E42 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 15, 2021 RECOGNIZING MAYOR DANIELLA ganizations including: the Commission on Eth- What we do today will be studied by our LEVINE CAVA ics, Red Cross, American Society for Public children and grandchildren. Nobody is above Administration, ACLU, National Council of the law. A President’s primary job requirement HON. FREDERICA S. WILSON Jewish Women and AAUW, among others. is to protect and preserve the Constitution of OF FLORIDA Born in New York and raised partly in Latin the United States, and the lives of the Amer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America, Mayor Daniella received her bach- ican people. He has demonstrably failed at Friday, January 15, 2021 elor’s degree in psychology with honors from both. Yale University and graduate degrees in law I implore my colleagues to consider this. If Ms. WILSON of Florida. Madam Speaker, I and social work from Columbia University. we are not going to use the tool of impeach- rise today to recognize and commend Mayor She came to South Florida in 1980 to join ment provided by the U.S. constitution to hold Daniella Levine Cava on the occasion of her her husband, Dr. Robert Cava, a Miami native, those accountable for violent sedition against historic election as the first female Mayor of who returned home to join his father in med- the United States, then what should it be used Miami-Dade County, Florida. ical practice. Mayor Levine Cava and her hus- for? Daniella Levine Cava was sworn in as band raised two children, Eliza and Edward When our time comes to vote in only a mat- Mayor of Miami-Dade County on Tuesday, No- Cava. ter of moments, I call on all members in this vember 17, 2020, making history as the first Madam Speaker, I urge you, my colleagues chamber to honor their oaths, an oath we woman to do so. Prior to her historic election, in Congress, and all Americans to join me in signed only 10 days ago: ‘‘I do solemnly she served as the Miami-Dade County Com- honoring Mayor Daniella Levine Cava for her swear that I will support and defend the Con- missioner representing District 8, first elected historic election as the first female Mayor of stitution of the United States against all en- in 2014, and reelected in 2018. Her district in- Miami-Dade County, Florida and her dedica- emies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear cluded Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Homestead, tion and commitment to her community and true faith and allegiance to the same; that I and unincorporated areas of South Miami- our great Nation. take this obligation freely, without any mental Dade including Redland, Falls, Princeton, f reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I Naranja, Leisure City and parts of West Ken- dall. IMPEACHING DONALD JOHN will well and faithfully discharge the duties of While a member of the Miami-Dade County TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE the office on which I’m about to enter. So help Commission, she served on the following UNITED STATES, FOR HIGH me God.’’ Committees: Transportation and Finance; In- CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS History demands that we hold Donald frastructure and Capital Improvements; Public Trump accountable for dangerously failing to Safety and Rehabilitation; and the Community SPEECH OF abide by this sacred oath. Disparities Subcommittee of the Chair’s Policy HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY f Council. She also served on the Transpor- OF ILLINOIS IMPEACHING DONALD JOHN tation Planning Organization and the Execu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE tive Board of the South Florida Regional Plan- Wednesday, January 13, 2021 UNITED STATES, FOR HIGH ning Council. CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS Additionally as a Commissioner, her efforts Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise focused on delivering on a variety of issues in support of impeaching the President of the SPEECH OF like: Fighting for a fair share of resources for United States of America, Donald, J. Trump South Miami-Dade, increasing the County po- for high crimes and misdemeanors. HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD lice force by 80 officers, expanding economic One week ago, in this Capitol Building, OF CALIFORNIA opportunity, championing parks and the envi- there was an armed insurrection orchestrated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ronment, advocating for transit improvements and incited by the President of the United Wednesday, January 13, 2021 and better planning, and hosting the annual States himself. South Dade Solutions Summit. She secured Think about that for a moment—led and en- Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Madam Speaker, over $30 million in funds for infrastructure couraged by the President of the United last week, we experienced a tragic day in projects in South Miami-Dade. States. This threat to our democracy can American history when President Donald Mayor Levine Cava came to elected office never be overstated; the trauma experienced, Trump incited insurrection with irresponsible after having served as an advocate for South and loss of life, can never be erased from our aggressive rhetoric that encouraged and in- Florida families for over 30 years. She served collective memory or minimized in our history cited a mob of his supporters to violently special needs children and immigrants at books. breach and defile the United States Capitol Legal Services of Greater Miami, and then Look at this room, look at this building, the Building. This attack was a supreme act of do- represented children in the child welfare sys- scars of bullet holes and mob attack remain. mestic terrorism that ultimately led to blood- tem as Associate and Legal Director for the We are working within a crime scene. Many of shed and death in the sacred temple of our Guardian Ad Litem Program. my friends and colleagues, on both sides of democracy. Madam Speaker, in the aftermath of dev- the aisle, were only moments away from being I take no joy in voting to impeach President astating Hurricane Andrew, she was recruited overrun by this mob—that was armed with Trump, but the president has blood on his to create a new intake system for child abuse guns, handcuffs, chemical weapons, and other hands in the wake of this attempted coup. The cases with the Florida Department of Children objects of death and destruction. fact remains no one, including the president of and Families. Her efforts were concentrated The mob violently smashed its way into the the United States, is above the law. And this on the neighborhoods of Miami-Dade County’s Capitol. They sought the Speaker of the president has sadly violated his oath to sup- District 8, where she helped restore the lives House to cause her harm. They sought the port and defend the Constitution of the United and homes of those devastated by the storm. Vice President of the United States to cause States against all enemies, foreign and do- In 1996, Mayor Levine Cava founded the him harm. Their goal was to overturn the most mestic. As members of Congress who have social service organization Catalyst Miami, to important element of our electoral democ- taken that same pledge, it is our duty to take help low- and middle-income families through racy—a free and fair election. this action. education and advocacy. Catalyst helps ap- Madam Speaker, President Trump has de- His constant bombardment of false informa- proximately 5,000 people each year to be- clared war on democracy. He lied to our coun- tion alleging widespread voter fraud and his come more self-sufficient. try for weeks regarding the results of our Pres- repeated attempts to delegitimize the 2020 The passionate work that Mayor Levine idential election. He charged up the white su- presidential election has deeply divided an al- Cava has done in the community also includes premacist mob that attacked this Congress. ready fractured nation and has violently turned service with notable organizations like the He did nothing as police were attacked, and American against American. As this unprece- Florida Bar Committee on Legal Needs of killed, and hundreds of Members and staff hid dented attack on American democracy and Children; the boards of League of Women under tables and behind doors to preserve our Constitution transpired, President Trump Voters, Orange Bowl Foundation, North Dade their lives. He is a clear and present danger was reported to gleefully watch on television Medical Foundation, South Florida Health In- to this country and our democracy and he the attempted destruction to our nation’s cap- formation Initiative, and several national must be removed from office. itol while ignoring repeated pleas for him to boards. Were it not for the bravery of law enforce- call on his supporters to stand down. She has been recognized and awarded for ment, I’m afraid of what may have happened Trump continues to reject any responsibility her impact on the community by numerous or- one week ago. for the violence and has shown no remorse or VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 Jan 16, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15JA8.014 E15JAPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS.
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