m11, 1!14s ..... ows Ircel, .1 Pounds ~ order hi. le.ngth alld to be IeIIt articles re. my menlnd gh not 1Ilo~ ~crease over ld limit. '1'bt ~n extended v 42 in~ :i rth al't! Do1t ;f~re the di. Inches. resent a let. ~E"TS. FATS..... k I ••• • olam.,. t'l 1I.r..... III Ir0.d Ib.n.b "'... 31: LI I..,e. ..... QI .... , ...... .. Colder Ie postof:fj~ D ••• 31: III lb ••• , .. VI,••• I ........ J ••• at: WI g these Plr. " ....,h ZI .... ,..... .lamp "" "'.... lin..... .. .... IOWA: Clear &ocIa1, fair &Ad ;!I. SUGAR, b •• t I •• , at.a._, sa 'a.,IM u •• ,a1"- ••• .'amp 81 a •• II.... valid !.r n •• " ...... e ..... l'HE DAILY IOWAN Iowa City's Morning Newspaper coDtuaaed cold. Named e,r yesterday FIVECENrs TB. UlOCIAnD ..... lOW A CIT y, lOW A THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 19(5 TIR A.. OClA'I'U rull VOLUME XXU NUMBER 51 l1stratrix 01 .- _.. _- - 5 • ==o-======~~============= BUrger who • case ill Cora : Ric ar~son' s-- Protests u-rprise lea )R .' Nationa lists Crime Wave Hits New York- Seek to SeHle ntANKSGIVlNG FEAST-1945 MODEL 'Unread,' leel Near Hululao 64 Violent Deaths Reported G. M. Walkout (Iaim Queried NEW YO.R K (AP) - Pollee, a bullet had been fired through ThIs led to an argument, during faced with a crime wave that has hcr head. which Davis let Co with his list. 200,000 Workers Out OHenlive Sweeps produced 64 violent deaths In 72 PoLice saId thcy had broadcast AI; he <lid so, all lour gWl.men shot Admiral Recalls Talk an eight-state alarm {or appre­ day s, organized "strong-a r m him and fled to their automobile On Strike; Washington Into Manchuria, Mass hension of a 16-year-old you t b at the curb. Over Pearl Harbor Troops in Hankow squads" yesterday after box e r who lived a block from the lHUe Despite bullets th.rou(h his Requests Conference Facilities With FDR Al (Bummy) Davis was killed by red warehouse shack near which throat and chest, [)avis followed DET.ROIT (AP)-Thc federal CHUNGKING (AP)-A nation­ four gunmen when he tried to halt the girl's body was found and who thc men ond tried to jump Into WASHINGTON (AP)-Admlral government last Diaht sought a alist army, stl'iking 60 miles into a robbery and after 16·year-old had been reported missIng trom his own car-to give chasc, police J. O. Richardson's 1940 protests to home. said- and he dropped dead. Manchuria without a fight, threat­ Susan Scarga's bruised and bullet· solution to the bitter wage dispute President Roosevelt that the fleet Davis, whose real name was Al­ Meanwblle the robbers had !ire<! which led to a strike of nearly ened yesterday to overrun the maJ:ked body was found on a lot. bert Davido!!, WaS In the tavem at him again as thel.r cllr sped 200,000 General Motors corpora­ was "unmanned" and "unready" CO/llIDunist-held port of Hulutao Bot h crimes took place in of his friend, Arthur Polansky, away. tion employes yesterday. came as a surprise to Admiral Wil­ • and seize a j;olid foothold in the Brooklyn. D 0 v I s, former 'con. when the four robbers entered at Eighteen months ago the boxers The action came as Walter Reu­ Ham D. Leahy, the hlUC-f testified territory. tender tOI' the world's lightweight 2:45 a. m., a(ter having robbed two brothers, Harry and WiUlam ther, vicc presldcnt of the United yesterday. and welterweight boxing orowns, nvc other taverns, and lined David of!, Were shot and critically Auto Workers (CIO), told 8 press A. triumphant sweep across Leahy told the senate-house was shot by the gunmen wh~n l1.e Davis, ~he bartender and f 0 u r wounded in a BrooklYn tavern. conference that 96 perc~t of GM's Southern Manchu.ria was reported slugged one of ,them on the jaw otbers against the wall. Police COmmissioner Arthur W. for flung industrIal empire was committee Investigating P ell r I by the army newspaper Ho Ping with his fist. Police saitl thc The robbers took $150 from the Wallander ordcred organiultion of shut down tight as II result of the Harbor that he was "dlslressed" Pao .ns Communists charged the Scarga gM apparently died fight­ cash registcr, a\ld Davis demanded "strong-arm" squads late y ler­ walkout at 10 a. m. (C.S.T.) today. because he had bcen saying the day aftcr a conference with Bor­ Nationalists had massed 12,000 ing oIl attcmpts to I'ape her. ller "Why don't you stop?" nnd "WhY "The othe.r tour percent Is under knees were bruised and pollcc said don't you leave the fellow alone?" ough detective commanders. fleet was rcady and because he troops and hoa\l'y guns in Hankow considerat(on," Reuther added, considered war with Japan a but he dId not amplify the remark. "likely contingency." General Motors spokesmen re­ Leahy was at that time Gover­ ~::~eh~~~~~II~:~;~~O~ p!::e:~: De Gaulle Forms I Jap Sol~l·e~ . Jackson Asserts 20 ported 175,000 production em­ nor of Pucrto Rico and latel' be. turies-for a simultaneous drive U ployes wcre out on strike but came chief ot start to the presi­ would not hazard a Iluess as to how into I~ner Mon~olia. I dent. Coalition Government· . Top-Flight Nazis many of the 73,500 salaried wo.rk­ From Leahy the committee Advlces reaehlOg here S31d the I r To Go Home ers were idle because of picket heard his recollections oC the Communists might. be forced to ICommunl·sts Included )lnes or otner causes connected luncheon conference the two ad­ yield the port, seIzed after the Will Be Convicted with the strike. Russians withdrew, to avoid being mirals had wIth the president and Gibson ReQueats MeeUn&, of the CCI1Vel'but'iOl1l1 to which \I'opped against the sca by the Na­ PARIS (AP) - President De. (AP) - JUlIUcc Reulhct con(lrmed repol'ts lhat tionalist columns. WASHINGTON (AP)-Her IP­ NUERNlU~I\G Richardson attrIbuted his later re­ While Nalionalist troops drovc GLiulle, ending II nine-day cabinet rorc secret assurunccs to Japan Robert H. Jackson asserted yes- John Qlbson, special aSSistant to moval as commandel' 01 the fleet. deeper into ManchUria, a foreign cJ"i~is, yestcrday announce<l for­ that the LUlles would retul'D Its terday that the 20 lOp-Lliahl NatlS Secretary of Labor SchweUen- Though he had no recollection SUI"l'elldered. soldIers to Japan were I bach, had requested a meeUnr office spokesman said negotiations mallon of a coalition govcrnment on trial berore the Internatlona wIth unlon ortlclals here Friday of !lOme other remarks which with .Russia [Ol· the entry of revealed yesterday by Secretary ot Richardson said were made, Leahy in which all Fl'ance's armed forces Statc Byrnes In explaining con­ war crimes tribunal would be to \'evlew the strike situation. ChUngking's forCes by air and sea arc unified under his single com­ agreed that his Iellow admiral told still were in progress. tinued presencc or United Stot(lS col)vlcted by their own "Tcutonic Earlier reports from Washington the president tbat American ships (ASSOCiated Press Correspond- mand. mal'ioes in China. thoroughncss" lor recording evcry- Indicated Gibson, a former presl­ did not have their lull comple­ Byrnes told il news conference ell' Spencer Davis in Peiping De Gaulle created a new cabinet thing from plans in 1940 to attack dent of the Mlchlion CIO councll, ment of men, lacked facilities at TS that these assurances go beyond quoted one Nationalist provincial post lor Commun~s ts-the ministry Ame.rlca to the smallest atrocitIes. bad been empowered to arranae Pearl Harbor, and lacked oil for lhc Potsdull) ultimatum which said Jackson, presenting the. United separate meetings with the union lead~!' on ,h !5 return from Man-I of armaments. De Gaulle himself, extensive operations. RichaJ'dson JBUQUE churla's capItal of Changchun as . merely that th.c enemy soldiers states' case against the men he de- and company to seek resumption would bc "pelmitted" to return had said he had urged that thc saying Russia had laid down 20 however, as presidenl and ~s chIef scrIbed as "Uvlng symbols of ra- of negotiations On wagc d\!(er­ fleet be removed from Hawallan stilt demands of the armies, "assumed dIrection home. Hc said It is the. duty of the clal batred, of tcrrorlsm and vlo- ences. Willers to the west coost but the (These the officiat of the nntional defcnse." . Allied forces to accom[>lish the de~al1ds, lence, and of arrogance and Company oIC1cin1s suld they had president disagreed. aid had to be met berore .Russia Ttte onnouncement 8 a \ d De surrender of thc Japanese units cruelly," spoke after the defend- not been approached regardIng the MANY AN D-Gl lhl Thanksclvin&' day, wlJI park hill civvies-clad That was on Oct. 8, 1940. The would allow Chungking to fly G,lulle "will be assisted" in dlrec­ wherever they are and sec U1at ants had entered pleas or Inno- meeting. form smaek up a,alnsl the old din In, room table and saU InlO Mom', Iollowlng Feb. 1, Richardson was troops in or land thcm by sea, and tion .of national ~cfense by CO~­ thcy gct home. Thc spced Is de­ cence and lheir attorn Y8 hud The Washington story said Glb­ eldra·8Pftlal cookln&' includlnr a deleclable lurkey, crammed 1.0 detachcd liS commander-in·chle! me Nationalists hact no choice but mUll1st Charles TIUon, lormer lilT pendent in some degree on trans­ SOUght unsuccessfUlly to quash the son was to return there Friday to bunUn, wUh oUl·ot.thls·world dreMin&,.
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