STATE OF CALIFORNIA • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA Notice TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate TR0003 (REV 10/98) formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814. 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION NUMBER 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER CA19-3505 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. REPORT DATE 2018 Census of California Water Transit Services 02/26/2019 6. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION CODE 7. AUTHOR 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NO. Richard Kos, Nicholas Frey, Mehedi Chowdhury CA-MTI-1809 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. WORK UNIT NUMBER Mineta Transportation Institute College of Business San Jose State University 11. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER San Jose, CA 95192-0219 65A0660 12. SPONSORING AGENCY AND ADDRESS 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED California Department of Transportation Final Report Division of Research, Innovation, and System Information MS-83 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE PO Box 942873 Sacramento, CA 94273-0001 15. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 16. ABSTRACT The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics conducts a nationwide census of ferry boat operators for the U.S. Department of Transportation and the collected information is used for statistical purposes. The Caltrans Division of Local Assistance has been asked by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to gather data regarding ferry operations under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). MAP-21 includes a new formula program for ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities eligible under 23 USC 129(c) which authorizes federal participation in toll roads, bridges, tunnels, and ferries. FHWA has asked that Caltrans assure the ferry boat data is current for MAP-21. The Mineta Transportation Institute was initially contacted by Caltrans to conduct this census in 2012 and a report was delivered later that year. Now the census has been completed with updates through November 2018. The research team collected information from 25 water transportation operators throughout California and produced 42 accompanying maps that depict routes and terminals where the operators provide service. Tabular information for each operator catalogs their number of vessels, passenger counts, fares, seating capacity, route lengths and other data points. Note that a number of operators, de-spite repeated contact via phone and email, chose not to reply. This report organizes water transportation operations into three sections based on California geography: northern California, the Sacramento Delta region; and southern California. A fourth section documents four operators who did not fall within those three geographic regions. 17. KEY WORDS 18. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Water transportation; ferry; California; census; passenger No Restrictions 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION (of this report) 20. NUMBER OF PAGES 21. COST OF REPORT CHARGED Unclassified 92 Reproduction of completed page authorized. DISCLAIMER STATEMENT This document is disseminated in the interest of information exchange. The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the State of California or the Federal Highway Administration. This publication does not constitute a standard, specification or regulation. This report does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of any product described herein. For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information, call (916) 654-8899, TTY 711, or write to California Department of Transportation, Division of Research, Innovation and System Information, MS-83, P.O. Box 942873, Sacramento, CA 94273-0001. Project 1809 February 2019 2018 Census of California Water Transit Services Richard M. Kos, AICP Nicholas Frey Mehedi Chowdhury M I N ET A TRAN SP ORT A TION I N STITUTE transweb.sjsu.edu MINETA TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE MTI FOUNDER LEAD UNIVERSITY OF Hon. Norman Y. Mineta Mineta Consortium for Transportation Mobility MTI BOARD OF TRUSTEES Founded in 1991, the Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI), an organized research and training unit in partnership with the Founder, Honorable Norman Richard Anderson (Ex-Offcio) Steve Heminger* (TE 2018) Dan Smith (TE 2020) President and CEO Executive Director President Lucas College and Graduate School of Business at San José State University (SJSU), increases mobility for all by improving the safety, Mineta (Ex-Offcio) Secretary (ret.), US Department of Amtrak Metropolitan Transportation Capstone Financial Group, Inc. effciency,accessibility,and convenience of our nation’s transportation system.Through research,education,workforce development, Transportation Commission (MTC) and technology transfer, we help create a connected world. MTI leads the four-university Mineta Consortium for Transportation Vice Chair Laurie Berman (Ex-Offcio) Paul Skoutelas (Ex-Offcio) Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Director Diane Woodend Jones (TE 2019) President & CEO Mobility, a Tier 1 University Transportation Center funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Offce of the Assistant California Department Principal & Chair of Board American Public Transportation Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R), the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and by private grants Honorary Chair, Honorable Bill of Transportation Lea + Elliot, Inc. Authority (APTA) Shuster (Ex-Offcio) and donations. Chair Donna DeMartino (TE 2018) Will Kempton (TE 2019) Beverley Swaim-Staley House Transportation and General Manager and CEO Retired (TE 2019) Infrastructure Committee San Joaquin Regional Transit District President MTI’s transportation policy work is centered on three primary responsibilities: United States House of Art Leahy (TE 2018) Union Station Redevelopment Representatives Mortimer Downey* (TE 2018) CEO Corporation President Metrolink Research Honorary Co-Chair, Honorable Mort Downey Consulting, LLC Larry Willis (Ex-Offcio) MTI works to provide policy-oriented research for all levels of active assistance of the California Department ofTransportatio n Peter DeFazio (Ex-Offcio) Jean-Pierre Loubinoux President Vice Chair Nuria Fernandez* (TE 2020) (Ex-Offcio) Transportation Trades Dept., government and the private sector to foster the development (Caltrans), MTI delivers its classes over a state-of-the-art House Transportation and General Manager & CEO Director General AFL-CIO of optimum surface transportation systems. Research areas videoconference network throughout the state of California Infrastructure Committee Santa Clara Valley Transportation International Union of Railways (UIC) United States House of Authority Bud Wright (Ex-Offcio) include: bicycle and pedestrian issues; fnancing public and private and via webcasting beyond, allowing working transportation Representatives Bradley Mims (TE 2020) Executive Director sector transportation improvements; intermodal connectivity professionals to pursue an advanced degree regardless of their John Flaherty (TE 2020) President & CEO American Association of State Chair, Grace Crunican Senior Fellow Conference of Minority Highway and Transportation and integration; safety and security of transportation systems; location. To meet the needs of employers seeking a diverse (TE 2019) Silicon Valley American Transportation Offcials (COMTO) Offcials (AASHTO) sustainability of transportation systems;transportation / land use / workforce, MTI’s education program promotes enrollment to General Manager Leadership Forum environment;an d transportation planning and policy development. under-represented groups. Bay Area Rapid Transit District Jeff Morales (TE 2019) (BART) Rose Guilbault (TE 2020) Managing Principal (TE) = Term Expiration Certifed Research Associates conduct the research.Certifcatio n Board Member InfraStrategies, LLC * = Past Chair, Board of Trustees requires an advanced degree, generally a Ph.D., a record of Information and Technology Transfer Vice Chair,Abbas Mohaddes Peninsula Corridor Joint (TE 2018) Powers Board Dan Moshavi, Ph.D. (Ex-Offcio) academic publications, and professional references. Research MTI utilizes a diverse array of dissemination methods and President & COO Dean projects culminate in a peer-reviewed publication, available on media to ensure research results reach those responsible Econolite Group Inc. Ed Hamberger (Ex-Offcio) Lucas College and Graduate President & CEO School of Business TransWeb, the MTI website (http://transweb.sjsu.edu). for managing change. These methods include publication, Executive Director, Association of American Railroads San José State University seminars, workshops, websites, social media, webinars, Karen Philbrick, Ph.D. Mineta Transportation Institute Education and other technology transfer mechanisms. Additionally, San José State University The Institute supports education programs for students seeking a MTI promotes the availability of completed research to career in the development and operation of surface transportation professional organizations and journals and works to systems. MTI, through San José State University, offers an AACSB- integrate the research fndings into the graduate education Directors Research Associates Policy Oversight Committee accredited Master of Science in Transportation Management and program.MTI’s extensive collection
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