~Ik~amm!<ey Winter, 1981 Vol. 98, No. 4 chiel·ement Awards Announced • Spotlight on Kappa Artists entennials Celebrated by K and BB..\ • National Panhellenic Conference Report Chapters • Colonies Established at Westminster and Irvine ew Chapter Installed at Lawrence Uni~·ersity The Key- of Kappa Kappa Gamma EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL Call to Convention Vol. 98 No.4 Winter, 1981 Th e first college women's magazine. Dear Kappas! Published contif)uously since 1882 Come to Convention! Make plans to join Kappas from every Fraternity Headquarters, 530 East Town St., corner of the land at the General Convention to be held J un Columbus, OH 43215. (MaUing Address: P.O. Box 2079, Columbus, OH 43216) 17-23, 1982. Send all editorial material and correspon­ The site of Convention will be the new magnificent Hyatt Re dence to the : EDITOR - Mrs. David B. Selby, 6750 Merwin gency Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. Located adjacent to the Ohi Place, 'M>rthington, OH 43085 Convention Center, the hotel offers ideal facilities for meetings, Send all active chapter news and pictures to: ACTIVE CHAPTER EDITOR - Mrs. Willis C. workshops, and special events. Pflugh, Jr., 2359 Juan St., San Diego, CA One of the highlights of a Columbus Convention is a trip to 92103 Send all alumnae news and pictures to : Fraternity Headquarters. Every Kappa attending will have the ALUMNAE EDITOR - Mrs. Paul Heenehan, P.O. Box 292, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 chance to visit 530 East Town Street to share the magic of the Send all business items and change of Heritage Museum and to see the administrative offices of the address, six weeks prior to month of publica­ tion to : Fraternity. Add to this a celebration of the centennial of the FRATERNITY HEADQUARTERs-P.O. Box KEY, a Show Your Colors evening with school spirit the theme, 2079, Columbus, OH 43216. (Duplicate copies cannot be sent to replace those undelivered the traditional dinner honoring all the Fraternity presidents, through failure to send advance notice.) alumnae achievement recognition, House Corporation seminar, Second class postage paid at Columbus, OH and at additional mailing offices. USPS 294- the alumnae boutique, the traditional Candlelight Banquet, and 160. Copyright, Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraterni­ much much more. ty 1981. Price $1.50 single copy. Deadline dates are August 1, November 1, February 1, The purpose of Convention is to elect your Fraternity officers, and April 1 for Fall, Winter, Spring, and Sum­ mer issues respectively. Printed in U.S.A. to consider the business before the Fraternity, and to provide COVER: The badges that symbolize each of every delegate and visitor the chance to grow in Fraternity the 26 National Panhellenic Conference groups are fe atured on the cover. Full color posters of knowledge and friendship. the cover are available at $4 each (3 for $10.75) The theme of the 1982 Convention is PATTERNS. The ever­ as well as new brochures " Going Greek in the 80's" which accompanies a new slide show. changing pattern of Fraternity life will be seen through the look­ For more information contact the editor at Box ing glass of the past, the kaleidoscopic views of the present, and 2079 , Columbus, OH 432 16. the designs planned to insure Kappa's bright future. Table of Contents Come to Convention. You are an important part of that Pat­ Women of Achi evement to be honored . I BB> Ce lebrates Ce ntenni al . 2 tern! Kappa Chapte r Ce lebrates 1st 100 yrs. ..... 3 Kappa Welcome 1\Yo Colon ies at West minster and Irvine . .......... ..... 4 Loyally, Conve ntion Theme is " Patterns" .... ..... 6 Conve ntion Regi !ration Form ............. 8 Alumnae ews .... ... .... .............. 9 o Much of Life's Ahead ...... ... ... ... 18 Sally Moore Nitschke The House That Emily Built ........•.... 20 8 N - Ohio State Kappas in Pri nt . • . 22 Choices Clipping . • . • . • . 24 Fraternity President pot light on Kappa Ani t ....•......... 25 Campus Highlight ..... ...... .•....... 29 Fraternity Directory .......•............. 39 Member hip Data Form . • . 47 In Memoriam ...... ....... ..... ..... .... 49 Campus Sight & ound . 50 Cooperation not competition at PC . 51 Philanthropy Contributor amed . 54 Symbols and Si terhood . 56 1u eum Collection Enhanced ... .... .... 58 ;;;;;.o-~-•L .. :o. ~!! -:. ~ - omination form for Fraternity om er . in ide back cover Ill¥- 'f' 'f' 't' T-T-Y-ts 7 .. ~-- Women of Achievement to be honored with awards at convention The highest honor the Fraternity can bestow upon an Jmna is the Kappa Alumnae Achievement Award. The ouncil is proud to announce that seven Kappas will be honored at the 1982 general convention. They will par­ :ipate in a panel di scussion regarding their careers hich will be reported in the fall 1982 issue of Th e Key. le following are the recipients: Bev Broughton Bajas, n: - Manitoba, is division vice ·esident of International Multifoods, a worldwide food ·ocessing company. Gi ven the 1979 Omicron Province ward for Outstanding Achievement in Business . and tmed National Business Home Economist for the Year 980) by the American Home Economics Association, Pat Harris ev is at home in Minneapolis. (See fall, 1980, pg. 72 Key) Wicke Oliver Ghambers, Ll Y - Georgia, is co-producer Bev Bajus · an Emmy-winning children's TV show and writer of 1ree books. Atlanta: A Guide for Teens & Tots. a cook­ )Ok , and Th e Money Making Job Book for Kids . Wicke ves in Atlanta. (See winter, 1980, pg. 8 Key) I Patricia Lang Harris, BII - Washington, is the first oman to be elected president of the World Congress of ehabilitation International (1980), and is the past presi­ ent of the Canadian Rehabilitation Council for the Di s­ Jled. Pat lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and is the :cipient of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubi­ ·e Medal awarded for community service. (See summer, J80 , pg. 30 Key) Muriel Mat!)on Kennedy, fP- Allegheny, is president of .merican Women in Radio and Television, Inc. , is a regis­ :red nurse ; is owner of MMK Associates (provides con­ :nt and talent for radio and TV commercials and pro­ ram s), and was named Watertown (NY) Citizen of the ·ear. She received the Shapiro Award for outstanding ivic contributions plus Girl Scout and American Red 'ross commendations. (See summer, 1981 , pg. 22 Key) Commander Mary Sproul, fX - George Washington, as done extensive research on blood plasma. A 50-year :appa and retired Navy commander, Mary has traveled he world over and enjoys skiing and sailing near her orne in Seal Harbor, Maine. Hollis Stacy, Ll E - Rollins. i a professional golfer on the .PGA Tour since 1974. Named All-American Putter fo r 977 . Holli was in the top ten pl ayers in onl y her fourth \!a r on Tour. (See ummer, 1978. pg. 40 Key) Kay Cronkite Waldo, .n - Kan a , is president of her wn company, Kay Waldo and Associates , Consultant s 1 Human Relation and Training. "Creati ve Alonene s" nd program to develop: elf-management. decision­ laking and learning to ri sk. are some of her work hop . .h e ha been a "cover girl' ' for Women in Busin ess and is e ni ece of Walter Cronkite. (See winter. 1978 . pg. 42 Not piclured : :ey) CMDR. Mary T. Sproul TH E K EY/WI TER 198 1 Centennial of BB~ provides warm homecoming By Emily Long Fisher, Co-Chairman Beta Beta Centenni BB!l - St. Lawrence On October 16 , 1981 the special happiness of horr c~ming filled the Kappa Lodge at 45 East Main Street Canton, New York as Beta Beta Kappas from Florida Maine and California to New Jersey arrived to greet ea other. They had come for the Homecoming Weekend St. Lawrence University and the very special events Kappa Kappa Gamma's Centennial Celebration. Alumna hi storian and archivist, Bette Limpert Ma hew, 'l'u - Cornell, and active Elena Aleksovski, BB abl y headed the Centennial committee planning tl events. The week-end program included enjoyment The informal fashion show pictures Elena Aleksovski '82 center in a 1960 hi storical displays and scrapbooks dating from 1875, dress. From left: Debra Wall '82 is in a dress of the 1900's. Sandra Walker slide show and buffet dinner at the Kappa Lodge on Ft '82 fashions a 1930 costume. Avery Horning '83 modeled a 1926 dress. day evening. Saturday's events centered around an aft• Jennifer Bush '84 steps out in an 1884 model. Katie Wattles '84 shows a 1912 style. Robin Price '83 is in a vintage of 1902. Bette Limpert Mayhew the football game reception at the Kappa Lodge cor Psi '40 is in a gay 90's dress. Julie Zenger '84 is wearing a fur cape loaned plete with a fashion show of period costumes arrange by Polly Long Valk '33. Cathy Schulte '82 wears a 1950 dress with a velvet by Helen Atwood Harwood, BB ' 18 , of Sarasot. evening coat with a hood trimmed with ermine and loaned by Winifred Clark DuBois BB '41 . Stacy Thorn '83 has on a fashion of the 1880's. Florida. This was followed by the formal, candleligl Anne Funk '82 poses in a 1926 classic. Anne-Mary Diana '83 is wearing dinner at the Eben Holden dining hall on the S Bette Mayhew's evening gown of the 1940's. Lawrence University campus. At the dinner, Fraternity President, Sally Moore Ni schke, B -Ohio State presented St. Lawrence Univer ty President , W. Lawrence Gulick, with a $1000 schola ship in honor of Beta Beta's Centennial. Barbara Torre MacAIIaster, Beta Beta: '51 , was toastmistress for the dit ner which was attended by 240 Kappas, Kappa hu: bands and friends . Marjorie Watters Longley, BB '47 , was the speaker: the dinner and related many hi storical and amusing facl in the hi story of Beta Beta Chapter.
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