E W Kic koff Introduces Week-Long Sessions Assemblies, seminars, speak­ ers and worship ,vill :hjgbJight MSC's annual observance of Re­ ligious Emphasis Week, Sunday, January 19 through Thursday, January 23. Dr. Henry Eyring, Dean of the Graduate School and Pro­ fessor of chemistry at the Uni­ versity of Utah, in Salt Lake City, will speak on "Man's Place in the Scheme of Things", at an assembly at 10:15 Monday morn­ ing. Reverend Harry Kruener, "'ho will speak at an assembly Thursday morning, is Dean of the chapel at Denison Uruversi­ McConnell Sanderson Lokken Eyring Kroener Danielson ty in Granville, Ohio. He has degrees in philosophy, theology 1 Buff's Present Mixer and New Testament. , place of the formerly •1• :1:i e 1'I.E <> ::a:it a,::a:i.a, Seminars are scheduled in the ncd Ski Carnh·al Dance, SUB each afternoon from 3-4 Les Bouffons arc present­ and 4-5. These ,vill be scattered a mixer this Saturday throughout the building. Semin­ t. "The Four \'agabonds E=:lK:...E-0~ E=~"1- ars are also scheduled for each 1 Lanny" \\;II be featured. evening, beginrung at 8:00. Vol. -18, No. 11 )1ontana State College, Bozeman, Montana Friday, Jan. 17, 195 Topics for the seminars in­ clude "The Good and Bad of Re- 1igion", "Inter-Faith Marriages", niors Selected Gossack and Daw Star in REW's Comedy "Pray-Who Me?", ' 4The Six Worlds We Live In", "'Integra­ tion", "Christian Interpretation r Who's Who 'Tobias and the Angel' Starting Th ursday of Sex", and "Christian Faith Kay Gossack and Larry Daw phasis Week. Opening Thursday, joring in Cominercial Science, and the College Mind". llional Acclaim star in Alpha Psi Omega's forth, January 23 at 8:00 P ..M., the plays the title role. Miss Gossack, Major Eric Danielson, former C seniors chosen for the coming production "Tobias and show will run through Saturday a sophomore dram a student, base chaplain at Malmstrom .A;r • of Who's " 'ho in American the Angel," an unusual comedy at the Montana State College plays opposite Daw in the role of F<>rce Base, is scheduled to speak and universities have by James Bridi~, presented in Theater. Sara. Miss Gossack's theatrical to Military Science classes dur­ announc~d- conjunction with Religious Em- Daw, a freshman at MSC ma- background includes many roles ing the week. while at Gallatin High School, a Other speakers to take part .ques indicating nomination year of drama study at the Uni­ are the Reverend Ernest Burns, election will be presented to versity of Washington, and a Newman Club Chaplain at Mon­ Balzer, Carolyn Sargent tour ,vith the Virginia City tana State University; the Rev­ y, Lloyd Becraft, Robert Players. erend Wi]]jam Crouch, Wesley .man. John Brookhart, Einar The story, derived from the Foundation Director at the Uni­ 1 en, Pauline Bushnell, Diane ·ngs, David Drivdabl. Book of Tobit, is concerned with versity; the Reverend Sigurd the unusual manner i.n which Lokken, pastor of Our Saviour's aid Freshour, , Ii Id red Sara and Tobias become lovers. Lutheran Church, Moscow, Ida­ , Ronald Harcharik, Richa,·d Tobias' father, Tobit, played by ho; the Reverend John McCon­ r, Lynn Hoefert, Patricia Ken Logan, and his mother, nell, pastor of the Presbyterian n, Suzanne Keller Pierce1 Anna, played by Barbara Watt, Church at Laramie, Wyoming; Kohls, Roy Lashway, Nan­ are poor but charitable Jewish and Rabbj William Sanderson, cbtwardt. people. To reward Tobit for his spiritual leader of Temple Eman­ ,rge Mattson, George Mar­ compassion toward men, the sar­ u-El in Spokane. ich. Everett )lcGlothlin, Gil­ castic archangel Raphael, played The <apeakers scheduled repre­ \luchmore, Karen Lee Olson, by Carl Smith, comes to make a sent R<>man Catholic, Methodist, >epper. Eugene Peressini, Jo man of the very timid Tobias. In Mission Covenant, Latter Day Phillips. doing so, he aids Tobias in rais­ Saints, American Baptist, Luth­ ing a devilish curse from the eran, Presbyterian, and Hebrew .n Pierce, Mrs. Donna Qua­ beautiful Sara as he may marry faiths. Dorothy Redekopp, William her. ns, Janet Tobey. Also to be seen are Andrew olarship, activities, various Vogeni as Raguel, Connie Dur­ nt offices, general good citi­ nam as Sherah1 Olive Lab as Montanan Picture ip, responsibility, and prom- Azorah, Jack Warner as Asmo­ Ir the future are the qualifi- day, Tom Sandenaw as a bandit, 1s necessary for nomination. Greg Dufek as a slave, Val Lehr­ Schedule Nears :.er a qu9ta is determined on kind, Ruth Jacobs, Bobbe Garry, asis of total enrollment, a Karen Carpenter, and Deedee ;y committee selects the Bowman as dancing girls. January Deadline 1. Thirty two seniors was All senior cap and gown pic­ s quota for this year. The play is directed by Mr. Charles Billings, a recent addi­ tures for the MONTAN AN must ·ors are also eligible but tion to the college dramatics be taken before the end of Janu­ ary. If you are a senior and have " are given the honor at staff. The interesting set for the not yet had your picture taken without exception. show, described as simple and for the yearbook, make it a point functional, was also designed by to do so as soon as possible. Billings. Rather than a one-piece rnival Is Feb. 8, scene, the set employs a number Also, all sorority and fratern­ of abstract units used in con­ ity pictures must be taken by : Party Tonight junction with elaborate lighting. January 31st. Sororities will have Colorful costumes throughout the their pictures taken in drapes lki Carn.ha I events ha \"C play serve to accent the setting. and fraternities will have theirs postponed until Feb. 8. in white dinner jackets and black ' to a lack of snow for The building of the set and the bow ties. The jackets and ties l Pt u res and races," an­ arrangement of other technical will be at the photographers. Re­ facilities has been under the di­ ·tted Jack Pierce, ski club BENEATH THE SHELTERING PAL~'I-Kay Gossack and Larry member, if you have had your ident. rection of Jack WolfJ a senior art class picture taken there ,vill be Daw contemplate their courtshi1> in "Tobias and The Angel" to open student from Great Falls. Stage I >arty will be held tonjght at at the MSC !heater next Thursday. no extra charge for this one, but manager is Neil Roberts, and ii does have to be taken or it can Canyon with lighted skiing staff stage manager is Carl not appear in this section. It 7 to 10 p.m. and dancing in Smith. bin from 9 to 12 p.m. S pon- might be of help if a complete Military Ball Heads Social E~ents The MSC theater is still in the ' by the ski club, the tow and list of members were posted in "~11 be provided by Lhe "Treasure finishing stages of construction. each house and the names checked · will be free to members. Plans for the Military ball are well underway according to Mike State Nuggets" dance band from The completion of the glass ceil­ off as Lhe pictures are taken. f .udents are invited to attend the 46th Army Band of the Mon­ ing is expected for this produc­ :an purchase club member­ Gallagher, president of Scabbard This is your yearbook, so try at the cabin. and Blade. The annual highlight tana National Guard. tion. Permanent seating will be and make it the best ever. Re­ of the winter quarter social cal­ installed in time for Arthur Mill­ member that without your pic­ ci King- and Queen election endar is scheduled for February er's uneath of a Salesman," to be ture the yearbook is incomplete. be Feb. J. Names of candi­ 1, under the co-chairmanship of First Aid Certificates presented later this quarter. Time is running out so please try s are to be announced in William Slavens and Raymond First. aid certificates are nvail~ Admission for "Tobias and the to make arrangements in the ' WO<!k's EXPONENT fea­ Danielson. The ball will feature able in the first floor gymnasium Angel" will be free for college very near future to see the pho­ ig pictures of the princi- a floor-show and the crowning of office for those students having students and one d o 1 1 a r for tographer and get your picture the 1958 Coed Colonelette. Music taken first aid last quarter. others. taken. Page Two THE MONTANA EXPONENT Frid 11.y, January 17, J "I"b. e :m'I: e> :,a_ta.JD.a. Editorially· Speaking JE:: ::lE: JP<>:l!lr JE:: :l!lr "I" Member or the Rocky Hountaln lntereollesiate Prru Auoclatlon Acceptance for mailing THOSE WERE THE DA Seniors Lacking Spirit at apecial ra.te or POat.- < age provided for in Sec- by Mike Wetherell Perhaps upon reaching senior status a student feels <~ tion 1103, Act or Octo- that he has had enough of "rah, rah, college spirit." Con­ \~ ~br!~n-19fJ: l~~~~o~~ <"' tinuance or Wee.kl:, Ex­ sidering what he has been through in four or more years he ponent and Monthly Ex­ is probably partially justified. ponent founded 1895. SPRING \'ACATION IS ABO­ sponsored the annual Sadie B Published every Friday or the colleae LISHED!!!! The earth shattering Last fall several senior class meetings were called and yen by the A"'11ociated Students of Mon­ kins Day brawl which u tana State collue. Bozeman, Montana. statement above appeared in big, broke the campus wide • a handful] of either curious or conscientious members gath­ ARTCRAFT ~ PRINTERS bold type on the front of the Jan.
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