*** Growing Roses Has Never Been Easier To be wronged is nothing unless Movie Munchies: Giving Candy Credit you continue to remember it. by Lance Walheim, (NAPSA)—There’s no need to ™ —Confucius Bayer Advanced Garden Expert sugarcoat the statistics. Ameri- (NAPSA)—Roses bring a clas- *** cans love candy. In 2001 alone, sic beauty to any garden. And people in the U.S. consumed thanks to the new heartier vari- more than three billion pounds of eties of roses on the market, they chocolate and three billion have never been easier to grow. pounds of chewy, gooey confec- But even the best rose gardeners tions. Much of this candy was can run into insect problems: munched in the movies. • Aphids: Small, pear-shaped How did candy become an insects that congregate on new American movie tradition? The leaves and flower buds, sucking sweet success story of one of plant juices, leading to plant America’s favorite movie candies How Sweet It Is—Candy has damage and distorted growth. may surprise you. They come in many colors and been a tradition with moviegoers Then for years. secrete a sticky, sugary substance In 1910, a candy maker named called honeydew that turns black Sam Born immigrated to the U.S. JOES, STRAWBANNA, LEM and as it becomes infected with sooty from Russia. His genius for the MEL, and CHERRI and BUBB. mold. “sweet science” (he is credited Over the years, there have been • Beetles: Japanese beetles, *** with inventing chocolate sprin- changes, new flavors and charac- June beetles and rose chafers are Even the best rose gardeners Remember that happiness is a kles and a machine that automat- ters have been added and in the serious pests of roses. They chew can run into insect problems. way of travel—not a destination. ically put sticks in lollipops) soon 1990s the company made all of holes in the petals and skeletonize Now they won’t have to dig too —Roy M. Goodman earned him recognition and even- these products part of the MiKE leaves. far for a solution. *** tually the key to the city of San and IKE brand. • Rose Francisco. Now Midge: If the combat all of these pest problems In 1923, Born and members of In 2003, the company is cele- flowers don’t in one application. Bayer Ad- his family started Just Born, Inc. brating its 80th anniversary. MiKE open properly vanced Garden™ 2-in-1 Systemic a candy company then based in New and IKE has become a staple of the but the rest of Rose & Flower Care feeds and York City and now headquartered American movie theater. Moviegoers the plant is protects your roses and flowers in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. pop millions of the bite-sized, chewy healthy, it may from insects in just one step. Since 1923, Just Born has been candies every year. Two new movie- be rose midge. Apply every six weeks to your well known for its many brands inspired flavors will further that This nearly roses and all your flowers to see including Hot Tamales®, Marsh- tradition: MiKE and IKE Buttered invisible insect the results. For a more immediate mallow Peeps®, ZOURS® and its Popcorn and Cherry Cola. scraps new solution, gardeners might try biggest movie theater star, MiKE These flavors are considered growth, particularly flower buds, Bayer Advanced Garden™ Rose & and IKE®, which was introduced “limited-time flavors.” For the causing them to shrivel and turn Flower Insect Killer, which offers in the 1940s. Many theories exist past three years, MiKE and IKE black. up to 30-day insect protection on how the brand received its has offered limited-time flavors • Spider Mites: You can hardly with a single application. name, including a company-wide during the summer. Every year see the culprit but you can defi- You can learn more about car- *** contest, a vaudeville song titled consumers can expect something nitely see the damage. Spider ing for your lawn and garden and Talk not of wasted affection! “Mike and Ike” and the “IKE” new and exciting from MiKE and mites suck plant juices from rose about discounts on various prod- Affection was never wasted. Eisenhower era. Sister products to IKE and now, it’s back to the leaves causing them to turn yel- ucts by visiting www.bayerad —Henry Wadsworth MiKE and IKE were also intro- movies with Buttered Popcorn lowish with a silvery sheen and vanced.com or by calling 1-877- Longfellow duced during the early years, and Cherry Cola. often drop off. They thrive in hot, BAYERAG. including ROOT-T-TOOT, COOL For more information, visit ™ *** dry weather. Bayer Advanced Garden Expert KIDS, JACK and JILL, JOLLY www.justborn.com. • Thrips: Thrips feed on rose Lance Walheim has authored or petals causing them to be de- contributed to more than 30 gar- formed and discolored. Buds often dening books including Roses for fail to open properly. Dummies, Lawn Care for Dum- If you recognize your pest from mies, Landscaping for Dummies this list, not to worry. Bayer and Vegetable Gardening for Advanced™ has a solution that can Dummies. The word “millennium” comes from combining the Latin words for “one thousand” and “year.” *** *** The best way to turn a woman’s head is to tell her she has a beau- Tell the truth, and so puzzle and confound your enemies. tiful profile. —Sir Henry Wotton —Sacha Guitry *** *** *** As always, victory finds a hun- dred fathers but defeat is an orphan. —Count Galeazzo Ciano *** Johann Sebastian Bach was not just considered “the greatest The title of the classic Disney film Fantasia (1940) means “a free genius of baroque music,” he was also a father to twenty children, [musical] composition structured according to the composer’s fancy.” several of whom became musicians. 15.
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