SIXTEI^PAGBS PRiCB THREE C e n t s (Okipilfled Adr«ftMlag MANCHESTEli;, CONN,, ^l^TODAY, MAttCH 16,. 1683*; VOL. U L. NO. 146. 5 ” PRICES ON MARKET Wall street Springs bito Activity POUR W FROM CONTINUE TO RISE COOKDKSCHOOl h New Y oik Yesterday Sen* Anodier Boge Crowd FiDs I • EXPECT m i E Britain Presents Plan Measure Slashing Half 0 3 - sational Gains Were Bong TOPASSBEER Matonic Bril Todap— To- . GonDoBars From Veter­ Extended From $1 To iMrrow’s Sesrioii To End For Security o f World B D i w m ans’ AUowances and Fed­ More Than $3. Bendd’s^mialEveid. eral Pay Now Goes To Geneva, Switserlamd, Mardi 16.< Austria’s effectives wotod be fix­ —(AP)—Prime Minister Ramosay ed at 80,000, Hungary's at 60,000 New Tork, March 16.—(AP) — amd Bulgaria’s at 60,000. Friends of Proluintien Attack Women drove to their cus from MacDonald of Great Britain, pre­ White House For Presi­ The big forward ptish in security The French “Allies’’ would be the country amd suburbs around senting a new plam for peame and lined up: Poland 200,000, Rumania marketa spread to the country’s Measnre Bot There Is An Manchester to haip swell the crowd security to the world dlsiurmament 160,000, Czechp-Slovakia 100,000. dent’s Signature— Senate iMding commodity exchanges today, at today’s Cooking School to the conference today, proposed am -Russia vmd’ d be given half a t^iWng huge sums to the quoted (hrerwhelining Majority Urgeat ever ‘ assembled for a army of 200,000 men for Oermamy, million men. Amendments Adopted. Talus of stocks, bonds, wheat, com, homemaddng flathermg in this coto- douMtog the miudmum limit set The plan would extend the Lon­ don naval treaty to include France rye. cotton and other “prosperity" munlty. The atoe o f the audienrie 7 the Treaty of Veraaillee. , To Give BM Its Approval The aurmlee. of Itely amd France and Italy. It also woiUd extend the measuring sticks. was matriied kqr its entbuslauim and navid holiday on capital ships to adl Washington, March 18.—(AP) — interest, for groups began to aurriye would be reduced to the ,eame nu­ ^KThile shares on the New York merical strength^ but France would powers except Italy, which would Final Congressional approval was Stock Exchange were extendi^ before noon amd others continued to be permitted to.build one shij> to Washington. March 16— (AP)— pour to to try to find places as late be permitted am overseas force of given today to President Roosevelt’a yesterday’s sensational gains by 200,000 and Itnly 60,000. bMimce the new French cruiser Wtih leaders hoping for a vote by aw 2 o’clock, the hour scheduled for request for authority to trim gov­ to more than $8, the grain pit at the deqioDstratScos to bpgto. This would reduce ths French Dunkirk. CSiioago was witnessing a wildly night, the Senate debated the 8.3 immy alwut one-third, paurallding Germany would be freed legadly ern mentiU expenses $60o,000,000 by opening. Extreme advances None were turned away today, due per cent beer bill today and quickly to'th e arranfl^BBents made to in- the propoeal of President Hoover. frotn the naval restrictions itopos- sl.'3hihg veterans allDwanoes and were restricted by special regul^oi^ approved an amendment adding No maximum was suggested for ed hy the Versailles Treaty, but aq creawe the seattaf oapacity of the be Federad pay. tut wheait Jump^ the limit ox 5 of the same alcoholic content Masofile Temple. Extra benches amd the Britieb aurmy, nor does the plan tually her navad power would eents a bushel and com, up 8 cents, include any attempt to limit non- fixed at the present level until The meamure cauryii« the authori­ Friends of prohibition attacked seats were installed to the lobby amd ty,. the second adminlstraticn pro- gained aU that was allowable. the measure. room was found for more persons European forcee. 1936. New York cotton prices soared Senator Sheppard (D., Tex.), a >osal to be acted upon oy the extra on each bench. Tbs session got un­ lessloD, now goes to the ' White ggjio to nearly $5 a bide, later meet* sponsor of the Eighteenth Amend derway well before the hour sched­ Ing some profit-taking sales which ment, called it “a denerate an( Houet for President Rqpsevelt’s uled amd auMured the School of Its signature that will make It law. redu^ this ranee. cragic form of taxatton." third day of succcm. Stock Tradiiig An overwhelming majority form TVall Street, the nation’s financial center, teemed with activity once On motion of Representative Mc­ Realising that such • a crowd 'ALK OF WAR AND ARMS Duffie of Alabama, chairman of the nading In‘stocks here was so eu from Republican as we. as more’as reopenii^ of the Stock Elxchange brought tboxisands back to their would produce more tbam the usuad tumultuous that quotation-reporting Democratic ranks was impatlen to jobs and the banks set the lifeblodd of business and industry circtilating special economy committee, the fecfflMss were swamped and the number of queetioni and Interrup­ give the bill its approval, but after the hdllday. This photo taken from the steps of the sub-treasury tions, Mrs. Edna Riggs Crabtree House tdday concurred to the Senate ticker fell as much as eight minutes whether the vote could soon be buildlpg, shows crowds at Wall and Nassau Streets in contrast to the des­ and her asrietant Ixfimsdiately fol­ amendments. ■behind actual transactions on the STIRS EUROPE'S CAPITALS All the amendment! lulopted were reached dependec on the extent of olate scene of a few days before. lowed her greeting with the making A floor. The Maricet boUed up at opposition oratory. of the first recipe on the day’s liet for the protection of veterans. opening, subsided a bit under realis­ President Roosevelt eubmltteid the ing and then returned close to the Home entertiitotof, eepedally the BILL IN SENATE proper arrangement of a table, was Iiolated loddents Which program to Congress last Friday in among the many topics touched JUDGESOrS ACAIN i ipeolal meiiaige. It was paused by ^ ^ S te?' States government bonds Washington, March 16.—(A P) —• The Senate took up the 8.$ per omt upon oy Mrs. Crabtree. the House Saturday. wsrs again sharply higher, some ’S BREWERS READY Talks as She Works tbs Trsasuriss showing net galn^ot beer and wine bill today; with lead­ Passed Unnoticed Before ers hopeful of Its approval before While she mixed, baked, placed STAR T M SO ISSW N BILL IS DISCUSSED a point sr two wall bsi('ore noon. Do- dlihee to the refrigerator, or took Waehlngton, March 18.— (A P )— * msstio*ic oorporationooT]— ins felt the ulghttalL The ipeolal house economy commit­ ▲ etnng bl^NirtleaB ma|orlty was them out ot the oven, Mrs, Crab Are Now Aronring Fear b sCopisC opUmism; imany issues rose BEER tree discussed the togredlente used tee todty conferred with toembers tbs ailghborhoodod of no per r e a ^ to vole qolek impvoval of the of the lenate finance committee on . wfaloh already haa paaied bi«* the recipes and described Among DqilonaU. r$1,000 otd^ration. the utenslle on her stage. State Senators Berfin and the $600,000,000 economy bill front Taking tha HeaM, .lmt oppmeMla w en load- Before tha session closed Mrs. )uied last night by the Senate. ad down miilimeBto'agalnat Ita i Proflt-taUng in the ‘’beer" Issues 50,0(KI;M« To Got Btoady nUtEimiGIITENS Crabirss distrlbutsd ths filled mar­ Cotnqr In Floor Discni- The lapsloD was held in the o ifift unsettlsmest m that ooBstltutloiiallty. ket baskets and gave away th* (||y Associflied Prese) , of Senator Hacrlion or Miiiiislppl, group.and spsoulaUvs totewsttsiul^- Chalnpan Harrlaoa of the dUheg coqkfed in the dSnumstratm laljfost 'flf ooinxnlttM, who Ia to shift to old MBS indu«trial$. Tht^'^riancto'yelterdsy. art. kited lotedtoe blD tlirougb tha Senate, U. fl. MtHl yim hedalxm t $ 1 ^ to i)eloxv. races stinurrad venous Burapeam *llie'jDlnt ajpe^tos was held to W 'a d d p fed When the last baeket had oapltels toditj^ th6 UmuBi of chief M m aavaA i « decide 'What dourie to take but tlM 138.62; denstfil m «ctrlc n to nsar^ without an auable dlmentlag Vota. B i^ ' Sitat Os decision depended largely on dietributad yesterday, Mrs. Crab­ nitloQs were getting together to Hertford, Miirob 18.— (AP)— A $16. Amsrioan Tobaooo "B " $3J» to The tan Mtmui^iiiiw -o&ly tree, ae usual, Invited the women ot try to avert tbraatenUd ’daahea. whether Preildent Roosevelt op- $64. J. L Case, stimulated 1^ gralB Boanfing Checked, Dieiiaito her au^enoe to come u^ amd to Iiolated iBStamoee, which a few resolution appoint^ Raymond J. Msei the amendments with action prices. Jumped $8 to $50.60. (Oonttiiaed On Bag» FOo^) spect the kltoheo and ask imy months ago might have passed al- Devito ot the New Haven City Court >y the House awaiting word from Heavy deposits of money in the xnoit unnoticed, lurouaed fear and warn adopted today after afi extend­ um, « New York City banks this week are IncreaN, Legislalion h o - (Oontliioed 6m Fsge Four) After the meeting, Representative By AjBSOOyLTBD PRE9S luaploion. _ . ed floor dlsouaiion between Senators MoDuffle of Alabama, chairman ot belv refiected In the return of cur- X^mier MacDonald amd Foreign r e ^ to the local Federal Reserve As^Cppg;^ got ready to turn Bergin amd Cooney, militant foes on the House group economy oommlt- FEW FEDERAL JOBS the iq ^ ia D ^ sat laf^.Tbear ipprt- Tided Te Safegoard Foods.
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