ST. BENEDICT’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1419 ST. BENEDICT ST., DULUTH, MN 55811 MASS SCHEDULE & PRAYER Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am & 12:00 pm (Latin—Extraordinary Form) Weekday: Monday-Saturday 8:00 am (Wednesday’s 8:00 am Mass is E.F. ) Reconciliation (Confession): Confessions: IN THE “GATHERING SPACE” Mon - Sat: at 7:30 a.m. for 15 minutes Fridays: 8:50—9:15 a.m. Saturdays: 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Sundays: 8:15 – 8:45 a.m. Sundays: 11:15 – 11:45 a.m. Traveling: May 16, 2021 PASTORAL STAFF Ascension of Our Pastor: Fr. Joel Hastings Lord Deacon: John Weiske Deacon: John Specht Deacon: Kyle Eller Thursday, May 20: Ordination of Bishop-elect Daniel Felton as Retired Deacon: Dennis Anderson Bishop of Duluth! Director of Parish Engagement & Family Faith Formation: Elisabeth Cyr Today I want to write in simple acknowledgement of the upcoming ordina- tion of the 10th bishop for our diocese that will take place this Thursday at the Secretary/Bookkeeper: Carol Cyr Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary at 11:00 am. While it is a definite difficulty Music Director: Sandra Eller and disappointment that this ordination cannot be open to the public due to all Maintenance: Bob Meier of the continuing COVID-19 restrictions that have been in place now for many months, this moment in our local Church is one that we can all still celebrate, PARISH OFFICE giving thanks to Almighty God and praying that our new bishop will be a true Address: 1419 St. Benedict St, Duluth 55811 shepherd after the heart of Jesus Christ. Phone:(218) 724-4828 The ordination Mass itself will be available over the internet via YouTube E-Mail: [email protected] and Facebook livestream on Thursday at 11:00am. For access to these links, Website: simply go to www.dioceseduluth.org where the links will be found on the homepage (I will set up a link from the homepage of our website, Hours: Monday-Friday 9am—noon www.stbensduluth.org, that will go to the diocese’s homepage as well, as an- other means to access). As Bishop-elect Felton is ordained for our diocese, we share in a moment that very clearly connects us to our Holy Father, Pope Francis, to the Church throughout the world, and to the apostles, as bishops are the direct successors of the apostles. In the ordination of a bishop, there is the reading and presen- tation of an “apostolic mandate” that must be given, expressing that it is by the 6LQEBKQEB/LOA-BPRP>CQBOEBPMLHBQLQEBJT>PQ>HBKRMFKQLEB>SBK >KAQLLHEFPPB>Q>QQEBOFDEQE>KALC*LA0>OH SACRAMENTS will of the pope that the man to be ordained has been chosen for the particular dio- Baptism: Baptism preparation class cese which he is to lead. Thus, after the Gospel is proclaimed, there will be an ex- must be scheduled with the priest or a change between one of our diocesan priests and the principal ordaining bishop, where Deacon prior to a baptism. it is to be asked that Daniel Felton be ordained as Bishop of Duluth, and that an apos- Marriage: Marriage preparation must be tolic mandate which appoints Fr. Felton as our bishop be publicly read and recorded. made at least nine (9) months prior to The mandate itself will be read and presented to us by the pope’s own representative, the proposed date of the wedding. known as the “apostolic nuncio,” who will both read the official mandate and likely add some personal words of congratulations to our diocese on behalf of the Holy Fa- MARRIAGE & FAMILY ther and the Holy See. In this way our celebration on May 20 right here in Duluth, Min- Diocese of Duluth Marriage & Family nesota will be a manifestation of the universality of the Church, founded upon the Life: [email protected] apostles, and how we are one with the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Natural Family Planning In addition to this formal moment within the ordination rite, several visible signs Here are two local options available for will point to the significance of our local Church being connected to the Church guidance with natural family planning: throughout the world. One very visible element will be the number of bishops from Northland Family Programs: 786-2378 other dioceses who will come – most notably the Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneap- Located at St. Mary’s Hospital olis, (who as our “metropolitan” archbishop rightfully is the principal ordaining bishop www.northlandfamilyprograms.com – and who also is entrusted with some oversight of other dioceses in his region [within Couple to Couple League International: very particular limits]). With him will be two “co-ordaining” bishops, who are selected www.ccli.org Local Teaching Couple: by the bishop-elect insuring that at least three bishops are present to “lay hands” on Brett & Meghan Jones 715-394-3060 him in ordaining him. In the case of Bishop-elect Felton, his two co-ordaining bishops [email protected] are Bishop David Ricken of Green Bay (Bishop-elect Felton’s home diocese); and Bish- op Thomas Paprocki of Springfield Illinois – who is said to be a friend of our bishop- Marriage Resource Websites elect. Finally, there will be other bishops from around our region and priests both www.ForYourMarriage.org from our diocese and other dioceses that come to participate in this ordination. www.fathersforgood.org As we receive our new bishop this Thursday, I ask that you pray for him as he is www.5lovelanguages.com ordained, and that his acceptance of this call will bear great fruit both in his own life www.wwmesection8.org and in his shepherding of the diocese. May this be a day of abundant graces in the www.teamsofourlady.org Lord. www.dioceseoflacrosse.com (Go to Marriage and Family Life page) Fr. Joel Hastings PRAYER CHAIN Prayer requests? Please call P ARISH N EWS & E VENTS Gloria Michelizzi at 728-2669 or Roy St. George at 940-5951. You are invited! St. Benedict’s will be showing the live stream of the Ordination INTERESTED IN BECOMING of Bishop-elect Felton on the TV in the gathering space on CATHOLIC? Thursday, May 20 at 11:00 am. Everyone is welcome to come and watch this beautiful and significant event together with Inquire with Fr. Joel. other parishioners. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Special Collection for Disaster Relief May 15/16 The residents of our sister diocese, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, are in the midst of Week of May 9 terrible volcanic eruptions, creating tragedy and instability for our brothers and sisters. Weekly offering:…………….......$5,763.50 Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves reports: "The lives and livelihoods of our people have Electronic Giving…………………….…$5,317.44 been terribly affected. We are in a dire situation, frankly." 20,000 people have been Children Offering……………………………..$1..00 evacuated, and the humanitarian crisis will exist for a long time. Our diocesan adminis- Week’s Collection………...... .$11,081.94 trator, Fr James Bissonette, has spoken with Bishop County of the Diocese of St Vin- cent who would appreciate any assistance we can offer. A special collection will be YTD Stewardship goal.…….$307,350.00 taken up the weekend of May 15/16th. Please be as generous as possible, so we can Amount given to date……. $280,110.00 assist our brothers and sisters in this vulnerable area. If you missed the collection this weekend you may still give by putting your donation in an envelope marked “Disaster UCA 2021 Goal: $65,854.05 relief” and returning to the office or putting in the collection next weekend. Collected to date: $21,086.40 Thank you for your continued generosity Corpus Christi Procession to our parish and Diocese!! June 6 is the Feast of Corpus Christi. To celebrate this Feast and to bring the Body and Blood of Christ to the people of Duluth a Eucharis- Every one as he hath determined tic Procession is planned for that day. The procession will begin at St. in his heart, not with sadness, or Benedict Church after the noon Mass and will proceed to the Cathe- dral of Our Lady of the Rosary where it will end with Benediction. of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 If you ever feel distressed during your day, call upon Our Lady. Just say this simple prayer, “Mary, mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now.” I must admit, this 2 May 16, 2021 prayer has never failed me. – St Teresa of Calcutta PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS Director of Faith Formation East Duluth Faith Formation for 6th-12th Grade Students: Today is our liturgical celebration of the Ascension of the Lord, East Duluth Catholic Faith Formation is a collaborative effort when Jesus was taken to heaven on the fortieth day after East- that has created a combined Religious Education program. We er. The Gospel for the Ascension of the Lord uses the image of are accepting applications for the Director of Faith Formation for a seat to describe Jesus’ place in heaven. When we say Jesus is 6th – 12th grade students. This is a full-time position with bene- at the right hand of the Father, we are not describing a physical fits. We are looking for someone who possesses a sincere and place, but the honor that Jesus has because of the Father’s love demonstrated ability to share their Catholic faith in the dynamic for Jesus and approval of him. environment of a large-scale middle and high school religious In our lives it can be very important whom we sit next to.
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