JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE (JISHIM) CHAIRMAN OF EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Hajar A. HAJAR AL BINALI (Qatar) EDITORS IN CHIEF Dr. Ayşegül DEMIRHAN ERDEMIR (Turkey) Dr. Abdul Nasser KAADAN (Syria) ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dr. Oztan USMANBAS(Turkey) Dr. Sharif KafAL-GHAZAL (England) EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Mahdi MUHAQAK (Iran) Dr. Husain NAGAMIA (USA) Dr. Nil SARI (Turkey) Dr. Faisal ALNASIR (Bahrain) Dr. Mostafa SHEHATA (Egypt) Dr. Rachel HAJAR (Qatar) INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Alain TOUWAIDE (Belgium) Dr. Gary FERNGREN (USA) Dr. Ahmad KANAAN (KSA) Dr. Arın NAMAL (Turkey) Dr. David W. TSCHANZ (KSA) Dr. Hanzade DOGAN (Turkey) Dr. Salim AYDÜZ (Turkey) Dr. Taha AL-JASSER (Syria) Dr. Abed Ameen YAGAN (Syria) Dr. Rolando NERI-VELA (Mexico) Dr. Keishi HASEBE (Japan ) Dr. Zafar Afaq ANSARI (Malaysia) Dr. Mustafa Abdul RAHMAN (France) Dr. Husaini HAFIZ (Singapore) Dr. Bacheer AL-KATEB (Syria) Dr. Talat Masud YELBUZ (USA) Dr. Plinio PRIORESCHI (USA) Dr. Mohamed RASHED (Libya) Hakim Syed Z. RAHMAN (India) Dr. Nabil El TABBAKH (Egypt) Dr. Abdul Mohammed KAJBFZADEH(Iran) Dr. Hakim Naimuddin ZUBAIRY (Pakistan) Dr. Nancy GALLAGHER (USA) Dr. Ahmad CHAUDHRY (England) Dr. Riem HAWI (Germany) Dr. Fraid HADDAD (USA) Dr. Esin KAHYA (Turkey) Dr. Ibrahim SYED (USA) Dr. Mamoun MO BAYED (England) Dr. Henry Amin AZAR (USA) I JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE (JISHIM) Periods: Journal of ISHIM is published twice a year in April and October. Address Changes: The publisher must be informed at least 15 days before the publication date. All articles, figures, photos and tables in this journal can not be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. For scientific purposes (by expressing the refer- ence), summarizing and quotations can be done. The authors are responsible for their articles, figures and photos and the companies are responsible for their advertisements. Printed at: Nobel Yayin Dagitim Tic. Ltd. §ti., ANKARA, TURKEY e-mail: [email protected] ISSN: 1303-667x Printing Date: October - 2014 This Journal is distributed for free. JISHIM is indexed to History. Journal. De and IMEMR JISHIM is peered reviewed journal. II JOURNAL OF ISHIM INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS 1. Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine (Journal of ISHIM), published twice-a-year, accepts material for publication as folows: • Original Articles: Papers reporting a research in the History of Islamic Medicine and Islamic Medical Ethics. • Letters to the Editor: Views on papers published in Journal of ISHIM, and other current topics and short reports of reader’s own original findings. Letters should not exceed 400 words, 3 authors and 10 references. 2. Papers submitted to the journal are only accepted with the understanding that they are subjected to editorial revision and that they have not been or will not be submitted to any other journal. All authors are responsible for the scientific and ethical contents of their papers. 3. The journal’s language is English. 4. The manuscript should be typewritten in an IBM compatible computer under Microsoft Word program, In addition to the form of the manuscript recorded into a disk/diskette, four copies of double spaced print-outs and figures and tables should be sent. The printed form should not be more than 12 pages. 5. The manuscript of a full paper should be arranged in the following order: Title page, abstract and key words, main text, acknowl- edgements, references, tables, figure legends and figures. All pages should be numbered consecutively. 6. TITLE PAGE: The title page should include a brief and descriptive title of the authors’ names and academic degrees, hospital or academic affiliations, acknowledgements of grants and other support, and the name, address telephone/fax numbers and the e-mail address of the individual responsible for editorial correspondence. 7. ABSTRACTS and KEY WORDS: Each article should include brief English abstracts (not exceeding 200 words) stating the purpose(s) of the study, basic procedures, main findings, and the principle conclusions. Below the abstracts provide not more than 5 key words or short phrases. 8. MAIN TEXT: The main headings of the sections should be written in bold capital letters, and subheadings in bold italic lower case letters, except for initial letters. 9. REFERENCES should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text and typed double¬spaced. References used in the text should include the name of the first author followed by the other authors, title of the article, the year, the volume, the first and last page numbers. The names of the journals should be abbrevated according to the style used in the Index Medicus. ARTICLES IN JOURNALS: Meutler B, Cerami C. Cachectin: More than a tumor necrosis factor. N Engl J Med 1987; 316:379- 85. CHAPTERS IN BOOKS: Arieff Al. Neurological manifestations of uremia. In: Brenner BM, Rector FC, eds. The Kidney: Phila- delphia: WB Saunders, 1986; 1731-56. 10. FIGURES and TABLES should be indentified by arabic numerals (in parenthesis). The dravings should be submitted in original drawings by ink. The photographs should be printed in good contrast and be submitted unmounted. The letters and signs on all figures should be large enough to be legible after reduction. 11. Authors whose papers accepted for publication in the journal are encouraged to become subscribers. 12. Manuscripts should be sent to the editors in chief: Dr. Aysegul DEMIRHAN ERDEMIR President of Turkish Society for Medical Ethics and Law P.K.166 Kadikoy-Istanbul-TURKEY Fax: 00-90-216-3523437 e-mail: [email protected] Dr. Abdul Nasser KAADAN Head of History of Medicine Department, Institute for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo University, President of ISHIM P.O.Box.7581 Aleppo-SYRIA Fax:00-963-21-2248035 e-mail: [email protected] III JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIEY FOR THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE (JISHIM) VoI.12-13 No.23-24-25-26 April / October 2013-2014 CONTENTS 1 46 Editorial Al-Hijamat: Conceptual Amalgamation of War’m Aysegul DEMIRHAN ERDEMIR, (A Transient Immuno-Inflammatory Response), Abdul Nasser KAADAN Acupuncture and Acupressure Mechanisms and its Operational Implications RESEARCH Arish MK SHERWANI, Abdul NASIR ANSARI Moalejat, Arij MK SHERWANI 2 The Vaginal Speculum Lawlabdescribed by Zahrawi 54 and Sabuncuoghlu: A Development? Norms for Qae (Vomiting) and Is’hal (purgation): Nil SARI, Ümit Emrah KURT The Traditional Graeco-Arabic approaches Ahsan ILAHI, Abdul MANNAN, M. Manzar ALAM, 8 Amjad ALI Analysis of a Manuscript: Risāla-i Tibb bl’t-Turkî: Treatment of Head Diseases in Ottoman Medicine Vildan TAŞKIRAN DEMIRSOY 59 Historical Perspective of Comparative 21 Evaluation of Calcination Organ Donation – Why Do Some Muslims in the UK Shamim IRSHAD, Abdul WADUD, I AHMAD, Still Resist It ? G.AHMAD, J NAJEEB, G.SOFI Sharif KAF AL-GHAZAL 29 62 Genetic and Religious Points of View on Homosexuality Tabasheer (Bambosa Arudinacea): a Review Bilal Ahmad AHMAD GHAREEB Izharul Hasan, Danish Kamal Chishti, A.M.K Sherwani, بيرغ دمحأ دمحأ لالب .د Mohd Zulkifle ةّيكيرمألا ةّيبرعلا ةعماجلا 35 65 Fasd (Venesection) - A Classical Unani Regimen The Physician’s Ethics as Viewed by Issac Ali Al-Rahawy Azad Hussain LONE, Tanzeel AHMAD, Abdul Nasser Kaadan Mohd ANWAR, AH NAIYAR Waddah Ibraheem Hamsho 40 68 Holistic Concept of Bahaq wa Bars and their Manage- Laxative Medicine as Viewed by ment in Unani (Greeko-Arabic) System of Medicine Abu Nasr Sa`ed Al-Baghdadi Azad Hussain LONE, Tanzeel AHMAD, Mohd ANWAR, Buthaina JALKHI, Ayman YASEEN ATAT Hashmat IMAM, Gh SOFI, Shahida HABIB V 72 126 To What Extent Was Montpellier, the Oldest Surviving Diseases and Their Medical Treatments Mentioned Medical School in Europe, Inspired by Islamic Medicine? in the Bursa Newspaper of Murad Emri Efendi Abdul Nasser Kaadan, Mahmud Angrini in the 19 th Century Gülay DURMAZ, İbrahim IMRAN ÖZTAHTALI 80 Chronology of Dalak (Massage) and Riyazat (Exercise) 129 Abdul Aziz KHAN, S. M. Safdar ASHRAF, Treatment of Oral Ulcers In Al-Adwiah al-Mufrada Mohd.ZULKIFLE Manuscript By Ibn Abi-l-Salt al-Andalusi Abdul Nasser KAADAN, Buthaina JALKHI, 83 Abdul Kader KHASHAN lānٱHealthy Environment as Viewed by Ibn Bu Abdul Nasser KAADAN, 133 Ali Rashid AL-MAHMOUD Measures Taken Against Contagious Diseases Observed in the Province of Hudâvendigâr (1890-1910) 90 Nursal KUMAŞ Ibn-e-Sena and Breast Feeding in Today’s Prospective Mohd. Saad Ahmad KHAN, T. LATAFAT, A.B. KHAN 143 Bursa in The History of Turkish Hot Springs And Some 95 Samples (With the Ottoman Archive Documents) Role Of Exercise (Riyazat) In Health And During Illness Ayşegül DEMIRHAN ERDEMIR Mohd. NASIR, Javed A. KHAN, Shagufta FATIMA, A.A.ANSARi K. Z. KHAN, F. S. SHERANI 152 The Concept Of Cancer in Unani Medicine-With Spe- 98 cial Reference To Cervical Cancer Physiotherapy Profession in Turkey: Sadia NIKHAT, Rubi ANJUM, K.U. KHAYYAM From a Historical Perspective Zehra EDİSAN, Funda Gülay KADIOĞLU 155 Physician’s Commandments at Abu Nasr Sa`ed 102 Al-Baghdadi (Died 624 H) The Philosophy of Fasting in Preservation of Health: Abdul Nasser KAADAN, Ayman Yaseen ATAT an Islamic Perspective Nurdeng DEURASEH, Hayati LATEH 159 Greco Arab Concept of Taleeq (LeechTherapy) and 107 its Importance –A Review Was the Plague Disease a Motivating or an Inhibiting Javed A KHAN, M A SIDDIQUI, Tanzeel AHMAD, Factor in the Early Muslim Community? Shagufta NIKHAT Abdul Nasser KAADAN, Mahmud ANGRINI REVIEW 115 164 Hasan Reşat’s Monograph on Syphilis and Gonorrhea Diabetes: From Ancient To Modern Era İnci HOT Mohd. FAZIL, Sadia NIKHAT, Mohd. AKRAM 120 169 Prof. Dr. Besim Omer Akalin’s Views of Sea Water In the Name of God the most merciful, the most Kind Therapies and Their Place in Public Health Medical Services Expenses and Doctors Remuneration in the Early Twentieth Century At the times of the Arabic Islamic Civilization Era Ayşegül DEMIRHAN ERDEMIR Radhi JAWAD BAKER VI 172 183 Historical Perspective of Wajaulmafasil (Osteoarthritis) Hammam – A Unani Regimen to Stay Healthy and with Special Reference to Contribution of Javed A KHAN, Mansoor A SIDDIQUI, G.
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