DEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL VOLUME 38, No. 22. PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 15, 1902, PRICE, FIVE CENTS. A A FEW POINTED REMARKS BY THE IS TO GIVE MICHIGAN SOME PRO CHIEF OF THE MINORS, FESSIONAL BALL. Showing That the Players© Association Grand Rapids, Not to be Left, is the Does Not RecDgnize the Golden Rule Nucleus Around Which a Six=Club in Its Dealings With the Minor State League is Being Built by leagues in Contract Questions. Editor E. W. Dickerson. New York, February 10. Editor "Sport- < Grand Rapids, Mien., -Feb. 12. Editor lug Life:" I©. T. Powers, president of the j "Sporting Life" -The organization of the National Association of Professional Base Western Michigan League is now practi ball Clubs, had a few remarks to make cally assured, with the circuit made up of to-day regarding the attempt of Dale Gear,, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Traverse City, secretary of the Players© Association, to Big Rapids, Manistee and either Sagiuaw . enlist the players against the Reserve or Greenville. rule. E. AV. Dickerson, sporting edltor-tv "When the Players© Association was Grand Rapids Post, formerly The Dc-nx formed," said Mr. Powers, "its members crat, is its promoter, and his work hal forced what is equivalent to a two-years© been so effective that great enthusiasuj contract upon the minor leagues. The mo has already been aroused at a time wheij ment an opportunity came for them to up here snow is knee deep and thought] jump they went to other leagues right are usually of sleighing and lumbering iul and left, regardless of their second-year stead of baseball. So well has the ciVcuiq agreement with us. .We appealed to the taken that there have already been Players© Association in this emergency, NINE APPLICANTS but no attention was paid to us.©© for admission to the proposed circuit of Mr. Powers concluded: "There are 10 six towns. The plan of the League is -to play four games a week, each team to play organizations in the National Association. two games at home and two abroad each Now that we mean to protect our inter week. Grand Rapids. Muskegon, Manistee, ests we begin to hear an outcry from the Sagiuaw are all Sunday towns, so the © players. Mr. Gear©s letter is not worthy schedule will be arranged so that every ol© consideration so far as it relates to the team will be busy on that day, which is ©-mid-act ual obligations between players the time for baseball money making in and leagues. About 1500 men will be this part of the country. A more compact, employed by our leagues this summer. Let circuit could scarcely be arranged in the country, as the jumps are less than fifty Mr. Gear get out and find employment miles on an average, while the average for them if he doesn©t like the way we J. A. R. ELLIOTT, population is over thirty thousand. Iu are soiug to apply penalties to those play Representative of Winchester Repeating Arms Company Muskegon, Traverse City, Big Rapids, ers who desert us." and Hazard Powder Company. Greenville and this city INFLUENTIAL MEN CONCORD CHIPS. BIRMINGHAM BITS. Campbell, Wilhelm and Lipp: backstops, have taken hold, so that it will not be Brown and McKinley; infieklers, Ilaller, baseball speculators, but business men, Two More Good Players Corralled by The Local Team Believed to be No Veach, Morse, Warren and Edmundson; with the interest, of the towns at heart, who will own the teams. Although Grand Manager Carney. Stronger Than Last Year. outfielders, Davis, Sorber and Taylor. I , Concord. N. II., Feb. 10. Editor "Sport Birmingham. Ala., Feb. 10. Editor Rapids has iu the past been used to faster think we are especially strong in the box, company, the people here take kindly to ing Life:)© Manager Carney has signed "Sporthit Life:" At the recent League and the whole team round are strong hit two more Pennsylvania pitchers, Brough the League. All of the cities are within meeting held in Nashville there was a ters. The street railway people here are a range of 150 miles, and there has always^ and ^McAleese, and has promised to try committee appointed to make a schedule, preparing to handle the crowd with more been a out catcher Wilbur, ol© Greenland, who composed of Powell, of New Orleans; ease than las.t year. They are at present SECTIONAL RIVALRY was with Worcester a little while last Frank, of Memphis, and Peters, of Atlan engaged in laying double tracks to and between them that in baseball crops OTJ season. ta. We now learn semi-otficially that from the park. every year with red-hot contests .betwee] William C. Pelkey, a Dartmouth student, "Foxy" Newt Fisher has been added. We semi-professional teams. Each one of U resident in this city, has been appointed arise to the question why? Surely the HELP WANTED. towns figured on has supported indepenc secretary of the club, and will have charge committee as named above was suf- e.ut teams for years past, and supported for Mr. Carney of the financial end of Hustling Managers Needed to Complete them well enough lo make money for meu© flcient% It is evident that Fisher still has who were iu it for sport and not for re-v Hie management, lie is now engaged in desires of being the dictator of the League, the Eastern Association Circuit. enue. soiling season tickets and is meeting with as of yore. Secretary A. J. Watts, of the new East MR. DICKERSON much success. THE LOCAL TEAM. ern Association, has called another meet will make a tour of the circuit some time Governor Jordan, ex-Governor Frank AV. Our boys are ordered to report here ing of that organization for February 22. next week, and an organization meeting Rollins, Secretary of State Edward N. on or about the 1st of April. Our first will be called shortly after his return. He Pearson and Mayor Harry G. Sargent Mr. .Watts reports that Manager Niles, of games will be with the Cleveland Amer Springfield, O.; Manager Ander, of Ports was associated with Manager AA©ilmot iu were among the first to put down their ican Leaguers on the 15th and 16tb. We mouth, O., and himself for Mansfield, have the Grand Rapids team last year, and has names for season books, showing that the will then be able .to give the sporting writ the confidence of the local fans. AVilliam Hub will start the season under the high ers of the South an adequate idea of the their teams- already made up. Hustling Tibald, a player of first-class reputation iu est official auspices. strength of our team, since several of managers are nee©ded for Sandusky, Can this State, has been offered the reins in One of these gentlemen will be asked to them seem disposed to discredit our team ton, Akroii and East Liverpool. Mr. Watts two cities in the circuit, and will probably pitch the first, ball in the opening game and say that we are not, in the hunting. can be addressed on the subject at 1013 accept the management of oue of the of the season with Lowell, April 17, but Even Oscar Streit, of the Cleveland, who West Central avenue, Toledo, O. © teams. HARRY C. BROOKB. In ease they are all bashful the Governor©s makes his home here, says that we are not private secretary, Merrill Shurtleff, might stronger than last year. However, we be substituted. lie was captain of the think that with Smith in the box we will Overheard in Boston. Like a Veteran Player. champion Dart months of I8!<ii. be able to make the young gentleman eat AV©igg--"They say Closenst is making a Tommy (at the minstrels) "Pop, why Concord uniforms will be of blue, with a little crow. lot of money, but he won©t admit it." do they call him the end inanV" white stockings, u la Ansnu©s famous big THE TEAM Wagg "Afraid he©ll give it away, I sup Tommy©s Pop (wearily) "I suppose be fellows. , H. C. PEARSON. at present ia as follows: Pitcher pose;"© - - cause he cau s>ee bis finish."© would seem that they are not encouraged great country does* to a man <ln any busi to a broader frame of mind by those who ness, for that matter) when they get after employ them. him. You need go no further than your When you talk about a © prize lighter©s paper, the "Sporting Ufe.© Let that pa sentiments, you may cause laughter, yet per, with its able corps of correspondents, tlM> fighters did not forget, Harry Weldon get after a base ball magnate and he will THE FAMOUS BASE BALL MAN IN- as did the ball players nor those who reap wish he was never born, not to say one IS MR. LUCAS© HUSTLING PACIFIC a rich harvest, out of the game year after word of all the good daily papers pub year. By them Harry Weldon was forgot lished throughout the country." TERRED WITH HONORS. ten, perhaps because they realized that his CUT NO ICE. *© NORTHWEST LEAGUE. days of usefulness to them were over. Mr. Thurman concluded: "How about Brush and Robison. Oh! well, they don©t cut any ice; they©ve always been a tail to A Great Gathering of Base Ball Celebri= MONTREAL MEMS. the Freedman kite, and yon can bet your The Circuit Completed and a Champion life if they dared to they would have let ties and Friends of the Deceased to Some Anxiety About the Players Mani go a good while ago*.
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