American Mineralogist, Volume 61, pages 174-186, 1976 NEW MINERAL NAMES* MIcHeer-Flprscunn, Aoor-p Persr, J. A. MnNoanrNo GsoRce Y. CHno. ANDLours J. CnsRr Baumite* 102.7 percent, corresponding to (Pdor,_o 'Pto 14_ossNio os o14) (Te, .r-, Crrrporo Fr.onogl nNo JuN lro (1975) Zinc-rrchchlorites from ,oBio.o o,"). The mineral is hexagonalwith a : 4 005(5),c = 5.244(8)Afor Franklin, New Jersey, with a note on chlorite nomenclature. (Pdo",Pto,rNioor)(Te,rrBioru)and a : 4.036, c : 5.259 A for Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Abh. 123, I I l-l15. (Pdo6oPto roNio,,)(Te, u.Bio.r).The powder patternis similar to that Analysis by J. I. gave SiO,33.5, Al,Os 6.60, Fe,O, 1.65,FeO of merenskyitewith strongestlines (22 given,including B-lines and 9 80, MgO 17.l,ZnO 6.65,CuO 0.03,MnO l2.3,CaO0.07, Na,O I lines without indices): 5.22 6 001, 2.90 l0 101, 2.09 6 0.02, K,O 0.08, H,O-(140') 02, H,O+(140") ll9, sum 99.90 r02.2.01 5 t r0. t.5605 r03. percent, corresponding to the formula Under the binoculars,the mineral is white to bright white with strong metallicluster Mineral grainsare semi-rounded,prismatic, (Mg, nMn, ,F€+ 1rZn, oAlo?Fd+o s)(Si? rAloe)Oro(OH)16 and hexagonaltabular (0 I I X0.l I mm). Under reflectedlight, the mineral white : X-ray powder data are given (Fe radiation). The strongest lines is with a yellow tint. Anisotropic ReflectanceRg, 46.7(400nm) (500nm), of 7 given are 7.23 l0 001; 3.590 6 002;2.5t0 3 201; hence rhe 50.9 56.5 (530nm), 57 7 (590nm), 55.870 (650nm) VHN : mineral is a member of the septechlorite group. When heated at 92-2O5 kl/mm2 500' for I hour, the mineral gave a weak, diffuse pattern; when Both mineralsoccur in a Cu-Ni sulfide depositin fine-grained heatedat 600" gave no pattern. metagabbro and amphibolite in China (details on locality not given) The metallic minerals in the Color dull black. Found in massesup to a foot in size on the deposit are mainly pyrite, chalcopyrite, magnetite, and millerite. dump of the Buckwheat open pit; it contains angular fragments of Other platinum group mineralspresent willemite and calcite, and is cut by thin veinlets of greenish-black are michenerite,moncheite, and merenskyite. The names maganoanzincian brunsvigite(analysis and X-ray data given) In are apparentlyderived from composition,according to the authors' proposed thin section baumite is translucent with brownish-yellow color, classificationscheme based on Pt:pd ratio: biteplatinite, )4: 1; moncheite, nearly isotropic, mean n 1.598.Under the highest magnification it 4:l-l:l; biteplapalladite, l: l-l:4; and merenskyite,(l:4. is seento be composed ofminute birefringent fibers thar appear ro have parallel extinction. Discussion Unnecessary names for intermediate members of the The name is for John Leach Baum, formerly chief geologist of moncheile-merenskyitegroup. It is regrettablethat the authors do the New Jersey Zinc Company..M.F. not follow the generallyaccepted approach in dealingwith a two- end-membersolid solution series.GYC. LJC. Biteplatinite and Biteplapalladite ( = Moncheite-Merenskyite Series) HunNc VnN-KANG, YEH HsIBN-HsIBN,CHINc yupt-MrNc, Caysichite* CsurNc Tseu-Fu, lNo FrNc CHuN-MrNc (1974)Biteplatinite- DoNnlr D HocnnrH, Gsoncr Y. Cruo, A. GEoRcEpr_eNr, aNo merenskyite system and michenerite from a mining district in Henolp R. Srrncy (1974)Caysichite, a new silico-carbonateof China and problems concerning their classificationand yttrium and calcium. Can Mineral 12, 293-298. nomenclature. Geochimica,4,258-26j (in Chinese with English abstract) The mineral occurs in granite pegmatite at the abandoned Evans-Lou feldspar mine, in the province of The mine is Biteplatinite Quebec. about 22 miles north of Ottawa Caysichite lines cavities as a dull Electron microprobe analysisgave: Pt 39.2,pd 1.2,Te 58.1, Bi white pulverulent coating or as a cream-colored stain. Other. rarer. 6 0, sum 104.5percent, corresponding to (Ptospdo *)(Te, ,rBio,r). occurrences are as thin incrustations with a parallel to slightly White with a strong metallicluster. Mineral grainsare irregular divergent columnar structure with a reniform surface;as radiating to tabular(0.09X0.18-0.1I X0.165 mm). Anisotropic,white under groups and terminated crystals; and as stalactites up to one cm reflected light. Reflectance Rg' : 56.1 (green), 57 8 (orange), long. Most of the following data apply to colorless crusts. The 58.1%(red) VHN : 120-170kg/mm", correspondingro 2.5-3 5 hardnessis 4.! and the VHN is 551. The mineral is non-fluores- on Moh's scale. cent under long or short wave ultra-violet light, but shows a faint Biteplapalladite green cathodoluminescenceunder electron bombardment. Caysi- chite is colorless, white, pale yellow, and rarely greenish. It has a Electron microprobe analysesgave (range): pt pd 7.0_lg 2, vitreous luster and a white streak Caysichite effervescesslowly in l0 9-18 6, Ni l.l-2.1, Te 50.7-588, Bi 12.0-20.0,sum 95.2_ cold, dilute HCI The rare crystals are prismatic, elongated parallel to c and + Minerals marked with an asterisk after the name were ap_ terminated by {001}. A prism and dome were observed under high proved before publication by the Commission on New Minerals magnification but their Miller indices could not be determined. and Mineral Names of the International Mineralogical Associ- Caysichiteis orthorhombic, Ccm2,or Ccmm,a 13.30,b13.95, c9.74 ation. A (N.S. If the form identified as a dome is truly a dome. the choice 174 NEW MINERAL NAMES t75 of spacegroup is narrowed to Ccm2, JAM). The strongest lines in were found to be halhium-rich,in fact to havein part Hf)Zr. The the X-ray powder pattern (in A for CuKa radiation) are:6.93 100 nomenclatureorooosed is: 020.1I 1: 4.38 60 I 30: 4.22 60 310: 3.4860 040'.and 3.32 90 400. Zircon 0-10 mole % HfSiOn Caysichiteis biaxial (-) with a = 1.586+ 0.004,P : | 614 + 10-50 mole % HfSiO4 0.001,r = 1.621+0.001 ,2V meas: 53o,2Vcalc:54"30',X: hafnian Zircon : : b, Y a, Z c for the colorless material. Yellowish crystals are zirconian Hafnon 50-90 mole 7o HfSiOr biaxial(-)witha = 1.589+ 0.004,8 : 1.616+ 0001,.y : | 626 Hafnon 90-100 mole 70 HfSiO4 + 0001, 2V calc:'12"451'(For theseindices the calculated2V should be 61"46' JAM). In immersion mounts, fragments give Probe analysesby Jaakko Siivola on two crystalsfrom Muiane nearly centered acute bisectrix figures suggesting{010} cleavage. gave SiO, 28.32,27.20; HfO, 69.78,72.52; ZrO" 3.28, 1.21,sum Chemical analysis of colorless caysichite (H,O by a modified 101.38,100 93 percent,corresponding to ratios : ez.O, Penfield method; CO, by both loss on ignition minus H,O and by 1g.lwi*- titrimetry; all other constituents by electron microprobe) gave: 97.2, calc6 32,6 48. Crystalswere zoned, with highestHf contents CaO 10.04,Y,O, 28.18,RE oxides(details are given in the paper) at ihe outer edges Other samplesgave ratios 33-78. Plots of the 8.08, SiO, 28.84,Al,Os 0.58, CO, 15.7,H,O 8.6, total 100.02wt unit cells show both a and c to decreasenearly linearly and d to in- percent. Fourteen other elements ranging from 0.01 to 0.05 wt creasewith increasing ratio. End-members are calculated to have percent were determined by mass spectroscopy. The chemical the following parameters. analysis yields a formula of Y, ou Ca, ., REo ., Si. ,, Alo o.O,o," Hfsion (CO'), 3.93 HrO This was calculated on the basis of l9 ZrSiOn "o oxygens(not counting those in the HrO). If the data are recalcu- ao 6 63s 6 567 lated on the basis of a total of 23 (four from H,O) oxygens the resultis Yro" Carn. REo.. SisruAloo" Ororn(Co.)r.n.3.94 HrO In ce 6 02, either case, the ideal formula is (Y,Ca,RE).(Si,Al)4Oro(COs)g d 459 7.00 (measuredds are much lower) : 4H,O. For Z 4, the calculateddensity is 3.029 g/cms, which Crystalswere associatedwith cookeiteand cleavelandite, compares favorably with the measured density of 3.03 g/cm". The name is for the composition DTA, TCA, and IR data are given in the paper. The name is for the composition. Type material is preservedin Discussion the National Mineral Collection.Ottawa. JAM. X-ray powder data and optical data would be helpful.M.F. Jagowerite* Bazirite E. P. MsncHer., M. E. CoArEs,AND A. E. AHo (1973)Jagowerite: J. R. Hlwrss, R. J. MnnnrvlN, R. R. HlnorNc, ANDD. P F. a new barium phosphate from the Yukon Territory. Can. Min- DnnsysHtns(1975) Rockall Island:new geological,petrological, eral 12,135-136. chemicaland Rb-Sr agedata. Inst Geol. Sci.Gr Brit Rep.15/1, il-51. Analysis, recalculated after deducting admixed quartz, gave P,Ou 31.41, Al,O. 25 87, Fe,O, 0.26, BaO 38.41, HrO+ 4.09, preliminary granite A report. Aegirine-riebeckite from Rockall S 0.15, sum 100.19 percent, corresponding to the formula Island (between lceland and the British Isles) was reported by Ba, orAl, ,rFeoo'P, BoSoo2Os(OH)2, or BaAL(PO.)z(OH), Spectro- Sabine in 1960to contain a colorlessmineral containing Ba, Zr, scopic analysis showed the presenceof lessthan 0 I percent of Ca, andSi. Probeanalysis(av.of l9) by Mrs A. E TreshamgaveSiO, Cr,Ti,V,Ta,Nm,Cu, Be, and Sr.
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