“And Now for Something Completely Different”: !"#$%&'()*+#'%,-."/%)!#'%0",)12$3#)433#// by Roger D. Launius Like the great Monty Python line ?*,+"0%"+:33'*.0%1"@$*./"'*A0.$4"'3-*$­ NASA’s program. !"#$%&"%'(")'*"+',-./0%1"2',34-.-45" tions instead of relying on the Constel­ >/-"3$%-4"$4+'"%'.-&"./$."$"HI"A04­ &0))-*-%.6" !" -$*45" 0%" ./-" $&,0%0+.*$­ lation program, itself a plan hatched in 40'%" $" 5-$*" 0%2*-$+-" )'*" ?+2$4" 5-$*+" tion of President Barack Obama in 788B".'"*-34$2-"./-"C3$2-"C/:..4-"./$." 78;8J78;B"2':4&"*-.:*%"./-"K'%+.-44$­ 7889"+3$2-"3'4025".:*%-&"0%"$"&0*-2.0'%" was nearing the end of its service life tion program to health. But there was just as strikingly different as what had $%&"(':4&"A-"*-.0*-&"0%"78;;= $4+'"$%'./-*"'3.0'%="#D+"(-",'L-")*'," taken place in the transition from the D:1:+.0%-E+"*-3'*."2'%24:&-&F"#G%­ the complex, reusable Shuttle back to Apollo to the Space Shuttle program der current conditions, the gap in U.S. a simpler, smaller capsule, it is appro­ 0%"./-"-$*45";9<8+=">/-"3*-+0&-%."2'%­ ability to launch astronauts into space priate to consider turning this transport vened a blue­ribbon panel chaired by will stretch to at least seven years. service over to the commercial sector,” Norm Augustine, the former CEO of The Committee did not identify any ./-"3$%-4"2'%24:&-&="#>/0+"$33*'$2/"0+" Lockheed Martin and a longstanding credible approach employing new ca­ not without technical and programmat­ space guru, that recommended in the pabilities that could shorten the gap ic risks, but it creates the possibility of fall of that year the harnessing of pri­ to less than six years.” This would be lower operating costs for the system vate sector, especially entrepreneurial, true even with increased funding for and potentially accelerates the avail­ !"#$%&'()(*%&'+(,-"%.'$/%01-2$2'-3,%(*%4()5,%607#'2$8%!"#$%&'()(*9 !" SPACE TIMES"#"$%&'()*+&,-"./0. !"#$%&#&'%()*+(&,&+%)-&#.+*$+%"()'.+/%0),$")1.&+%)2345)'%0)678),"(,)'.,&#9"()&%)*."*'.',&+%):+.),$")("#+%0).+/%0)+:),"(,&%;)&%),$")'#+/(,&#)#$'-<".) ',)6+#=$""0)2'.,&%>():'#&9&,&"()%"'.)?"%@".)+%)7/;/(,)ABC)DEAAF)!$")@"$&#9")G'()<+-<'.0"0)<H)'#+/(,&#)9"@"9()+:)AIE)0"#&<"9(),+)(&-/9',")#+%0&,&+%() 0/.&%;)9'/%#$)'%0)'<+.,)&:)%"#"(('.HF)J8+/.#"K)6+#=$""0)2'.,&%L SPACE TIMES !"!#$%&'()*%+,!-./- 5 Earth orbit over to commercial entities could then empower NASA to focus on deep space exploration, perhaps even­ tually sending humans to Mars or else­ where. The debate has largely been over maintaining a traditional approach to 2&8$6# 45$;(H3=2'# ?3'2# SF7F# 9%83­ nating the effort, owning the vehicles, and operating them through contrac­ tors. That was the method whereby America went to the Moon; it has 5)%C(6# 4&;;(441&<# %C()# :1'"# "($)4# %1# human space exploration. Then there $)(#'2%4(#1)%8#'2(#>6(?#45$;(@#?%)<9# that emphasize allowing private sector :)84#'%#4(3R(#'2(#363'3$'3C(#$69#5&)4&(# entrepreneurial approaches to human 45$;(H3=2'/ Advocates of the more traditional !"#$%&'(#)$*+',-.$('&/01#$0.2#+,-#/$'$(+#3$#405&6#.7$5.7#+8'(#$7#/79$:%-0+(#;$%&'(#)< approach believe that the other side will 4$;)3:;(#4$1('"T#$9C%;$'(4#%1#'2(#(6')(­ ability of U.S. access to low­Earth orbit 1&'&)(# G/7/# 2&8$6# 45$;(H3=2'# (11%)'4/# preneurial approach criticize the forces !"#$!%&'#$#"($)*#'%#+,-./#01#'234#%5'3%6# Central to this would be the termina­ of tradition by pointing out their large, is chosen, the Committee suggests es­ tion of the Constellation program as over­budget, under­achieving space ef­ tablishing a new competition for this a single entity, continuation of certain forts. It remained unclear how much (if service, in which both large and small technology developments such as the $6"J#%1#'234#6(?#363'3$'3C(#?3<<#!(#$5­ companies could participate.” Orion space capsule, the continua­ 5)%C(9#!"#L%6=)(44/#06#+,-+#'2()(#4'3<<# The response to this report from the tion of operations on the International was no resolution. U.S. space community was immediate. 75$;(# 7'$'3%6# &6'3<# $'# <($4'# +,+,*# $69# While these concerns are ever­pres­ 7%8(# $983634')$'3%6# %1:;3$<4# &)=(9# the fostering of private sector solutions ent in the current debate over the future that the president cancel Constellation. to support operations in low­Earth or­ of human transportation into space in Edward Crawley, a Massachusetts In­ bit. the United States, the place of com­ stitute of Technology professor and Since this declaration numerous mercial activities in this arena seems a member of the Augustine panel, re­ 23=2#5)%:<(#45$;(H3=2'#$9C%;$'(4#2$C(# assured. There does not look to be any marked that Ares I was suffering from ?(3=2(9#36#%6#!%'2#439(4/#06#F5)3<#+,-,# consensus in favor of undertaking a technical issues that could only be Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong traditional approach to space access, overcome with more money and time. IF5%<<%#--J*#K(6(#L()6$6#IF5%<<%#-MJ*# one that NASA dominates both from >0'#?$4#$#?34(#;2%3;(#$'#'2(#'38(*@#4$39# $69#N38#O%C(<<#IF5%<<%4#P#$69#-QJ#1$­ a market standpoint and an owner­ Crawley, when asked about originating mously sent the U.S. president a letter ship imperative. As space policy ana­ '2(#5)%=)$8#36#+,,A/#>B&'#'38(4#2$C(# warning that the proposed change to lyst Stewart Money commented in the changed,…the budgetary environment 2&8$6#45$;(H3=2'#>9(4'36(4#%&)#6$'3%6# Space Review#36#+,--U#>V23<(#'2(#8$)­ is much more tight, and the understand­ to become one of second­ or even third­ ket for publically­funded commercial ing of the cost and schedule to develop rate stature.”Proponents of the new crew transport to ISS is clearly limited, the Ares I has matured.” Others were 4')$'(="*#$8%6=#'2(8#F5%<<%#--#$4')%­ it is becoming increasingly certain. supportive of continuing Constellation. naut Buzz Aldrin, countered that the NASA Administrator Charles Bold­ Based on these responses, President president’s approach will return NASA en’s emphatic declaration in support D!$8$#5)%5%4(9#%6#E(!)&$)"#-*#+,-,*# to its roots as a research­and­develop­ of commercial crew may well signify with more details added in a presiden­ 8(6'# %)=$63R$'3%6# ?23<(# 5)3C$'(# :)84# a bellwether date in space history…. '3$<#45((;2#%6#F5)3<#-A*#$#6(?#5$'2#1%)# operate space systems. Turning low­ W2(# 8%4'# 43=63:;$6'# 385<3;$'3%6# 8$"# !" SPACE TIMES"#"$%&'()*+&,-"./0. be that other opportunities for leverag­ others, offer the tantalizing possibility development program known as Com­ ing the spacecraft initially offered for of being the opening act in a new era <1/+*,)# =/1># 5101)!'<1-%# ?==510@A# ISS cargo and crew duties can begin to !"# $!%&# '($)*+# ,-.# '/*0,%1# 2',+13*4&%# Intended to stimulate development of emerge in earnest….The fact that sev­ to low Earth orbit. privately operated crew vehicles to eral of the proposed crew transport craft In this situation, furthermore, issues )!>BC,/%&#!/$*%D#*%2#E/2%#'&,21#!""1/1.#,# are promoted as being able to launch of reusability have largely been forgot­ %!F1-#2(<#!"#GH7#<*))*!-#.(/*-4#6787# on more than one rocket indicates an ten, despite this critical necessity in de­ %!# 2%*<(),%1# E01#:<1/*+,-# +!<',-*12# encouraging shift in the way some veloping a cost effective replacement to undertake research and development aerospace companies are approaching for the Space Shuttle.” !"#-1>#&(<,-#2',+13*4&%#+!-+1'%2#,-.# the marketplace. It is something more 5(/*-4# 6787# ,-.# 6788# 9:;:# '(/­ technologies. In its second phase, with akin to an aircraft manufacturer’s role, sued efforts to replace the vehicle pro­ +!-%/,+%2# !"# G6IJ# <*))*!-# ,>,/.1.# %!# an analogy Boeing was happy to make viding access to low­Earth orbit pre­ "!(/#E/<2#*-#:'/*)#6788D#%&1#!$K1+%*01# in the same announcement…Taken to­ viously offered by the Space Shuttle was to move toward the establishment gether, these developments, along with through a multiphase space technology !"#!-1#!/#<!/1#!/$*%,)#2',+13*4&%#+,',­ !"#$%&#'($)"'*#&+$,-'.#$,/*0#($1*$'$.&#2$'34$.'&56$0&'3*-6&0'0163$*/*0#($4#*153#4$06$*#&71.#$862$9'&0"$6&:10;$13.8<4135$0"#$=30#&3'0163'8$,-'.#$ ,0'0163>$?,6<&.#@$,1#&&'$A#7'4'$)6&-6&'0163B SPACE TIMES !"!#$%&'()*%+,!-./- 7 !"#$%&'()*%+,-.%/(0-)$%12%(%3-,#*4%5(0-)$%6//,(-)*780,/#%6#/(9%:%)(;;<,-.%(-%=7>?@%A;8,#(/%B*9#%:*$,)/*%1-%6';,/%CCD%CEFE%G&10;)*H%356IJ(#%K1;L*;<M !" SPACE TIMES"#"$%&'()*+&,-"./0. bilities on which NASA could purchase cial provider. The partnerships NASA from changes in technology and greater cargo and eventually crew space. is forming with industry will support knowledge of the processes involved in The awardees were all American the development of multiple American development and using these capabili­ !"#$% &'(% )*+,"% &--".&/*+$% "&'0+(% systems capable of providing future ac­ ties, discovering optimal solutions, as from lifting body to capsule spacecraft. cess to low­Earth orbit.” well as the most elegant of them, re­ 1*.$+%/.#-&',+$%2%345+%6",0,'7%8,+"­ This ferment of ideas and broad quires diligence and creativity. ra Nevada Corporation, Space Explora­ set of actions stimulated through the The spacecraft nearest to being ready ),.'%1+/*'.4.0,+$%98-&/+:;7%&'(%3.+­ CCDev program suggest that the issue for operational use might well be the ,'0% 2% &"+% +'<,$,.'+(% &$% &% <&'05&"(% of human space activities remains an SpaceX Dragon capsule launched atop that will be able to usher in a new era unsettled issue. The longstanding set )*+%K&4/.'%L%"./M+)I%J,)*%,)$%$5//+$$=54% .=%,''.<&),<+%*5#&'%$-&/+>,0*)%.--."­ .=%,$$5+$%&'(%)"&(+C.==$%'+/+$$&"D%).%>D% $5E."E,)&4% )+$)% >,0*)% .'% N+/+#E+"% O7% tunities. As announced by Ed Mango, into space safely, perform useful mis­ FGHG7%)*+%8-&/+:%+')"D%,').%)*,$%/.#­ NASA’s Commercial Crew Program sions on­orbit, and return to the ground petition appeared destined for an early #&'&0+"?%@1*+%'+A)%B#+",/&'C>&00+(% in not only a safe but an elegant manner operational capability.
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