Author Index Aleksandrov, P.S. 36,45,64,87,88, 134, 136, Hausdorff, F. 30, 87, 89, 90 140, 147, 156, 163, 168, 169, 177, 185 Henderson, D.W. 163 Alexandroff, P.S. (= Aleksandrov, P.S.) Hilbert, D. 96, 99 Alexandrov, P.S. (= Aleksandrov, P.S.) Hopf, H. 45,88, 168 Anderson, R.D. 40, 188 Hurewicz, W. 89,96, 147, 160, 169, 179, 182 Arhangel'skii, A.V. (= ArkhangeJ'skii) Arkhangel'skii A.V. 4,26,40,48,87,88, 160, Isbell, J.R. 89 189 Ivanov, A.V. 135, 147 Baire, R. 21,88 Jensen, R.B. 145 Banach, S. 55 Jordan, M.E.C. 99, 136 Bockstein, M.F. (= Bokshtein M.F.) Junnila, H.J. 38 Bokshtein, M.F. 96,173, 178 Boltyanskii, V.G. 96, 176 Katetov, M. 96,148,150,152,153 Borel, E. 57 Keldysh, L.V. 40,89,97, 185, 188 Borsuk, K. 96, 136 Kelley, lL. 89 Bourbaki, N. 88 Knaster, B. 111 Brouwer, L.E.J. 67,89,95, 101, 106, 120 Kodama, Y. 96 Kolmogorov, A.N. 97,185 Cantor, G. 95, 101, 109 Kowalsky, H.J. 21,89 Cech, E. 63, 89, 96, 154 Kozlovskii, I.M. 186 Cohen, D.E. 64, 89 Krein, M.G. 57 Kunneth, D. 167 Descartes, R. 98 Kuratowski, K. 96, 111, 147 Dieudonne, J.A. 85 Kurosh, A.G. 75 Douwen, E.K. van 155 Kuz'minov, V.I. 96 Dowker, C.H. 96, 148, 149, 154, 155, 177 Dranishnikov, A.I. 97,170 Lashnev, N.S. 38, 89 Dugundji, J. 144 Lavrent'ev, M.A. 53,89 Dyer, E. 96 Lebesgue, H.L. 56,90, 106 Levshenko, B.T. 97,158,162,163,190 Engelking, R. 87, 89 Lifanov, I.K. 143, 146 Euclid 98 Lokutsievskii, a.v. 96, 141, 156 Lunts, A.L. 96, 141 Fedorchuk, V.V. 4, 89, 97, 142, 144, 145, 147, Luxemburg, L.A. 97, 158 156,159,163,183,184,188,190 Fermat, P. 98 Mardeshich, S. 138 Filippov, V.V. 89,97, 143, 145, 155, 183 Martin, J. 145 Franklin, S.P. 26,89 Mazurkiewicz, S. 100, 135 Fraudenthal, H. 138 Menger, K. 95, 102, 113, 135, 155 Frechet, M.R. 48, 89 Michael, E. 38,89 Milman, D.P. 57 Giihler, W. 89 Moebius, A.F. 174 Morita, K. 96, 148, 152, 180, 182 Hahn, H. 100 Mysior, A. 89 194 Author Index Nagami, K. 148,152,189 Sklyarenko, E.G. 96,140,163,164,183, 189 Nagata, 1. 89,153,161,189 Smirnov, Yu.M. 96,155,158,160,161,164, Naimark, M.A. 89 189 Nedev, S. 89 Sperner, E.C. 119 Nemets, A.G. 153 Stoilow, S 40,90 Nemytskii, V.V. 29 Stone, A.N. 22,90 Niibeling, G. 36,55,96,102,126 Stone, M.H. 57, 63, 80, 90 Noble, N. 61,89 Novak,1. 89 Terpe, F. 90 Tietze, H. 66 Oxtoby, 1.c. 89 Tikhonov, A.N. 31,36,50,63,69,75,80,86,90 Tukey,l.W. 90 Pasynkov, B.A. 88,89,90,96,97,139,140,143, Tumarkin, L.A. 96,147,152,164 146,152,159,161,165,183,184,185,187,192 Peano, G. 90,99 Urysohn, P.S. (= Uryson P.S.) Pears, A.R. 158 Uryson, P.S. 31,48,50,66,87,88,90,95,102, Poincare, H. 55,90, 106 131, 147, 172 Pol, E. 155 Uspenskii, V.V. 90 Pol, R. 97,155,163,190 . Ponomarev, V.L 38, 39, 87, 89 van Douwen, E.K. 155 Pontryagin, L.S. 36,55,89,96,102,126,174, Vedenisov, N.B. 140 176,186 Vopenka, P. 150 Prat,l.1. 155 Przymusinski, T. 155 Walker, R.C. 90 Wallman, H. 89, 160 Roy, P. 145,151,155 Walsh,1.1. 164 Rudin, M.E. 90 Watson, W.S. 90 Rudin, W. 90 Weierstrass, K.T.W. 57, 80 Weiss, W.A. 145 Savinov, N.V. 184 Weil, A. 90 Shchepin, E.V. 81,90,156 Whyburn, G.T. 40,90 Shtanko, M.A. 134 Shvedov, LA. 155 Zarelya, A.V. 96,140,151,164,182 Sierpinski, W. 101, 135 Zariski, O. 27 Sitnikov, K.A. 96,125,135,153,172,178 Zolotarev, V.P. 145 Subject Index A-decomposition 41 - space of countable weight 70 A-essential map 162 - space B(,) 37 A-strongly infinite dimensional 162 - space of weight, 21 A-weakly infinite dimensional 162 BalIs 20 Absolute extensors 144 Barycentric coordinate system 114, 123 Absolutely kappa-normal space 144 - coordinates 114 Abstract closure operator 9 - map 124 - nearness relation 9 - -, generalized 124 - praclosure operator 25 -- with respect to a partition of unity 124 - simplex 116 - subdivision 117 - simplicial complex 116, 148 Base 6 Addition sequence of a triad 168 - of a space at a point 14 - theorem, Dowker's 154 - of a space at a set 14 Additivity property of a network 18 -, pointwise countable 39 Adherent colIection of subsets 11 -, wealthy 178 - point 11 Basis of a uniformity 82 Admissible variation of continuous map 162 Body of a complex 116 Affinely independent 114 Bokshtein coboundary operator 173 Alexandrov supersequence 15 - inequalities 173, 178 Alekandrov's axiom system 156 Boundary 16 - general problem 169 Bounded metric 21 - identity 168 Brouwer axiom 156 - imbedding theorem 36 Brouwer's fixed point theorem 120 - obstruction theorem 170 - theorem on invariance of the dimension of - problem 141,169 Euclidean space 120 Aleksandrov-Borsuk theorem 136 Brouwer-Tietze-Uryson extension theorem 67 Aleksandrov-Cech homology 167 Antidiscrete topology 5 Canonical map 123 Associated separated uniformity 83 -- theorem 123 ---lemma 83 - quotient map associated to an intersection of Attaching map 45 topologies 49 - one space to another 45 - topology of a decomposition 41 Axiom of choice 69 Cantor cube 70 - of countability 14 - curve 101 -, Hausdorff 28 - discontinuum 70, 80, 109 - To 27 - discontinuum of countable weight 70 -Tj 27 - manifold 134, 147 -T2 27 - -, infinite dimensional 165 -T3 2&, - -, of dimension n 134 Axioms for dimension functions 155 - perfect set 10,34, 102, 108, 133 -, separation 27 - staircase 109 Cartesian product of sets 67 Baire category theorem 54 Category, smalI 73 - property 53, 54 Cauchy filter 84 - space B(~o) 34 - sequence 52 196 Subject Index Cech's monotonicity theorem 154 - spectrum 79 - sum theorem 154 -, sequentially 32 Center of a simplex 117 Continuum 72 Centered collection of subsets 11 - Hypothesis 143 Chain of sets 11, 71 -, one-dimensional 102 Close subsets (with respect to a proximity) 86 Contraction mapping 55 Closed cover 30 Convergence, uniform 21 - map 37 - of a (centered) collection of sets 11 - k-dimensional simple 114 Convergent collection of open sets 164 - r-dimensional face 115 - sequence 12 - set 8 Countable dimensional 160 - subcomplex 116 - Frechet-Uryson fan 15 Closure operator, abstract 9 - multiplicity 185 - operator 8 --, map of 39 - 8 - sum axiom 155 Cofinal subspectrum 77 - to one map 39 Cohomological dimension 167, 177 - pseudocharacter, spaces of 14 -- of paracompact spaces 177 - weight, Hilbert space of 20 Cohomology groups with compact - compact 58 support 166 Cover 30 Combinatorial shrinking lemma 30 -, closed 30 - star of a simplex 116 -,open 30 - thickening lemma 31, 106 -, shrinking of 30 Compact map 65 Curve 102 - metric space 60 - set of weight, 80 Decomposition, completely continuous 45 - (topological space) 57 -, lower continuous 44 Compactification 62 -, upper continuous 44 - axiom 155 - space 41 -, Hausdorff 62 - of a topological space 41 -, Stone-Cech 63 Dense subdivision between disjoint sets 66 Compactum 62 Dg 106 Comparing classes of topological spaces, Diagonal product 68 problem of 36 Diameter (of a set) 21 Comparison of sets 31 Dieudonne complete 85 Compatible collection of topologies 49 dim 106 Complete complex 115 Dimension of a complex 116 - metric 52 - of an abstract simplex 116 - uniform space 84 - Dg 106 Completely continuous partition 45 - ofa map 179 - paracompact spaces 144 Dimensional component 147 - regular 50 Dimensionally full-bodied 176 Completion of a metric space 56 Dimensiongrad 106 Complex 115 Directed 73 Component, connected 72 Direction (in a set) 79 Composition of morphisms 76 Disconnected 71 Condensation 33,36,51, 109 Discontinuous 31 CQnnected 71 Discrete map 40 - subspace 71 - space 5 - component 72 - topology 5 - two point set topology 23 Distance zero from a set 7 Continuous 31 - between points 20 - map of a metric space 32 - between two subsets 20 - map of a topological space 32 - from a point to a set 20 Subject Index 197 - from a point to a set (in a prametric space) 23 -- (of topological spaces) 10 - between points (in a prametric space) 23 Full-bodied 291 Distant subsets (with respect to a proximity) 86 Fully closed map 184 Distinguished subsets (with respect to a Functional separation 50 partition) 41 Functionally Hausdorff 50 Double restriction 47 Functions of first Baire class 12, 13 Dowker addition theorem 154 -- second Baire class 13 Dowker's recursion theorem 154 Fundamental sequence 52 - theorem 149 - theorem of algebra 39 Dugundji spaces 144 Dyadic compacta 144 y-distinguished set 47 Dyadic compacta of class AE(O) 144 y-distinguished subset 41 General position 114 Eilenberg-Maclane complex 169 - topology 4 Elements of inverse system 73 Generalized barycentric map 124 Enlargement of a cover 107 - Hilbert space of weight T 21 e-tJ definition of continuity 31 - Hilbert space 21 e-shift 122 - Jordan theorem 136 e-dense subset 51 - Menger conjecture 155 e-discrete subset 51 Ga-set 53 e-map 122 Geometrical realization ofa triangulation 118 Equivalent (metrics) 21 - simplicial complex 116 - Cauchy sequences 56 Geometrically independent 114 Essential 121 - map to Hilbert cube 162 Hahn-Mazurkiewicz theorem 101 -- theorem 127 Hausdorff compactification 62 Euclidean metric 20 -, functionally 50 Everywhere dense subset 15 - space 28 Exact morphisms 77 -axiom 28 Extension of a topological space 85 Hedgehog space 21 Hedgehog space of spininess T 21 Face of an abstract simplex 116 Hereditarily monotone topological Factorization of a map in a spectrum 81 invariant 154 -lemma 80 - monotone with respect to open subsets -lemma for mappings 81 154 Fan product 68 - quotient map 48 -- of spaces 69 - satisfies the sum theorem 154 -- of maps 69 - uncountable dimensional 163 Far 7 Hilbert cube 70 Fiber product 68 - space 20 Filter 84 Hilbert space of countable weight 20 Fine uniformity 83 - -, (generalized) of weight T 21 Finite multiplicity, map of 39 Homeomorphic maps 80 - sum axiom 156 - topological
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