%VEEK'S PLET• TELEVISION PROGRAMS NDAI 'THF, Clifton East Paterson. Fair Lawn Garfield Haledcn Hawthorne Lodi Little Falls Mount North Haledon Paterson Passaic Pt,,--,4.on Lakes Prospecf Park Sincjac i'otowa Wayne We•t Paterson OFFICERS, SERRA CLUB OF PATERSON NOVEMBER 2, 1958 VOL. XXX, No. 44 1958Changes In SocialSecurity Laws Provide Far Children and Widows WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. A GOOD NAM• •) •MBER By StanleyJ. Fi.oresi, M•nager of Paters,onSocial Security Office for One of the importantreasons for socialsecurity insurance bene- FURNITURE fits is the protectionof children.Before the recentchanges in the law, however,foster children who had not beenlegally adopted were Living Room Bed Room Dining Room Oftenout of luck where.social security is concerned.I have known many."little Orphan Annies"who were not el:giblefor payments. RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY I recall, in particular, the case of 6-year-oldJohnnie K. The QUALITY and LOW PRICE Johnsonshad takenhim to live with thembut beforethey could get -- •9 Years Serving the Public -- around.to legal adoption.Mr. Johnsondied. Mrs. Johnsonfully ex- 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-7S80 PATERSON, N. pected.to get surv•vor'spayments-for the little .b•y and for herself 240MAH,• ST. (Carroll P!m Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-797T as she had.the childin her care.It was our painful duty-to tell her thatbenefits were not possible. Johnnie had not been legally adopted andshe, a widowwithout a legalminor child,could not get payments as she. was under 62. In 1958changes in the socialsecurity law makeit possible.to pay benefitsto more children (includingJohnnie) and more widows(in- cludingMrs. Johnson).In the caseof children,this resultsfrom the PeterF. CuonoJeweler and Engraver /... removal of the adoption provision in the old law; in the. case of AufhorizedP.B.A. Jeweler •nd Engraver widows,the-removal of the adoptionprovision will also permit the LifeMembership Cards - Rings- Pin•- Wallets payment of mother's-benefits, in most cases. It is no longer necessarythat a child, other than the worker's 204A MARKETSTREET EASTPATERSON, N.J. own child,be an adoptedchild in order to.qualify for survivor'sbene- SW 7-6151 fits. The requirementnow is that the child ba "adaptable"and be adoptedby the survivingspouse within two years.after the worker's death.If the child was living in the worker's householdas a member of the family, and was not supportedby anyone.other than the work- THEIDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE er, the'spouseor a socialagency, he. is. now regarded,for socialsecur- / ity* purposes, the same. as the worker's owh child. ' -I In the. case of the adoptedchild. of a retired insured worker it is no longernecessary that the child.have been-adopted for as long as threeyears in orderto be eligible. for benefit payments. The 3-year re- strictionwas put in the old law to guard againsta.buses through adoptionsunderta'ken to securerights to benefits.As adoptionsare. subjectto court approvalin the variousStates, however, Congress decided that this is a rare abuse.,and removed the. restriction from the law.Benefits are nowpayable to. an adoptedchild immediately after adoption. BROILED LOBSTER • --DAILY Under the amendedlaw, the length-of-marriagerestriction has been removed.if the deceasedworker legally adoptedthe spouse's 0 STERS - CLAM - COD FISH - SWORD 'FISH - DAILY DINNERS child.- •6ss•o•r AVE{Co•. Su•,,•}. HA•OON - -- - ON SALE AT •r• O O ' rOTOWARfe.46 FAIRLAWN Rfe. 4 ß . ß Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:30 a.m.. to 10p.m. FR O' H,ARR,I SO ß , OpenSunday9:30 a.m.to9 p.m. -.•t• xer coupon,Ills GoodThrough Tuesday, Nov. 4 Reg.$17.9S Page Two Publis!•ed Weekly by TIlE CHI•O.NI. CLE C'.OMPA/•FI • ..:.<.-. 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, New Jersey I•bert 5-2741 VINCENT S. P•kI•I•ILLO, l•l•n•ging Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. NOVEMBER 2, 1958 --- VOL. XXX, No. 44 COMING OUT PARTY -- Rochester, N.Y, - Opening wide to display their soon-to-be-gone tonsils, seven members of the Bernard. Martin family arrive at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester. Examining Single Copy 10 Cents ..•'.-_?_•.22 $5.00 a Year By Mail the youngsters prior to the mass Tonsillectomy is. Sister-.Simplicia ,, , •, of the Sisters of Charity. CONTENTS ß..•.. •.. .:.q.•:;•.½...::.:..-:.:..;..:.:,....;::.-,.-:::.- : '-•,'":•':•?.i.. "!•.•i!,•.: ß F ".":'' ' '" ' •"4 .. ' i:' ß.'- ..:.,--.,.•½ •. "",<- ß .• . :.:,.:q. Chronicle, of the, Week ....... ß.. ii, k,•,''-..• • . :'•'': : Fran Molendyke's Tri-Boro No.tebook .•: ß .' .. -'- ,.f, •..-.:...•.. ß. ...... ß . .-..'. ':(:;• • .- .-.,•:. Short Story 14 '.i.:' ß 2.:: . ' ..&4./:;. .. - . ,,:.,... "•i.-:•:ß.:% .'-:... ::?.'•'.:.!;••.:..•:•d..':-;'-' •: ' ..% ,.."-...::. %'i'.:.::'-:•-::.-•½:;, . '.'-.:":-'-:- "ß'x.. '•..•,, :4:"'•-...... •,_ _.•-ß.............:.:½•.:-..., :<,:•.-.•.•.y.,,....';..4........ .• •', •-:,:..;............. ß '-'- :•,,,:•:;½•..•,.,4,;. v:,x. ,'. -..:,.-., ;,:.. .-. American History 15 ß" ß.-"'.;-.-'."" •. ......... ' .-':''-'.-. ;,4,•< -,, •. - , '• ....ß .,•.,y.::•- ß .--,.'"-',k"•,•.,.-;.' -- .. ...•,'"". --F:,:...... ..... •"'-" .•.-.'.'•'•..-•,,•... :.,,. '•' ß•:;.: %' ß '.. ' -'• ..'..•'::.'•<-.'%-. •"":';i'....... ':.:'•..... -;:'- • .'.':..:-..-.':-;¾::;:•i'•ß?: '<'::":'::•::•:•! .... ..... -:.:½,k -.'.':':•*'.. ß.... '.!:::::.'::::•ß::;':':'..": ::'?-'.;-.':'; '::::-"'::::::::•';•::'.':;"d:.%.::" ' --: ' ß'-'i:::•.:::: .';:i'i:.':: .....!.i::•;•': DE'- ARTME,.NTS :-' .., . ::::':..'-';..:.'•.-.. - .. PIECE WORK -- Waltham, Mass. - When these two men si•. down to play a game of .chess, their attention is really riveted to the Social World 7 board. The players, Horace Calhoun (Left) and Wilbur Hunter, use chessmen made of different size rivets manufactured at the Juds0n Editorials 8 L. Thomson plant where they work in Waltham, Mass. Using "chess pieces" selected from the 8,000 different tubular and split rivets made by the company, the men sometimes need a month of lunch Editor Speaks 8 hours to finish a single game. Complete Television _11-12-13 ß . COVER PI CT.I:J R E: ß ß .... The, Serra Club:<of Paterson, received its charter this past Wednesday, 180th ,in. the world, at a formal dinner in the Alexander Hamilton Hotel attended by clergy and laity from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Paterson and the Archdiocese of Newark. Its name. was taken. from Junipero Serra, the noted Franciscanwho played a leading part in early mission- ary efforts in the West. Seated left to, right are.: Monsignor Edward J. Scully, diocesandirector of vocationsand pastor of ß ':•-;:•,•i.....'-.. '" •..,. '"' :•-.'.,:::..':;;•.4".::" •:•!i!ii;ili.".:'7. .:,... ...:.. ::.•;?:•::.,•:,..•..,..•::i•::::..:i:.,..:.<:•.,,_ ..... Holy CrossR. C. Church,Mountain View, Chaplain;Joseph A. ;.'.:i•;:,.-•.'':::. :. .v. i':'.'"i-:-..-ß'-"•'.-'.:' 4? ß :'•--: . '- ß '- '+:'>' ß ""'"'""•!:':-'::'-'-'.k'•' '-:.'/-::.<:.:': .. ..v.- Abbott,president; Bishop James A. McNultywho. presided •½?:%.:•.,.-.-:4>,}•.•: .:..' :.-:,.'::;..'¾•.::-.->.:. .• ::' :........ -,• .... .:..:.... ;,MEN.OF THE WHIRL -- Winnipeg, .Man., Canada -- Bill Mosienko •.d was the principalspeaker; James'. G. Cahill, vice president •! the Winnipeg Warriors Hockey Team shows colleague8 Steve Witiuk a•.;.dlgeneral .chairman of the affair;'Cyril W. Collins,vice pre- •nd Dick, Lamoreaux how to perform and-keep fit with the hula hoop, •ere. Coach All Pike.thought up the idea to keep the team:tit and in si;'dentand toastmaster; .Charles J. Scanlan, secretary; and Ed- =aar'e tot' the •-omlag.season. ward J. Foster, treasurer. The CitI•ONIcLE Page Three Paterson Police Go Deer Employment Offices To Hunting Without License Be Closed On Tuesday The populated areas around The New Jersey Stata Emp!oy-• Paterson are becoming so crowd- ment S•rvice office in Paterson ed that a 200 pound deer decided will be closed on Election Day. to try the. city, possibly th'•nking Claimants normally due to re- that all the humans had left the port on Tuesday have received an city to live in the suburbs. How- alternative date. O'Sher services ever, ha was soon disillusioned. will be resumed on $Vednesday. ß ß The complexity of city canyons was too much for him. He be- Dutch To Present Play came frantic and leaped over ..:....... :.-:......... ..:;i:ii::---:..i.!:.::•i::::.::j.'i:.;.. '_½..... •......... !!.-::,• .' ..."- . fences and through yards. An un- in GUild Hall, Haledon ß:::., :+.'..'.:...:.,..,:. ß'•' :.:.;.;.....'• ...,...:::.-........ ...,.:..... .%ß:-',r--.,, •. ,,..,'.:-:: •,,-ß ":'?•' . '" •...½.•.?..' . .. .., / .: ...:. ß' '.......... ß'" !'";". • .....• • ,, 4':-.'::•:¾½' x..-.•.•x•.-y.-•':-:.-'.';:i.•*..*.•:.-• " . "' " ' fortunate dog was kicked to A comedy in three acts will .be ß: ß•.t"' :½.•...'..:}.-..:.•:.'-.-i.-!:-•',.....ß . • ,•.':.... "' '"-"-. '- death and approaching cars were presente:l by the Kunst and Ge- ' ""• '"';:-';' '"".... .4.'?:;.:•..:'•...,....'•?!•. ß '•: jumped over. noegen organ'zation Saturday ev- ß.•. •'•.;,..... ..... .....::..... i"..i'.½.2,' . ":"'"'"'.. .'-.':.--:?:.-::.,.. -. The eight point deer was first ening, Nov. I in the Guild Hall, ß..:;- seen at 7 a.m. near the. Universal Haledon, at 8 p.m The play is ti- ' ß'"':...... -..... :!' '" '" .... "' -...!::i'•"'¾" " .....' "":.::-'.:i":.':".•i!.."- :' ß .:..:-'-. :.-•%.;:.;--.;.,., . .:.',-!:!.'!'- Manufacturing Company at 29 tled "Meheer-Klaproos" and it is 4,. .. East Sixth Street. He leaped over presented in the Dutch language. ,,• ..• a 10 foot fe.;ce into the company Tickets
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