11:S HUGO GERNSBACK, 1. .11: 114I Editor CUSTOM-BUILT. PROJECTION TELEVISERS SEE TELEVISION SECTION JAN 1 9 4 9 3O u s ond CANADA LATEST IN RADIO ELECTRONICS - TELEVISION LOOK TO' L J FOR _V_ ° _ Y SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ere - at prices you can afford - are ffve Laboratory Caliber Electronic Test Instruments that you need to insure efficient and profitable AM - FM - TV servicing. MODEL 900 -A "VOMAX" The new " VOMAX" is the truly universal R tobte v.t.v.m. - makes TV, FM and AM measure- óeP ments accurately - at highest 'meter resistance. pOE`EEQe\e`t btees'vPsse`t M MS otPot 5 mc m Giant meter, non - breakable glass; 45 ranges; IE 216 `esc. ondnyote V tit9 tF 9"5°5/'3,1 \0 s999° 00e new single probe for a.c.. d.c.. a.f., r.f., volts, tha eP°tot ect\ototOnd o\t oske< shoPe ytne.vto íM50 oet ohms, Olt sis db. and current measurements. " VOMAX" ctysto\ cutyb0 so,w.oó\y sV \20P\t can be used for measuring TV power supply cóns\ ttss 0 potentials up to 30 svieeP Kilovolts when used with seeP our new High Voltage Adaptor Probe. Advanc- ing far beyond its predecessor, choice of experts, "VOMAX" equips you with the world's newest MODEL 906 and finest meter for only $68.50 net FM -AM SIGNAL Ch GENERATOR the big soi engineering P thousandsousa hen laboratories stands out as maximum 906 210 mc. in mum value. 8 ronges, 90 ky less accuracy; thanolt1/2 inc/ding microvolt, strays to ing; output; ver adjustable mu modulation, 0 e adjustable 0mplitud sweep 0 to 1,000 kc. ers ce onl M y $116.50 net. teyt ttgQ tal'' e A land Pod g05' et syni \.ttoc sn9\Y be QF. no mat VU m°O IA ss9 ss oc o1n WoH bssn9 p °,, am hs9h9 \ß" Cam eoker OS et. 9 tto`et tiC SP hOt e e0 c On 904 MAIL POST CARD sP 9''''''' s PM e sn net C/R for new o V\¡Pet 6 yes wsótosne$4q.50 kee t\.o t catalog showing complete A do\ condenser line of Laboratory Caliber `dept9 °ostotme5yé ceed\n9 coliber d ser re sistor Electronic Test Instruments. e tester pOeaO^e¢í v\oe \°t e* variable 9p5p,1s G dI0 oin_ ; 0 0/50% voltage oo9e y occur power OVER 37 YEARS OF RADIO EN e 1EERING ACHIEVEMENT factor. volts withws applied. 0/500 Mure ó Net E X E T I C U V E F F I O C E S 1 2 4 0 MAIN ST., HARTFORD 3, CONN F A T C O R Y F F I 1 O C E 2 4 9 MAIN ST. HARTFORD 3, CONN 3 / Will Train You at, for Good Joy RADIO 4 TE LIVISIO N I Send You Many Want a good -pay job in the fast -growing RADIO -TELEVISION Industry? Want a money- making Radio -Television shop of your own? Here's your opportunity. I've trained hundreds of men to be Radio Technicians . KITS OF PARTS MEN WITH NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. My tested and proved train - at -home method makes learning easy. You learn Radio -Television principles for practical experience from illustrated lessons. You get practical experience building, testing, experimenting with MANY KITS OF PARTS I send. All equipment yours to keep. YOU BUILD THIS I TRAINED ,MODERN RADIO Make EXTRA MONEY In Spare Time THESE MEN The day you enroll, I start sending SPECIAL BOOK- MI LETS that show you how to make EXTRA MONEY bSvsTh1fi fixing neighbors' Radios in spare time. From here "Earned enough spare it's a short step to your own shop, or a good -pay time cash to Radio- Television servicing job. Or get into Police, pay for my Aviation, Marine Radio, Broadcasting, Radio Manu- course by or Public Address work. And think of get- time I grad- facturing uated. NRI training is ting in on the ground floor of the booming Television tops!" - ALEXANDER You build this complete, powerful Radio Re- Industry. Trained men are already in demand .. KISH. Carteret, New ceiver that brings in local and distant sta- new stations are going on the air, manufacturers are Jersey. tions. NRI gives you ALL the Radio parts building over 100,000 sets a month, more and more 1st hn . speaker, tubes, chassis, transformer, homes are getting sets. The man who prepares now alla Ruskin sockets, loop antenna, etc. "Now have will reap rich rewards. two Radio YOU PRACTICE WITH SIGNAL GENERATOR shops servic- ing about 200 0\You i ui,,l this Signal Genera- ACTUAL sets amonth. ,. , tor for more E. Have largest valuable service establishment in expe- Southeast Missouri." * rience. It pro - MI LESSON ARLEY STUDYVIN.- vides ampli- Act now! Send for my DOUBLE FREE OFFER. Coupon DeSoto, Missouri. - entitles you tude modu- to actual lesson, "GETTING ACQUAINTED WI lá Is lated signals WITH RECEIVER SERVICING," absolutely free. Over SO Id i. SWlss dictums and diagrams ! You also get my 64-page book, for many tests "HOW TO BE A SPCCESS IN RADIO AND TELEVISION - "Am Chief and experiments. ELECTRONICS." Tells more Engineer of about YOUR opportunities, details Station of my Course, how quickly, easily WORD, in YOU USE TESTER you can get started. Send coupon charge of 4 In envelope or paste on penny men. Owe all TO EARN postal. J. E. SMITH, President, I know about Radio to NRI." -CLYDE BUR - EXTRA MONEY Dept. 9AX, National Radio Insti- J. tute, Pioneer Home Study Radio DETTE. Spartanburg, You build this South Carolina. Tester with School, Washington 9, D. C. parts NRI sends early in course. Soon help you fix neighbors' Radios and EARN EXTRA MONEY in spare time. MR. J. E. SMITH, President, Dept. 9AX YOU BUILD MANY OTHER CIRCUITS National Radio Institute, Washington 9, D. C. Practice FM experiments with Superhetero- '.lail me FREE Sample Lesson and 64 -page book about how to dyne Receiver Circuit . build Vacuum gin success in Radio and Television -Electronics. (No salesman Tube Power Pack ... practice locating de- will call. Please write plainly.) fects and repairing of still other circuits you Name.....___.- Age build with MANY KITS OF PARTS I send. GET THIS Address TRAINING UNDER S City Zone State..._..._ VETERAN G. I. BILL Check If Veteran Approved for Training Under G. I. Bill lb ,NO IV ow __ 4 Hugo Gernsback, Editor -in -Chief RADIO Fred Shunaman, Managing Editor M. Harvey Gernsback, Consulting Editor IRC Power Wire Wounds 11:111:47FILONICSu Robert F. Scott, W2PWG, Technical Editor R. H. Dorf, W2QMI, Associate Editor are better built formerly RADIO -CRAFT I. Queen, W2OUX, Editorial Associate Incorporating Angie Pascale, Production Monoger every step of the way SHORT WAVE CRAFT TELEVISION NEWS Elmer Fuller, Shortwave Editor RADIO A ISION Wm. Lyon McLaughlin, *Trademark registered U. S. Patent omee Tech, Illustration Director Starting right from G. Aliquo, Circulation Manager the winding form IRC Lamson, Advertising Director Power Wire Wounds John J. combine the best of Alfred Stern, Promotion Manager materials, workman- ship and resistor Contents January, 1949 "know -F ow ", Editorial (Page 21) Highest grade alloy Future Transistor Uses by Hugo Gernsback 21 wire uniformly wound Construction (Pages 22 -24) on sturdy ceramic Radio -Controlled Bus by M. Gordon Moses 22 tubes. Terminals spot welded for security; Broadcasting and Communications (Page 25) 25 heavily tin dipped for Rural FM Radio Network easy soldering. Television (Pages 26.30) Antennas for Television, Part I by Edward M. Noll and Matt Mandl 26 Climate -proof cement How to Get Television DX by Lyman E. Greenlee 28 coatingprovidesdark, Custom -Built Projection Televisers (Cover Feature) 30 rough surface -best for rapid heat dissipa- Theory and Design (Pages 31 -33, 85 -87) by Richard Henry 31 tion, moisture protec- Pocket Micro -Receiver tion and ability to Designing L -C Audio Filters by Richard H. Dorf 32 U.H.F. Noise Diode 85 withstand reasonable Multimeter Shows only Desired Scale 86 overloads. Problems of Electronic Baking 86 Resistors cured at FM (Pages 34-37) LOW temperature Visual FM Alignment by John B. Ledbetter 34 Conqueror) 36 prevents damage to Radio Set and Service Review (The Emerson resistance windings, Amateur (Pages 38-40) and loss of temper V.F.O. From Surplus by George F. Marts. WODTH 38 in terminals. Bands Wired Wireless Control Unit 40 for adjustable types Test Instruments (Pages 41-46) feature stainless Rodio- Frequency Ammeter by Rufus P. Turner, K6AI 41 steel springs and 'Scope Aid Helps Audio Men by Alfred Haas 42 silver contacts. Can- Tube Tester and Analyzer by Horold Pallatz 44 not corrode to cause Audio (Pages 47-48) high resistance. What is Supersonic Bias' by Dr. Angelo Montani 47 Foreign News (Page 49) European Report by Major Ralph W. Hallows 49 Servicing (Pages 50 -59) Improving Supply to Test Cor Sets by Harry S. Leeper 50 New York Servicemen Form State Federation 51 Jr Using Your Ohmmeter by Herbert S. Brier, W9EGA 52 The Impeded Double Cross by Guy Slaughter 54 For exacting, heavy -duty requirements you can rely on Electronics 71 IRC Power Wire Wounds for Midget Atom Smasher balanced performance in every full -sized, they Departments characteristic. Being 78 can operate continuously at full rating. The Radio Month 12 Question Box Derating in high ranges is unnecessary. Radio Business 18 People 79 New Devices 60 New Patents 81 IRC Power Wire Wounds are available Technotes 64 Radio -Electronic Circuits 84 in a full range of ratings, sizes and World -Wide Station List Miscellany 88 terminal types.
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