Global Annual Narrative Progress Report 01 January 2019 – 31 December 2019 Initiated by the European Union and the United Nations: Annual Global Report 2 Table of Contents Glossary of Acronyms 4 Chapter 1: Executive Summary 8 Chapter 2: Report Structure, Coverage and Scope 20 Chapter 3: Fund Structure, Management and Governance 21 3.1 Fund Setup 21 3.2 Summary of Spotlight Initiative Management and Programme Development Decisions 23 Chapter 4: Capturing Results – Contributing to Change 26 4.1 Overarching Results: Contributing to Change Across and Beyond Pillars 27 4.2 Contributing to Change at Outcome Level 37 Outcome 1: Policies and Legislation 38 Outcome 2: Institutions 49 Outcome 3: Prevention 61 Outcome 4: Services 79 Outcome 5: Data 94 Outcome 6: Women’s Movement and Civil Society 102 Chapter 5: Trends and Focus of Forthcoming Programmes 115 5.1 Overview 115 5.2 Building on Lessons Learned 115 5.3 Country and Regional Programme Development Process 118 5.4 Regional Trends in Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls 121 5.5 Programming Strategies Across Regions 122 5.6 Spotlight Initiative Regional Programming 145 5.7 Looking Ahead 149 Chapter 6: Partnerships 150 6.1 A Partnership to Accelerate the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and United Nations Reform 150 6.2 The Foundation of the Spotlight Initiative: the EU-UN Partnership 162 6.3 Partnering with and Supporting Civil Society 165 6.4 Programme Level Partnerships 167 Chapter 7: Investing In and Recognizing the Women’s Movement and Civil Society 180 7.1 General State of the Role of Civil Society and the Importance of Investing in Feminist and Women’s Movements 180 Annual Global Report 3 7.2 Governance and Advisory Functions 182 7.3 Civil Society Partnership at Programme Level 187 Chapter 8: Complexities, Measures Taken, and Lessons Learned 193 8.1 Complexities and Mitigating Measures 193 8.2 Lessons Learned 205 Chapter 9: Innovative, Promising or Good Practices 214 9.1 Global Efforts on Facilitating Evidence-Based Programming and Innovative and Promising Practices 214 9.2 Country and Regional Innovative and Promising Practices: Technical 219 9.3 Country and Regional Innovative and Promising Practices: Implementation 231 9.4 Promoting Innovative and Promising Practices 236 Chapter 10: Communications and Visibility 238 10.1 Overview 238 10.2 Highlights 239 10.3 Events and Launches 248 10.4 Campaigns 253 10.5 Partnerships 257 10.6 Resources 260 Chapter 11: Way Forward 262 Chapter 12: Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office Consolidated Annual Financial Report 264 Introduction 267 1. Sources and Uses of Funds 267 2. Partner Contributions 269 3. Interest Earned 270 4. Allocation of Funds 271 5. Expenditure and Financial Delivery Rates 273 6. Direct Costs 279 7. Accountability and Transparency 281 Annexes 282 Annex A: Global Results Indicator Data 282 Annex B: Summaries of Annual Programme Narrative Reports 282 Annex C: Snapshots of Programmes Approved in December 2019 283 Annual Global Report 4 Glossary of Acronyms AA Administrative Agent ACORD Agency for Cooperation in Research and Development ACP African, Caribbean, Pacific group AFP Agency Focal Point ASEA Association of Southeast Asian Nations AWLI African Women Leaders Leadership Institute AWP Annual Work Plan BOS Business Operations Solutions C4D Communication for Development CBOs Community-Based Organizations CEDAW UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women CIM (Inter-American) Commission of Women CoP Community of Practice CONAMI the National Microcredit Commission COSI Community of the Spotlight Initiative CP Country Programme CPD Country Programme Document CPIMS Child Protection Information Management System CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CRPD Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CSE Comprehensive Sexuality Education CSJ Supreme Court of Justice (El Salvador) CSLRG Civil Society Local Reference Groups CSNRG Civil Society National Reference Group CSOs Civil Society Organizations CSRG Civil Society Reference Group CSW Commission on the Status of Women DEVCO United Nations Development Coordination Office (Also – DCO) DFID Department for International Development DHS Demographic Health Survey DPOs Disabled Persons Organizations DV Domestic Violence EDD European Development Day EOI Expression of Interest EOSG Executive Office of the Secretary-General Annual Global Report 5 ESP Essential Services Package EU European Union EVAWG Eliminating Violence Against Women EVAWMW Eliminating Violence Against Women Migrant Workers FGM Female Genital Mutilation FSVAC Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee GBV Gender-Based Violence GRB Gender-Responsive Budgeting GII Gender Inequality Index GIS Graphic Information System GoZ Government of Zimbabwe HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HoA Head of Agency HP Harmful Practice ILO International Labour Organization ICWEA International Community of Women Living with AIDS in Eastern Africa IDWF International Domestic Workers Federation INAM Instituto Nacional de la Mujer (National Institute for Women) INDEC National Institute of Statistics and Censuses INEGI National Institute of Statistics and Geography INMUJERES National Institute for Women IOM International Organization for Migration IP Implementing Partner IPV Intimate Partner Violence JSC Judicial Service Commission LACRO UNFPA Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean LAD Legal Aid Directorate LGAMVLV Ley General De Acceso De Las Mujeres A Una Vida Libre De Violencia (General Law On Women’s Access To A Life Free Of Violence) LNOB Leave No One Behind M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MAG Male Action Group MESECVI Follow-up Mechanism to the Belem do Para Convention MGCSV Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection MICS Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey MIS Management Information Systems MoEST Ministry of Education, Science and Technology MoM Ministry of Manpower Annual Global Report 6 MoH Ministry of Health MoJ Ministry of Justice MoU Memorandum of Understanding MWACSMED Ministry of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development NAP National Action Plan NAWOU National Associations of Women’s Organizations in Uganda NGO Non-Governmental Organization NPA National Prosecuting Authority (This is in the report as the National Planning Authority) NSC National Steering Committee NSC National Steering Committee NSS National Statistical System NUWODU National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda OAG Office of the Auditor General OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights OPC Office of the President and Cabinet OSC Operational Steering Committee PEP Post-Exposure Prophylaxis PFLN Platform of Women Leaders of Niger PSEA Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse RC Resident Coordinator RCO Resident Coordinator’s Office REC Regional Economic Communities RUNOs Recipient United Nations Organizations SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SEM Socio-Ecological Model SGBV Sexual and Gender Based Violence SI Spotlight Initiative SIDA Swedish International Development Agency SOP Standard Operating Procedures SRE Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) SRHR Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights STI Sexually Transmitted Infection UASJ-SEGOB Unit for the Support of the National Justice System frOm the Ministry of the Interior UN United Nations UN Women United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Annual Global Report 7 UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS UNDAF UN Development Assistance Framework UNDIS UN Disability Inclusion Strategy UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNGA United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNIC United Nations Information Centres UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNPRPD United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities UNTF EVAW UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women UNYPA Uganda Network of Young People Living with HIV and AIDS UWOPA The Uganda Women Parliamentary Association VAWG Violence Against Women and Girls VFS Victim Friendly System WHO World Health Organization WHRD Women Human Rights Defenders WISCAR Women in Successful Careers WPFH Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund YFN Young Feminist Network Annual Global Report 8 Chapter 1: Executive Summary Introduction At the time of writing this report, COVID-19 has become an unprecedented global health, economic, and ultimately development crisis. As the pandemic and measures to mitigate it, including movement restrictions, have spread, so too has a shadow pandemic: rising levels of violence against women and girls. In the face of this alarming trend, the work of the largest global investment in eliminating of violence against women and girls – the Spotlight Initiative – has never been more relevant or necessary. We have redoubled our commitment and efforts in the face of this challenge and going forward will be focused on encouraging others to join this effort, so that together we can achieve the goal of eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls, a precondition to the successful achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. In its second year of operations, the Spotlight Initiative, a global partnership between the European Union and the United Nations, consolidated and expanded its work to eliminate all forms of violence against women
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