May 2012 Vol. 7 No. 4 GRIZZLYOfficial Newsmagazine of the California National Guard ‘Train as youerdgdfsgdfsgdfg fight’ 115th Regional Support Group prepares for Afghanistan 17 140th Chemical Co. deploys to Kuwait www.calguard.ca.gov/publicaffairs151 Leadership Corner It’s time to return our nation to its militia roots May Major General David S. Baldwin After a decade of combat operations in which National ically feasible manner at a time when cost-efficiency is es- Guardsmen fought and died alongside their active duty sential in all branches of government. counterparts, the experience and readiness of our Soldiers The DoD should focus on ways and Airmen is at an all-time high. More than 50 percent of to meet our security challenges The National Guard comprises a vast repository of combat the nation’s Guard forces are combat veterans, who stand experience, diverse talents and technical expertise at an ex- confident, competent and equipped to meet the demands of in the most economically feasi- traordinarily low price. This cost-efficient model evolved commanders overseas and governors at home. from the Guard’s roots in colonial militias, when Minute- ble manner at a time when cost- men provided the sole line of defense for their communities The completion of combat operations in Iraq, the ramp- efficiency is essential. … The in the wilderness of the pre-Revolutionary period. down of operations in Afghanistan and the nation’s un- certain economic climate have converged to create a rare National Guard comprises a vast Today’s National Guard retains this community mission opportunity for national policymakers to shape the future while serving on the international stage as well. Embed- force that will defend the American homeland and protect repository of combat experi- ded in every community across the country, we provide a our global security interests. ence, talents and expertise at an presence and invaluable support on a daily basis to local citizens and first responders. Governors routinely call up At the conclusion of previous wars in our nation’s history, extraordinarily low price. Guardsmen to suppress wildfires, mitigate flooding, per- the Department of Defense has sought to save money by form search-and-rescue and counterdrug missions, and slashing the budget of the National Guard and relegating - Maj. Gen. David S. Baldwin respond to a full spectrum of threats, both natural and it to serving as a strategic reserve. Following this course to- The Adjutant General man-made. day would be a major mistake and a failure to capitalize on Guardsmen’s experience, military and civilian skills, and The path to a sustainable force that is able to meet our na- cost-effectiveness. Now is not the time to cut the National tion’s long-term security interests requires policymakers to Guard, but to grow it. The Air National Guard accounts for only 6 percent of the re-evaluate who should be tasked with each mission to cre- total Air Force budget but makes up 19 percent of its per- ate the most efficient, economically viable and integrated Unfortunately the fiscal year 2013 Department of Defense sonnel and provides 30 to 40 percent of the Air Force’s total force possible. Disproportionate cuts to the Air National budget submission indicates leaders in the Air Force do not fighter, tanker and airlift capacity. Likewise, the Army Na- Guard would fail to capitalize on the operational experience see the value our National Guard brings to the table. The tional Guard accounts for less than 11 percent of the Army gained from combat and domestic support missions over budget submission, which has not yet faced a congressio- budget but makes up 32 percent of its personnel and more the last 10 years and set us down a path to economic waste nal vote, calls for the elimination of 6,000 Airmen from the than 40 percent of its operating forces. and departmental instability. country’s National Guard force — a reduction greater than the combined cuts proposed for the active duty Air Force Furthermore the Commission on the Guard and Reserves, The California Military Department is prepared to do every- and the Air Force Reserve. which was created by Congress, has found that active-duty thing in our power to care for any Airmen and families af- component service members are four times more expensive fected by the proposed cuts if they are ratified by Congress. This not only ignores the invaluable contributions brought than reserve component members when not deployed. But first we must fight to prevent this error. The National to vital missions such as cyber-security by Air National Guard is the most cost-effective and flexible weapon in the Guardsmen with civilian expertise, it disregards statisti- The Department of Defense should focus less on minimiz- U.S. arsenal, and compromising our force would jeopar- cally inarguable facts about the cost-effectiveness of our ing active duty personnel cuts and instead home in on ways dize the nation’s future ability to respond to emergencies at National Guard. to meet our nation’s security challenges in the most econom- home and contingencies abroad. Leadership Corner CSM program seeks high-caliber NCOs Command Sergeant Major William Clark Jr. The objective of the California Army Na- the NCO support channel. An applicant to • Mentor NCOs to reach their full potential geant major will be aligned with their career tional Guard command sergeant major pro- become a command sergeant major must • Ensure the organization fosters an envi- management field. gram is to ensure that effective, high-caliber have demonstrated leadership skills though ronment that enables promotion based on senior noncommissioned officers (NCO) fill a variety of assignments throughout their merit and service First sergeants and command sergeants ma- command sergeant major positions. The ad- career. Assignment as a first sergeant is not • Review policies and regulations and pro- jor are responsible for identifying NCOs jutant general is the nominating official for required; however, it is desired. vide recommendations for implementation who have demonstrated leadership quali- the selection board. A Command Sergeant to ensure they are implemented fairly and ties and for preparing them to take on posi- Major Advisory Council reviews the candi- Army Regulation 600-8-19 and 600-200 gov- consistently; and tions of increasing responsibility. The NCOs dates and provides recommendations for a ern the command sergeant major selection • Advise the commander in all unit matters share in that responsibility to pursue key semi-annual selection board. process. The following duties will provide that affect enlisted members’ and NCOs’ leadership assignments and seek mentor- potential command sergeants major with a training and personal readiness. ship that will help them reach their goal The aspiration to become a command ser- guide to the expectations: of being selected to the command sergeant geant major is a personal decision. This com- • Provide recommendations to the com- When a Soldier sets a goal to become a com- major program. See your first sergeant or mitment requires strict adherence to Army mander pertaining to the health and welfare mand sergeant major, he or she is expected command sergeant major for detailed infor- values and the ability to hold others ac- of Soldiers and their families to seek mentorship from senior command- mation on preparing yourself to become a countable while building a team. Addition- • Monitor the organization’s career devel- ers and command sergeants major, based command sergeant major. Applications are ally, strong written and oral communication opment program to ensure a strong current in part on their career management field. A available at https://portal.ca.ngb.army.mil/ skills are necessary to build and maintain and future California Army National Guard Soldier’s first assignment as a command ser- sites/G1/SeniorNCOs/default.aspx. 2 Up to GrizzlyThe Official Newsmagazine of the California National Guard the Task 9 May Vol. 7 No. 4 2012 Publisher Maj. Gen. David S. Baldwin The Adjutant General Director of Communications Maj. Thomas Keegan Rescue Editor Brandon Honig me 4 Fire drill 6 Graphics and design Senior Airman Jessica Green TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial Staff 1st Lt. Will Martin 2nd Lt. Jan Bender 756th keeps moving in Afghanistan Two languages, one message Staff Sgt. (CA) Jessica Cooper 4 The 756th, which arrived in Afghanistan in September, is the 14 Bilingual drug-demand-reduction specialists counseled kids only transportation company in the Kabul Base Cluster and parents at “Kick Butts Day” in Imperial County 578th, Afghan engineers build rapport Career builders CNG-led Task Force Mad Dog is teaming with Afghan Na- CNG recruiters taught budgeting and career skills to high Submissions tional Army engineers on a massive construction effort school juniors and seniors in San Diego Articles: Sisterhood honored at White House Mobilize the force 250-300 words for a half-page story; 5 CNG daughter and nonprofit founder Moranda Hern intro- 15 The CNG’s Army Mobilization Section supports Soldiers 600-800 words for a full-page article duced the first lady at an event encouraging military support throughout the deployment cycle Include first and last names, and verify Splashdown In the Zone spelling 6 CNG helicopters dropped thousands of gallons of water in The 140th Chemical Company took responsibility for the Spell out acronyms, abbreviations and full April, training for the upcoming wildfire season Camp Arifjan Zone
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