Aberdeenshire: Seebalhaggardy; Banchory Ternan; Barniekyn of Echt; Bulwark ; Corskie, Nether; Crathes, Mill Of; Dummuies, Leys O

Aberdeenshire: Seebalhaggardy; Banchory Ternan; Barniekyn of Echt; Bulwark ; Corskie, Nether; Crathes, Mill Of; Dummuies, Leys O

INDEX PAGE Aberdeenshire Balhaggardye :se ; Banchory Anstruther, Fife, Beggars' Benison Club Ternan; Barniekyn of Echt; Bulwark ; Medals, ....... 327 Corskie, Nether; Crathes, Mil; of l Antonine Wall, Recent Discoverien o s Dummuies, Leys of; Dunecht; Echt, , Lin......eof . 93 Upper Mains of; Ellon; Fyvie; Fyvie Antoninus Pius, Denarius of, ... 201 Castle; Leith Hall; New Deer; Park Arbroath, see Collision Mill. House ; Kothiebrisbane; Tarland ; Architecture, see St Andrews. Turriff. Argyll, Duk , Deat. e of , of h Accounts, Household, 1808-1811, of Rev. Argyllshire : see Dalmally; Duchoille; Dun r LaurieD , Newton Parish, Fife Breac; lona ; Lorn. (donation), ...... 92 Armitage, Captain Harry, elected, Achastle Fort, Glen Fincastle, Perthshire0 2 , Armlets :— Achinduich, Invershin, Sutherland, Cir- Bronze, Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire, 165 cular Fort, ...... 31 Glass, Traprain Law, ..... 177 Adze - shaped Implement of Micaceous Jet, found near Broc f Laminesso h , Schist, Link f o Minns , Shetland Orkney (purchase), .... 15 (purchase), ...... 15 —— Traprain Law, ..... 175 Airlour, The, Wigtownshire, Hammer- Stone, Dun an lardhard, Skye, 67 stone (donation), ..... 10 Arms, see Blades, Pistol, Spearheads. Allan, James, Death of,. ... 3 Arnhall, Forfarshire, Inscribed Stone, 303 Allardes, George, Master of Scottish Mint, 319 Auchinblae, Kincardineshire, Cinerary Alyth Bridge, Perthshire, ...3 27 . Urn (donation). ..... 275 Amber Objects:— Awl, Bronze, Traprain Law, Haddington- Bead, found near Broch of Laminess, shire, ........ 173 Orkney (purchase), ...5 1 . Axes:— Bead, Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire, 179 Bronze, flat, Brubster, Caithness (dona- Beads, Sanday, Orkney (purchase)4 1 . , tion), ........ 11 Necklace lardhardn a n 4 Du ,6 , Skye. , Iron, Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire, . 186 Ambleside Bridge, Westmorland, . 268 Stone, Kirkmabreck, Wigtownshire An Caisteal Dearg, Fort, River Tummel, (donation), ...... 10 Perthshire, ...... —— Moormains, Wigtownshire (dona- Angle Southern i s n Scotland, tion), ........ 10 Animal Remains:— —— Torroble, Sutherland (purchase), 15 Boars' Tusks, Kinkell Cave, Fife, . 2:30 Axe-hammers:— Bones and Deer-horns, Worked, Con- Iron, Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire, . 185 stantine's Cave, Fife, .... 241 Perforated, Drumfad, Wigtownshire Reports on:— (donation), ...... 10 Constantine's Cave, .... 251 Ayr, Bridge of,. 272 Du lardhardn na , Skye, ..0 7 . Kinkell Cave, . 245 Balfour, Righ t, presentHonJ. A . s Relics Anniversary Meeting, ....1 . from Traprai Excavationw La n , 92 343 344 INDEX. Balhaggardy, Aberdeenshire, Sculptured Bone Object resemblin a gWhistle ; Stone, ......3 3 . Pin f o Bond sBronze an ed an , Ballantine, James, elected, ...5 27 . Portion of King-headed Pin of Iron; Balls :— Pottery, ....... 11 Glass, Imperforate, Traprain Law, Had- Berwick Bridge, ...... 267 dingtonshire, ...... 179 Berwickshire Coldinghae se , m Priory. Stone, Traprain Law, .... 196 Bideford (Devon) Bridge, and Burgh Balmuick Farm, Coinrie, Perthshire, Seal, ......9 25 . Handled Urn (purchase), ... 92 Binding, Bronze, Traprain Law, Hadding- Balnabodach, Loch Tumniel, Perthshire, tonshire, ....... 185 Cairn near, ......5 2 . Bishop Auckland Bridge3 ,27 Durham . , —— Fort, ........ 23 Black Castle Fort, Glen Fincastle, Perth- Banchory House, Kincardineshire, Sculp- shire, ........ 21 tured Stones, .....4 3 . Blades:— —— Ternan, Aberdeenshire, Incised Cross, 46 Dagger-, Iron, Traprain Law, Hadding- Banffshire, Boat of Bridge, .... 272 tonshire, ....... 183 Bar, Iron, Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire8 19 , Knife-, Iron, Traprai n. Law.19 . , 8 Barlauchlan, Wigtownshire, Hammer-stone Blairbuy, Wigtownshire, Pebble of Quartz (donation), . ... 10 (donation), ...... 10 Barmekyn of Echt, Aberdeenshire, Hill Fort, 47 Boat of Bridge, Banff-Elgin,.... 272 Barnard Castle Bridge, Yorks.-Durham, Bodkin of Bone, Boreiiich, Perthshire, . 30 263, 268, 273 Bogmuir, Kincardineshire, Highland Barnstaple, Devonshire, Burg9 25 h . Seal . , Brooch (donation), ....4 1 . Barr Chastulain, Dalmally, Argyllshire, Bolts :— Fort, ........ 27 Iron, Dun an lardhard, Skye,... 67 Baths, Koman, Ferry Dike, Dumbarton- —— Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire, . 198 shire, ........ 106 Bone Objects and Implements:— Beads:— Bodkin, Borenich0 3 , Perthshire . , Amber, Dun ail lardhard, Dunvegan, Indeterminate, Traprain Law, Hadding- Skye, ....... 64, 338 tonshire, ......0 19 . —— from near Broch of Laminess, —— Uist, South, Inverness-shire (dona- Orkney (purchase), .... 15 tion), ........ 11 —— Sanday, Orkney (purchase), . 14 Limpet Wedge, Kinkell Cave0 25 , Fife . , —— Traprain Law, Haddingtonshire9 17 . , Pin, Berneray, Harris1 (donation)1 . , Glass, Dalmeny, Midlothian (donation)7 20 , Playing-die, Bragar, Lewis (donation), . 11 —— Note on Dalmeny Necklace, . 332 Ring, Bragar, Lewis (donation), . 11 —— Dun an lardhard, Skye, . .65, 66 Various, Constantine's Cav Kinkeld ean l —— —— (donation), ....7 20 . Cave, Fife, .....5 25 . —— Sanday, Orkney (purchase), . 14 ? Whistle, Berneray, Harris (dona- —— Traprain Law, .... 175, 179 tion), ........ 11 Jet, Traprain Law, ....5 17 . Worked, Constaiitiue'1 24 . s . Cave . , Beads from Dalmeny compared with those See also Whalebone. of Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic origin, 336 Books, Donations and Purchases of, Beancross, Stirlingshire, Roma4 n13 Wall . , 12, 16, 56, 92, 207, 275, 307 "Beetle r manglin"fo g clothes (donation)2 9 , Borenich, Perthshire: Excavation of Cir- Beggars' Beniso7 n32 Clu . b Medals . , 8 2 . cula . r . For , at t Beggar's Bridge Whitbye se , . —— Forts, Lowe Upperd an r , ..3 2 . Bell in the Town House at Burntisland, . 3393 2 t Circl——Hu e . nea.. r For , of t Bell, M. Montgomerie, W.S., presents five —— Relics from, ...... 30 volume f Householo s d Accounts2 9 . , Boxe forn i sf Booksmo e dateon , d 1759, Berie, Lewis, Ross-shire, Samian Pottery from Wigtownshire 0 (donation)1 . , (donation), .....1 1 . Bracelet, see Armlet. Berneray, Harris, Inverness-shire, Dona- Bragar', Lewis, Objects from Kitchen tio f Objecto n f Cetaceao s n Bone Midden (donation), ..... 11 INDEX. 345 Brass Objects:— Brubster, Caithness, Bronze e FlaAx t Circular Highland Brooch, Bogmuir, (donation), ...... 11 Kincardineshire (purchase), . 14 Bryce, W. Moir, elected a Vice-President, 1 Viking Brooches :— Bulwark Deerd Ol , , Aberdeenshire, Flint found near Brocl f o Laminessi , and Chert Implements (purchase)5 1 . , Orkney (purchase), .... 15 Burntislaud, Fife, Bell in Town House, . 339 Sanday, Orkne4 1 y (purchase) . , Burr, Eev. G. F., Death of, .... 3 Brechin Bridge, Forfarshire . .27 . 2, Burra, see Links of Minn. Bridges, Gateways on, ..... 268 Butto f Bronzeno , Traprain Law, Hadding- —— represented on Burgh Seals, . 259 tonshire, ....... 172 —— the Most Ancient, in Britain, . 256 Briot, Nicholas, ...... 327 Gadder, Lanarkshire, Roman Fort, . 113 Broch, see Dun an lardhard. —— Roman Pottery, ..... 115 Bronze Objects:— Cairn near Balnabodach, Loch Tummel, Armlet, Traprain Law, Haddington- Perthshire, ...... 25 shire,........ 165 Caithness Brubstere se , . Awl, Traprain Law, ..... 173 Callander . Graham,J , Secretary Bronzn o , e Axe, Brubster, Caithness (donation), . 11 Cud othean p r objects found near Binding, Traprain Law, ...5 18 . Tarland, Aberdeenshire, . 203 Brooches, Traprain Law, . 165-170 —— presents Objects from Lewis, Harris, Button, Traprain Law, ...2 17 . and Uist, ....... 11 Casting from Mould, Traprai3 n19 Law . , Callendar Park, Stirlingshire, Roman Ditch Clasps, Traprai . 4 173 17 . , n Law . , and Wall, ...... 130 Cup, Tarland, Aberdeenshire, . 204 et seq. Cambridge Burgh Seal, ..... 259 Handl f Jugeo , Kinkell Cave6 23 , Fife. , Cambuskeiineth, Stirlingshire, Ancient Harness Mountings, Traprai0 n18 Law . , Window Glass, ....6 8 . Indeterminate, Traprain Law, . 196 Campbell, Rev. James, D.D.3 , Deat. , hof Lancet, Traprain Law, .... 188 Campbell, Walte . DouglasJ r 3 , Deat . , hof Mountings, Traprain Law, . 196 Carleith Farm, Dumbartonshire, Roman Pins, Berneray, Harris (purchase),. 208 Wall,. ......0 10 . —— Traprain Law, ..... 171 Cart, Bridge of, Renfrewshire, ... 272 Plate, Traprain Law,....2 18 . Carved Stones, see Stones, Sculptured. Quatrefoil, Traprain Law, . .181 Casting from Stone Mould, Traprain Law, Rings, Traprai . 8 175 19 . , n Law. , Haddingtonshire, ....3 19 . Eosette, Traprai . .18 n. Law2 . , Cave, Joseph, Engraver of the Scottish Stud, Traprain Law, ..... 183 Mint, ....... 320, 322 Termina Strapr fo l , Traprai3 17 n Law . , Cawder House, Lanarkshire, Mote Hill, . 109 Terrets, Traprain Law, .... 180 —— —— Pottery (Mediaeval), ... 109 Tweezers, Traprain Law, .... 175 Celtic Scores, references to, . 285 Brooches:— —— Numeral Orkneyn si , ...2 28 . Brass, Highland, Bogmuir, Kincardine- —— —— of Strathclyde, .... 276 shire (purchase), ..... 14 Chape of Iron for Sword, Traprain Law, —— Viking, found near Brocf o h Haddingtonshire, ..... 185 Laminess, Orkney (purchase), . 15 Charles I. Puncheons, ..... 326 —— Sanday, Orkney (purchase), . 14 Charle . CoininII s g Dies, ...2 31 . Bronze, Bow-shaped, Traprain Law, —— Matrix of Coronation Medal, . 324 Haddingtonshire, ....6 16 . —— Pattern Dies, .....6 31 . —— Dragonesque, Traprain Law, . 170 Charters relating to Perth (donation), . 56 —— Enamelled, Traprain Law, 166, 1689 16 , Chipso SmalTw , l Flint, Constantine's —— Penannular, Traprain Law, . 165, 166 Cave, Fifeshire, ....1 24 . Silver, Penannular, Tarland, Aberdeen- Chollerford, Northumberland, Pierf o s shire, ..... t seq.e 3 20 . Roman Bridge, ..... 257 Brown, Professor G.

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