I fimntlnV xmmt HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, REPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OP THE UNITED STATES VOL. 42. NEW YORK, APRIL 17, 1886. NO. 1,086 financial. ^itiancial. ^financial. QEo. SrCROsa, Pres'i. F. W. QOOKIN, Asit. Caab . AMERICAN North-Western Nat'l Bank, Bank Note Company, DIAMONDS. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 78 TO 8G TRINITY PLACE, Capital, $200,000. Surplnn, $50,000. NEW YORK. This Bank holds In artdlthm «I.(*00.000 U S. 4 per Alfred H. Smith & Co., cent Bund.-4 at par. pledged by Its Mi«'Ckh<>lders for Buiilncfts Founded 1795. the protection of its customers. >aid bo'ds are pl> dged <is above liist'Hd or oein^ hf iMvrporatH uiuK'r Iawk or Rl*l« of Kew Toi%, IMI. Id by ihe Bank IMPORTERS, as a part of It" legnl ourplus, to avoid what we think K('unt<"><icd 1878. unjust and excessive local laxatiun. Encraveks and Printers of 182 Broadway, Cor. John Street. BONDS, POSTAGE & REVENUE STAMPS, LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK J. C. Walcott & Co., NOTES of the UNITED STATES; and for BANKER8 AND BROKER^*, Foreign Covernments. No. 24 Pliie Street, New Tork. / ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, BA>'K NOTES, SlIAHK CEKTIFICATES, BONDS Transact a General Banbing Business. rOB CiOV'EKXMENTtt AND CORPORATIONS, DRAFTS CHECKS, BILLS OF EXCIIANeE, SOLID SILVER. Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on Commission, STAMPS, Ac, in the OncM nnd most arU>tlo •trU Orders received In Mining Stocks, and In Unlisted FROM STEEL PLATES, GORHAM M't'g Co., Securities. Collections made and loans negotiated. Wtth srp.n.ii. siFiicriiins lo prkvest roncTrRrerrai* DIvidf-nds and Interest collected. S|M-rlftl pap^n msnufBftnriMl exclluifelf for Deposits received subject to Draft. lute of tiiQ Compuij-. Broadwaj and Nineteenth Street, SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPERS. Interest allowed. Investmeni securities a specialty. Issue a Financial Report weekly. Work Executed In Fireproof Buildings. AND 9 MAIDEN I<ANE. We UTHOGRAPHIO AND TTPe PHINTWO. Jos. C. Walcott, \ Members of the New York Dickinbon, KAILWAY TICKETS OP IMPROVEB STTUCIa Frank F. f Stock Kxchanne. Sbow Cards, Labels, Calendars. BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION R. Kimball & Co., ALBERT G. GOODALL, PreiidenL Bros. J. VICE-PRESIDENTS : Houghton & Co., BAN'KKRS AND BROKERS, 1. MACOONOUGH, A. D. SHEPARD, BANK BR8, 17 Years' Membership New York Stock KxchaDge. W. M. SMILLIE, TOURO ROBERTSON. BIIIiWAUKEE, -IVIS. Membeis i'blludelphia Stock Uxchangri. THEO. H. FREELAND. Seci'y and Treat. COLLECTIONS made in anr part of the country Noa. 1B& 18 Broad Street, New Vork. at lowest rates. Accounts of Banks, Merchants and Buy and sell on com;nissl-<n, for investment or on p. Pottkb, Pres't. Aba J. W. Work. Cashier. others solicited. margin, all securities dealt in at t ' e N. Y. Stock u^xch. Refer to— UUUUUi J. U.lJiBALL. ALKKUli U. L<tfUASllk,Uir. Merchants' National Bunk and Bank of North Amer- Maverick ica, National Bank, New York ; Merchants' National, Chlcajco; Mav- BOSTON. erick National, Boston. Albert Pearce, CAPITAL, 9400,000 Members N. T. and Philadelphia Stock KiohanKes. 38 PINE STREET, SURPLUS, 400,000 BROKER IN ALL KINDS OF INVESTMENT Aooonnta of Banks and L. H. Taylor Co., Bankers solicited. & BONDS. MISCKLLANKOUS SECURITIES Collections made upon faTorable terms. BANEEBS BONDS. OoTernment Bonds boaxht and sold AND DEFAULTED 8« \¥, Cor. Third and CbMtnat 8U., CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Floyd-Jones & Robison, PHIIiADBLPHIA. Deposits received subject to check at alsbt, and Rolston & Bass, BANKERS AND BROKERS, Interest allowed on dally balances. Stocks, Bonds, &c.. boutibt and sold on commission No. 20 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. No. i Exchange Coart, New York. In Philadelphia and other cities. STOCKS, BONDS attention niven to information Stocks, Partloular renardlnff Bonds and V. 8. OoTerament Securities Investment Securities. AND mSOELLANEOVS SBCURITIBS Bought and Sold on Commission. Prlvata wiretuNew Vork.Baltimore and otAer places Correspondence Solicited. Wm. C.FLOYD.JoNKt William Robison (Quotations cheerfollj famished Members New Fork Stock Exchange. Wm.WM. H.H.il0L8TONB0L8TON. W. ALKX. BA88, Jr. Member__mbeL N.1 - T. Stock Bxch'se. - — Sl/>ck^- -" Kid— Bti'ffe. Andrews, Adams & Kelloffff, Henry S. Ives & Co., Member Chlcacn BANKKH8 AND BROKERS, 78 & 80 Broudwajr, New York. BANKERS, W. H. Goadby & Co., Bills of Kichange und Cabie Transfers on the Union No. 35 IfASSAr ST., NEW YORK. Bank uf London. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Bay and Sell Stocks and Bunds for Investment or on MarKtn. P. O. BOX 1,428. Correspondence .Solicited IfO.34 BROAD STRBBT, Transact a general banking baalness, Kambera New York Stock ExetaanKe. Inolndlng tb« New Vork. purchase and sale of securities listed at the New York Stock Exchange, or In the open market. TINKER A, WESTON, Receive deposits snbject to check at sight and Thompson & Richard, BANKERfl AND BROKERS, allow Interest on dally balances. BAN K R R S Vork. (To. Government, State, County. City and Railroad 16 Jk 18 Hroad Street, New 3 EXOHANOB >•> Stccin KxrhH' ue. COURT, bonds constantly on hand for sale or exchange, and (Next door to tl of the N. V. St .ck and Kn-duce Kxeh'nirei NenrJ^York. Members inrer«9i particular attention given to the subject of Invest Deposits received, sii t»j»'<Tt to chei^k. aU [»r<>viHion« HajTBT C. TINKKH. .Member N. Y. Stock Bxoh. ments for institutions and tmst funds. Inwed thereon. 8t<»cki*. b.inds. «rHtn. Hr.d RaNSSELAiiK WiaroN b<)Utfhi and »i >\(i on cimiuilasion for canh petroleum oummunlOHtlon or on margin. Direct telegraphic 8TOCH with the CnicBKO B<wird if Traoe. BROKER. Walsh & Floyd, Lansdale Boardman, STOCK BROKERS, Asiel 8c Co., BW YORK, 80 BROADWAY <b 5 NEW ST. BANKERS AND BROKERS No. 26 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. EXCIIA.NIIK PI.ACK. TROY, N. Y., No. 17 FIKST STREET. No. 51 Jamks w. Walsh, jr., Niooll Flotd, Jb ILAnn.u. AUBi. L. 8. FRANKK.VHKIMER, M. SfrMOMAJOt sok Bzoli ge Members N. Y. Slock Juchan**, nambentupi prlTkte wlret aU faciUtlea Member N. T. Stock Exchaoca, ; THE CJHKUJNULE. [Vol. Xtll. franr^trs of W.ovtiQU ^xcftatige Itt ^cw '^ovU Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., Heidelbach, WAUi STREET, COENER OF BROAD, BANKERS, Ickelheimer & Co., 19 Sc 31 Nassau Street. irORK. Nos. 29 TTILLIAM STREET, NEW ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS, available in all of the World, Cor. Exchange Place, NEW YORK. Drexel,Harjes Co parts through Drexel & Co., & Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & 80ns, London. " de Rothschild Broiv. Paris. FOREIGN BANKERS. 31 BdUevard Haussmanzi, Cor. of 5tta&GbestnutSts. " M. A. de Kathgcbiia^&: »«oiis, Frank> BUY AND lort oxin, DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGK, PHILADELPHIA PARIS. 8. M. de Rothschild, Esq., Vienna, MAKE CABLE TRANSFERS, ISSUE TRAVEL. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKERS. AND THEIR CORRESPONDENTS. ERS' CREDITS. Draw Bills of Exchange on, and make Cable Trans ISSUE COMMERCIAL CREDITS, AVAILABLB Deposits received subject to Draft. Securities fera to, England, France and Germany. IN ALL bought and sold on commission. Interest allowed on PARTS OP THE WORLD, ON Deposits. Foreign Exchange. Commercial Credits. Cable Transfers. Circular Letters for Travelers, Messrs. C. J. Hambro & Son, London. the world. W. Seligman Co., available in all parts of J. & & Attorneys and Agents of BANKERS, inessrs. J. S. MORGAN & CO., No. 23 BROAD STREET ^atm pCortgafl^s. No. 22 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. Newr Ifork. Issue Letters of Credit for Trayelers, Hayden & Dickinson, Brown Brothers & Co., On SELIGMAN BROTHERS, London. SELIGMAN FRBKES & CIE. Paris. INVESTMENT BANKERS, Boston. SELIGMAN & .^TBTTHEIMBR, Frankfurt. DENVER, ..... Phila. NEW TORE. ALSBBRG GOLDBERG, Amsterdam. COLORADO. AND ALTMAN & STETTHIEMER, Berlin, We have on hand and for sale first-class County and School Bonds and other choice of securities. We ALEXANDER BROWN & SONS Payable in any part Europe, Asia, Africa, Aus- especially recommend to conservative Investors our BALTIMORE. tralia and America. RKALBSTATELOANnon Improved City and Falm Bills of Exchange Telegraphic Draw and make Properties. These have been made by us after rigid on Europe and California. Buy and Sell Bills of Exchange Transfers of Money investigation of title and values, and can be trans- ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FRANCE ferred at once. Correspondence solicited, Ilighest GERMANY, BELGIUM, HOLLAND, SWITZ- references East and West. ERLAND, NORWAY, DENMARK, Paton Co., SWEDEN AND AUSTRALIA. John & THE WESTERN lasne Conuuerclal Sc Travelers' Credits SUCCESSORS TO IN STEBLINO, JESUP, PATON ac CO., FarmMortgage Co., Available In any part of the world. In Francs for ase In Martinique and Guadaloupe, and in dollars for 62 'William Street, Neir ITork. LATTRENCE, KANSAS, ase in this and adjacent countries. Accounts and Agency of Blanks, Corporations, Oflfers to Investors the best securities in the market. Aake Telegraplilc Transfers of money firms and individuals received upon favorable terms. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS UPON IMPROVED Bettveeu tills Country and Europe. Dividends and interest collected and remitted. FARMS. Interest and principal paid on day of ma- MAKE COLLECTIONS OF DKAFTS drawn Act as agents for corporations in paying coupons turity in New York. Funds promptly placed. Large ; also transfer agents. experience. No losses. Send for circular, references abroad on all points in United States and Canada, and dividends as Bonds, Btocits and securities bought and sold on and sample forms. F. M. PlSRKlNl^, Presidentl J. T. and of drafts drawn in the l_^ nited States on foreign countries commission, at the Stock Exchange or elsewhere. WARNK, Vioe-Prest.; L. H. PERKINS, Secretary Treas.; N. F. RT. Auditor •nd their London house. Messrs. BROWN, SHIPLEY Sterling Exchange and Cable Transfers bought and CHAS. W. GILLETT. UA A CO., receive accounts of American banks, firms sold. and Individuals, upon favorable terms. DRAW ON THE UNION BANK OF LONDON Farm Mortgages BRITISH LINEN CO. BANK, LONDON AND Stuart Co., In of and Upwards In- J & J. & SCOTLAND. Snms $100 on 33 NASSAi; STREET. diana and Ohio Lands. JOTHINQ SAFER. ALWAYS PROMPTLY PAID BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON Maitland, Phelps & Co., SEND FOB PAMPHLET.
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