Neuropsychopharmacology (2015) 40, S443–S611 & 2015 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. All rights reserved 0893-133X/15 www.neuropsychopharmacology.org Poster Session III phase of the SDMT was tested using SPM12. To control for Wednesday, December 9, 2015 population stratification, 5 MDS components based on 8M SNP genotypes from a GWAS analysis extracted with EIGENSOFT5.01 were included in the analysis as covariates W1. Rs362691 Polymorphism in RELN Gene Modulates along with age, gender, SNAV, and genotyping batch labels. A the Detrimental Effect of Alzheimer’s Disease Risk region of interest analysis was performed using bilateral Genes on Hippocampal Function hippo-parahippocampal masks from the Anatomical Auto- matic Labeling Atlas. Influence of RELN on association Qiang Chen*, Ena Y. Xiao, Aaron L. Goldman, Rahul between LOAD related AD RPS and hippocampal activation Bharadwaj, Kaitlin Healy, Brad Zoltick, Saumitra Das, was examined separately for five independent Reelin poly- Karen Berman, Daniel R. Weinberger, Venkata S. Mattay morphisms (rs736707, rs362691, rs7341475, rs6943822, and Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Baltimore, rs4298437.) previously implicated in Alzheimer’s disease or Maryland, United States Autism Spectrum Disease using flexible factorial analysis in SPM12. Background: Late Onset Alzheimer’s Disease (LOAD) is one Results: fMRI analysis showed a significant negative of the most common debilitating causes of dementia correlation between LOAD RPS and hippocampal activation worldwide with heritability estimates ranging from 50 – (left: PFWE_corrected ¼ 0.005, MNI coordinates x ¼ -39, y 70%. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have ¼ -24, z ¼ -12, right: PFWE_corrected ¼ 0.139, Puncor- identified more than 20 genetic loci in addition to APOEe4 rectedo0.001, MNI coordinates x ¼ 39, y ¼ -18, z ¼ -18) that are associated with increased risk for LOAD. While during the neutral encoding phase of SDMT. There were no most of these genes have weak effects, using a polygenic significant positive correlations. In addition, there was a risk profile score (RPS) approach – a method that allows significant interactive effect (left: PFWE_corrected ¼ 0.076, exploration of the influence of the cumulative effect of risk MNI coordinates x ¼ -30, y ¼ -30, z ¼ -6, right: alleles - we and others have shown the negative influence of PFWE_corrected ¼ 0.368, Puncorrected ¼ 0.002, MNI LOAD risk genes on brain structure (Chauhan et al., 2015) coordinates x ¼ 27, y ¼ -33, z ¼ -9) of rs362691 genotype and function (Xiao et al., 2015 HBM) even in healthy (a G-C missense variant) and LOAD RPS on activation. volunteers. Identifying mechanisms, particularly genetic Furthermore, in the left hippocampus, minor allele C mechanisms that confer resilience to the detrimental effect carriers (N ¼ 56) showed a significant negative relationship of LOAD related risk genes on brain structure and function (r ¼ -0.47, p ¼ 0.0002, post-hoc analysis in R) between RPS could provide a viable avenue to identify novel therapeutic and hippocampal activation, while the major allele G targets for LOAD. To that end, in the current study, we homozygotes (N ¼ 208) showed no such relationship explored the role of polymorphisms in the gene encoding (r ¼ 0.0071, p ¼ 0.9186). None of the other RELN poly- Reelin (RELN), a glycoprotein that has been shown to be morphisms tested showed a significant effect. critical for neuronal development and synaptic plasticity Conclusions: Our results, while showing a cumulative (Kramer et al. 2011), on the detrimental effect of LOAD RPS deleterious effect of several LOAD related risk genes on on hippocampal function. Studies have shown that normal hippocampal function in healthy volunteers, also illustrate RELN levels are necessary to prevent abnormal phosphor- that this relationship is modulated by a missense SNP ylation of tau (Ohkubo et al., 2003) and beta-amyloid- (rs362691) in the RELN gene. In particular, only the minor induced suppression of long term potentiation and NMDA allele C carriers show a significant negative relationship receptors (Durakoglugil et al., 2009). between RPS and hippocampal function suggesting that Methods: BOLD functional MRI images (GE 3 T MRI scanner, homozygosity for the G allele in this polymorphism could TR/TE ¼ 2000/28ms, flip angle ¼ 90 deg, FOV ¼ 64x64, 24 potentially confer a protective effect. axial slices, 170 volumes) were collected for 265 right-handed Keywords: Polygenetic Risk Score, Alzheimer’s Disease, Caucasian healthy volunteers (116 male, 149 female) from fMRI/imaging genetics, Hippocampal Function, Cognitive the age of 18 to 86 years (SD ¼ 14.17) while they performed Resilience a simple declarative memory task (SDMT). Images were Disclosures: Nothing to disclose. motion-corrected, normalized to MNI space, and spatially smoothed (8mm FWHM) using SPM5. Odd’s ratios of 22 independent SNPs, with Po1 Â 10-5 in Hollingworth’s meta- W2. Subtypes of Prefrontal Cortical NMDA Receptors in analysis1 comprising four Alzheimer’s disease GWAS datasets Working Memory and Normal Aging (GERAD1, EADI1, TGEN1, ADNI), spanning the regions of ABCA7, APOC4, APOE, BCAM, BCL3, BIN1, C16orf88, CDK1, Joseph McQuail, B. Sofia Beas, Kyle Kelly, Kailey CEACAM1E, CLPTMI, CLU, CNTN5, CR1, CR2, CUX2, Simpson, C. Jason Frazier, Barry Setlow, Jennifer Bizon* EXOC3L2, IQCK, LRRC68, MS4A4A, MS4A4E, MS4A6A, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, PICALM, PVR, PVRL2, and TOMM40 genes, were used to Florida, United States calculate the RPS for each individual subject using the approach described by Purcell et al.3. Association between Background: Working memory involves the ability to RPS and hippocampal activation during the neutral encoding briefly maintain context-specific information in mind and ACNP 54th Annual Meeting Abstracts S444 to use this representational knowledge to guide current and mPFC of young rats in Experiment 2 significantly attenu- future action. This form of short-term memory is supported ated working memory performance. In contrast, neither by the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and is believed to rely on NR2B-specific antagonist affected young rats’ working the ability of selectively tuned pyramidal neuron net- memory performance. In Experiment 3, Western blot works to persist in firing even after a to-be-remembered analysis revealed a significant reduction in expression of stimulus is removed from the environment. Ionotropic all NMDA receptor subunits in aged rat mPFC, but only loss glutamate receptors of the NMDA subtype are expressed on of the NR2A subunit strongly predicted working memory pyramidal neurons in the PFC, and altered activity at these decline. Data from Experiments 1-3 suggest that NR2A- receptors has been implicated in working memory deficits containing NMDA receptors in PFC are particularly critical associated with both psychiatric disorders and normal for supporting working memory abilities. The preferred role aging. NMDA receptors are biochemically diverse hetero- of NR2A-containing receptors in working memory may be tetramers comprised of an obligate NR1 subunit and attributable to the fact that these receptors preferentially variable NR2A or NR2B subunits, the latter of which can comprise the synaptic pool of NMDA receptors that enable influence both the channel kinetics and localization of the the persistent firing of pyramidal neurons. In Experiment 4, receptor to synaptic versus extrasynaptic sites. These intra-mPFC microinjection of the well-known NMDA receptor properties conferred by the NR2 subunit suggest receptor co-agonist d-cycloserine, which non-selectively that NMDA receptor subtypes may differentially influence targets both synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDA receptors, normal working memory and the decline of working did not improve working memory in aged rats. In contrast, memory abilities across a variety of pathological conditions. 3-methylpyrazole-5-carboxylic acid, a d-amino acid oxidase The current study was designed to assess the individual inhibitor that more selectively enhances activity at synaptic contribution of PFC NR2A- and NR2B-containing NMDA NMDA receptors by preventing degradation of endogenous receptor subtypes to working memory abilities, and, serine, significantly improved aged rats’ working memory further, to determine which subunit is most relevant to performance. the well-characterized decline of working memory abilities Conclusions: The present experiments specifically implicate in normal aging. NR2A-containing NMDA receptors in normal working Methods: Subjects in all experiments were young (4-6 mo.) memory. The results further suggest that a decline in and aged (22-24 mo.) male F344 rats. In Experiment 1, acute NR2A receptor expression may be a causal factor for slices from young rats were prepared and patch clamp working memory impairments in aging. Our working electrophysiological methods were used to assess the hypothesis is that NR2A-containing NMDA receptors are relative contributions of NR2A- and NR2B-containing particularly important for working memory given that these NMDA receptors to evoked NMDA currents recorded from receptors are preferentially localized to synaptic sites layer II/III PFC pyramidal neurons. In Experiment 2, four whereas NR2B-containing receptors are preferentially loca- cohorts of young rats (n ¼ 6-8 rats/cohort) were surgically lized extrasynaptically. Consistent with this hypothesis, implanted with guide cannulae directed at the medial PFC pharmacological modulation of synaptic
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