liD 26. RED , WE»Nl!8I>A*, BECBMBEB 22,1886. ed the attentlonof some of the residents 13 COMMI88IONBRS' MKETINO. PERSONAL, f of lower Borden street. On learning W BAN*' BUSINESS MEN. NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWN, that free beer was being dispensed, sev> TJiers isn't a word of truth in that story—I 4tt 4 ^" ^ me Ileard ItaaumM Par Two Bill* Charles Lawrence is lying very ill at SHI DRIVE* * »1O» OUT erelnf them sent their children to the TMBBQlOTEBiaidlborrowedVaofMrnnR^T-OL**. OOO0S OFFERED _. Vblclt Were Prewaud. his father's residence in Middletown. WTERMTlHG ITEM* fROM B|* HOU8K. house with kettles for some of the malt West before I went away. That's wrong At REASONABLE RATE*. All the members of the Board of Com' George Hance, of Shrewsbury, Is con- YOHDTHESHREWMURT. liquor. None of these requests for the also. Mr. West oweil me about |40, missionsrs were present at the last meet- fined to his house with a heavy cold. ' ft** k B»«W«ir la tfoWsi-' beer was refused. - , - Once last summer, when he was going Wkin aafcetaatut rrotcnta, Mem as A Grand M«n_ While the drinking was going on Mrs. to the Moomouth Park ranee, I gave big. George i\ Borden, of Prospect bill, Phil.Daly and family, al Long Branchr Thrtafens t*,I,y»e* Hl»-"B«4 •hot*. Clethtal. ttHh Bte., Bt«., Hew gammer West and her mother'returned to the Him some money to bet on a certain afar *• rareka*** al pair Meet, presented a bill for $4.80 for work per- arrived home from their European trip HM (to* Vrsrbaeii* Bar What house, entering byi the front door. Mrs. hone for me. That horse won, and my Oat-injsrcdW To our readers we would say that there rormed and material used in improving last week, *d«r ar« GolBTte n*» fclil D» Hat Wvst was neatly attired In a house dress, winnings were fourteen dollars* Mr. the Prospect hill road. The bill was not MissSuMe Harms, of Philadelphia, Is -Hew tfBlMlnas ni D» H-Tfa» Story ToM tn DelaU »» but tho most noticeable feature of her West afterward bet the money on an- are no better places to purchase goods provementa. appearance was the abseboe of her long other bone and lost it, so thatbe could than'the mercantile establishments ad- paid on the ground that no one having spending Christmas with Miss Edith she Banister's Bright Besorten. blonde hair, whioh was her pride in not pay me .the |M that I won. An- authority ordered th& work done. BJinton, of Bed Bank. Navesink Hook arid Ladder compairy vertised in THE Bsaietkn. Our Bed No.3 has- sixteen members. The full The Boekwell.We*t affair took an, times past. Her entrance into the house other time when I was going to the Another bill which was not paid was Mrs. Alice Lctson, of Bed Cloud, Neb., Bank merchants carry large' stooka of complement of membership win be 40. ether phase on Saturday night last. was like a wet blanket upon the. con- Sheepthead Bay races, he wanted to bet from Peter Kroener & Son. It was for isvlsitingher mother la-law, Mrs. Rachel viviality of the crowd. As she-walked |10 on a certain horse, but had not the goods especially selected for the trade of The company fa preparing to have a FrfelS. Bockwellbad come to Bed IBank kerosene which had been furnished Mrs. Letson, of Long Branch. toward the sitting-room those of the money to give me because Mr. Corlles this section, and their prices will be found truck built in the village. on Friday night, and about ten o'clock crowd who wen in the parlor slunk out had not yet come down town and he said T. B< Longstreet, of Borden street, Mrs. Mrs. Sarah A, McClaakey is very ill 1 very reasonable. The aide foot path on the north end of on Saturday night it «H reported that of the front door, while those who were be could not get into the safe. I offered Longstreet has a lamp in her yard which John B. Bergen A Son's old-established with malaria and bronchitis at her resi- Coopav. bridge, oifccWd by direction of he «H making a call on Mrs. West and in the Blttlng-room marie a rush for the to advance the money and let him pay sho keeps lighted on dark nights. She kitchen. me afterward, He agreed to this, and I boot and nhoo store is located on -Broad dence on Bridge avenue. Freeholder Jehu P. Cooper, has proved li*r mother «t their'home on Wallace bought the kerosene of- Messrs. Kroener Mrs. West ordered the in voders to leave bot the money as, be said. The hone street, and it is filled with a full line of The Bev. S. K. Dexter, or Eeyport, to be a great public convenience, as in street, A crowd of young man of the lost the race. That increased his in- and had it charged to the town. The her house at once. Some of them showed boots, shoes, slippers and rubbers. The ran a noil in hia foot a few days ago, bad weather the approach to the bridge town -went up to the house pith the iu- debtedneastome to tM. Afterward X Board refused to pay the bill, and Mrs a little hesitation about doing so, and goods are first-class and the prioes are making a very painful wound. by foot psjsengjera has been stmott Inv-" ration of making things unpleasant for one of them plucked up sufficient cour- bought some things in New York for Longstreet wiirhave to pay for her own both Mr. Rockwell and Mrs. Went, but him, and there were Dome- charge* very moderate. The Messrs. Bergen aro Mm. Win. Culllngton, of Bed Bank, passable. Its coat was alight and many age to say that Mr. west harf Invited against him at the store. Altogetberne illumination. on tfceir arrival they found no one at them to come. ' ' <l Ihe sole agents in this town for the Dick has been left a small legacy from the es- residents ofbo'th Middletown sad owed me between |i0 and ftt. One The bllf& H. J. Child for SSO, for tate of her grandmother, at Tom's Biver. home. They took possession of the place "This is my hoUBe and not Mr, day, about a month before I went away. seamless foot warmer or fireside comfort Sbrewaburytownsbips, think the side end sect out (or avkeg of beer. When West's," she replied, "and I want you I was short and went to him and asked shoes. services as secretary of the Board of Invitations are out for the marrjage of path should bo continued all the* way all to leave the house Immediately." 1 the beer arrived they had what they him to let me have **S.. I told him I -.Patterson the clothier's blue-front Health for two yean, waa ordered paid. Miss Bella Force, of Keyport, and Geo. across the bridge. ./ During the drinking bout, Al. Ellis, did not want bim to think I was dun- 1 considered a glorious-time until Mrs. clothing house la at 60 Front street. He No more expenditures will be made by Wheeler, of Brooklyn, on Christmas day. Two cottages belonging to the High- a house painter by occupation, Could not ling him for the money, but I would the Board of Health during the term of West and her. mother returned home contain bis indignation. Be regaled bu Uke to have that amount. He gave me bast a large line of overcoats and'suite James H. Morford is sufficiently re- land* association, which are situated onv and ordered them off the premises. audience with suggestions as to the dollars in cash and a note for |23 which he is selling at a great reduction office of the present Board of Commis- covered from his recentattackof typhoid tho beach opposite the Highlands, are> proper punishment ror women who There was ft great deal of excitement »Is from SIB to tju still due me in prices. He also carries in stock a full sioners unless it is sanctioned by the lat- fever to go out on the street during the being raised three feet. A basement astray, and among (he least of tho pud' ter. It Is expected that next year, and over the' afltlr, and the town did not Jshments he would have inflicted waa tar cm Mr. West, including the store ac- line of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and warm part of the day. will be constructed under them and* and feathers. He expressed himself aa count. That is all there is of the story offers immense bargains in gloves, neck' every year thereafter, an appropriation! they will be other*!** improved. Th* quiet down until three o'clock on Sun- that I borrowed money from him. Miss Mary Wy6koff, of Freehold, day morning. being very anxious to assist in decora- ties, etc. A visit to his store will repay will be made from the town funds for daughter of the Bev. B. D. Wyckoff, of work is being done by Ambrose HaV ting Mrs. West with a coat of tar and "Since I have been In Bed Bank I the use of the Board of Health. On Thursday of laat week one of Book- feathers. And just as he concluded his have beard It reported that Mrs. West our readers who are in need of clothing. India, has been given a position as teach- thews, Jr., the Bed Bank house-mover.
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