1 Adding integral action for open-loop exponentially stable semigroups and application to boundary control of PDE systems A. Terrand-Jeanne, V. Andrieu, V. Dos Santos Martins, C.-Z. Xu Abstract—The paper deals with output feedback stabilization of boundary regulation is considered for a general class of of exponentially stable systems by an integral controller. We hyperbolic PDE systems in Section III. The proof of the propose appropriate Lyapunov functionals to prove exponential theorem obtained in the context of hyperbolic systems is given stability of the closed-loop system. An example of parabolic PDE (partial differential equation) systems and an example of in Section IV. hyperbolic systems are worked out to show how exponentially This paper is an extended version of the paper presented in stabilizing integral controllers are designed. The proof is based [16]. Compare to this preliminary version all proofs are given on a novel Lyapunov functional construction which employs the and moreover more general classes of hyperbolic systems are forwarding techniques. considered. Notation: subscripts t, s, tt, ::: denote the first or second derivative w.r.t. the variable t or s. For an integer n, I I. INTRODUCTION dn is the identity matrix in Rn×n. Given an operator A over a ∗ The use of integral action to achieve output regulation and Hilbert space, A denotes the adjoint operator. Dn is the set cancel constant disturbances for infinite dimensional systems of diagonal matrix in Rn×n. has been initiated by S. Pojohlainen in [12]. It has been extended in a series of papers by the same author (see [13] II. GENERAL ABSTRACT CAUCHY PROBLEMS for instance) and some other (see [23]) always considering A. Problem description bounded control operator and following a spectral approach Let X be a Hilbert space with scalar product h; i and A : (see also [11]). X D(A) ⊂ X ! X be the infinitesimal generator of a C - In the last two decades, Lyapunov approaches have allowed 0 semigroup denoted t 7! eAt. Let B and C be linear operators, to consider a large class of boundary control problems (see for B from m to X and C from D(C) ⊆ X to m. instance [2]). In this work our aim is to follow a Lyapunov R R In this section, we consider the controlled Cauchy problem approach to solve an output regulation problem. The results with output Σ(A; B; C) in Kalman form, as follows are separated into two parts. In a first part, abstract Cauchy problems are considered. 't = A' + Bu + w ; y = C'; (1) It is shown how a Lyapunov functional can be constructed where w 2 X is an unknown constant vector and u : for a linear system in closed loop with an integral controller 7! m is the controlled input. We consider the following when some bounds are assumed on the control operator and for R+ R exponential stability property for the operator A. an admissible measurement operator. This gives an alternative Assumption 1 (Exponential Stability): The operator A gen- proof to the results of S. Pojohlainen in [12] (and [23]). It erates a C -semigroup which is exponentially stable. In other allows also to give explicit value to the integral gain that solves 0 words, there exist ν and k both positive constants such that, arXiv:1901.02208v1 [math.AP] 8 Jan 2019 the output regulation problem. 8' 2 X and t 2 In a second part, following the same Lyapunov functional 0 R+ At design procedure, we consider a boundary regulation problem ke '0kX 6 k exp(−νt)k'0kX : (2) for a class of hyperbolic PDE systems. This result generalizes many others which have been obtained so far in the regulation We are interested in the regulation problem. More precisely of PDE hyperbolic systems (see for instance [8], [24], [3], [20], we are concerned with the problem of regulation of the output [21], [18]). y via the integral control The paper is organized as follows. Section II is devoted u = kiKiz ; zt = y − yref ; (3) to the regulation of the measured output for stable abstract m m Cauchy problems. It is given a general procedure, for an where yref 2 R is a prescribed reference, z 2 R , Ki 2 m×m exponentially stable semigroup in open-loop, to construct a R is a full rank matrix and ki a positive real number. Lyapunov functional for the closed loop system obtained with The control law being dynamical, the state space has been an integral controller. Inspired by this procedure, the case extended. Considering the system Σ(A; B; C) in closed loop, with integral control law given in (3) the state space is now m All authors are with LAGEP-CNRS, Universite´ Claude Bernard Lyon1, Xe = X × R which is a Hilbert space with inner product Universite´ de Lyon, Domaine Universitaire de la Doua, 43 bd du 11 Novembre > 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France. h'ea;'ebiXe = h'a;'biX + za zb ; 2 'a 'b where 'ea = and 'eb = . The associated norm is On another hand, if one wants to address nonlinear abstract za zb Cauchy problems or unbounded operators, we may need to denoted k · k . Let A :(D(A) \ D(C)) × m !X be the Xe e R e follow a Lyapunov approach. For instance in the context of extended operator defined as boundary control, a Lyapunov functional approach has allowed ABK k to tackle feedback stabilization of a large class of PDEs (see A = i i : (4) e C 0 for instance [2] or [5]). It is well known (see for instance [9, Theorem 8.1.3]) The regulation problem to solve can be rephrased as the that exponential stability of the operator A is equivalent to following. existence of a bounded positive and self adjoint operator P in Regulation problem: We wish to find a positive real number L(X) such that m ki and a full rank matrix Ki such that 8(w; yref ) 2 X × R : 1) The system (1)-(3) is well-posed. In other words, for hA'; P'iX + hP'; A'iX 6 −µk'kX ; 8 ' 2 D(A); (8) all ' = (' ; z ) 2 X there exists a unique (weak) e0 0 0 e where µ is a positive real number. We assume that this '(t) 0 Lyapunov operator P is given. The first question, we intend solution denoted 'e(t) = 2 C (R+; Xe) defined z(t) to solve is the following: Knowing the Lyapunov operator P, 8t 0 and initial condition 'e(0) = 'e0. > is it possible to construct a Lyapunov operator Pe associated 2) There exists an equilibrium point denoted 'e1 = to the extended operator Ae? '1 2 Xe, depending on w and yref , which is To answer this question, we first give a construction based z1 exponentially stable for the system (1)-(3). In other on a well-known technique in the nonlinear finite dimensional the forwarding words, there exist positive real numbers ν and k such control community named (see for instance e e [10], [15] or more recently [4], or [1]). that for all t > 0 −νet k'e(t) − 'e1kXe 6 ke exp k'e0 − 'e1kXe : B. A Lyapunov approach for regulation 3) The output y is regulated toward the reference yref . Inspired by the forwarding techniques, the following result More precisely, can be obtained. Theorem 2 (Forwarding Lyapunov functional): Assume that 8'e0; lim jC'(t) − yref j = 0: (5) t!+1 all assumptions of Theorem 1 are satisfied and let P in L(X) be a positive self adjoint operator such that (8) holds. Then We know with the work of S. Pohjolainen in [13] that when there exist a bounded operator M : X! Rm and positive ∗ ∗ A generates an exponentially stable analytic semi-group, when real numbers p and ki , such that for all 0 < ki < ki , there B is bounded and when C is A-bounded, with a rank condition, exists µe > 0 such that the operator the regulation may be achieved. This result has been extended P + pM∗M −pM∗ to more general exponentially stable semi-groups in [23]. Pe = (9) −pM p Id Theorem 1 ([23]): Assume that X is separable and that A m satisfies Assumption 1. Assume moreover that : is positive and satisfies 8 'e = ('; z) 2 D(A) × R 1) the operator B is bounded; 2 2 hAe'e; Pe'eiXe + hPe'e; Ae'eiXe 6 −µe(k'kX + jzj ): 2) the operator C is A-admissible (see [22]), i.e. (10) • it is A-bounded : Proof: The operator A satisfying Assumption 1, 0 is in its jC'j 6 c(k'kX + kA'kX ) ; 8 ' 2 D(A); (6) resolvent set and consequently A−1 : X 7! D(A) is well for some positive real number c; defined and bounded. Let M : X! Rm be defined by M = −1 • there exist T > 0 and cT > 0 such that CA which is well defined due to the fact that D(A) ⊆ D(C) Z T since C is A-bounded. Moreover, with (6) 8' 2 X At 2 2 2 jCe 'j dt 6 cT k'kX ; 8 ' 2 D(A); −1 −1 0 jM'j = jCA 'j 6 c kA 'kX + k'kX 6 c~k'kX ; 3) the rank condition holds. In other words operators A, B where c~ is a positive real number. Hence, M is a bounded and C satisfy linear operator. Moreover, M satisfies the following equation rankfCA−1Bg = m; (7) MA' = C'; 8' 2 D(A) : (11) ∗ K = (CA−1B)−1 then there exists a positive real number ki and a m×m matrix Let i which exists due to the third assump- ∗ Ki, such that for all 0 < ki < ki the operator Ae given in tion of Theorem 1.
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