Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-34263-6 - The making and unmaking of an evangelical mind: The case of Edward Carnell Rudolph Nelson Index More information Index AATS, see American Association of The- biblical inerrancy, 179-206; and apostolic ological Schools authority, 198-202; in Clark-Carnell Ahlstrom, Sydney, 9 correspondence, 153-4; and figurative Alexander, Archibald, 42, 44 language, 183, 191; and higher criticism, Allis, Oswald T., 44 181; and historicity, 182-3, 185, 191-2, American Association of Theological 195, 196-7, 201; and progressive revela- Schools (AATS), 94, 98-9, 101 tion, 185-6, 204; and the rights of lan- apologetics, limitations of, 126-7, 147, guage, 191—7; and Romans-Galatians, 149; as personal story, 14-15 186, 199, 201-2 Archer, Gleason L., 179 Blake, William, 174 Aristotle, 128-9 Bob Jones College, 32 Armerding, Hudson, 31 Bonar, Horatius, 137 Auer, J. A. C. Fagginger, 65, 67, 182 Booth, F. Carlton, 120 Augustine, 127 Boston University Graduate School, 5, autobiography, 16-17 62-3, 66-7, 74-5 axiology, 154-6. See also values Briggs, Charles, 43 Brightman, Edgar Sheffield, 62-3, 67, 75 Baessler, Rose, 99 Bromiley, Geoffrey, 102 Barker, Glenn, 46, 55, 58, 91-2, 218 Brown, Robert McAfee, 119, 190, 213 Barr, James, 184 Buechner, Frederick: The Alphabet of Barth, Karl, 146, 189-9, 190, 205; Church Grace, 219; as apologist for Chris- Dogmatics, 148-9; on Mozart, 148-9; tianity, 218-19; on Bible as literature, The Word of God and the Word of 192-4; The Final Beast, 125-6, 137-9, Man, 138-9 146-7; Peculiar Treasures, 193; Wishful Barth Seminar: CarnelPs participation in, Thinking, 192 11, 112, 132-3, 148, 186-9, 205; list of Buswell, J. Oliver, 28, 29, 38-9 participants, 239n.l00; transcripts of, Butler, Joseph, 137 243n.l5 Beach, Waldo, 158-9 Cadbury, Henry J., 58-9 Becker, Jean Carnell. See Carnell, Jean Campbell, Dorothy Carnell. See Carnell, Begin, Bishop Floyd L., 119 Dorothy Bellah, Robert N., 140 Carnegie Foundation, 94 Berger, Peter, 227 Carnell, Dorothy (sister), 21, 24 Bertocci, Peter, 63 Carnell, Edward John: as adolescent, 26, Bible as literature, 192-7 27; anxieties, 4, 10-12, 112, 116, 117, biblical hermeneutics: in evangelicalism, 190, 212, 224-6; as apologist for Chris- 203-4 tianity, 11, 13, 14-15, 63-4, 85, 96-7, 247 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-34263-6 - The making and unmaking of an evangelical mind: The case of Edward Carnell Rudolph Nelson Index More information 248 Index Carnell, Edward John (continued) from presidency (first), 101-1, 104-5; 125-78, 216-25, 228-30; barbiturate resignation from presidency (second), addiction of, 49, 105, 113, 118, 161, 105-6, 161, 189, 214, 226; and Roman 214-15; as Barth Seminar participant, Catholicism, 3, 71, 120-1, 130-1, 199- 11, 112, 113, 132-3, 148-9, 161, 186-9, 200, 201; sense of humor, 80, 103; sig- 205; and biblical inerrancy, 179-206, nificance of, 8-9, 14-15, 101-2, 210, 226; birth of, 20; at Boston University, 228-30; suicide as possible explanation 5, 62-3, 66-7, 74-5; Clark, breach for death of, 4, 210, 214-15, 245n.8; with, 189, 214; Clark, influence of, 37, suicide as theme in writing of, 49, 210- 45, 64, 68, 129-30, 153-4, 212, 226, 11, 212, 220; as teacher, 4, 62, 78-80, 227; "The Concept of Dialectic in the 113-15, 220; Tompkins, correspondence Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr" (Th.D. with, 81-6, 213, 219-20, 227; trustees, diss.), 65-8, 182; "The Conservative relations with, 101, 104-5, 106, 112; Protestant", 120-1; death of, 3-4, 11, Van Til, breach with, 44-5, 64, 129-30; 120-1, 210, 214-15, 245n.8; dialogue, and Vasady, 78, 236n.9; as walker, 50, failure to, 218-21; dictionary habit, 80; 79-80, 228; and Westminster Seminary, doubter, theological, 190, 212-14, 219- 40, 44-53, 160-1, 217; and Wheaton, 20, 227; electro-convulsive treatment of, 22, 29-30, 30-41, 48, 50-1, 217; and 113-14, 116, 117, 161, 172, 189, 226; World War Two, 47-8 engagement to Shirley Rowe, 51; evan- Carnell, Edward John: books and articles: gelical criticism against, 111-12; faith, The Burdon of Soren Kierkegaard, 118, definition of, 140-2; and father's auto- 161, 215; The Case for Orthodox The- biographical manuscript, 16, 24; Fuller ology, 24-5, 69, 106-8, 109, 110, 111- faculty, as candidate for, 66, 69-72; 12, 135-7, 162, 176-77, 180, 184-6, Fuller, as pre-presidential professor at, 188, 195, 198, 201, 204, 214, 215, 216; 73-93; and Fuller presidency, 88-9, 90- "A Christian Social Ethic," 115-16; 3, 102-3, 106, 114, 215, 225-6; funda- Christian Commitment, 14, 48-9, 103, mentalism, as critic of, 27, 69, 107-10; 105, 128, 136, 142-3, 154, 156-61, fundamentalism as stigma of, 18—19, 162-3, 164, 165, 171, 201-2, 215, 216; 24-6; fundamentalist hostility toward, "Conservatives and Liberals Do Not 3-4, 109-11, 214, 225; as fund-raiser, Need Each Other," 191; Introduction to 97-101, 225, 238n.63; "The Glory of a Christian Apologetics, 4, 64, 64-8, 77, Theological Seminary," 95-7, 237n.4O; 103, 126, 128, 130-1, 134, 151, 152, on Gordon faculty, 61, 62, 63, 69, 71; 154, 157, 161, 162, 181-2, 183-4, 195, and Harvard Divinity School, 5, 52-3, 210—11, 216; The Kingdom of Love and 54-9, 60-1, 64-7, 68-72, 217; high the Pride of Life, 128, 141, 143, 161- school record, 27; imagination, failure 174; "Orthodoxy: Cultic vs. Classical," of, 221—5; inaugural address, 95-7, 108-9; A Philosophy of the Christian 237n.4O; insomnia, 48-9, 62, 105, 157, Religion, 4, 76, 81, 83, 128, 135, 151, 161, 224; "The Inspiration and Authori- 153, 154-6, 157, 161; "Post-Fundamen- ty of the Bible" (unpublished manu- talist Faith," 24, 25, 108; "The Secret of script), 204-5; Kierkegaard, influence Loving Your Neighbor," 11-12, 171; of, 151; as loner, 31, 46-7, 50, 79-80, "Should a Christian Go to War?" 48; 220—1; Marblehead, as minister in, 61— Television: Servant or Master? 4, 75, 76, 2; marriage of, 51; medical examiner's 134, 154, 165; The Theology of Rein- report on death of, 3-4, 120, 210; Na- hold Niebuhr, 4, 76, 154, 182-3, 195 tional Workshop on Christian Unity, as Carnell, Fannie Carstens (mother), 19, participant in, 3, 11, 19, 118-21, 161, 172 214—15; and new evangelicalism, 110; Carnell, Herbert C. (father), 51, 116, 172; opposition to, on Fuller faculty, 96-7, emigration to America, 19; "From 103—5, 225; ordination to Baptist minis- Wooden Leg to Pulpit" (auto- try, 53; physical description of, 79-80, biographical memoir), 16-24; as funda- 220, 228; "The Problem of Verification mentalist, atypical, 22-4; graduation in Soren Kierkegaard" (Ph.D. diss.), 75, from Moody Bible Institute, 19; and 161, 215; prose style of, 76, 162-4, 165, ministry, 19, 20-1; ministry, 22; and 171, 181; psychological breakdown of, physical stigma, 18; on sexual mores at 4, 11, 112-15, 171-2, 189; resignation MBI, 23 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-34263-6 - The making and unmaking of an evangelical mind: The case of Edward Carnell Rudolph Nelson Index More information Index 249 Carnell, Jean (daughter), 32, 71, 116-17, Duvall, Shirley Carnell. See Carnell, 239n.l21 Shirley Carnell, John Paul (son), 116-17, 239n.l21 Eastern Baptist Seminary, 46 Carnell, Paul (brother), 21, 26, 30, 212-13 Edel, Leon: "The Figure under the Car- Carnell, Shirley (wife), 34, 50-2, 90, 116- pet," 209-10 17, 119, 120, 237n.4O, 245n.8 Edman, V. Raymond, 29, 38-9 Childs, Brevard, 197 Edwards, Jonathan, 152, 229 Christian Century, 108-9, 111, 115, 133, Eerdmans Publishing Co., 64, 103 160, 202, 212, 214 Ellmann, Richard, and Charles Feidelson: Christianity Today, 55, 112, 180, 187, The Modern Tradition, 221-2 188, 191, 217 Emerson, Ralph Waldo: "Self-Reliance," Ciardi, John, 224 167 Cioran, E. M.: The Temptation to Exist, Erdman, Charles, 43 151 Erikson, Erik, 226 Clark, Gordon H., 51, 126; as apologist Eternity, 11, 171 for Christianity, 129-30, 133-4; and evangelicalism: definition of, 8; and bibli- Barth Seminar, 112, 187, 188, 189; Car- cal hermeneutics, 203-4; and cognitive nell, breach with, 112, 189, 214; Car- bargaining, 12; and cognitive intran- nell, correspondence with, 153-4; sigence, 12; contemporary, 229; limita- Carnell, as influence on, 64, 113, 212, tions of, 217-18; popular notions of, 7. 226; A Christian Philosophy of Educa- See also new evangelicalism; post- tion, 211-12; on suicide, 211-12; Thales fundamentalism to Dewey, 211; Three Types of Religious evolution, 7. See also theistic evolution Philosophy, 212; and Westminster Semi- nary, 45; as Wheaton professor, 36-9 Fackenheim, Emil, 12 Clowney, Edmund P., 36 fairy tales, 167-8 cognitive bargain, 12, 228 Falwell, Jerry, 7 cognitive intransigence, 12 Feidelson, Charles. See Ellmann, Richard Collis, John Steward, 140 Ferre, Nels F. S., 63, 65, 67-8 Conant, James B., 56-7, 91 Florida Bible Institute, 32 Cooke, Bernard, 239n.l00 Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 27, 43 Cooley, Robert E., 203 Fourth National Ecumenical Workshop. Cranston, Earl, 95, 96 See National Workshop on Christian Crum, Terrelle B., 56 Unity Cummins, Monsignor John, 118 Frady, Marshall: Billy Graham: A Parable Cunningham, William, 137 of American Righteousness, 32—3 Curley, Richard, 106 Frei, Hans, 239n.l00 Freud, Sigmund, 166, 172 Dallas Theological Seminary, 70 Frost, Robert, 175; "The Armful," 206 Darwin, Charles, 176 Frye, Northrop, 192, 227-8 Darwinism, 222 Fuller, Charles, 89, 96, 100, 105, 106, Davis, Clair, 36 237n.4O; on appointment of Carnell as Dean, Lloyd, 45, 55-6, 63 Fuller president, 90; and finances of death of God, 13 Fuller Seminary, 98-100; and founding Depression, effect on Carnell family, 21—2 of Fuller Seminary, 69, 74, 86; radio DeWolf, L.
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