NYE COUNTY AGENDA INFORMATION FORM IXl Action 0 Presentation o Presentation & Action Department: Nye County Clerk Agenda Date: November 9, 2010 Category: Regular Agenda Item IContinued from meeting of: Contact: Sandra "Sam" Merlino, Nye County Clerk I Phone: 775-482-8127 IPhone : Return to: Leota Guthridge I Location: Tonopah Clerk's Office Action requested: (Include what, with whom, when, where, why, how much ($) and terms) Approval of Minutes for the Nye County Licensing and Liquor Board meeting for: July 22, 2010; August 17, 2010; and September 7,2010. Complete description of requested action: (Include, if applicable, background, impact, long-term commitment, existing county policy, future goals, obtained by competitive bid, accountability measures) Approval of the LLB Minutes for the following meeting(s): July 22,2010, August 17, 2010, and September 7, 2010 Any information provided after the agenda is published or during the meeting of the Conunissioners will require you to provide 20 copies: one for each Conunissioner, one for the Clerk, one for the District Attorney, one for the Public and two for the County Manager. Contracts or documents requiring signature must be submitted with three original copies. Expenditure Impact by FY(s): (Provide detail on Financial Form) X No financial impact R ouf 109 &A.pprov al (Sign & Date) I. Dept Date 6. Dal. 2. Dale 7. HR Oil. 3. Date 8. Legal Dale 4. Dale 9. Finance Dale ~ / / Dale 5. ) O. County Manager ~~Place on Agenda ~~ Board of County ComrrusslOners. ActIOn. - I [J Approved [J Disapproved Cl Amended as follows: Clerk of the Board Date 'TEM # ({ la) Page 1 Date 7/22/10 Pursuant to NRS the Nye County Licensing and Liquor Board met in regular session at 10:50 a.m. in the Bob Ruud Community Center, Pahrump, Nevada Butch Borasky, Chairman Fely Quitevis, Vice-Chairman Joni Eastley, Member Gary Hollis, Member Lorinda Wichman, Member Tony DeMeo, Member Sandra L. Merlino, Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board Marla Zlotek, Senior Deputy District Attorney Richard Osborne, County Manager Also present: Linda Uhl, Deputy Clerk, Lorina Dellinger, Administrative Assistant; Pam Webster, Assistant County Manager; Michelle Jones, Deputy District Attorney Present in Tonopah: Commissioners Eastley and Wichman NYE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVED TO THE LICENSING AND LIQUOR BOARD 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR THE NYE COUNTY LICENSING AND LIQUOR BOARD MEETING FOR APRIL 20,2010 AND JUNE 1, 2010. Commissioner Wichman made a motion to approve; seconded by Commis'sioner Quitevis; 5 yeas 2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT There was none. 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMs 3A. DISCUSSION OF ANY ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS THAT NEEDS REVIEW BEFORE A DECISION IS MADE. Commissioner Eastley made a motion to approve; seconded by Commissioner Wichman. 2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT - Cont'd Donna Jokinen commented on chip sealing in her area. Commissioner Hollis stated that this was the wrong agenda. Page 2 Date 7/22/10 2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT - Cont'd Commissioner Eastley stated that it was public comment and they could offer comment on anything. Dave Fanning, Public Works, stated that they were bringing the matter before the Board at the August 3rd meeting and it would be determined at that time pending the outcome of the agenda item. 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS - Cont'd 3A. DISCUSSION OF ANY ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS THAT NEEDS REVIEW BEFORE A DECISION IS MADE. The motion passed with 5 yeas. 3B. APPROVAL TO ISSUE RENEWALS FOR THE EXISTING BROTHEL LICENSES FOR 2010/2011. Commissioner Eastley made a motion to approve; seconded by Commissioner Wichman; 5 yeas. 3C. APPROVAL TO ISSUE RENEWALS FOR THE EXISTING LIQUOR AND GAMING LICENSES FOR 2010/2011. Commissioner Eastley made a motion to approve; seconded by Commissioner Wichman; 5 yeas. 4. BROTHEL Commissioner Borasky commented on moving forward with a Show Cause Hearing. Marla Zlotec stated that it could be at the pleasure of the Board to put that action item on the agenda to proceed with an Order to Show Cause that would require a vote of the Liquor and Licensing Board. Commissioner Borasky requested that the matter be placed on the next agenda. 5. GAMING There were no Gaming items. 6. LIQUOR There were no Liquor items. Page 3 Date 7/22/10 7. ADJOURN Commissioner Wichman made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Quitevis; 5 yeas. LICENSING AND LIQUOR BOARD RESOLVED TO THE NYE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVED this _____ day ATTEST: of _________.2010 Chairman 1 LLB Nye County Clerk 1 Deputy Page 1 Date 8/17/10 Pursuant to NRS the Nye County Licensing and Liquor Board met in regular session at 10:55 a.m. in the Bob Ruud Community Center, Pahrump, Nevada Butch Borasky, Chairman Fely Quitevis, Vice-Chairman Joni Eastley, Member Gary Hollis, Member Lorinda Wichman, Member Tony DeMeo, Member Sandra L. Merlino, Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board Marla Zlotek, Senior Deputy District Attorney Richard Osborne, County Manager Also present: Linda Uhl, Deputy Clerk, Lorina Dellinger, Administrative Assistant; Pam Webster, Assistant County Manager; Michelle Jones, Deputy District Attorney NYE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVED TO THE LICENSING AND LIQUOR BOARD 1. ACTION - APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR THE NYE COUNTY LICENSING AND LIQUOR BOARD MEETING FOR MAY 17. 2010. JUNE 1. 2010. JULY 6.2010. AND JULY 29. 2010 TELECONFERENCE. Commissioner Eastley made a motion to approve; seconded by Commissioner Wichman; 6 yeas. 2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT There was none. 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 3A. ACTION - DISCUSSION OF ANY ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS THAT NEEDS REVIEW BEFORE A DECISION IS MADE. Commissioner Eastley made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda Items; seconded by Sheriff DeMeo; 6 yeas. 3B. ACTION - APPROVAL TO ISSUE A 72 HOUR LIQUOR PERMIT TO BEATTY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND RESCUE SERVICES FOR THE ANNUAL TURKEY BINGO WHICH WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 2010 AT THE BEATTY COMMUNITY CENTER. BEATTY. NV. MIKE LASORSA. APPLICANT. Commissioner Eastley made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda Items; seconded by Sheriff DeMeo; 6 yeas. Page 2 Date 8/17/10 4. ACTION - DISCUSSION. DELIBERATION. AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF TO: 1) PROCEED FORWARD WITH AN ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE HEARING ON THE BROTHEL LICENSEeS) PURSUANT TO NYE COUNTY CODE (NCC) 9.20.170 ANDIOR LIQUOR LICENSEeS) PURSUANT TO NCC 5.04.300j AND 2) SET A DATE. TIME. AND LOCATION FOR THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE HEARING ON THE BROTHEL LICENSEeS) PURSUANT TO NCC 9.20.170B2E AND lOR LIQUOR LlCENSE(S) PURSUANT TO NCC 5.04.300B. Item was removed from the agenda. Sheriff DeMeo stated that he would not be present on Friday when the item was scheduled and requested a telephonic appearance at that meeting. 5. BROTHEL SA. ACTION - DISCUSSION. DELIBERATION. AND POSSIBLE DECISION TO ISSUE A BROTHEL LICENSE TO CHERRY PATCH LLC DBA LOVE RANCHI CHERRY PATCH LOCATED ON APPALOOSA LANE IN CRYSTAL, NV. DENNIS HOF. APPLICANT. ALL PAPERWORK IS IN ORDER. ALL FEES HAVE BEEN PAID AND THERE IS NOTHING IN HIS BACKGROUND TO PRECLUDE HIM FROM RECEIVING A LICENSE. Sheriff DeMeo reviewed the item. Commissioner Eastley made a motion to approve; seconded by Commissioner Wichman; 6 yeas. 5B. ACTION - DISCUSSION, DELIBERATION. AND POSSIBLE DECISION TO ISSUE A BROTHEL LICENSE TO MABEL'S LLC DBA DENNIS HOF'S CATHOUSE LOCATED ON APPALOOSA LANE & RANCH ROAD IN CRYSTAL. NV. DENNIS HOF. APPLICANT. ALL PAPERWORK IS IN ORDER. ALL FEES HAVE BEEN PAID. AND THERE IS NOTHING IN HIS BACKGROUND TO PRECLUDE HIM FROM RECEIVING A LICENSE. Sheriff DeMeo reviewed the item. Commissioner Wichman made a motion to approve; seconded by Commissioner Eastley; 6 yeas. Detective Downing stated that they had enough money to cover the investigation. 6. GAMING Item was removed from the agenda. Page 3 Date 8/17/10 7. LIQUOR Item was removed from the agenda. 8. ADJOURN Commissioner Wichman made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Commissioner Hollis; 6 yeas. LICENSING AND LIQUOR BOARD RESOLVED TO THE NYE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVED this _____ day ATTEST: of _________.2010 Chairman 1 LLB Nye County Clerk 1 Deputy Page 1 09/7/10 Pursuant to NRS the Nye County Licensing and Liquor Board met in regular session at 10:30 a.m. in the Nye County Commissioner Chambers, 101 Radar Road, Tonopah, Nevada Butch Borasky, Chairman Fely Quitevis, Vice-Chairman Joni Eastley, Member Gary Hollis, Member Lorinda Wichman, Member Tony DeMeo, Nye County Sheriff Sandra L. Merlino, Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board Marla Zlotek, Deputy District Attorney Richard Osborne, County Manager Not Present: Commissioner Eastley Also present: Lee Guthridge, Deputy County Clerk; Pam Webster, Assistant County Manager; Michelle Jones, Deputy District Attorney; Lorina Dellinger, Administrative Manager Present from Pahrump: Commissioner Hollis and Sheriff Tony DeMeo NYE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVED TO THE LICENSING AND LIQUOR BOARD Chairman Borasky called the meeting to order at 10:48 a.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR THE NYE COUNTY LICENSING AND LIQUOR BOARD MEETING FOR - NlA There were no minutes presented for consideration. 2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT (THREE-MINUTE TIME LIMIT PER PERSON AND REQUESTED TO BE LIMITED TO ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN BY THE BOARD.) There was no general public comment. 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 8. DISCUSSION OF ANY ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS THAT NEEDS REVIEW BEFORE A DECISION IS MADE. Page 2 09/7/10 3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Cont'd b. APPROVAL TO ISSUE A RENEWAL OF TWO EXISTING LIQUOR AND GAMING LICENSES FOR 2010/2011. 1. COYOTE STATION DBA COYOTE CORNER 2. BEST BET PRODUCTS, INC. DBA ROMERO'S Commissioner Wichman made a motion to approve consent agenda item 3b; seconded by Commissioner Quitevis; 5 yeas.
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