f/Lc5 _.,,-------- TOWN OF SAN ANSELMO TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA October 25, 1994 Council Chambers -Town Hall 525 San Anselmo Avenue, San Anselmo 6:30 p.m. .. '· Open session to announce adjournment to closed session regarding negotiations with Peter and Pamela Fraser:, Hugh and Luanne Cadden, Ronald Lachman and Christine Troffer, Robert and Virginia Cary, David Ha.rlsen, Lewis Epstein, and Robert Pisarii, on the price and terms of payment for the purchase and exchange of real prop.erty in the vicinity of Bald Hill, Redwood Road, and Oak Avenue, AIP 7-101-01, 02, 7-071-01, 02, 03, and 7-154-01, 02, 03 and 04, ~d the Town-owned parcel on Indian Rock Court, AIP 177-250-55. 6:35 p.m. Closed session regarding: (A) Negotiations with Peter and Pamela Fraser, Hugh and Luanne Cadden, Ronald Lachman and Christine Troffer, Robert and Virginia Cary, David Hansen, Lewis Epstein, and Robert Pisani, on the purchase and exchange ofreal property in the vicinity of Bald Hill, Redwood Road, anq Oak Avenue, NP 7-101-01, 02, 7- 071~01, 02, 03, and 7-154-01, 02, 03 and 04, and the Town-owned parcel on Indian Rock Court, NP 177- 250-55. (B) Pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956;9(b)(l), regarding the subdivision of Lot 94, Bush Tract, Messrs. Mayne and Fitzgerald, property owners. (D) Pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), San Anselmo v. Gill, et al,· Marin Supei:ior Court #155116. (C) Conference with labor negotiator (Town Administrator), regarding negotiatiOJJS with the Marin Association of Public Employees/SEID 949. 7:30 p.m. Interviews with applicants to the Library Advisory Board and Volunteer Program Advisory Board. 8:00 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Announcement of action taken, if any, in closed session.· 3. Open time for public expression: The public is welcome to address the Council at this time on matters not on the agenda. Please be advised that pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, the Council is not permitted to discuss or take action on any matter not on the agenda unless it determines that an emergency exists, or that there is a need to take immediate action which arose following posting of the agenda. · 4. Council requests for future agenda items, comments and direction~ to staff; staff miscellaneous items. 5. Consent agenda: Items on the consent agenda may be removed and discussed separately. Otherwise, all the items may be approved with one action. · (a) Approve minutes: October 11, 1994. (b) · Acknowledge and file warrants, Nos. 16586 through 16906, in the amount of $623,576.02. (c) Acknowledge and file financial reports through September 30, 1994. (d) Approve resolution updating the rent and income limits for the leasing of second units. (e) Change November 8, 1994 Council meeting date to November 15, 1994. (f) Acknowledge and file report on E.D. Jones sign. (g) Approve resolution confirming Council action of September 27, 1994 approving a use permit and variance for 176 Tunstead Avenue, ABC Academy. 6. Commend the "Recycle kids" for their recycling efforts. 7. Appointments: (a) Volunteer Program Advisory Board (2 seats) (b) Library Advisory_ ~oard _(I seat) 8. Approve garbage and recycling franchise agreement with James Ratto . ;··· 9. _:Public hearing, 379 Oak Avenue, Theodore Posthuma, applicant: (a) Design review request to approve a proposed two-car detached garage subject to the installation of story poles and redesigning the structure with a pitched roof (b) Request for dire~tion from the Town Council regarding whether a new application on the original Design Review'proposal should be reconsidered by the Town. 10. Redwood Hills Subdivision near 390 Redwood Road (Applicant: Peter and Pamela Fraser): Request for revisions to Resolution #3263 specifically related to several sections of the design guidelines and a condition pertaining to pruning of trees outside building envelopes. (Resolution #3263 provides for approval of a precise development plan and vesting tentative map to create seven (7) residential lots and art 18 acre public open space lot on a 25 acre site) 11 Discuss response to the Town of Ross regarding parking and access to Phoenix Lake adjacent the Natalie Coffin Greene Park. 12. Discuss liaison relations with the Robson-Harrington House.Association Board of Directors. 13. Regulations for vehicle tow operators: (a) Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 961, revising regulations and procedures for vehicle tow operators. (b) Resolution setting the fee schedule for tow operations. 14. · Adjourn. There will be a 10 minute break at approximately 9: 15 p.m. Any item not under discussion before 11 :00 p.m. will be continued to the next regular meeting. Next regular meeting: November 15, 1994. If any of the matters described above are challenged in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at any pubHc hearing described on this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered at, or prior to, this Council meeting. · If you need an accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting due to a disability, please contact the Administration Department at Town Hall, (258-4600). I hereby certify that this agenda was posted on the Public Notice Bulletin Board outside the Council Chambers on October 21, 1994. Rose w~~Z'"'Services Assistant .I I SAN ANSELMO TOWN COUNCIL INTERVIEWS FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS TUESDAY, October 25, 1994 .. ·.. '.~ 7:30 p.m. ~, S?phi~: Spencer SAVE ··~·.. :. :;:~ .. ;·. :' :~· ,> .. :1 7:40 P-~~1 ••:, • .!'·_, G.· .von Dallwitz SAVE .• - 7:45 p:rn·. ' Robin Skewes Cox Library* ' ...."/ .. · 7:50 p.m. Jari Petri-Haines Library* ·· .. ' *Neil Wolf• has already been interviewed for the Library Board. · Note: There are two openings on the SAVE Advisory Board, one term expiring 9/97, and one· term expiring 9/95. There is one opening on the Library Board with· the term expiring 9/95,_ filling the unexpired ter~ of Alice Webb. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO A SAN ANSELMO BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE · TO: San Anselmo Town· ·council Date: _ ......l.-..1J._/.;....;12::;..:,/_q-+-zl-· _ I wish to apply for an appointment to a term/balance of term on the 5tJ.u. g ~~ iM4'?f!! Board/Conunission/Co~tee Name:~ kfl~, Home Address: / 8~d CYn fhu.. Occupation: ____-""---- Employer's Name: ____-:-_~_- ________ Home Ph_pne No.: -...9 - ·.::; .:... Number of years a resident of San Anselmo·: In Marin:· 3 7 0 Education Level achieved: Graduate Degree (Major: ______________ College or University Degree (Major: ------- ---~-Some College ~----k?''-- High School Diploma Other-~ (Exp~ain : ___________________) Names and phone numbers of San Anselmo residents who can be contacted for referral information about me: I would be available to regularly attend the meetings on this Board/Commission/Committee. ' I would be available to attend additional meetings when they are necessary. - I am familiar with the responsibilities and functions of this Board/Commission/Committee. - t have attended meetings of this Board/ Commission/Committee as a member of the public. W1/l&n~ 10/ ~v--/t:f'/ List briefly, previous experience serving in public office, and/or on civic commissions, boards, or committees: ~ m,~ ~ 4V4 (9?z . du ~ vfcuuc_ ~ · Reason(s) for applying for this appointment: ~4 ~ ;t/yd.~· ~ What are your qualifications for this position: .9 ~ Lt'1J ~ &z~d W-dL_ ~ Briefly, what do you consider to be the most importarit current one or two issues f~cing the Board/Commission/Committee being applied for? I understand that I and all other applicants will be personally interviewed by the Town Council as part of the selectio,n process for this appointment. ~-~ Signature· Date' Other Boarcl.s, Commissions, Committees on which you would be interested in serving if not appointed to this seat? Do you wish to be .considered again if you are not selected for this appointment?· (You·may attach personal resumes.or other information which you believe may be helpful to the Council in its selection proc~ss.) ( ' \ • :- '. ~:~~: ~p~~~c~~~CN ~~R ~2~Q~~~l'T ~o ~ s:;ur "-NSZ!-~0 ~o~ao1c=M~ZSS~~N/C~!'!..~Z~~~~ ~,.. _....... San ~~sal=o Town cou.~cii Oa~a: September 16. 1994 . ·-~re- · , • ..: ' -.... ,....,... ,. .:,,..... -.· ~ ~ . ,.., .._ .. - ,.. 1 :i ~ ... -:s.,..... ~ ·'N .:.Sn ._ ... a:"~l/ .;. ... r an a.:";:oJ. •• -C-en._ .. ~ a :%~D./ .-a--nc_ o ... -.--- or. c~e Advisory Board of the San Anselmo Volunteer Effort 3car~/C=::m~ss~=n;c=~i~~=e ~a=e: H.- G. von Dallwitz Ecce ~cc=sss:102 Butterfield Rd.,San Anselmo Oc:~~acicr.: Retired J :::=; loyer' s N'a:me : -~n;..;;."..;a;;...;;. ________________ -:.:3-: ::c=e ?~one · N'c. : -· 454-3988 W'o l:'l<: ?tone N'o • : _......:n~·..:::a::.;·:....------------ ~L!.::!: V .=;:i. -.- i- '.if;:i._;_. 32 e :.- of - ---~ a r:sice:i.:. of Sa~ Anselmo: 30 yrs -·· ~--- .... "'. yrs_. ~~~=a=i=n La~e! ac~ieve~: Gl"',,.,.;.,,,.~"" Oe,...,...= 0 (~a]· o~- -~- ......... -.:--- ·------------------ _____ . C.::l.!.eqa-- c= uni~l'e.=-si~:r-- -Oeq=ae (Majer: ________ XX Scee Collage Eiq~ Sc~col Diploma a-::=.e.=- . ( =:x;: la.L-:.: ------------------------ ~aces anc ?ho~e nP~bers of San A.nsel~o resicen~s ~no can ~e c:n~ac~ac fc= ==f===a·l i::.t=r::a-:::.on a!:ou~ ~e: -. Mr.· and Mrs. Tom Areton, San Anselmo. Tel .. 453-4018 2 . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nichelini, San Anselmo. re1 .. 457-9695 J. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Framm, San Anselmo, Tel.: ~5~-~:Z!25 ·r-::s ~ ! ~oulc oe available e~ requiar~7 a~~and ~e ~e~ci~gs on ~!:.is 3ca.=-:;c~m::.ission/C~:mi~~ae. ___AX - ! ~cu~c oe avai~~b~e ~~ ac~anc addi~ionai ~ee~i~gs ~hen c..~ey ;:~ necessa:/.
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