- April 29, 1986 . Kapiolani Community College Vol. 17, No. 20 119. Free food By Milton .-Miyasato How would you like to enjoy sushi, Zippy's chili, and hot dogs with Pepsi or 7-Up -- all for free. That's right! All for free. All you have to do is present your student ID .card at the food booth that will be located n~ar . the lunch wagon · on the Diamond Head Campus at noon, Wednesday, April 30. No pink fee slips will be accepted. Faculty members want­ ing lunches will need to check in at the faculty roster table near the food booth. Kalapana will perform from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. -The Lunch . Goncert is .sponsored by. the · Stu­ dent Activities Office. A passionate love scene from the KCC production "Bus Stop".-The play opens May 1 at the Music Building on Election UPdate the DH campus. Photo by Beau Hodge ----~-----------~--------------------------· By Ivan Young The elections for the members DHCampus commencement '86 of the Student Congress at large will be postponed until November By Milton Miyasato Other speakers include Mistress Ralph Ohara, the Director of because of poor nomination of Ceremonies Charlotte Toguchi Student Services, ·will present the turrioiit. Only two individuals On Saturday May 10, at 4p .. m, a speech dept; ·instructor, Provost Class of '86 while Provost John submitted nomination b~llots. The the KCC class of '86 will be John Morton, and Community Morton and Dean of Instruction Student Congress consists of 1.3 graduating. Ceremonies will be College Chancellor Joyce Tsunoda. Leon Richards will present the members. Pending approval from held for the first time ever on the diplomas. the provost, the two nominees will Diamond Head Campus. The invocation will be done by The Royal Hawaiian Band will be automatically elected. The · valedictorian, Deanne · the Rev. Douglas R. Olson of _ play the Processional, Star During · the six open meetings Miller, and the outstanding KCC Calvary-By-The-Sea · Lutheran Spangled Banner, Hawaii Ponoi, held on April 9-10, only seven alumnus Joyce K. Henna·, who is Church. The 1986 Excellence in and the recessional as well as the people ~oted on the New Charters, now an English · instructor at Teaching A ward will be presented class song,"The Greatest Lo~e of Boards and Activities Fee. The Honolulu Community College, will by Robin Campaniano; ·member of. All." Refreshments will follow the results will be forwarded to the both· address the class and guests. the UH Board of Regents. ceremonies. provo·st for approval.· · · Party at sea By Mike Kawatachi Kai turned around and stopped for about an hour before return­ About a year ago, the Student ing. Activities organized a Halloween Throughout the night, students boat cruise that sank. Minutes af­ danced to the sounds of Audio ter leaving the pier, the much an­ Imagery and snacked on assorted ticipated Halloween party turned candies. The 1000 pieces of Gau sour when the sound system blew Gee, a favorite with most party­ itself out. ers, were made by· Food Service This year, Assistant Student instructor Bob Chinen and several Activities Coordinator Angie of his students. KCC Provost John Hashimoto made sure that the Morto~ happily served refresh­ sound system, food, and drinks ments and bantered with students. Jived up to and beyond student The Provost said later that he is expectations. The result? The most always concerned with student ac­ successful social event that KCC tivities and was delighted with the has sponsored in years. turnout for the cruise. KCC students and guests boogie down on the Pearl Kai party crutse. On April 18, approximately 350 The boat cruise, planned Photo by Mike Kawati:tchi KCC students boarded the Pearl months ago, started. slowly and Kai I at 8:45 p.m. after _partying then picked up steam when more Hashimoto had to turn away over The .only complaints that stu­ in the Pensacola Campus parking and more students heard about it, 50 people. dents had- about the cruise was lot for _over two hours. The boat, Hashimoto said. The boat cruise Hashimoto also said that she that the perpetually packed dance skippered by KCC student Yuki suddenly was the social event to would welcome any extra help floor was too small and the cruise Mathias, left Kewalo Basin at 9: 10 be at. Students were calling for with future social events. If itself was too short. Said freshman p.m., sailing parallel to the tickets even up to Thursday be ... enough people· commit themselves Mark Oyama, "I had a g~eat time. Waikiki coastline until it reached fore the cruise. Although she to help out, other boat cruises will We should have more of these Diamond· Head. There; the Pearl wanted to accommodate everyone, . be planned. cruises." SPECTRUM April 29, 1986 Page 2 Ask me if I care What do you plan to I Poll: do this summer? A month or two ago, i circu­ ple were nominated. This is par­ Photos & interviews by Ivan Young lated a petition calling upon ticularly discouraging when one KCC's administration to include considers how hard a group of plans for a student/faculty lounge students worked to get the char­ in their next request to the state ters completed. At the charter legislature for DH Campus fund­ hearings, no more than two ·stu­ ing. I garnered 67 signatures be­ dents showed up at any one hear­ fore giving up. Why did I give ing. Of KCC's 5,000+ students, Tammy Souza, up? Because · I asked 63 people to only seve-n voted on the charters. Liberal Arts: sign and only one person refused. Shameful, but unfortunately, typ­ Asami Ludwin, (And besides, after speaking with ical. Liberal Arts: KCC's assistant provost, Pat Sny­ Can you imagine KCC students der, I was convinced that con­ marching in protest of anything? I struction money was indeed tight, find it difficult to conjure up the "Try to get a job at Hawaiian and would be better spent on image. In my opinion, KCC stu­ Airlines as a stewardess or take · other projects.) dents, as well as other Hawaii care of people full time at Po- "Become the first Japanese One person out of 63--obvi­ community college students just hainani." · surfer in Australia and get mar­ ously, support for the cause was don't give a damn about anything ried." widespread, but _was it over­ except getting through college whelming? Would those 62 stu­ with adequate grades, and maybe dents have taken the tinie to write partying on a student activities a letter to the provost, explaining sponsored boat cruise or tlte like. why they support a stu­ Maybe a little less is the ' way of dent/faculty lounge? Would they student activities and a little more Mike Morita, have marched in protest of the ~ student activism would be a good Liberal Arts: administration's decision not to thing. It's not likely to happen, incorporate the lounge in the bud­ though. get requests? Suzy Mussers, ·The answer to all three ques­ Why won't it happen; why Liberal Arts: tions, I suspect, is no. Signing a hasn't it been happening? I think "Try to find a job with U~ited petition is a painless, almost ef­ we've been caught up in the "me, Airlines or continue to work at fortless way of' expressing support me, me generation." -Give me Chuck Machado's. Anything is for a cause. mine, let the rest of the world go better than _working at my father's To go a step further, to actually get theirs. vegetable farm in Maunawili and ••Raise some hell in Florida with · work for a cause, · seems to be a The' only activism in Hawaii Waimanalo. I- hate that." my friends. and have a drink. w!ih . Don Johns-on." · · · " virtually non-e.xistent state of af­ c01lege campuses, for as long as I fairs today. can remember, is the recent UH In the late '60's· and early '70's students who called upon the ~--~--------------------~-------,1 · campus activism was widespread. statewide university system to stop Regardless of whether the students dealing with businesses with in­ were misguided or right on target terests in South Africa--the rep­ Mary Landberg, Kapio with their beefs, they believed in rehensible apartheid system of Liberal Arts: a cause and they fought for w~at Botba's · government being the they believed was right. Rarely catylist for the UH students de­ did any of these students have a mands. selfish .reason; theirs was fight for. If 'KCC does not have a motto, KAPIO is published every Tuesday by justice, truth, and other ideals. allow me · to suggest one: the Board of Student Publications of Kapi­ One exa.mple of KCC student '"APATHY RULES." "Ride my bike ip ·France; visit olani Community College. It is funded b~ apathy: of 13 positions for KCC the winerys in Europe, . eat the student fees and advertising and reflects the ·congress members, only two peo- grapefruits and have fun." views of its editors and writers who are solely tesponsible for its content.'.Circulation is 2,000. Kapio welcomes contributions to. the pa­ per. Editors reserve th~ right to edit an · dorm, and he was the one who marital blood tests and I carelessly submissions for length, grammar and libel: "Dear Mother and Dad: · Publication is not guaranteed. Since I left for: college · I · have ·. called the fire ·department and the caught it from him. · ambulance. He also visited me in Deadline for all notices: Thursd~y been remiss in· writing and I am morning.
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