NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 PLANNING APPLICATION Design and Access Statement August 2014 4 NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 | Design and Access Statement | August 2014 Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Structure of the document 8 1.2 Scope of the document 9 1.3 Summary of the application proposals 10 2.0 POLICY SUMMARY 2.1 Summary of relevant planning policy 14 2.2 Summary of relevant planning background 22 3.0 SITE & CONTEXT APPRAISAL 3.1 The site and its surroundings 28 3.2 Social and economic context 29 3.3 Historical context 30 3.4 Character 32 3.5 Transport links 40 3.6 Local facilities 44 3.7 Constraints and opportunities 46 4.0 DENSITY ANALYSIS 4.1 Character 54 4.2 Precedent analysis 55 4.3 Precedent examples selected for study 56 5.0 DESIGN RATIONALE & EVOLUTION 5.1 The initial vision and development objectives 64 5.2 Consideration of options 66 5.3 Public and stakeholder consultation and involvement 68 5.4 Design evolution in light of analysis 70 6.0 DESIGN PRINCIPLES 6.1 Masterplan approach 76 6.2 Amount and uses 82 6.3 Proposed distribution of uses 84 6.4 Existing features to be retained 86 6.5 The form of the proposed new development 88 6.6 Movement and access strategy 94 6.7 Parking principles 106 6.8 Southern Access Road (West) 108 6.9 Landscape and open space 110 6.10 Public realm strategy 118 6.11 Healthy environment 119 6.12 Rampton Drift 120 6.13 Public art strategy 122 6.14 Community safety 124 6.15 Sustainability and energy strategy / overview 126 7.0 ILLUSTRATED VISION AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES 7.1 Vision 130 7.2 Space typology 132 7.4 Character areas 134 8.0 IMPLEMENTATION 8.1 Overview of phasing strategy - Phase 2 146 August 2014 | NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 | Design and Access Statement 5 1.0 IntrodUCTION August 2014 | NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 | Design and Access Statement 7 1.1 Structure of the document The development of Northstowe provides an opportunity to deliver a sustainable development that contributes to national, regional and local growth aspirations. Phase 1 is already underway. The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) is now bringing forward a planning application for the next phase of development and associated access. This Design and Access Statement (DAS) has been prepared on behalf of the HCA and is submitted in support of the application for Northstowe Phase 2. The main sections of this document have been structured as follows: – Policy and Context (Sections 2 and 3) – sets out the general features of the proposal, the content and the organisation of this document, together with details of the design process and planning policy considerations; – Appraisal (Sections 3, 4 and 5) – provides an assessment of the site, with regard to its physical, social and economic context and a summary of the strategic issues which led to the final proposal for Phase 2; – Proposals and Principles – (Sections 6 and 7) summarises the proposed development uses and quantum, and access strategy and arrangements, followed by further detailed design proposals; – Implementation (Section 8) – sets out the broad anticipated phasing proposals for this part of Northstowe. FIGURE 1.1: THE SITE 8 NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 | Design and Access Statement | August 2014 0m 100m 200m 300m 400m 500m August 2014 | NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 | Design and Access Statement 9 1.2 Scope of the document The purpose of this DAS is to describe the design process which has resulted in the application proposals and to provide an illustrated explanation of the proposed development. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Guidance on Information Requirements and Validation (2010) states that design and access statements should help to ensure, and to illustrate, that the development is based on a thoughtful design process and a sustainable approach to design, and allow local communities and other stakeholders to interpret the proposals. Guidance is also provided in the National Planning Practice Guidance. Advice provided by the Design Council recommends that, when setting out the principles and concepts that have been applied to the proposals, the following should be addressed: – Use; – Amount; – Layout; – Scale; – Landscape; – Appearance; – Access. For large scale developments, landscape and access are important considerations in setting out the overall structure of the proposal. Layout principles and key parameters have been defined for the whole development to meet planning legislation requirements. Parameter plans have been produced and submitted for the determination of the application. Four character areas (town centre (busway), town square, Rampton Drift edge and former barracks area) have been described in more detail to illustrate the application of those design principles that will apply to the development of Phase 2. 10 NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 | Design and Access Statement | August 2014 1.3 Summary of the application proposals The planning application is for development of Phase 2 of Northstowe with details of appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and access reserved (save for the matters submitted in respect of the Southern Access Road (West)). It comprises: 1) Development of the main Phase 2 development area for up to 3,500 dwellings, two primary schools, the secondary school, the town centre including employment uses, formal and informal recreational space and landscaped areas, the eastern sports hub, the remainder of the western sports hub (to complete the provision delivered at Phase 1), the busway, a primary road to link to the southern access, construction haul route, engineering and infrastructure works; and 2) Construction of a highway link (Southern Access Road (West)) between the proposed new town of Northstowe and the B1050, improvements to the B1050, and associated landscaping and drainage. Further details on the planning application are set out in the Planning Statement submitted in support of the scheme. FIGURE 1.2: APPLICATION AREAS PLAN Phase 2 application boundary Phase 2 - Main Phase 2 development area Phase 2 - Southern Access Road (West) A0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N N bea.canalda 1 2 3 4 \CAD\SUBMISSION DRAWINGS\NS-AUL-03-01_Application Areas Plan.dwg 7 Aug 2014 17:29:50 id: 8EC8DB92-240C-4D8F-BB0A-A4FFB46074BD 5 6 7 \\Global.arup.com\london\PTG\ICL-JOBS\230000\230781 Northstowe Phase 2 Planning Application\22_23_24 APPL PREP\4 Internal\3 AUL Issue Date By Chkd Appd 8 13 Fitzroy Street London W1T 4BQ +44 (0)20 7636 1531 www.arup.com Client 9 Homes and Communities Agency Job Title NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 PLANNING APPLICATION 10 Drawing Title APPLICATION AREAS PLAN August 2014 | NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 | Design and Access Statement 11 Scale at A1 1:5,000 @ A0 Discipline URBAN DESIGN 11 Drawing Status FOR PLANNING Job No Drawing No Issue 0 100 m 200 m 500 m 230781-21 A Do not scale © Arup 2.0 POLICY SUMMARY August 2014 | NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 | Design and Access Statement 13 2.1 Summary of relevant planning policy The Town and Country Planning Act (1990) and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) require that planning applications should be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. For Northstowe, the planning policy framework is set out in the diagram in Figure 2.1. Further information is also provided in the Planning Statement submitted with the application. The development of the proposals for Phase 2 has been informed by the policy requirements. The core policy documents are illustrated in the diagram below; policies relevant to the Design and Access Statement are summarised in this section. FIGUre 2.1: PLANNING POLICY FRAMeworK National NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK GUIDANCE (2012) (2014) OTHER LOCAL DOCUMENTS CURRENT POLICY: LOCAL EMERGING POLICY: DEVELOPMENT LOCAL PLAN FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK (2012) CORE STRATEGY DPD SUBMISSION LOCAL DESIGN CODES (2007) PLAN (2014) (2014) DEVELOPMENT CONTROL DRAFT COMMUNITY POLICIES DPD INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY (2007) CHARGING SCHEDULE NORTHSTOWE AREA ACTION SUPPORTING PLAN (NAAP) STUDIES: (2007) STRATEGIC HOUSING LAND AVAILABILITY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DESIGN GUIDE SPD (2013) (2010) CAMBRIDGE SUB-REGIONAL STRATEGIC HOUSING MARKET ASSESSMENT CAMBRIDGESHIRE AND (2013) PETERBOROUGH MINERALS AND WASTE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK CAMBRIDGE GREEN (2011, 2012) INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY (2011) 14 NORTHSTOWE PHASE 2 | Design and Access Statement | August 2014 N ATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK (2012) D EVELOPMENT CONTROL POLICIES DPD (2007) The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published in March The Development Control Policies DPD guides decisions on planning 2012 and sets the Government’s planning policies for England. It puts a applications within South Cambridgeshire. strong emphasis on the purpose of the planning system to contribute to sustainable development economically, environmentally and socially. All new development should: – Great weight is given to outstanding or innovative designs which help – Preserve or enhance the character of the local area; raise the standard of design more generally in the area; – Conserve or enhance important environmental assets of the site; – Local planning authorities should not refuse planning permission for – Include variety and interest within a coherent and legible design, which buildings or infrastructure which promote high levels of sustainability provides a sense of place whilst also responding to the local context because of concerns about incompatibility with an existing townscape, and respecting local distinctiveness; if those concerns have been mitigated by good design;
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