1 506-00104 rIT GREEN GULCH RANCHI UPPER LONG VALLEY Water and Land Management Project A*ffil|ru*ons Q- ENvTnoNMENTAL INroRvrarIoN pERTATNTNG To rHE GnrnN Gur,cn RlNcn/UppBR LoNc V.qlr,ny W^q.rrn an-l LlNn MIN,q,cEMENT Pnomcr Preparedfor: Edmund T. Allen III, P.C. Green Gulch Ranch Partnership 5640 East Caballo Drive Paradise Valley, Arizona 85253 -2208 (602) 483-04sr Prepared by: Summit Envirosolutions, Inc. L475 Terminal Way, Suite B Reno, Nevada 89502 (702)78s-8888 July 1996 I I Ex vt noxrrlENTAL lxroRrvrnuoN pERTAINING To rH E Gnnnn GulcH Rlxcn/UpppR LoNc Vallny W.q,rnn lxo Lnxn MlxlcnunNt PRolocr I TanlB or Cournxrs I 1.0 INrRooucrroN........... ...... l-1 1.1 Purpose and Summary............ ................. 1-l I 1.2 Project Location... .................. l-1 2.0 ExrsrrNc CoNorrroNs................ ........2-I I 2.1 Existing and Surrounding Land Uses ......... ...............2-l 2.2 Existing General Plan and Zoning Designations............. ............2-I 2.3 Existing and Surrounding Land Ownership........ .......2-l I 2.4 Environmental Setting ....-......2-l 2.4.1 Geology and Soils... ...2-2 I 2.4.2 Surface Water Resources. .............2-3 2.4.3 Groundwater............ ....................2-4 2.4.4 Vegetation and Wildlife ................2-4 I 2.4.5 Cultural Resources. .....2-6 3.0 Pnorecr D8scRrproN............... ..........3-1 I 3.1 Project Objectives ..................3-1 3.2 Project Description .................3-1 3.2.1 Civil Engineering Design...... .......3-2 I 3.2.2 Environmental Planning and Design .............3-3 4.0 Pnorpcr DpvEr.opvENT SrRATEGy.......... ...........4-I I 4.1 Required Applications and Construction Permits..... ...................4-1 4.2 Environmental Documentation ................4-I I 4.3 Schedule... ............4-l I 5.0 Cor.rcr.usroNs ............ ......5-l APPENDICES I Appendix I Project Team Qualifications t 'Lrsr oF TABLES Table 4-l Potential Applications and Permitting Requirements I T T I t T.lnln or Coxrnxrs (continued) I Lrsr on FrcuRrs I Figure 1-1 Regional Location Map Figure 1-2 Vicinity Map I iff:3.1 iriil,,i:*n'' Figure 4-1 Entitlement Processing Schedule t I r Lrsr on AcRoNvl,rs I AF Acre Feet r AFY Acre Feet per Year r AMSL Above Mean Sea Level BLM Bureau of Land Management I CDFG California Department of Fish and Game I 't Caltrans California Department of Transportation I cDwR Califomia Department of Water Resources I CEQA California Environmental Quality Act r CNDDB California Natural Diversity Data Base I CUP Conditional Use Permit I CRWQCB California Regional Water Quality ControlBoard I CWRCB California Water Resources Control Board I EIR Environmental lmpact Report T FWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service t GPM Gallon per Minute I KV Kilovolt I NEPA National Environmental Policy Act I t NRI{P National Register of Historic Places - SHPO State Historic Preservation Office I SPPC Sierra Pacific Power Company I T&E Threatened and Endangered Species UPRR Union Pacific Railroad Ir USFS United States Forest Service ! iii t t Green Gulch Ranch/Upper Long Valley Water and Land Management Project I July 1996 I 1.0 INTRODUCTION I 1.1 Purpose and Summary The purpose of this report is to analyze the opportunities and constraints associated with developing the 2,200 acre Green Gulch Ranch (project site) whlle maintaining the rural I ambiance of the Upper Long Valley in California. The Green Gulch Ranch/Upper Long Valley Land and Water Management Project Qtroposed project) proposes to develop approximately 3,300 acre feet per year (afy) of groundwater in the Upper Long Valley of California and convey I this water in a buried pipeline approximately 11.6 miles to one of several valleys north of Reno. The study methodology of this report consists of gathering existing data, conducting research, I and reviewing planning and engineering documents prepared by both the public and private sectors in order to document information associated with the proposed project. The data contained in this report, including the appendices, represents the first phase of planning I necessary to determine the development potential of the project site. t 1.2 Project Location The proposed project site is located in the northeastern portion of the unincorporated area of I Sierra County, California as shown on Figure 1-1. On a regional scale, the 2,200 acre site is located approximately 16 miles north of the City of Reno, Nevada and 65 miles south of Susanville, California. In a local context, the site is located in the southern portion of Long I Valley, north of Peavine Mountain, south of Highway 70 and the Lassen County boundary, east of the Sierra Valley and the Bald Mountains, and west of Highway 395 as shown on Figure 1-2. t Regional access to the site is provided by Highway 395, Highway 70, and Long Valley Road. Highway 395 provides access to the City of Reno to the south and Susanville to the north. Highway 70 provides access to Quincy and Oroville to the west. Long Valley Road is a local t road providing access to Toiyabe National Forest land to the west. T I I I I I 1-l I I !uutiiiiluttiii riirl l ii:::::::::::;i:::i.;na l I .st'$l,iitE- I O HERLONG , I f I Ll f L I I .f rE tilf Ela :t<-l 3i=E )to ot- 4lJ 6f-5te I f stTE"-*l r I T a f I SIERRA COUNTY ____t NEVADA COUNTY I .INCLINEVILLAGE -a SOUTH LAKE I TAHOE I REGIONAL LOCATION MAP €)- INTERSTATE €- HtcHwAy Figure 1-1 _G)_ ROUTE STATEBOUNDARY COUNTY BOUNDARY File: Lon98.5/960663 GREEN GULCH RANCHruPPER LONG VALLEY Oalei 7125196 O WATER AND LAND MANAGEMENT PROJECT -... NOT TO SC ALE Roviewed By:CAH I o.T |rlO o rr q( r- JUJ o z U SP E =E oo. @ =l.? ZF 8 I Fl! q2 z o J[! o @ .- d' z trE oo: J o @ uJ trJ 0L N o 3 N i o H€-i I .9 ts tIJ g o :5tm0 o cc E :mvu-Os-.= .= O v/ o= o z 0=oYrrO!X il '::t;oao v:g.ia=: o : 6d6,sg&;t : fz9o j E =8tro o F.E ztr c> UJ IIJ i is$a + UJF tJJ u)td o3EE u/o] uno/,y' v'o* f,6 '\j':rl_-,..\,, Poorllo! I ouad, or J uo un D \<r" {Ptn -6 'lrl,-,. o, -,-'-,]j 6 \\v\\ j \..\ "-Y sll0g iarc s6u1,ld5 p1o3 ur\olJapJog :l' :l rl a'v ',i {t""" *, ! \\; t l^v l.1f,uoN :l cl" .^ra s6ulrdg :l 9u"- ' i rf,r^n^ u\r\r- ptoc rl A-LI\I IUJ VUdIIS jl :l lNOOCl NSSSVt rl ,'F I rl'\ +{ uoilcunf J qol nlalloH ! o/olJoo/ oJ R N ti ATNNOS 3OHSVM a a --t -l --l --t rn m -rl I i : : frl :\r> r :.C2 fr o z xsMoJJDN,, aql a///Auosns' of II I I rII I rII I II I ITI r I Green Gulch Ranch/Upper Long Valley Water and Land Management Project I July 1996 I 2.0 ExrsrrNC CONDITIONS I 2.1 Existing and Surrounding Land Uses The project site currently consists of relatively low density non-intensive land uses including a cattle ranch, grazing, residential, and undeveloped uses. The site is void of urban development I and site improvements are limited to a few semi-improved roads and structures. The project site accommodates several easements including a local electrical distribution line and several road way right-of-ways. Sierra Pacific Power Company (SPPC) is currently proposing a 345 kilovolt I (kV) powerline easement that, if approved, would traverse the site in a north to south fashion. Several streams traverse the site as shown on Figure l-2. These streams are further described in I Section 2.4 of this report. Surrounding the 2,200 acre project site are a variety of land uses including a land management area maintained by the California Department of Fish and Game to the north; a Union Pacifrc I Railroad (UPRR) right-of-way, highway commercial uses, and Highway 395 to the east; ranchland and the Toiyabe National Forest to the south; and the Bald Mountains to the west. A T large ski resort is currently proposed on the west side of the Bald Mountains, west of the project site. It should be noted that immediately east of the project site in the State of Nevada, the Washoe County Comprehensive Planning Department is aware of plans to expand development I in Bordertown to include a hotel. t 2.2 Existing General Plan and ZoningDesignations A major portion of the Upper Long Valley is currently designated as "General Forest" (GF) according to the Sierra County General Plan while the overlying zoning designation is I Agriculture (A-1) according to the Sierra County Zoning Ordinance. The project site retains the same general plan and zoning designations as most portions of the Upper Long Valley including GF and A-1, respectively. The property development standards in the A-1 zoning district I includes a lot area of 160 acres. The General Forest District was established to promote development in Siena County which is t compatible with and preserves the natural environment and provides for the long-run maintenance of natural resources. Permitted uses include growing and harvesting of agricultural T and forest products, grazing of livestock, single family residences and accessory buildings. A variety of uses are conditionally permitted including such uses as public parks and recreation uses, reservoirs for water storage, public utility buildings and uses, camping and picnic uses, golf t courses, and guest ranches.
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