‘ HE T 1997 the students UCKRAKERvoice since MT HE INDEPENDEN T JOHN F. KENNEDY SCHOOL ST UDEN ts ‘ NEW S PAPER Volume XII, Issue II Monday, September 29, 2008 Circulation: 600 PAGE 1 THE UCKRAKER Best Buddies Activity M “Hey retard!” tries and with 350.000 members in “What up cripple?” 2007. Even more, it is a growing Speaks! These are phrases that handi- community. Best Buddies strives capped people have to hear ev- to have half a million people in 50 ery day. They fight a life of misery countries by 2010. And maybe YOU Although this is technically not the and depression. This is the point can be a part of it! first issue of The Muckraker XII, we‘d where Best Buddies comes in and “It might be easy for people who like to seize the opportunity and of- helps. Best Buddies is an activity are listening to understand, why ficially welcome all of you back to that fosters friendships between it’s so vital and important for those school! The start into the new school people with and without intellectu- who are mentally and physically year was smooth to some and rocky al disabilities. It is an international challenged and why it would be a to many, but we survived the first non-profit organization in 37 coun- great thing for them to be inte- and crucial weeks of reality check. grated into society and to make a We don’t look at our alarm clocks friend. But I think what young stu- with as dumbfounded a stare at 6 dents, college kids, and high school am anymore, we have tested the kids don’t know, is that if you get waters with new teachers and class involved, what you’ll get back from mates, and have a more tangible vi- this experience is so valuable to sion of what the year may bring. the course of your life. You’ll have an opportunity to meet someone While many upperclassmen alrea- you might never come in contact dy have their first Klausuren be- with. To learn about compassion hind them, two individual students and understanding. And that will will experience a completely new lead you to be a good citizen and to dimension to the word responsibili- participate. So get out there, find ty: our brand-new Student Council out about Best Buddies. Do it! Go presidents, Frances Copeland and for it! Become a friend for no better Julian Graham. The voting results reason, than to make one!” – Kevin were extremely close this year, so Spacey we‘re all eagerly awaiting the pro- If you are looking for more infor- mised back-to-school extravaganza. Best Buddies, continued on page 2 If they aren’t drowned in work by then, next month’s issue will fea- Power Monopolies Advice Column ture an extensive interview with the Why is it that so much power lies The Muckraker is introducing a new two… in the hands of so few students at column: an advice column. -Except JFKS...and what ramifications come it’s not Dr. Sommer answering your The Muckraker is back with old and with this imbalance? Former JFKS questions, but a “Dear Delilah” you new. You will notice our advice co- can address. In the future, the column lumn Dear Delilah and our “Berlin student Yelden Sarybay speaks is yours to shape. Read it; see what Tipp”. Zeidler is still our news anchor from experience. you think; and send us any and all from down south; Anna’s Nothing questions you’ve had on your mind! discusses the very surprising some- thing some young artists put forth; on page 3 on page 2 our new librarian, Mr. Epps is the featured teacher; and if you’ve ever been curious what goes down on our school psychologists’ couches, read Kinderalkoholismus Julius-Leber-Brücke Dass Jugendliche heutzutage immer öfter in den Überraschung! Die neue Julius-Leber-Brücke the mediators’ activity introduction! Genuss des Alkohols kommen ist nichts Neues. ist wie ein Geschenk der BVG, das unerwartet Enjoy the issue; may it put a smile Gruppenzwang, falsche Vorbilder und Ignoranz führen aber doch mit viel Dankbarkeit empfangen on your faces when deadlines and dazu, dass das Komasaufen zur Kultur wird. Oft vergessen diese Krankenhauskandidaten aber, dass wurde. Nur fragt sich der eine oder andere grey skies leave you squirming! sie selbst auch Vorbilder für noch jüngere sein können. auf dem Weg zur Schule: Woher kommt die Minderjährige Kinder sind auf dem besten Weg, ihren Station? Wohin führt sie? Welche Brücke ist Cheers, großen Geschwistern als Alkoholiker zu folgen. Wer, gemeint? Und wer war Herr Leber? Antwort fragt sich Max Jürgens in seiner Kritik, muss nun auf diese Fragen findet ihr… The editors. die Verantwortung tragen? Was muss konkret getan werden, um Kinder davor zu schützen? on page 4 on page 4 Volume XII, Issue II Monday, September 29, 2008 Circulation: 600 PAGE 2 JFKS Life Dear Delilah... Teacher Feature: Mr. Epps Please introduce yourself. Dear Delilah, Well, hello, I’m Mr. Epps. Nice to meet school has started, it‘s been two weeks, you. and I am already exhausted! I have so much to do, and my teachers aren‘t ta- Please give us a short history of your king my problems into consideration, life. and are just giving me more work, as if (Laughs) There is no short history of their subject were the most important my life. I’m old. (Laughs) one of all. I have piles of homework Well, if I were younger, I could give you and loads of tests a short history of my life. So I guess and quizzes to study for. It seems like I have 2 beautiful daughters, and one the work never stops! I‘m in school 7 of them standing here. I have 4 sons hours a day, and when I come home, who are away at university in Califor- I have to study and do my homework, nia. I travel a lot. I’ve been a librar- and after that, the day is already over!! ian for about 9 years. Before, I was an I can‘t meet up with friends as much as English teacher for 15 years, and I’m I used to, and I‘m in a bad mood all the from Los Angeles. I’ve been an ath- time! What should I do?? letics coach, yearbook advisor, depart- - Stressed-Out ment chairperson … Shouldn’t you ask me what my hobbies are? This is for the newspaper? Oh, dear, I photo: Julia Epps Dear Stressed-Out, thought I left my celebrity life behind United States? First of all, you‘re not the only one who in L.A. (Thinks) Someone who is not running. feels like this! All of us suffer the strain I’d say none of the above. of the new school year, but there are So what are your hobbies? some ways for you to keep the wor- I don’t have any hobbies…Oh may- Do you have something that no one kload from overflowing. If you have be working out, weightlifting, tennis, knows about you? loads of homework, try doing some of it reading, and hiking…travelling. Oh, boy! No one? Well, I am not good in lunch in the library! It may sound bo- in sports, and I met John River. ring, and you might think, „Why should Do you find anything extraordinary I waste my lunch on homework?“, but about our school? Do you have a pet peeve? it really helps! You finish half of your I don’t think it’s extraordinary at all. I have a pet peeve. It’s cleaning up workload, so you don‘t have to do it all (Laughs) First of all, it has a great people’s candy wrappers in the library. at home, and you don‘t have to lug so newspaper. Oh and I have never met many books along! Secondly, so that so many smart and polite students. Do you have a guilty pleasure? it doesn‘t seem like you are working Definitely chocolate. And.. let’s see, non-stop, when you come home, take Where do you see yourself in 10 shopping. half an hour to sit, maybe chat with years? your mum, eat and drink something, or Gulp. 10 years. That’s a lot of time. In Do you have a profound advice for the maybe go to the computer and check 10 years, I’ll be the librarian at the best students of JFKS? your emails...Anything for you to wind high school library in Europe (British People who have never cried, have down! After that, start working on the accent), which of course will be John F. never loved. homework that you have left! As for the Kennedy School. studying, once you have learned new Thank you very much for the inter- material, sit down with it after school What is your favorite book? view. and learn it…That way, when you have You can’t ask a librarian that! I can’t No problem. a quiz/test coming up, you don‘t find have a “favorite”. yourself cramming the night before!! It Jung-Hyun An may seem like a bad idea, but if you Who should be the next president of Joanna He learn a little everyday, it‘s much bet- ter than not doing anything and trying Best Buddies, continued from page 1 to learn 4 months of material in one mation on how the program works, meeting on Thursday, 09.10., from night! I know you must be frustrated or what your obligations are, you 13:00 – 13:20 in B214.
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