2 Cops, 2 Civilians Killed in Terrorist Firing in J&K's Sopore Town

2 Cops, 2 Civilians Killed in Terrorist Firing in J&K's Sopore Town

"%$(%%&$%#''+#("&' &# &&%'%"&$'*" #*% *'% %&& ) $#$ * ""#%" % )%(&& #"(" !%"%" !" &$#"&$%#&&#" &"("& %'+ JAMMU, SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.162 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 IN BRIEF 2 cops, 2 civilians killed in terrorist Man wanted for theft arrested in JK's Reasi !++22, firing in J&K's Sopore town :.; D5< D.@ D.;A21 3<? @A2.96;4AD<:</692=5<;2@3?<: ".A.*.6@5;<2C6@5?6;29.@A /(,!&!/2, J-K Lt Governor, political parties F2.?D.@.??2@A216;&2.@616@ (D<=<9602:2;=<@A213<?2;3<?06;4 A?60A<3.::B.;1 .@5:6?=< <C61?2@A?60A6<;@.;1AD<06C696.;@ [email protected]<;'.AB?1.F;8B@5 D2?2 869921 <; '.AB?1.F D52; condemn Sopore militant attack '5.?:..?2@612;A<3 .A?.D.@ !.@582?2(.6/. A2??<?6@A@ 0.??621 .?.:B99."F@6;02?20<;1<92;02@ /<<821B;12??292C.;A@20A6<;@ <BA.12.19F@A?6826;'<=<?26;#<?A5 <3 A52 9.D .3A2? 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