Quick Reference Guide provides a way to easily and quickly access basic information about resources. For more in-depth information, please use the electronic version of the full manual provided on this CD. ------------------------------ Quick Reference Guide Table of Contents 2 What is Safe Zone? 4 What does it mean to be an ally? 6 Heterosexism 8 Coming out 10 Frequently Asked Questions 14 Intersecting Identities UNC-CH Safe Zone 16 Campus Resources 18 Local and Regional Resources Digital Manual & Quick 22 National Resources Reference Guide A program of the LGBTQ Center at UNC-CH Latina/o Lesbian, Gay Bisexual & Transgender Organization (LLEGO) Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians What is Safe Zone? www.llego.org/ and Gays (PFLAG) Works to overcome social, health, and www.pflag.org/ political barriers faced due to sexual PFLAG's support and coming out pages The Safe Zone Ally program is a symbol of this orientation, gender identity and ethnic provide support to help both family and background. friends of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and University's efforts to increase awareness and inclusion transgender (GLBT) people, and GLBT people National Black Justice Coalition themselves. There are informational pages of people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, www.nbjcoalition.org/ for family members, friends, and also for Black LGBT people and allies dedicated to GLBT or questioning people. and gender expressions. The purpose of Safe Zone is to fostering equality. The Southern Poverty Law Center's create a network of visible allies who are National Center for Lesbian Rights Tolerance Project http://www.nclrights.org/index.htm www.tolerance.org/ Encourages people from all walks of life to knowledgeable about resources for the diverse gay, National Center for Transgender Equality "fight hate and promote tolerance." www.nctequality.org/ lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, Fedicated to advancing the equality of Sylvia Rivera Law Project transgender people through advocacy, www.srlp.org/index.php?sec=00 questioning (LGBTIQQ), Two Spirit, and Same Gender collaboration and empowerment. SRLP works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and Loving communities. This program helps create a National Gay and Lesbian Task Force expression, regardless of income or race, (NGLTF) and without facing harassment, campus environment that is safer and more inclusive of www.thetaskforce.org/ discrimination or violence. NGLTF is a national lesbian, gay, bisexual and all students, faculty, and staff members at UNC-CH. transgender (LGBT) civil rights and advocacy organization. Safe Zone programs exist on college and university Safe Zone Quick Reference Guide campuses all across the country and around the world. LGBTQ Center at UNC-CH 23 National Resources The Safe Zone program at UNC-Chapel Hill started in 1998 as a collaborative effort between the Office of American Civil Liberties Union Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education the Dean of Students and B-GLAD student www.aclu.org/LesbianGayRights/ Network LesbianGayRightslist.cfm?c=106 www.glsen.org/cgi-bin/iowa/all/home.html organization. UNC includes sexual orientation as a Summary of ACLU publications and cases Organization ensuring safe schools for all lgbt related to LGBTQ issues. students. Recommended publications: Nat'l School Climate Survey, Legal Guide, State of protected category in its equal opportunity policy Bisexual Resource Center the States Report www.biresource.org/ and is committed to creating a community where all Provides education about and support for GLBPOC bisexual and progressive issues. lists.qrd.org/mailman/listinfo/glbpoc people are welcome and feel safe. GLBPOC is a general discussion list designed Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere to facilitate online discussion among g/l/b/t (COLAGE) people of color and others, as well as about Any member of the UNC community is welcome to www.colage.org/ issues of interest. Supports young people with gay, lesbian, attend a four hour training session and sign the bisexual, and transgender parents. Intersex Society of North America www.isna.org/ pledge to become an official Safe Zone Ally. Allies Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Devoted to systemic change to end shame, (GLAAD) secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for receive a personalized Safe Zone sign to display in www.glaad.org/ people born with an anatomy that someone Dedicated to promoting and ensuring fair, decided is not standard for male or female. their offices or other visible areas. accurate and inclusive representation of people and events in the media. Safe Zone Quick Reference Guide LGBTQ Center at UNC-CH 3 RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS (Welcoming & Affirming) Chapel Hill: What does it mean to be an ally? Binkley Baptist Church, Chapel Hill: www.binkleychurch.org Chapel Hill Christian Church: www.chapelhillchristianchurch.org Chapel Hill Kehillah: www.chkehillah.org Episcopal Church of the Advocate, Chapel Hill: www.ouradvocate.org What do you mean by “Ally”? The Church of Reconciliation: http://www.churchrec.org/ United Church of Chapel Hill: www.unitedchurch.org People of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and Durham: gender expressions can be Safe Zone Allies. There are Calvary United Methodist Church, 304 E. Trinity Avenue, Durham, NC27701 Community United Church of Christ: www.communityucc.org Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship: [email protected] many marginalized identities within, among, and First Presbyterian Church: http://www.firstpres-durham.org/ Judea Reform Synagogue: www.judeareform.org throughout LGBTIQA, Two Spirit, and Same Gender St. Philip’s Episcopal Church: www.stphilipsdurham.org Unity Church of the Triangle: www.unitytriangle.org Loving communities. Raleigh: Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church: www.htelc.org Pullen Memorial Baptist Church: www.pullen.org Being a Safe Zone Ally means you are: St. John’s Metropolitan Community Church: www.stjohnsmcc.org St. Mark’s Episcopal Parish: www.stmarksraleigh.org Temple Beth Or: www.templebethor-raleigh.org Committed to affirming all identities Temple Beth Shalom, Cary: www.carytemple.org Umstead Park UCC: www.upucc.org Knowledgeable about resources Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh: www.uufr.org Committed to continued learning, growth, and self- reflection. Safe Zone Quick Reference Guide LGBTQ Center at UNC-CH 21 Southerners on New Ground (SONG) NC State 286-3230 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender www.southernersonnewground.org Services (NC State) Seven Things you can do to be an Ally The purpose of SONG is to build movement www.ncsu.edu/lgbt across the South for progressive social [email protected] 1. Be Visible change by developing models for organizing 2. Educate yourself about resources that connect race, class, culture, gender TRANSGENDER ORGANIZATIONS and sexual identity. North Carolina Transgender Unity 3. Share resources as a general practice rather than www.geocities.com/nctgunity/ Triangle Area Gay Scientists Provides information and resources for waiting until someone asks for them 929-4997 transgender people, significant others, and tags.zuberfowler.com friends of transgender people 4. Use inclusive language [email protected] Not limited to scientists. Their monthly Durham Gender Alliance 5. Avoid making assumptions about sexual potluck dinner rotates around the Triangle. durhamgenderalliance.net Transgender support group that aims to orientation or gender identity based on Triangle Community Works provide mutual support, education, 256-3749 outreach, and leadership. Meets every someone’s gender expression www.tcworks.org fourth Saturday in Durham 410 N Boylan Ave, Raleigh 6. Make sure programs and materials are maximally Organization which connects LGBT people YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS in the triangle by planning programs, iNSIDEoUT180 inclusive staffing the gay and lesbian helpline, and www.insideout180.org/ working to begin a community center in [email protected] 7. Attend LGBTIQ, Two Spirit, and Same Gender Raleigh. Youth-led organization leadership opportunities and a safe space for Loving community events Center for LGBT Life at Duke LGBTQISA youth. Provides education, 684-6607 social, and activism based programs. [email protected] Safe Zone Quick Reference Guide LGBTQ Center at UNC-CH 5 North Carolina Pride Parade And Festival Project Rainbow Net Heterosexism www.ncpride.org 956-9124 [email protected] www.projectrainbownet.org/ The parade is the signature event in a [email protected] weekend's worth of activities, seminars, Initiative aimed at addressing relationship Heterosexism is the societal and institutional parties and dub activities in the area. violence in lesbian, gay, bisexual and Volunteers are needed and welcome; e-mail transgender relationships. reinforcement of heterosexuality as the privileged and [email protected] Raleigh Business and Professional Network the norm; and the assumption that everyone does or ORGANIZATIONS [email protected] Equality NC http://www.raleighnetwork.org/ should identify as heterosexual. 829-0343 This network was created to establish and www.equalitync.org nurture a network of business and professional resources, encourage LGBT Center of Raleigh fellowship, and provide and promote Heterosexism impacts everyone and happens on a Phone: (919) 832-4484 positive role models in the GLBT community. http://www.lgbtcenterofraleigh.com variety of levels from: Raleighwood Squares PFLAG 317-1008 http://www.pflagtriangle.org www.iagsdc.org/raleighwood
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