Exhibits Planned Teachers To Meet Sept. 9^10 More than 90 tables will display exhibits from 70 sources cese of Cheyenne will be welcomed by Sister Eileen Marie, at the annual teachers meeting set for Sept. 9 — 10 in Loretto president of Loretto Heights, and Sister M. Carmencita. arch­ i Heights college, according to the Very Rev. Monsignor William diocesan elementary curriculum consultant. ! H. .Jones, Denver archdiocesan superintendent of schools. .-Vrchbishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver will greet the dele­ gates, and Mr. John Treanor, a noted authority on teaching KXHIBITS R.V.NJiH from the sublime to the chocolate English, will deliver an address. candy." he said. v The Rev. I^wrence St. Peter will be chairman of the EDUC.XTOR A.ND PUBLISHER Dr. Robert .\llen will ■ i opening session, where a St. Francis de Sales’ color guard will speak on the problem of "slow learners" at 11 a.m., and a K.- I present the colors and St. - Laurence, I^ramie, school band concert by the Laramie St. Laurence school band and orchestra will play the "Star Spanghni Banner," conducted by Sister will be given at 1:30 p.m. after a luncheon. Rose Cecilia, director. A schedule of special programs planned for the institute Teachers from schools in Denver archdiocese and the Dio­ will be found on page 12. Archdiocese in Mourning For Victims of Plane Crash Requiem Masses in Den­ ver, Greeley, Aurora, and throughout the archdiocese this week gave expres­ sion to the grief of the DENVER CATHaiC Hierarchy, clergy, and lai- ry. deprived for the second time this summer of de­ voted priests and lay apostles through a tragic REGISTER accident. Victims of an airplane crash Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations near Aspen Friday. .Aug. 28, were the Rev. Edward D. Ryan, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1964 DENVER, COLORADO VOL LIX No. 4 39. a.ssistant pastor of St, Pe­ ter’s parish, Greeley, and chap­ lain of the Colorado State col­ Come On Now, Laugh! lege Newman club there; Set Sept. 26-27 The Rev. Andrew J. O’Reilly, A shy audience for the talents of with other members of the group the 40, a priest of the New York Dinky the Clown, otherwise kiiown as past week to bring yarn dolls, comic archdiocese .who had been serv­ Alice Slaven, is two-year-old Debby books, candy, and laughter to the chil­ 60 Denver Catholic Men ing as temporary assistant pas­ Harper, one of the youngsters in the dren there. Holding Debby is Barbara tor at St. Therese’ parish, pediatrics department at St. Joseph’s Cabela, a nurse in the department. Aurora; hospital, Denver. “Dinky,” the presi­ The other girls are, from left, Mary Dr. I.,eonard C. Walsh, 40, dent of the Pious Union of the Most Starsser, one of the Christ the King To Go on Interfaith Retreat pilot of the plane, and John Michael Courtney, 28, both Precious Blood in Christ the King pupils, and Mary Pat Colburn, another Sixty Catholic men of Denver i keynote address by William W M. Schmidt. Jr., will speak atj members of the faculty of Col­ school, Denver, visited the hospital patient. will take part in a weekend re-!Grant, 12:30 on "The layman’s role in orado State college, Greeley, treat with an equal number rebuilding respect for ethics.’’ and parishioners of St. Peter’s. each from the Protestant and A LAYMAN FROM each faith the joint retreat will clo.se at Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of St. Jude's Burse Jewish community of the area, will lead discussion in the cabin 2:05 p.m. Denver will give the final ab­ Inside the Register at Camp LaForet Sept. 26-27. talks, from 11 a.m. to noon, and solution at the Solemn Pontifi­ Is Presented $58 1 Three leading archdiocesan after lunch from 1:30 to 4 p.m., cal Requiem Mass this morning. ThlrtMii young mon ond womon from ono pariah laymen. John A. Yelenick. when after a period of free time, | Sept. 3, in Immaculate Concep­ Eig^t donors added $58 in the ! Francis Wieck. and James B. dinner will be served at 6 p.m. tion Cathedral for the repose of past ^ week to the St. Jude ^ S t. Anthony of Podua’i/ Ponvor ore study­ i Reed, have been placed in Seminary Bazaar A candlelight service is the soul of Father Ryan. bur.se for the training of sem­ ing for tho priosthood or roligious lifo this i charge of assembling the Cath- scheduled for 7:05 p.m., after Set for Sept. 13 Celebrant is Auxiliary Bishop inarians studying to become yoor. Story on pogo 2. |olic contingent. priests in the Denver arch­ Thero may bo moro than moots tho oyo in tho log- which cabin session reports will The annual St. Thomas’ David M, Maloney, and the deacon is the Rev. William A. diocese. The burse total now is THE ARCHDIOCESE of Den- be heard and evaluated bv Al- seminary bazaar, originally islotivo proposals of tho Donvor Classroom Ryan of St. Anne’s, Arvada, $1,817.39. Toochors Association. Articlos on pogo 3. ver, the Denver Rabbinical ihert Rosenthal, Sebastian scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 6, [Council, and the Denver Area Owens, and Father Edward L. brother of the deceased. Contributors include: Akron, will be held instead on the fol­ j Council of Churches are c o - ^ Maginnis. lowing Sunday, Sept. 13. A de­ The Rev. Edward A. Leyden, Colo., Anonymous, $10; Tucson, licious dinner, carnival booths, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Ariz., Anonymous, $5; Colorado I sponsors of the retreat which | Sunday program includes and the awarding of a Falcon parish, Denver is subdeacon, Springs, Mrs. C.I.G., $2; and, I has the theme, “The Layman ^ (g j[,g porce acade- convertible will highlight the and the Rev. James Purfield of from Denver, A Friend, $1; Mrs. jand His Place in Society.’ |p^y interfaith chapel at 7:15 j The topic of ethics in busi-Ja.m. After breakfast and fur- yearly fun festival. St. Peter’s, Fleming, will deliv­ R.C.R., $5; A.N., $5; Mrs. E. 0. CCD Institute Scheduled er the sermon. $10; and Anonymous, $20. iness will be a major feature forlther cabin discussions, Richard Rev. Andrew J. O’Reilly discussion under the general Assistant at the Mass is the The Cathedral parish, Den­ tbeme. i Rt. Rev. Monsignor Walter ver, made a payment of $24.31 Francis At St. de Sales Beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday, j ICanavan, rector of the Cathe- on its burse. Mrs. H.G., Den­ A program of teacher-training Thursdays: 7:30 to 9:40 Sept. 26 with registrations atl ! dral. ver, gave $25 to the All Souls' for those who wish to help p.m. elementary course, at the Ponderosa lodge, the inter-j I Burial will be in Mt. Olivet parish burse in memory of Fa­ spread the faith in the Denver Brush. faith discussions will follow a Liturgy Clarifications Given i cemetery. ther Bernard M. Kelly. I area includes a Confraternity of hymn-singing session and the j The Rosary was recited for The sum of $6,000 will estab­ Christian Doctrine institute In an effort to resolve some it is proper to reply to the| lar Mass, according to the ap­ Father Ryan on Tuesday eve­ lish a seminary burse in perpe­ scrieduled for Oct. 16-17 at St. of the doubts and to clarify first question that English ought proved text, has been present­ ning ,in St. Peter’s church, tuity for the education of a stu­ Francis de Sales parish. some of the interpretations of to be used in the Mass at least ed to the Conference of Ameri­ Greeley, and on Wednesday dent for the priesthood. The Father Hamilton’s sections in the Constitution of on certain occasions when spe­ can Bishops for their ratifica­ morning Father William Ryan CLASSES WILL BEGIN for principal will be invested and the Liturgy, the problems were cified regulations are fulfilled. tion. As a consequence, there offered a Solemn Requiem Mass prospective CCD teachers on Burse Given $200 only the interest used. presented to Archbishop John I would hesitate to say that it there for his brother. Oct. 18 in a number of parishes does not exist at this time a Eight donations in the past Dearden of Detroit, chairman must be done under penalty of Rosaries also were held in the and will be held at the following musical score of the vernacu­ DONATIONS TO the semi­ week added $200.15 to the burse of the Bishops’ Commission of sin. lar Mass that is approved for Cathedral on Wednesday for Fa­ nary burse should be sent to times: in memory of Father Raymond the Liturgical .Apostolate. 2. “Since the vernacular Mass; use. I personally am of the ther Ryan, in the afternoon for the Most Reverend Urban J. • Mondays: 7:30 to 9:40 p.m. Hamilton, former assistant at Archbishop Dearden was spe­ opinion that it wilWiot be possi­ religious and in the evening for at Holy Cross, Thornton; may be used only when a con-| Vehr, Archbishop of Denver, the Cathedral parish. Denver. cifically asked when Mass in ble for us to approve such ver­ parishioners and friends. elementary teachers’ gregation is present, clearly we' Chancery office, 1536 Logan The burse total now is $652.88. nacular musical settings until course; the vcrnacuJar could be offered ggi only may but must use La street, Denver, Colo. 80203. Donors are: Strasburg, R. A., and when it would be forbidden, {jg jg so-called ’Private’ Mass the early part of next year.
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