KILLASSER/CALLOW PARISH NEWSLETTER PARISH WEBSITE - www.killasser.com FR. JOHN DURKAN (094) 92 51431 087 9548532 E-mail: [email protected] The Ascension of the Lord 20 th May 2012 KILLASSER/CALLOW PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MISSION STATEMENT ‘We seek to become a more welcoming community where God’s wonderful message of faith, hope and love is experienced’ REFLECTION First Holy Communion was celebrated in our Praish last weekend. Fourteen young people in the parish recieved the Sacrament for the first time and I would like to congratulate them and their families. I would also like to extend a big thank you to their teachers Ms. A. Sharkey and Ms. A. Gibbons and the Choir who added so much to this special day. The following are the names of the young peole who received First Holy Communion in our parish: Adam O’Grady Holly McNulty Thomas Igoe Orla Fleming Alan Carr Tess Nealan Aiden Dunleavy Daniel Webb Freddie Tuersley Martin Cassidy Jack Folliard Mary Cronnolly Dominick Stephens Iseult Kerviche Fr. Stephen O’Mahony - Kiltimagh 086-8226405. Fr Dermot Meehan - Swinford 094-9252952 Fr. Padraic Costelloe - Foxford 094-9256131 Fr. Gerard Davey - Foxford 094-9256401 Fr. John Glynn – Tourlestrane 071- 9181105 Fr Martin Jennings - Curry 094- 9254508 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Sat 19 th May 8pm Killasser Pake O’Grady, brother Tommy, sister Maggie & Winnie and their parents, Carroweena. John Kirrane, Boleboy and formerly Lismorane, Callow Sun 20 th May 10am Callow People of the Parish Sun 20 th May 11.30am Killasser Matthew & Ellie O’Grady, Carrowliambeg and son James and daughter Lily O’Grady, Culdalee and deceased family members of the O’Grady and Cunney families. Nora & Thomas McNulty, Lahardane, son Michael and daughter Mary and grandson Michael, also Michael Melvin, Cornageltia, and Eamon Molly, Lahardane and New York Kitty Hanley, parents Michael & Elizabeth Hanley and Kathleen Hanley, Clooncleveragh Wed 23 rd May 10am Killasser Morning Mass Thur 24 th May 10am Callow Morning Mass Fri 25 th May 10am Killasser Morning Mass Sat 26 th May 8pm Killasser Hugh Fitzmorris, Creggaune First Anniversay Mass for Mary Howley and her husband Eddie. Parents of Rose Tansey. Eddie and Michael Howley, Cartron and their parents John & Lil. Anniversary Mass for Pat Joe Tansey and wife Kathleen, Cartron Sun 27th May 10am Callow William Thompson, Cullen, 29 th Anniversary. Eddie Hughes, Coolegrane, Anniversary and deceased family members of the Hughes and Dunleavy families. Sun 27th May 11.30am Killasser People of the Parish. Let us pray for: Willie Monaghan, Cullenaughton, who died on Friday. Joe Doyle, uncle of Tommy Doyle, Carramore who died in England during the week. Emma Thompson, sister of Seán Thompson, Graffy, who died recently in England. Padraig Joyce, cousin of Fr.John who died in Belcarragh. OFFERTORY PROCESSION FOR THIS WEEK: Sat 9.00 p.m The O’Grady Family (Carroweena) Sun 9.30am a.m. The Fox Family (Lismorane) Sun 11.30 a.m. The Tuffy Family (Dunmaynor) OFFERTORY PROCESSION FOR NEXT WEEK: Sat 9.00 p.m The Tansey Family (Cartron) Sun 9.30am a.m. The Hughes Family (Coolegrane) Sun 11.30 a.m. The Tully Family (Carroweena) OFFERTORY COLLECTION The offertory collection for the 12 th /13 th May amounted to €1,071.59. Thanks to all those who contributed to this collection. CHURCH GATE COLLECTION The Community Care Group Annual church gate collection is on next weekend 2 nd /3 rd June. Please support. Thank you. IRISH CANCER SOCIETY A thank is extended to all those to contributed to the recent Church Gate Collection in Callow Church foor the Irish Cancer Society the amounted raised was €100. CONGRATULATIONS Crongratulations to all those who have been baptised in our parish so far this year. Their names are as follows: Patrick John Cronnolly, Treenreevagh; Caoimhe Catherine Hanley, Clooncleveragh; Lauren Katie Quinn, Swinford; James Francis Mullen, Dublin; Emily Bridie O’Hara, Swinford; Katelyn Jane Rowley, Swinford; Selina Yagmur Bolat, London; Josephine Ruth Turnbull, South Pacific; Ella Grace Ginty, Treenreevagh; Erin Crawford, Carrowliamore; Hazel Elizabeth Dunleavy, Carramore; Mary Elizabeth Foley, Dublin; Mary Magdalene McNicholas, Kiltimagh; Méabh Róisin Kennedy, Shanwar, Foxford; Gearóid Martin Clarke, Oulogue, Callow. PARISH DINNER DANCE The Parish Dinner Dance will take place on the weekend of the 1 st June in the Gateway Hotel, Swinford at 8.30pm. Dinner will be served at 8.30pm sharp and music is by The Duets. Tickets cost €25 and are available from any member of the Finance Council; Michael Murphy, Carrowmore-May; Padraic O’Hara, Drumagh; Thomas Marren, Cloonfinish; Teresa Convey, Darnagh; Bridie Sheerin; Tirninny; Pat Gallagher, Callow and Claire Conroy, Lismorane. All proceeds go to the Parish Funds. CARRAMORE NATIONAL SCHOOL CENTENARY Carramore N.S. will be 100 years old in a year’s time. A committee has been formed to plan events and produce a book for the occasion. The committee requests people to submit photographs of past pupils, every family who has been associated with the school is asked to look through their photo albums for photos of their children and anyone who attended the school at any time. Photographs may be given to: Ms. Marie Fallon in the school, Fr. John Durkan, Gerry Cronnolly, Doontas, Louis Ward, Doontas, Tom McManus, Creggaune, Asumpta Loftus, Toorard; Elvelyn Ward, Doontas. When giving photographs please try and be able to name every person in the photograph. All photographs will be returned to the person who gave them after they have been scanned. We are especially looking for old photographs. There is now a facebook page called St.John’s Carramore, people can look and add as a friend and information can be found. CALLOW CHURCH BICENTENARY CELEBRATIONS are planned for the weekend of June 29 th -July 1 st 2012. Please inform your relatives and friends who are away so that they can make plans to be home for that weekend. ffffffàààààà gggggg{{{{{{ÉÉÉÉÉÉÅÅÅÅÅÅttttttááááááËËËËËË VVVVVV{{{{{{ââââââÜÜÜÜÜÜvvvvvv{{{{{{ VVVVVVttttttÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÉÉÉÉÉÉãããããã 1812 – 2012 Celebrating 200 years of the church and its community 29th June – 1st July, 2012 fà g{ÉÅtáË V{âÜv{? VtÄÄÉã In 1811/1812, Fr Michael O’Brien, parish priest of Killasser, and a native of Dromada Duke, undertook the construction of a new church in Callow to accommodate 350 people. The building has been reconstructed many times since then but the original design remains basically unchanged. The story of the church and its community has been recorded in a wonderful publication, entitled Callow Church 1812–2012, which will be launched at this weekend of celebrations. The events planned are not only a commemoration of the past but are also an expression of hope for the future of the church in Callow where the faith and support of the people remain steadfast. We hope you can be with us in Callow for this important celebration. \\\\\\ÇÇÇÇÇÇääääää||||||ààààààttttttàààààà||||||ÉÉÉÉÉÉÇÇÇÇÇÇ We extend a warm invitation to everybody to join with us in celebrating this very special occasion in our parish. ffffffââââââÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅttttttÜÜÜÜÜÜçççççç ÉÉÉÉÉÉyyyyyy xxxxxxääääääxxxxxxÇÇÇÇÇÇààààààáááááá th Fri. 29 June at 7 pm - Ceremony at Cloonygowan Cillín Sat. 30th June at 2.30 pm - Outdoor Mass and pageant at Callow Sat. 30th June at 4 pm - Launch of Book Sat 30th June at 8 pm - Dinner Dance in The MayflyHotel Sun. 1st July at 3 pm - Concelebrated Mass in Callow Church. Contact: Margaret 086 8567705 www.killasser.com CALLOW BICENTENARY We are pleased to inform you the Papal Nuncio- Archbishop Charles Brown will be coming to the Callow Bicentenary celebrations at the request of Fr.John. This is a big honour for us and we are very pleased to have him. CALLOW BICENTENARY CELEBRATIONS CHIOR PRACTISE Choir practise for the bicentenary weekend masses is on Monday 21 st May at 7.30 and the following Monday 28 th May again at 7.30. For sebsequent practises, including Bank Holidays arrangements, keep an eye on the newsletter in case the day or times change. CALLOW CHURCH ON FACEBOOK a facebook page has been set up for Callow Church, and can be found under the name of Callow Church Weddings. Would people who use facebook, look at this page and click like, this way all your friends will be able to see it. SOUTANE AND SURPLICE Would anyone be prepared to give us the loan of two old soutane and surplice sets which were used once for serving mass? Please contact Fr. John about this. They will be returned to whoever loaned them. NO NAME CLUB Swinford youth club annual church gate collection will take place this weekend 19 th / 20 th May. Your contributions will be much appreciated. SWIMFORD GOLF/SOCCER DRAW RESULTS €1000 Jim & Kay Cranwell, Broadford Close, Ballinteer, Co. Dublin; €300 O’Donnells Pharmacy Market St. Swinford, Co. Mayo; €200 Stephen Mulligan Rathdubh Swinford, Co. Mayo. The new Draw will be starting in Mid July. Get your tickets early.2 Draws every month. Confined to 250 people. COMMUNITY CHORAL CONCERT Plans are now being finalised for the Choral Concert in Our Lady Help of Christians Church on Friday next 25th May at 8.30 p.m. The line up features Rockmount Ladies Choir from Dublin, Swinford Church Choir with Soloist Francie Mc Nicholas, Organist Antoinette Byrne accompanied by Fr James Mc Donagh, Harmonia - the retired teacher's Choir and the Youth Choir. There will be approximately 125 persons taking part in this gala fund raising initiative. Tickets available on the door or at Mellett's, Spain's, Casey's and Eurospar at €10 each. A raffle will be held on the night. It promises to be a memorable evening. Please support. SWINFORD COMMUNITY FUTURES A community open day will be held on Sunday 27 th May between 3pm and 6pm in The Gateway Hotel Swinford to display the results of the Community Futures Project to the public and collect more feedback.
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