MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL FOUNDATION SAMUEL LUNENFELD RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL 2006-07 REPORT ANNUAL HOSPITAL SINAI MOUNT OF INSTITUTE RESEARCH LUNENFELD SAMUEL FOUNDATION HOSPITAL SINAI MOUNT HOSPITAL SINAI MOUNT Mount Sinai HoSpital Mount Sinai HoSpital foundation SaMuel lunenfeld reSearcH inStitute of Mount Sinai H o S pital ANNuAl RepoRt 2006-2007 Bright Minds. Big Hearts. The Best Medicine. our Mission: Mount Sinai HoSpital iS dedicated to diScovering and delivering tHe beSt patient care witH tHe Heart and valueS true to our Heritage. Mount Sinai HoSpital Mount Sinai HoSpital foundation Mount Sinai Hospital is an internationally The Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation raises and recognized, 472-bed acute care academic health stewards funds to support Mount Sinai Hospital centre affiliated with the University of Toronto. and its Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute. It is known for excellence in the provision The generous support of donors fuels Hospital of compassionate patient care, innovative initiatives and innovation, funds research, education and world-leading research. Our Centres improves facilities and technology, and new of Excellence are Women’s and Infants’ Health; programs at Mount Sinai. Surgical Sub-specialties and Oncology; Acute and Chronic Medicine; and Laboratory Medicine and Infection Control. SaMuel lunenfeld reSearcH inStitute of Mount Sinai Hospital brings together Bright Minds Mount Sinai HoSpital and Big Hearts to provide the Best Medicine. The Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute is a recognized leader in the world’s research community, with a reputation for top-quality investigators and scientific excellence. It has an extensive impact on scientific advancement and is home to many of Canada’s outstanding biomedical researchers. Bright Minds. Big hearts. the Best Medicine. “Mount Sinai saved my life. It’s taBle of contents the first place many people go for care, for good reason. As a Bright Minds. Big Hearts. 7 A Message from the Chair of the Board and patient and a donor, I know the President and CEO of Mount Sinai Hospital that Mount Sinai is not only about the best medicine, it is about Every Donation Counts 17 A Message from the Chair of the Board compassion, care, understanding and the President of the Mount Sinai and hope. This is a hospital Hospital Foundation of Toronto that loves the patients who The Best Medicine Today…and Tomorrow 23 walk through the door, and A Message from the Co-Chairs of the makes every single one of Research Committee and the Director of the them important — because Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital they all count.” — Rebecca MacDonald; A Year of Highlights and Events 29 Board Member, Former Patient, Donor Donors Make the Difference 39 Financial Statements 53 Mount Sinai Hospital Board of Directors 60 and Board of Governors 2006-07 Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of Toronto 63 Board of Directors 2006-07 Chiefs of Service, Senior Leadership 64 and Centres of Excellence 2006-07 “Mount Sinai saved my life. It’s taBle of contents the first place many people go for care, for good reason. As a Bright Minds. Big Hearts. 7 A Message from the Chair of the Board and patient and a donor, I know the President and CEO of Mount Sinai Hospital that Mount Sinai is not only about the best medicine, it is about Every Donation Counts 17 A Message from the Chair of the Board compassion, care, understanding and the President of the Mount Sinai and hope. This is a hospital Hospital Foundation of Toronto that loves the patients who The Best Medicine Today…and Tomorrow 23 walk through the door, and A Message from the Co-Chairs of the makes every single one of Research Committee and the Director of the them important — because Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital they all count.” — Rebecca MacDonald; A Year of Highlights and Events 29 Board Member, Former Patient, Donor Donors Make the Difference 39 Financial Statements 53 Mount Sinai Hospital Board of Directors 60 and Board of Governors 2006-07 Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation of Toronto 63 Board of Directors 2006-07 Chiefs of Service, Senior Leadership 64 and Centres of Excellence 2006-07 Bright Minds. Big Hearts. The Best Medicine. “At Mount Sinai and the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, we lead in the translation of science to service. In my specialty, if we can identify people genomically who are at higher risk for colorectal cancer, we can develop more targeted programs and treatments. We’re linking research with care to understand and control this very serious disease. The work is challenging and important – and I can’t think of a better place to do it.” — Dr. Steven Gallinger, Principal Investigator and Surgeon Bright Minds. Big Hearts. The Best Medicine. “At Mount Sinai and the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, we lead in the translation of science to service. In my specialty, if we can identify people genomically who are at higher risk for colorectal cancer, we can develop more targeted programs and treatments. We’re linking research with care to understand and control this very serious disease. The work is challenging and important – and I can’t think of a better place to do it.” — Dr. Steven Gallinger, Principal Investigator and Surgeon Bright Minds. Big hearts. a Message froM the chair of the Board and the President and CEO of Mount sinai hosPital Reflecting on the past year, and preparing for an We are advancing strategies that concentrate on exciting future, brings us to the core principle that building clinical excellence. This means enhancing has, for more than 80 years, guided Mount Sinai patient care, retaining and recruiting talented staff, Hospital: How can we continue to provide the very and investing in research, education and facilities. best care for our patients? Why should patients and their families look to Mount Sinai for treatment? Mount Sinai also moved ahead on a major capital How can we exceed their expectations when they renewal initiative, Renew Sinai. We launched put their trust in us? significant new programs and expanded several key centres. We restructured to better align clinical Through that filter, we can proudly say that practice with research excellence, and achieved 2006-07 was a great year for Mount Sinai Hospital, financial targets. our Foundation, and the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital. We have: Though we are proud of our achievements, we 1 Advanced quality care and patient safety. cannot rest on our laurels, especially during a time of such significant transformation in the health-care 2 Developed world-class facilities and technology. sector. We know that success is not an entitlement. 3 Dedicated ourselves to operational excellence Rather, we need to continue to work diligently to and top talent. provide every patient with the very best care possible. 4 Aligned leading-edge international research As you will discover in our Annual Report, this is a with clinical distinction. “As social workers, we help people see the possibilities within themselves, the Hospital time of positive and profound renewal and change and the community. And as members of outstanding health-care teams, we make 5 Strengthened our commitment to teaching. for Mount Sinai that translates, quite simply, into excellent patient care, now and in the future. And 6 Expanded community collaborations to improve those possibilities a reality. After working here for 23 years, I can truly say Mount now, in words and pictures, let us show you some of health-care delivery. Sinai is like family, and our patients notice and appreciate that. We are big enough to our bright minds and big hearts. This is the core of 7 Received record philanthropic support from Mount Sinai, the reason people turn to us for care: attract the best people in the world and small enough to know and value each other.” the community. Bright Minds. Big Hearts. The Best Medicine. — Diane Savage, Director, Social Work 8 Flourished with strong and effective governance. 7 Bright Minds. Big hearts. a Message froM the chair of the Board and the President and CEO of Mount sinai hosPital Reflecting on the past year, and preparing for an We are advancing strategies that concentrate on exciting future, brings us to the core principle that building clinical excellence. This means enhancing has, for more than 80 years, guided Mount Sinai patient care, retaining and recruiting talented staff, Hospital: How can we continue to provide the very and investing in research, education and facilities. best care for our patients? Why should patients and their families look to Mount Sinai for treatment? Mount Sinai also moved ahead on a major capital How can we exceed their expectations when they renewal initiative, Renew Sinai. We launched put their trust in us? significant new programs and expanded several key centres. We restructured to better align clinical Through that filter, we can proudly say that practice with research excellence, and achieved 2006-07 was a great year for Mount Sinai Hospital, financial targets. our Foundation, and the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital. We have: Though we are proud of our achievements, we 1 Advanced quality care and patient safety. cannot rest on our laurels, especially during a time of such significant transformation in the health-care 2 Developed world-class facilities and technology. sector. We know that success is not an entitlement. 3 Dedicated ourselves to operational excellence Rather, we need to continue to work diligently to and top talent. provide every patient with the very best care possible. 4 Aligned leading-edge international research As you will discover in our Annual Report, this is a with clinical distinction. “As social workers, we help people see the possibilities within themselves, the Hospital time of positive and profound renewal and change and the community.
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