWRHDFKDJHQF\ 3OHDVHILQGDWWDFKHG([KLELWVIRU3URGXFW6SHFLILFDWLRQVDQG3ULFLQJFRQWDLQHGLQWKLV UHVSRQVH 5DGLRDQG&RPPXQLFDWLRQV(TXLSPHQWV 8VHRUGLVFORVXUHRIWKLVSURSRVDOLVVXEMHFW WRWKHUHVWULFWLRQVRQWKHFRYHUSDJH Two Way Radio of Carolina section 2 1 Section 3 Scope of Services 3.2.1. Portable Radios. GROUP 1 – PORTABLE RADIOS COMPLIANCE SPEC # SPECIFICATION YES NO EXCEPTION All Company equipment is expected to be of high quality and intended to provide high reliability under heavy 1.1 use in severe environments. YES Equipment must be FCC type accepted in accordance with FCC Part 90 rules and regulations. All Company equipment shall meet 1.2 MIL-STD-810 C, D, E, and F. YES All Company equipment shall be 1.3 software programmable. YES All Company equipment shall support the following: x Conventional analog; x Project 25 Conventional; x Project 25 Trunked Digital 1.4 YES Phase 1; x Upgradable to Project 25 Trunked Digital Phase 2 (TDMA); and x Digital CAI Operation. Features: x Push-to-Talk (PTT) button; x Top-mounted on/off volume knob; x Talkgroup/channel selector; Emergency button with 1.5 x YES protection from inadvertent activation; x Alphanumeric display (on applicable models) with a minimum of eight characters; x Transmit indicator. Companies shall have the option to provide pricing for multiband portable radios capable of operating in the 1.6 following frequency bands: YES x VHF: 136-174 MHz x UHF: 380-520 MHz x 700/800 MHz: 762-870 MHz RADIOS AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT RFP# 269-2019-054 MARCH 19, 2019 18 Section 3 Scope of Services GROUP 2 – PORTABLE RADIOS COMPLIANCE SPEC # SPECIFICATION YES NO EXCEPTION All Group 2 Portable Radios shall 2.1 include the requirements listed in YES Group 1 in addition to the following: 2.2 Certified as intrinsically safe. YES 2.3 ADP Encryption option. YES Companies shall have the option to provide pricing for multiband portable radios capable of operating in the 2.4 following frequency bands: x VHF: 136-174 MHz YES x UHF: 380-520 MHz x 700/800 MHz: 762-870 MHz GROUP 3 – PORTABLE RADIOS COMPLIANCE SPEC # SPECIFICATION YES NO EXCEPTION All Group 3 Portable Radios shall include the requirements listed in 3.1 Group 1 and Group 2 in addition to the YES following: Over the air programming (OTAP) capable to include: x Integrated voice and data option; 3.2 x Secure programming and YES seamless batch programming options; x POP25 option or equivalent. Text Messaging Format capable to include: Text Messaging limited to real 3.3 x Programmable quick access YES time messaging. No quick access buttons; buttons or store forward option. x Store and forward text options. GPS capable to include: 3.4 x Integration into main antenna. YES 3.5 SmartZone Operation. YES Integrated Voice & Data (IV&D) 3.6 YES option. 3.7 Integrated GPS option. YES RADIOS AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT RFP# 269-2019-054 MARCH 19, 2019 19 Section 3 Scope of Services 3.8 Advanced System Key (ASK) option. YES 3.9 Radio Authentication option. YES Programming Over P25 (OTAP) 3.10 YES option. 3.11 Bluetooth option. YES Smart Battery Charging System 3.12 option. YES Companies shall have the option to provide pricing for multiband portable radios capable of operating in the following frequency bands: 3.13 YES VHF / 700/800 Mhz, No UHF x VHF: 136-174 MHz x UHF: 380-520 MHz x 700/800 MHz: 762-870 MHz GROUP 4 - MOTOTRBO SERIES PORTABLE RADIOS COMPLIANCE SPEC # SPECIFICATION YES NO EXCEPTION All Group 4 Portable Radios shall be 4.1 brand specific or equal for the YES MotoTrbo Series radios. IMPRES Hi-Cap Li-ion 2150 mAH 4.2 Battery (PMNN4409) or equal YES Slim IMPRES Li-ion 1500 mAH 4.3 Battery (PMNN4407) or equal YES IMPRES Hi-Cap Li-ion FM 2300 4.4 mAH Battery (NNTN8129) or equal YES All radios, including “or equal” proposed radios, must be compatible 4.5 with the CLT Aviation MotoTrbo Link YES Capacity Plus radio system. Companies shall provide proof of http://mpe.motorolasolutions.com 4.6 being an authorized reseller of these YES Motorola Partner Finder Website. Enter types of radios. Two Way Radio of Carolina RADIOS AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT RFP# 269-2019-054 MARCH 19, 2019 20 Section 3 Scope of Services GROUP 5 - ICOM PORTABLE RADIOS COMPLIANCE SPEC # SPECIFICATION YES NO EXCEPTION All Group 5 Portable Radios shall be 5.1 brand specific or equal for the ICOM YES avionics handheld radios. Companies shall provide proof of http://www.icomamerica.com/en/dealers/dealers.aspx 5.2 being an authorized reseller of these YES FIND DEALERS ENTER ZIPCODE 28208 types of radios. ACCESSORIES COMPLIANCE SPEC # SPECIFICATION YES NO EXCEPTION Regardless of the Group of Portable Radios, Companies shall provide 6.1 pricing for all optional OEM YES accessories including the following at a minimum: 6.2 Programming Cables; YES 6.3 Antennas; YES 6.4 Batteries; YES 6.5 Single-bay Battery Charger YES 6.6 Multiple-bay Battery Charger YES 6.7 Vehicular Battery Charger YES 6.8 Remote Speaker Microphone; YES Remote Speaker Microphone with 6.9 Antenna; YES 6.10 Wired Headset YES 6.11 Wireless/Bluetooth Headset YES 6.12 Carrying Cases YES 6.13 Belt Clips YES All proposed accessories shall be Original Equipment Manufacturer 6.14 (OEM) and must be accompanied by a YES compatible portable radio in the Company’s proposal. RADIOS AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT RFP# 269-2019-054 MARCH 19, 2019 21 Section 3 Scope of Services DETAILED EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS COMPLIANCE SPEC # SPECIFICATION YES NO EXCEPTION Companies shall provide detailed equipment specifications for all 7.1 proposed portable radios and YES accessories, including the follow information: 7.2 Radio Dimensions YES 7.3 Radio Weight with Battery YES 7.4 Antenna Type YES 7.5 Frequency Channel Capacity YES General features, transmit/ receive 7.6 parameters, and mechanical YES specifications RADIOS AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT RFP# 269-2019-054 MARCH 19, 2019 22 Section 3 Scope of Services 3.2.2. Mobile Radios/Control Stations GROUP 6 - MOBILE RADIOS/CONTROL STATIONS COMPLIANCE SPEC # SPECIFICATION YES NO EXCEPTION All Company equipment is expected to be of high quality and intended to provide high reliability under heavy 8.1 use in severe environments. YES Equipment must be FCC type accepted in accordance with FCC Part 90 rules and regulations. All Company
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