For National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) University of Delhi Contents Preface i List of SSR Committee Members ii Abbreviations iii Glossary v Executive Summary: SWOC vi Profile of the College 1 Criterion I: Curricular Aspects 12 Criterion II: Teaching – Learning and Evaluation 34 Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and Extension 62 Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 107 Criterion V: Student Support and Progression 131 Criterion VI: Governance, Leadership and Management 158 Criterion VII: Innovations and Best Practices 178 Evaluative Reports of Departments 192 Tables: Table 01: Programs offered by College 288 Table 02: Minimum and Maximum Percentage for Admission 289 Table 03: Comparative Result Analysis (with in College) 293 Table 04: Comparative Result Analysis (with other Colleges of DU) 297 Table 05: Publications of Faculty-at a glance 303 Table 06: Facilities Developed/ Augmented with Amount Spent 304 Table 07: Institutional Scholarships/ Freeships to students 305 Table 08: Teaching Posts - Sanctioned & Filled 306 Table 09: Faculty Profile 307 Table 10: Faculty Contribution to Curriculum Development 319 Table 11: Research Profile of the Faculty 324 Table 12: Financial Assistance to Students 330 Certificates of Recognition 332 Master Plan of College 335 CAG Compliance Report 336 Grant Utilization Certificates 340 SSR May 2015, Indraprastha College for Women University of Delhi Preface The process of developing this Self- Study Report has been both rigorous and exhilarating. For the first time in our professional lives as teachers in the Delhi University system, we have undertaken a task which has revealed to us the definition and contours of the workplace, the nature of our work in a Higher Education Institution, the role and engagement of the various segments of the community it fosters and their links with the larger world. Nurturing young minds is an end in itself, but to track that growth or indeed sometimes the lack of it, to position and reposition oneself to accommodate its various shades and its twists and turns, is a movement that is rarely experienced in the way it has been in the preparation of this report. In that sense, the Self-Study Report has been a coming together of the philosophy of the institution, the tradition of learning it has generated, the work practices that have evolved and their manifestation in multiple ways over almost a century. It has been a rich learning experience, providing the directions for course-correction and challenging us with the prospect of a mechanism of internal quality assurance. Though the College has these mechanisms available through its departmental committees spread over its different units, the processes delineated by the NAAC and its enabling vocabulary will surely serve as a useful grammar to organize, document, structure, quantify define and evaluate all that we do, in a way that also becomes an exercise in the accountability so crucial to a public-funded institution. The preparation of this report has been participative, involving the formation of committees undertaking diverse tasks for the purpose, in every department and unit of the College. All these committees have provided inputs to the Steering Committee which organized the information and discussion around the various criteria. We thank each and every colleague involved in the massive exercise of data collection, deliberation and reflection. Over the past three months, the Steering Committee of Dr. Meena Bhargava and Dr. Vinita Sinha, led by its meticulous, diligent and brilliant Co-ordinator, Dr. Vagisha Sharma, has brought the different strands of the narrative of Indraprastha College for Women together in this report. The entire College joins me in thanking the team for executing this onerous task with the utmost transparency and honesty. Babli Moitra Saraf Principal May 2015 SSR, May 2015, Indraprastha College for Women University of Delhi Page i List of SSR Committee Members Steering Committee: • Dr. Babli Moitra Saraf Chairperson • Dr. Vagisha Sharma Coordinator • Dr. Meena Bhargava Member • Dr. Vinita Sinha Member Departments and other Units: • Dr. Manisha Bansal Computer Science • Ms. Sarita Sachdeva Commerce • Ms. Kamlesh Gupta Economics • Dr. Ritu Raj Ekka English • Dr. Rekha Sethi Hindi • Dr. Meenakshi Khanna History • Dr. Manasvini M. Yogi MMMC & Philosophy • Ms. Monika Bansal Mathematics • Ms. Monica Nandi Political Science • Dr. Gayatri A, Kumar Psychology • Dr. Suman Mahendru Sanskrit • Dr. Anita Elizabeth Cherian BA Program • Dr. Seema V. Singh Coordinator, Physical Education & Sports • Dr. Anindita Roy Saha Coordinator Hostel Committee • Ms. Anshu Chaudhary Coordinator CGPC • Dr. Debjani Sengupta Coordinator, Waste management • Ms. Dolly Jain Coordinator, NSS • Ms. Gunjan Khurana Coordinator, NCC • Dr. Gunjan Jhamb Coordinator, ENACTUS • Ms. Jayashree Borah Coordinator, North East Society • Dr. Jyoti Trehan Sharma Coordinator, ECA • Dr. Manasvini M. Yogi Union Advisor/Garden-in-Charge • Dr. Nalini Deka Coordinator, International Students Desk • Dr. Rashmi Pant Coordinator, GSC • Ms. Ritu Singhal Coordinator, IT • Dr. Shrruti Sehrawat Coordinator, EOC • Dr. Surbhika Maheshwari Coordinator, ECO Club • Dr. Veena Gupta Coordinator, WDC • Mr. Vijay Gautum Library • Mr. Dinesh Sundriyal Administrative Officer • Mr. Rahul Tanwar S.O. (Administration) • Mr. Jagdish Chander Kandapal S.O. (Accounts) SSR May 2015, Indraprastha College for Women University of Delhi Page ii Abbreviations AIWA All India Women’s Association AO Administrative Officer AMC Annual Maintenance Contract API Academic Performance Indicator ASC Academic Standards Committee ASI Archeological Survey of India AV Audio Visual CAG Comptroller & Auditor General CBS College of Business Studies CGPC Career Guidance and Placement Cell CIE Central Institute of Education CPF Contributory Provident Fund CSDS Center for the Study of Developing Society CSSS Center for Studies in Social Sciences CV Curriculum Vitae DDUC Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College DRC Daulat Ram College DU University of Delhi DULS Delhi University Library System ECA Extra-Curricular Activities ELPC English Language Proficiency Course EOC Equal Opportunity Cell ERD Evaluative Reports of Department ERP Electronic Record Processing EVS Environmental Studies FCW Family and Child Welfare FCD Family and Child Development FYUP Four Year Undergraduate Program GB Governing Body GBM General Body Meeting GFR General Financial Rules GPF General Provident Fund GOI Government of India GSC Gender Sensitization Committee GSCC Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce GGSIPU Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University HC Hindu College HEI Higher Education Institutions HOD Head of Department HRC Hans Raj College HTC Home Travel Concession IA Internal Assessment SSR May 2015, Indraprastha College for Women University of Delhi Page iii IAYP International Award for Young People ICFAI Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India ICHR Indian Council for Historical Research ICSSR Indian Council of Social Science Research ICT Information and Communication Technology IGNCA Indira Gandhi National Center for Arts ILLL Institute of Life Long Learning IMBH Integrating Mind, Body, Heart ISD International Students Desk iSEED Indian School of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development IT Information Technology JNU Jawaharlal Nehru University KM Keshav Mahavidyalaya KMC Kirori Mal College Lab/s Laboratories LBC Lakshmi Bai College LTC Leave Travel Concession MH Miranda House MMMC Multi Media and Mass Communications MOU Memorandum of Understanding MSC Mata Sundri College NA Not Applicable NAI National Archives of India NGO Non-Governmental Organizations NIDM National Institute of Disaster Management NKN National Knowledge Network NPS New Pension Scheme NSDC National Skill Development Corporation NSIC National Small Industries Corporation NTPC New Teaching Post Committee NUEPA National University for Educational Planning and Administration OH Orthopedically Handicapped OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue OTC Over the Counter PA Public Address PAS Performance Appraisal System PF Provident Fund PH Physically Handicapped PHILHIST Philosophy History PwD Persons with Disability RAHI Recovering and Healing from Incest RBI Reserve Bank of India RC Ramjas College SSR May 2015, Indraprastha College for Women University of Delhi Page iv SC Staff Council SAESM South Asian Economics Students Meet SEWA Self Employed Women Artisans SFC Student Faculty Committee SIFE Students In Free Enterprise S.O. Section Officer SOL School of Open Learning SPA Senior Personal Assistant SRCC Shri Ram College for Commerce SRO Statutes, Rules and Ordinances SSC St. Stephen’s College TIC Teacher-in-Charge TTC Time Table Committee TYUP Three Year Under Graduate Program UGC University Grants Commission VH Visually Handicapped WDC Women Development Center WUS World University Service ZHS Zakir Hussain College Glossary College/ IP College/ IPC Indraprastha College for Women College Community Students, Teachers, Administrative and Support Staff Enactus Entrepreneurial act of group of people i.e. A community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better more sustainable world Exam/s Examination/s Management Governing Body Societies Various units under which the Co-curricular/ Extra-curricular activities are organized University/DU University of Delhi SSR May 2015, Indraprastha College for Women University of Delhi Page v Executive
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