E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1997 No. 158 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 12, 1997, at 12 noon. Senate MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1997 The Senate met at 10 a.m., and was We press on with courage and con- Your supernatural gifts of great leader- called to order by the President pro fidence. Here are our minds, think shipÐwisdom, discernment, knowledge, tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. Your thoughts through them; here are and vision. Through our Lord and Sav- our imaginations, show us Your pur- iour. Amen. PRAYER pose and plan; here are our wills, guide us to do Your will. What You give us f The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John the vision to conceive and the daring Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: to believe, You will give us the power RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Almighty God, Sovereign of our Na- to achieve. Go before us to show us LEADER tion and Lord of our lives, we don't Your way, behind us to press us for- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The know all that this day holds, but we ward toward Your goals, beside us to able majority leader, Senator LOTT, of know that You hold the day in Your give us Your resiliency, above us to Mississippi, is recognized. competent hands. watch over us, and within us to give us Mr. LOTT. I thank the Chair. N O T I C E Under the Rules for Publication of the Congressional Record, a final issue of the Congressional Record for the first ses- sion of the 105th Congress will be published on the 31st day after adjournment in order to permit Members to revise and ex- tend their remarks. All materials for insertion must be signed by the Member and delivered to the respective offices responsible for the Record in the House or Senate between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (until the 10th day after ad- journment). House Members should deliver statements to the Office of Floor Reporters (Room HT±60 of the Capitol) and Sen- ate Members to the Office of Official Reporters of Debate (S±123 in the Capitol). The final issue will be dated the 31st day after adjournment and will be delivered on the 33d day after adjournment. None of the material printed in the final issue of the Congressional Record may contain subject matter, or relate to any event, that occurred after the adjournment date. Along with signed statements, House Members are requested, whenever possible, to submit revised statements or exten- sions of remarks and other materials related to House Floor debate on diskette in electronic form in ASCII, WordPerfect or MicroSoft Word format. Disks must be labeled with Members' names and the filename on the disk. All disks will be returned to Member offices via inside mail. Senators statements should also be submitted electronically, either on a disk to accompany the signed statement, or by e-mail to the Official Reporters of Debate at ``Record@Reporters''. Members of Congress desiring to purchase reprints of material submitted for inclusion in the Congressional Record may do so by contacting the Congressional Printing Management Division, at the Government Printing Office, on 512±0224. By order of the Joint Committee on Printing. JOHN WARNER, Chairman. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S12435 S12436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE November 10, 1997 SCHEDULE the provision of the Taxpayer Relief Act of Mr. CONRAD. Yes. 1997 relating to exempting active financing Mr. LOTT. This morning the Senate income from foreign personal holding com- Mr. LOTT. Throughout the day yes- will be in a period for morning business pany income and to provide for the non- terday, meetings were occurring be- until 10:30 a.m. Following morning recognition of gain on the sale of stock in tween the House and Senate leadership business, the Senate intends to con- agricultural processors to certain farmers' on the highway bill. We had passed in sider and complete action on the fol- cooperatives, and for other purposes. the Senate, as the Senator will recall, lowing: A continuing resolution which Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I object to a fix which allowed flexibility so that continues funding through Friday, No- further consideration of the bill at this some funds could be moved between ac- vember 14; adoption of the foster care time. counts, if necessary, to keep the De- conference reportÐI am very pleased The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill partment of Transportation employees that we have been able to bring that will be placed on the calendar for fur- working. I think there was a transit very important matter to a favorable ther consideration. accommodation. So I think it had completion because it certainly needs f about four parts. to be done, and I think it is going to be ORDER OF BUSINESS During the day yesterday, they were a great help in getting children in fos- meeting with their counterparts in the Mr. LOTT. Two other comments. We ter care into adoptionÐand any other House. I was led to believe last night will announce to Members a time for a Legislative or Executive Calendar that they had come to an agreement vote, if any, on Thursday as soon as we items that we can get cleared. How- and that agreement, whatever it isÐI can get information. That may not be, ever, no rollcall votes will occur in to- just can't give you the total outlines of though, until Wednesday or Thursday. day's, Tuesday's, or Wednesday's ses- it nowÐwould be attached to either the sion of the Senate. Of course, that is in Finally, it is our intent, serious in- tent, that we be finished for the year omnibus appropriations bill or one of observance of Tuesday, which is Veter- the appropriations bills that would be ans Day. Members will be given suffi- on Thursday of this week with adjourn- ment at that time. going to the President for his signa- cient notice if any votes will occur on ture. Thursday. Mr. CONRAD. Will the leader yield At this point there is a possibility of for a question? Mr. CONRAD. So we will have a 6- a couple of votes on Thursday, that is, Mr. LOTT. I will be glad to yield to month extension. Thursday, November 13, and there are the Senator. Mr. LOTT. I am not sure. As I said, I some items that we would have to deal Mr. CONRAD. I thank the leader for don't know what they came up with, with yet, either an omnibus appropria- his efforts to bring this session to a but necessary actions to provide for tions bill or the appropriations bills close. safety, transit funds, and flexibility separately, if they wind up coming f over some additional funds depending back to us in that way. But those THE HIGHWAY BILL on what they agreed to, which I assume would be the final items that we prob- Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I ask would take us to May 1. ably need to do before we adjourn for the leader his intentions when we re- But I do think, again, it is very im- the first session. turn, what the first order of business portant we have some deadline on this. The House has recessed until Wednes- would be. The leader and I had had a Otherwise, we will never bring this day, November 12, with the intention of chance to have a conversation last Fri- very important but very difficult issue concluding the appropriations process day, and he had indicated to me his in- to a conclusion. on that day. It is hoped that a few tention was at that time that we would other remaining items can be consid- Mr. CONRAD. As one of the first or- go to the highway bill when we return. ered by voice vote during Wednesday's ders of business when we turn to the 6- Is that still the Senator's intention. year bill. session of the Senate, although I em- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, it would be Mr. LOTT. Right. phasize again no recorded votes. my intention. Of course, we would need Unfortunately, I cannot say at this to confer on that with the committee Mr. CONRAD. Which is what most of time exactly what we can expect on leaders. But I believe that Senator us would like to see, at least in this Thursday. As the Members are finding CHAFEE and Senator BAUCUS would like Chamber. We have a problem on the out now, the House did not get to a to take it up early. I talked with Sen- House side; they only want a 6-month conclusion on fast track. While we ator DASCHLE about it. That is some- bill, but we want a 6-year bill. have not had enough time yet to dis- thing I would like to maybe begin on cuss what happens next on that issue Mr. LOTT. Absolutely. the next day after the State of the with the House leadership or with the Do I have time? Union but right at that first part. So administration, Senator DASCHLE and I we can go ahead and do our work and, If the Senator will allow me to re- have talked this morning.
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