NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF VVillie Hunter, back from minder that the callus is not British trip with Mrs. Hunter, most efficient course mainte- says they still play golf quicker nance equipment there'll be a in the old country but not as scythe cutting contest at the vvell . Willie says Sarazen GCofNE August meeting . was enthusiastically cheered at The Cohasset GC and Supt. Joe British Press banquet . Brit- Ohlfield will be club hosts at a ish like Gene's spirit of con- beach party after inspection of quest and quick, decisive play tlie course with O. J. Noer. British golf writers told Johnny Dawson elected pres., Willie that when Gene enters a California State GA . More trap he hits the ball out so than 60 caddies to be inter- quickly the crowd never sees HERB GRAFFIS viewed for Evans scholarships how the shot is executed . Hunter doubts by Western GA Scholarship committee, at that until officials apply to a star player Evans House, Northwestern university, the disqualification penalty now in rule Evanston, 111., Aug. 1 . More than 120 book for "repeated offense" in delaying play Evans scholars will be in universities this the players will think the authorities really fall . Complaints about some unfunny don't mean business. business in Calcuttas in a western state where gambling is supposed to be on the Hunter says Lytham was in remarkably level. good condition with "dream" putting greens; always open for about 20 yds. in Southern Women's GA sets 1953 South- front of the greens but severely bunkered ern Women's championship, for Chattanoo- at sides and with bad rough at the back ga (Tenn.) CC, May 4-9 .. Helen Hamp- . Fairway pot bunkers tough with depth ton, Chattanooga, is chmn Letters from and steep banks making it necessary to many managers say biggest day's meal explode out and take the rap. husiness they'v e had so far this year vv as on Tliompson, Australian star, looks good Mother's Day . VVillie Hunter, writing to Willie . Hoes a lot of waggling, then in Golf Life of Los Angeles, proposes that lets it fly . George Duncan tohl Hunter golf clubs have one charity day each year there is a shortage of promising young tal- vvith approved charities getting shares of ent in British golf, with Percy Aliss' son the proceeds . Hunter says that so many appearing to be the best of the crop. events for "deserving charities" novv are being scheduled the pros vvho have to run Malcolm Brown building 18-hole course the events are "becoming embarrassed at at King City, Calif. Inglewood (Calif.) continually being called upon to dun their CC—formerly Portrero—changes to pri- members." vate club status from pay-as-you-play . "Bunny" Torpey's 20th anniversary as pro August meeting of Heart of America Golf at Oakwood G&CC, Dodson, Mo., to be cele- Course Supts. Assn. at Quivira Lake GC, brated Aug. 6 with big party given by Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 19 . Sept. meet- Oakwood's men members . Barbara Ran- ing of Heart of America group at Jefferson som, former California State women's City (Mo.) CC . Program for Central champion, turns pro to become asst. to her Plains Turf Foundation and Kansas State father, Ralph "Pop", 28 years pro at Stock- College 3d annual turf conference, Man- ton (Calif.) course and recently appointed hattan, Ks„ Oct. 22, 23, 24, now being set pro at Stockton's new 18-hole Swenson up as most useful of the programs since Park muny course, which replaces Stock- these meetings started . Art Hall, Vic- ton's old 9-hole muny layout. tory Hills GC, Bethel, Ks., Pres., Heart of Greenkeepers' Club of New England America GCSA, continues to improve after been having a lot of fun at its meetings long illness and is expected to be attend- denionstrating the big difference between ing the organization's meetings soon. hand and power mowing ... Demonstration at Derryfield CC, Manchester, Vt., had Ted 7th annual Bill Waite Memorial invita- Swanson, Pat Tameo and other veterans tion tournament at Shawnee CC, Shavvnee- sweating the manual methods and conced- on-Delaware, Pa., vvill have all entrants ing, according to Phil Cassidy, that horse- playing 5 days, Sept. 2 thru 6 ... 18 daily power is here to stay . As a further re- in "Kegulars" class, age under 50; and in "Old Masters," over 50 . Great Falls, ATLAS LAWN MOWER Mont., Junior Chamber of Commerce mem- LAPPING MACHINE bers providing materials and manpower for building clubhouse at recently opened 9- hole muny course . Soon as clubhouse is completed the Jaycees propose to enlarge course to 18 holes. New England Junior Open championship at Albemarle GC, Newtonville, Mass., Aug. 25-29 . Age classes: 12 and under, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18 . A. O. Nicholson played his 900th course at Little Rock, Ark., July 19. Plans for clubhouse to be completed next year at new Swenson Park course approved by Stockton, Calif., Park dept.. .. Chester- field CC (Chicago dist.) boasts father-and- son co-supt. team . Julius, the dad, was supt. at Pickwick and Northwestern clubs for 20 years prior to coming to Chesterfield 10 years ago . Dick served his father as A compact, light-weight machine for lap- ping all models of Hand, Power and Gang asst. for 4 years prior to his promotion . Mowers! May be easily used on work bench Joint meeting of Midwest Golf Course or floor, eliminating the lifting of heavy Supts. Assn. and Wisconsin Greenkeepers' mowers. The simple height adjustment for the reel shaft may be used from 41/2" to Assn., at Brown's Lake GC, Burlington, 10%". Equipped with several attachments Wis., Sept. 15. to fit different reel shafts. Metal blocks for rollers. Steel stands to support the mower. Welcome home party for National Open FULLY GUARANTEED champion Julius Boros . Gave him a List Price, With Motor $61.50 watch and $500 . Tommy Armour and List Price, Without Motor 39.00 Claude Harmon among speakers .. Hamil- Write for Bulletin. ton County (Cincinnati, O.) Park District Atlas Lawn Equipment Co. planning its 3d course . To be located in 7761 Olive Street Road St. Louis 24, Missouri Miami Whitewater Forest . Snead and Hogan drawing very well in exhibitions de- There is The proven HERBICIDE- Only One PMAS FUNGICIDE MORE and MORE Greenkeepers rely on PMAS to KILL CRABGRASS • STOP FUNGUS DISEASES such as copper spot, dollor spot, brown patch, pink patch, snow mold Use SOILOAM U s e PMAS with SOIL CONDITIONER NITRO-GRO For Fall Seedings 12-8-8 Licjuid Fertilizer PLUS 11 TRACE ELEMENTS Don't waste expensive seeds on hard, impacted Apply botbo h at once — save time and laborl . ON or clay-ey soill Use liquid SOILOAM and poor GREENS and LAWNS dilute 4 02. of "NITRO- soils will take on a soft loamy consistency that GRO" with 10 Gals. of water and agitate. Next add 1 oz. PMAS and again agitate. This solution will encourage rapid germination and provide will cover 1,000 sq. ft. and should be applied air and drainage to promote healthy turf. Tried weekly during Crabgrass and Disease periods. and proven, like PMAS, you can be sure that Caution; do not mix "NITRO-GRO" with PMAS concentrate. Apply only in solution as directed you're getting the best in easily applied above. Naturally either can be applied sepa- SOILOAM. rately. Ask your Dealer or Write or Wire Us for Intormation W. A. CLEARY CORPORATION NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY spite record hot weather . First ace on Shelby (Mont.) course in 12 years made on 135 yd. 6th by Rayfield G. Klinger. Wm. Braid, 72, died at Mountainside hos- pital, Newark, N. J., July 16, after 3 weeks illness . He was born in Forfar, Scotland, and spent most of his boyhood in St. An- drews . He came to the U. S. 50 years ago to become pro at Baltimore (Md.) CC . After 7 years at Baltimore he spent a year as pro at Sound Beach (Conn.) CC, then joined his boyhood friend, Jack Jolly, at Newark, N. J. in the golf ball manufac- whatever your turf requirements . turing business . After that, for 17 years the Mock reputation for quality and Bill Braid was pro at IJpper Montclair specialized service can be helpful in (N. J.) CC, then served 5 years as pro at East Orange (N.J.) CC, and later became solving your problems. supt., Glen Ridge (N.J.) CC . He was an Mock's are leaders in distribution of excellent player and teacher and later in all the newest developments in modern his career was highly rated as a golf course architect, buihler and turf maintenance au- turf grass seed, sold either pure, or thorlty . He is survived by his widovv, mixed to your specified formula. Your Mrs. Helen Aitchison Braid; three sisters, inquiry for information or quotation Mrs. David Cooper of Argyle, Scotland; will receive immediate attention. Mrs. David Waters of St. Andrews, Scot- land and Mrs. John Stewart of Ladybank, Scotland; and two brothers, George of Chi- cago and Alfred . Bill Braid was one of "For custom - tailored turf.. the baloved builders of golf in the U. S. Euclid (O.) Junior Chamber of Com- MOCK SEID COMPANY merce collaborated with Brewing Corp. of America (Carling's Ale) in putting on PITTSBUROH 30, PA. $2500 36-hole event at Willowick CC (Cleveland dist.) . Gene Kunes won after ^MILORGANITE BUILDS OUTSTANDING FAIRWAYS AND BETTER GREENS AT FRANKLIN HILLS Immediately after World War II, Bill Con- ley the superintendent at Franklin Hills Country Club in Detroit started a turf im- provenient program.
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