.e Office of tie secretary . Alice Travis Germond, Secretary .. - / - 'DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE .. .. ... .... .. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ROSTER ..... .. ... .. .....,..... .. .........2004:..=:,2008......... .. ... I. ' :, . ' Compiled by3he Office of the Secretary ...... ..As'of Friday,, November 05,2004 .... 'm ..::,,: .; . : ..................... .. '. , , .. ........... .. p#J l',,': .......'.' ' ........... '::" . .. .. ' . ',. .. ... .a,.,'OFFICERS ': '.... .. '. 'd ', 1 . CHAIR , , ' :.;:: ._,,:.:, , . .q. ..... , 7erence"R. McAuliffe _. Washington, ,DC 20003' ' ..W!202-863-8121 ... .._ . .-. .... ....... q. ........ ,...I . .. .a VICE CHAIRS .' , P-44 ', Linda Chavet-Thompson. , Washington, DC 20006 W:202-637-5233 N' Hon. Gloria Molina Los Angeles, CA 90012 W:213-9744111 .. HOn. Lottie H. Shackelford Little Rock, AR 72204 " Wi202-863-8175 ........... : ... .. 'Hon. Wellington' Webb ' Denver, CO 80264 . .......... '. w$O3-893-9322 ....... ...... _. VICE CHAIR; PRESIDENT, ASDC Mark Brewer Clinton Twp., MI 48036 W:517-371-5410 TREASURER Andrew Tobias Washington, DC 20003 . W:212-580-8612 SECRETARY Alice Germond Washington, DC 20003 W:202-863-7183 NATIONAL FINANCE CHAIR i Maureen White . New York, NY 10028 ' W:202-863-7169 I *" CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE Keith Umemoto Sacramento, CA 95831 W:916-274-5733' Marianne C. Spraggins Atlanta, GA 30305 W:917-513-3057 . I MEM BE RS-AT-LARGE Barbara Easterling Alexandria, VA 22304 W:202-434-1410, Harold lckes Washington, DC 20036 W:202-887-6726 Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson Washington, DC 20515 W:202-225-8885 Hon. Harvey Johnson Jr. Jackson, MS 39205 ' W:601-960-1084 '. Frank LaMere S. Sioux City, NE 68776 W 1402494-6266 Hon. Patricia A. Madrid Albuquerque, NM 87309 W :505-827-6000 Hon. Ramona Martinez ' ' Denver,CO 80227 W:303-618-7263 Minyon Moore Washington, DC 20001 W:202-638-5616 Hon. Art Torres San Francisco, CA 94109 W:213-239-8730 Vernon R. Watkins . Washington, DC 20036 W:202429-11,24 ' ' Dr. James J. Zogby Washington, DC 20015 W:202429-9210 .. EASTERN REGION Hon. Raymond Buckley Manchester, NH 03103 W:603-271-8511 Arrington, Dixon ' . Washington, DC 20020 Hon. Judith H. Hope . East Hampton, NY 11937 W:212-725-8825 Leon Lynch Pittsburgh, PA 15222 W:412-562-2307 Elizabeth M. Smith Washington, DC 20001 W:202-879-4436 MIDWESTERN REGION Hon. Thomas C. Hynes Chicago, IL 60602 W:312-917-8830 . Arthenia Abbott Lansing,, MI 48933 W1517-487-5966 Jim Frasier Tulsa, OK 74101 ' W:918-584-4724 Linda Honold Milwaukee, WI 53202 Dennis Langley Rapid City, SD 57702 W:913-962-9999 I SOUTHERN REGION Susan Swecker Richmond, VA 23221 Amy K. Burks Decatur, AL 35603 Hon. Gilda Cobb-Hunter Orangeburg, SC 291 15 W:803-534-2448 Bob Slagle Sherman, TX. 75092 W:903-893-1107 Everett Ward .. Wake Forest, NC 27587 W:919-733-2520 WESTERN REGION Karen Marchioro Bellevue, WA 98004 W:425-827-6136 Steven K. Alari Long Beach,CA 90802 W:213-239-8518 Mary Gail Gwaltney Las Cruces, NM 88005 Hon. Rosalind Wyman Los Angeles, CA 90077 I I DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS' ASSOCIATION Hon. Tom Vilsack Des Moines, IA 50319 W:515-286 -521 1 CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Hon. Thomas A. Daschle , Washington, DC 20510 W:202-224-2321 Hon.: Nancy Pelosi Washington, DC 20515 W:202-225-0100.. ' .NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF DEMOCRATIC MAYORS Hon. Douglas H. Palmer Trenton, NJ 08608 W:609-989-3030.' .. .. .. .. ........ .. _.. ..... .. .' . 1.: .......... .. LEGISLATIVE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE . .. DEMOCRATIC ..... ... tjon..Thomas ""Mike" V. Miller Jr.. POBox219 Clinton, MD '.207.35 ,'. .. I ' , .. .......,' .. '. ....... .. .~W:410-841-3700 .. .. .. .... : ........ .NATlONAL:.'DEM,OCRATICCOUNTY OFFICIALS .. *_1.. ,.. Mpn. Ron 'Sims ., Seattle, WA 98.104 ..... .1.. UNlClPAL,OFFICIALS CONFERENCE .... Houston,TX 77004 .. .. ..... DEMOCRATIC WOMEN ................ .. ............. :.,, ................ ..... ' Colchester, CT 06415 . ' .............. .... ....... : _. 03 ......... ... YOUNG DEMOCRATS OF AMERICA ...... ... .'. .... 4 ......... ... Chris Gallaway Alexandria, VA 22306 . I ...... I.. ..... ..... ... ..b, v . ;, .. ' ,.....',. .... .:: .. _. ......{'. ........ ..... .... : :_. i . ....... -. DNC HISPANIC ,CAUCUS . '....I >, .. ......... w:202i87g-s8j9., ;,.. '. .. ........ a' Alvaro Cifuentes Washington, DC 20005 ...... ... ... ... : . DNC BLACK CAUCUS ..... Hon. Yvonne A. Gates Las Vegas, NV 89155 W:'702-455-0855.. .. _. .... .. DNC WOMEN'S CAUCUS .: % . .:.i.. Mame Reiley Alexandria, VA 22314 "W:;703519-7984 . ' . .;'. ... 'I .. .................. ' ............ ::. ......... ;. -..... .C . ' ...._.. DNC ASIAN PACIFIC ISLANDER AMERICAN CAUCUS ............... ..' Ya-Yue J. Van Indianapolis, IN 46278 Wi317-638-0244 DNC GAY & LESBIAN CAUCUS Jeffrey B. Soref New York, NY 10003 W:212-473-1060 ASSOCIATION OF STATE DEMOCRATIC CHAIRS Barbara K. Allen ' Raleigh, NC 27603 W:919-821-27.77 ' Hon. Bob Ream Helena, MT 59601 W:406-442-9520 . Rachelle J. Valladares United Kingdom SE5 7QS RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEEi Maria Echaveste Washington, DC 20006 .. RULES AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE . Carol F. Khare Columbia, SC 29250, ' W:803-799-7550 James Roosevelt Jr. Cambridge, MA 02138 W:781-466-8564 2003 - February 21 - Washington DC 0001 1 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE 2 --- 3 MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 4 5 6 Yorktown/vall ey Forge Room 7 Hyatt Regency Hotel 8 400 New Jersey Avenue, N.W. 9 Washington, D.C. 10 Friday, February 21, 2003 11 12 The meeting was convened at 6:08 p.m., TERRY 13 McAULIFFE, Chai rman , presi ding . 14 r'v 15 OFFICERS PRESENT: m 16 TERRY McAULIFFE, chai man, presidi ng 17 LOTTIE H. SHACKELFORD JOE CARMICHAEL h 18 Vice chair Vice Chai r; President, ASDC (3 19 ANDREW TOBIAS ALICE TRAVIS GERMOND ea 20 Treasurer Secretary ml 21 MAUREEN WHITE 22 National Finance chai r v 23 a 24 p* 25 Pd 0002 1 PROCEEDINGS 2 CALL TO ORDER 3 CHAIRMAN McAULIFFE: Iwould like to call the 4 meeting to order of the Executive Committee of the DNC. I 5 would ask all the members to please stand for the pledge 6 of a1 1egi ance. 7 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 8 (Attendees stand and recite the pledge of 9 A1 1egi ance .) 10 CHAIRMAN McAULIFFE: Thank you. Good afternoon. 11 Are we all having a good day? 12 VOICES: Yes. 13 CHAIRMAN McAULIFFE: Very good. 14 DO you see Norm? 15 (NO response .) 16 Norm is not going to do our D.C. welcome, Itake 17 it. 18 what Iwould like to now do is introduce the 19 great Ros Wyman, great member from the great State of 20 California, also resolution for the 1984 successful 21 convention, who is going to do an introduction for us. 22 Let's hear it for ROS Wyman. 23 (Applause .) 24 MS. WYMAN: This one was just handed to me, so 25 let's see if Ican read still. Take off the qlasses. 0003 1 NOW, Ihave the honor of presentin the you the 2 new Governor of Maine. As a former member o Congress, 3 Governor John Baldacci was one of our party'sB bright 4 moments of November Sth, 2002. As Governor Baldacci 5 knows, under President Bush, overnors are facing the 6 worst fiscal crisis since Wor d War 11, and we face 7 deficits, budget crunches, and7 tou h decisions. 8 Thanks to leaders like t F! e Governor and strong 9 Democratic values, we know we are in good hands. The 10 people of Maine are lucky to have the Governor to fight on Page 1 2003 - February 21 - Washington DC 11 the front lines of homeland security, war, and terrorism, 12 education and health care. Governor Baldacci is currently 13 leading a statewide charge to the residents of Maine to 14 provide quality health care coverage to all residents of 15 Maine. The Governor has thrown down the auntlet towards 16 providing affordable quality health care 3. or every man, 17 woman, and child in the State of Maine. 18 AS one of his first acts as Governor, he si ned 19 an executive order to establish a Governor's office o3. 20 Health Care Parity and Finance, through which he will test 21 a plan that he can present to the legislature this year. 22 Let me di ress for a moment. This is a good 23 executive order. T1 e President of the united States seems 24 to be acting by legislative order, which keeps everything 25 from going to Congress. SO this is a good executive 0004 1 order. 2 Members of the Executive Committee, please join 3 me in welcoming one of our finest new governors, Governor 4 John Baldacci. 5 (Standing ovation .) 6 REMARKS BY GOVERNOR JOHN BALDACCI 7 GOVERNOR BALDACCI: Thank you very much. You 8 are all going to be officers in our administration. 9 Listen. Ithank you very much for that 10 reception and Iappreci ate the introduction . 11 MS. WYMAN: YOU are welcome. 12 GOVERNOR BALDACCI: Thank YOU. 13 MS. WYMAN: You don't know wine. Balducci wine 14 is very good. 15 GOVERNOR BALDACCI: It is, it's very ood, it's 16 ver good. And every time that Irun into peop9 e and they 17 looc at my name and the want to make it "Balducci .'I what 18 hap ened was it was "Ba T dacci" and every once in a 19 whiye -- we're both in the food business. They run a deli 20 in New York and we have a small Italian restaurant in 21 Mai ne, actual 1 third generati on. 22 (~ppT ause.) 23 They only give me five minutes for my remarks, 24 so Ican't be interrupted by applause. 25 (Laughter .) 0005 1 But my grandparents came over from Italy and 2 they landed in the ort of Baltimore, and in Maine they 3 imported Italian laE or to help build the paper mills. So 4 my grandfather started a bar and my randmother wanted to 5 make sure that they were sober, so s 41 e started the 6 restaurant. 7 SO we are third generation, and we named the 8 restaurant the "Bal timore Restaurant" because America was 9 the land of opportunity for my randparents when they 10 immi rated from Italy. And it 41 as meant a lot to my seven 11 brotE ers and sisters, who over the years were realizing 12 why under the child labor laws that family members were 13 exempted.
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