k/ searching? GUIOEBOOI<Did you know that you can get 11 lessons in Spiritual Science to the for only $5.00? ! Just order back numbers of THE AOUARIANPSYCHIC OBSERVER. March 1969 through January 1970. All at cover GOSPELprice except sold·out or rare issues. (We guarantee a complete set of lessons even if we have to repro­ of JESUSduce pages in the sold-out issues!) the CHRIST CSPra11,ln1. $2,25 Margaret A. Moum P .o. 8 ox 8606 NATIONAL SPIRITUAL SCIENCE Washington, D.C. 20011 Center of Wash,n9ton, D. C .. Inc. 5605 SIXTEENTH S"!REET. N W WASHINGTON. 0 C 20011 THE SPIRITUALISTGAZETTE AND PSYCHIC RESEARCHER The FIRST International Educational Psychic Newspaper □ Development of Medlumshlp □ Development of Healing □ Organising Development Circ:les □ Various Aspects of Psychic Phenomena D Spiritual Philosophy □ Meditation, etc. □ INCLUDING THE LATEST NEWS WITHIN THE MOVEMENT js,;;c~,:;;;, for 7Please send me for ONE YEAR my copy of The Spiritualist ONE YEAR .Gazette and Psychic Researcher I is only $6 and ( : includes po~tage 1 NAME ... L~n:!..!'1_c~g:n:._ j ADDRESS Send to The I enclose P.M.O .. Checlc, valued$ ................... .. SPIRITUALIST GAZETTE. 33 Belgrave Square, London. SW I IQB JOURNALOF SPIRITUALSCIENCE VOLUMEXXXVI NOVEMBER-DECEMBERNUMBER FIVE SPIRIT RETURN 408 HAUNTED MUMMIES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM GEORGE WAGNER 414 MATERIAi-iSM CANNOT DENY THESE PROOFS DR. W.D. CHESNEY 418 A NEW LOOK AT THE DEATH PROCESS MANDERLEY BRYANTON 422 REPORT FROM CHESTERFIELD DR. DONALD J. MUELLER 426 THE RETURN OF PETER GRIMM ARTHURB • HARTLEY 444 SPIRITUAL/SM IN THE 20TH CENTURY SUSAN DREIBAND 448 JAYNE MANSFIELD: A SPIRIT RETURNS EVELYNMCKEEVER BRYCEBOND INTERVIEW 430 LESLIE FLINT ON INDEPENDENT DIRECT VOICE - PART 1 FEATURES 436 THE SECRET OF FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BOB SPIEGEL 439 I WITNESS J • FRED JUSTICE 442 TAP YOUR INNER RESOURCES BILL R. QUINALTY 452 ARE YOU WITH IT? GRAHAME W. BARRATT 461 SCIENTIFIC CHARACTER ANALYSIS ANN KOER>liG DEPARTMENTS 491 ASSOC/A 7/0NS 480 ESPRESSMARKET 473 BOOK REVIEWS 476 NEW BOOKS RECEIVED 477 BOOK SHOP 405 OPEN CHANNEL 485 CLASSIFIED 492 PSYCHIC CENTERS DIRECTORY 469 COSMIC KEYHOLE 404 PUBLISHER"S PAGE 470 EAST COAST ACTION 413 SPIRIT SPEAKS Truth For Authority Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archivol Collection n:,~1c7,cOi,s~rvn· •CHIMES JOURNALOF SPIRITUALSCIENCE HENRYJ. NAGORKA ~ Founded in 1937 by Ralph G- Publisher Pressing, and Juliette Ewing Pressing. Published monthly by SUSAN DREIBAND ESPress, lnc.,Box 8606, Washington, D .c. 20011. Editorial offices at Edit.or 5605 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20011 (202) 723-4578. BRYCEBOND Advertising offices at 8509 Rains­ wood Drive, Landover, MD 20785. DIANE S. NAGORKA (301) 322-8528. Associate Editors ROBERTAJEANNE NICOLELLA Subscription Rate: S?.50 per yr. Area Representative US ISSN 0048-S73x COPYRIGHT1975 by ESPress,Inc. SAM N. TEPPE All rights reserved. Science Advisor HELENEENEY THE PSYCHIC 08SERVER IS AN OPEN FORUM MAGAZINE IN WHICH Circulation VARIOUS VIEWPOINTS MAY SE DISCUSSEC. THE OPINIONS EX• TERESANAGORKA PRESSED ARE THOSE OF THE CONTRIBUTOFU A.NO 00 NOT Composition NECESSARILY REFLECT THE OPINIONS OF THE EOITORIAL STAFF OR ESPRESS, 1NC. W. JEFFERSON MATERIALS MAY BE SUBMITTED layout. FOFI PUBLICATION ON A NON- REMUNEFIATIVE 9ASIS MANU• GENEVIEVEMOTYKA SCRIPTS SHOJLD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A. STAMPED AOORESSEO Book Section WHILE ALL REASON­ ABLE CARE WILL BE TAKEN, WE CAN ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY J EANNI; MOORE FOR MATERIALS LOST OR OAMA.QEO. t.1A.NUSCRIPTS SHOULD 9E MAILED Advertising TO THE EDITOR, PSYCHIC os·­ SERVER, BOX aeoe, WASHINGTON WILLIAM ALLEN o..c. 20011 Camera - Stripping RODELPHLEWIS Plant Supervisor AND A HOST Of UNSEEN FRIENCS Volume X>...'\'.VINumber 5 how to publish your book SUCCESS­ FULLY CSPr111,ln1, P .0. Box 8606 Washington. D.C. 20011 404 , f n • _ / . 1. unprecedented levels of achieve­ U...Ot'~ 4, ment, have provided clear indication r in recent times that continuing OJ movement along the same path may Q_ not be of best service to humanity Q or the planet. It was not without €/ ~~:so;m~~~:a~h~s~n~ui~~i;ee:~~gtho! Advancement of Science, held in New York City, January 26-31, 1975, discussed'' Science and the Quality of Life." Knowledge of other paths has existed from time immemorial. ; /, ~~c~h~n~:~~ii~fesha~fb~~~t:~~~~;t ---~-~= leaders of humanity in spiritual =c.___ ...._______ and mental concepts as well as in the arts. Descriptions abound in RUCIAL PERIODS in the history the history and lore and in the C of mankind generate the very literature and religion of every forces which move in new directions cultural grouping on earth. to search out means for improving Peoples of I ife. the world look to America for One of the m~t significant leadership. Yet, in the area of concepts manifesting at all levels Whole Man Sciences bridging the of human activity today is concerned life essentials of nutrition, en­ with the whole man. vrionment, productive activity and The American inner serenity, America has fallen Academy of Parapsychology is an behind countries such as the Soviet expression of the holistic ideal, Union, Bulgaria, Japan and India, dedicated to re-uniting man's arti­ among others. ficially separated parts into a The American Academy unified whole thus helping man bet­ of Parapsychology fills a need for a ter to serve himself and his brother respected educationa I institution through expanded comprehension of the highest professional integrity, and awareness. offering control led experimentation The Academy fills and research leading to develop­ the role of providing a focal point ment. The availability to creative in the national capital, encouraging, minds of a responsive Center for promoting and coordinating the work in extraordinary sciences will rapidly developing area of para­ result in the conservation of energy, psychology. the production of new forms of energy Worldwide developments and the harmonization of extensive in the physical sciences, in industry social, economic and spirilual and commerce, though reaching disorders. God Speed! You are cordially invited to the Tuesday evening program series devoted to consciousness -expanding discussions ond demonstrations. W/LLKIE MEMORIAL. 20 West 40th Streflt ANN KOERNIG, Director, 64 West 9th St. N. Y., N. Y. 10011 533-0323, Volume XXXVI Number 5 405 -oe-0/(/ E~ I was shocked to read in the Respectfully yours, April-May- JiJOe '• Editor's Desk" Bro. S .v. Parmar about the court decision against many West Coast travel agencies Divine Power Research & Service Soc. ordering them to cease promotion 79 Meadows St., 1st. Floor of touis to the Philipines for Bombay-1, India. psychic surgery and that this act classified all psychic surgery as You usually have some high fraudulent. quality material, and there are 95 This must be fought! pages of it in the July/August issue Silence and apathy must not be of PSYCHIC OBSERVER & CHIMES. tolerated! '' Truth for Authority" is often a To win the battle, combined path that leads on into strange and ability, resourses, acumen, assist­ uncharted horizons of adventurous ance and the cooperation of all men explorations. It sometimes seems a of good will of all countries is rugged height too forbidding for the needed. This cause must be fought faint of heart, which only the and won. mettlesome can scale. It does take I strongly recommend that character to follow a bright star, you advise the heads of state (the but one venturing the dare- will U.N., President Ford, the Senate certainly develop a master. and The House of Representatives) of this court decision. You need a Yet, sometimes there are concerted attack lead by a high evidences that the aura of the Dark power delegation of the most re­ Ages is still with us. We yet lack spected and knowledgeable individ-­ self-identity, and we are yet blind uals available. Perhaps Edgar to our Cosmic place in creation, Mitchell and Harold Sherman could and therefore unaware of our Cosmic lead this committee. privileges. l think its Circulate this time to clear the fog of false letter to a II concerned persons and teachings. sack over the centuries factions and ask their" full fledged many people have had visitations of participation and support. They Christ, not so numerous as today, must create a joint approach which but thru fear they did not mention is just for your country under the such things. If the c1erg;, did not have such privilege, it could only circumstances. be evil. The "Colden Scripts" Kindly let me know are words of Christ, and have been what is being done regarding my available for years; but the author, proposed actions. May God guide W. D. Pe I ley, was not one of the you and may success be with you. clergy.so he was called a 'Devil'. 406 The article on vegetarian­ missing a single copy. It's getting ism is good and is timely. Many better all the time. Blessings to more people are now seeking such you & yours. facts that once were for '' kooks" only. Such disciplines are neces­ Blanche Archer sary if we are to free ourselves from Montclair, CA. the density of flesh, and let feelings beC:ome the language with nature. It is very confusing at first to I took a photo of a healing permit spirit to be in the driver.. service in the Pure Truth Sanctuary seat. I have not yet acquired the of Wilshire Blvd. Apart from. that self-confidence of a pilot that truly wonderful pink ray of LOVE coming knows his ship. But I do know that out of my direct ion toward the our body eel Is have their own cycles healer {who claims she channels of evolutionary development, and I for !SIS) I see Mme H.P.
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