Report to: Cabinet Member Locality Services Date of Issue: 6 July 2017 Date of Decision: 13 July 2017 Subject: Blowick Moss Lane, Southport – proposed Traffic Regulation Orders Report of: Head of Locality Services - Commissioned Wards Affected: Kew Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No Exempt/Confidential No Purpose/Summary To seek approval for a number of Traffic Regulation Orders on Blowick Moss Lane, Southport. Recommendation(s) It is recommended that : - (i) the Cabinet Member approve the implementation of a Traffic Regulation Order which will limit waiting at any time on both sides of Blowick Moss Lane for its entire length; (ii) the Cabinet Member approve the implementation of a Traffic Regulation Order which will introduce a 20mph speed limit for the entire length of Blowick Moss Lane; (iii) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council’s intention to implement the Orders, be approved; (iv) in the event that no objections are received during the consultation process referred to in (iii) above, the Head of Regulation & Compliance be authorised to make the Order and the Highway Management Manager be authorised to implement the Order; and (v) in the event that objections are received during the consultation process, the matter be referred to the appropriate Area Committee for consideration in accordance with Rule 21 of Chapter 8 (Area Committees) of the Council’s Constitution. How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives? Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council √ Services and Strengthening Local Democracy Reasons for the Recommendation: The Council has the power to revoke a Traffic Regulation Order (Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) as well as the power to make a new Traffic Regulation Order (Section 1 of that Act). Authorisation to advertise new Traffic Regulation Orders falls under the remit of Cabinet Member Locality Services. What will it cost and how will it be financed? (A) Revenue Costs Nil (B) Capital Costs All costs associated with the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Orders, amounting to £1000 will be funded by the developer. Implications: The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below: Legal None Human Resources None Equality 1. No Equality Implication √ 2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated 3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains Impact on Service Delivery: Nil What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when? The Head of Corporate Resources (FD 4717/17) has been consulted and notes the report indicates no direct financial implications for the Council. All costs associated with the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Orders, amounting to £1000 will be funded by the developer. Head of Regulation & Compliance (LD 4001/17) has been consulted and any comments have been incorporated into the report. Are there any other options available for consideration? No Implementation Date for the Decision Immediately following the Committee meeting. Contact Officer: Steve Johnston – Team Leader (Highway Safety) Tel: 0151 934 4258 Email: [email protected] Background Papers: Planning application S/2012/0400 1.0 Introduction 1.1 On 6 March 2014, Planning Committee approved an application for Erection of 669 houses and apartments; an extra care development comprising of 126 homes and 44 bed respite and dementia care building; a unit comprising 216 sq m retail; associated hard and soft landscaping and new access and highways on land East Of Birkdale Cop And South Of Town Lane Kew. 1.2 As part of the new layout, a new distributor road is being provided through the new development. The new road is being built partly on the line of the former Town Lane, and partly on Birkdale Cop. This road will provide the main internal access for the development and will also serve as a bus route and has been formally named as Blowick Moss Lane. 1.3 In order to maintain access for the buses, a planning condition was attached which required the introduction of ‘No waiting at any time’ restrictions on both sides of the road and a 20mph speed limit. 1.4 A plan showing the proposed layout of the development is attached as Annex A. 2.0 Proposal 2.1 In order to prevent obstructive parking and regulate speeds, it is proposed to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order on:- Blowick Moss Lane, Southport ANNEX A.
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