TANE 21, 1975 LICHENS FROM NORTHERN COROMANDEL PENINSULA, NEW ZEALAND by B.W. Hayward*, Glenys C. Haywarcf and D.J. Galloway t SUMMARY One hundred and seven lichen species from forty-one genera are recorded from the northern Coromandel Peninsula. The lichen flora of grassland rocks and trees, of tea tree stands and rata forest on the slopes of Mt Maungatawhiri, Whitianga, is described. Lichen zonation on old ponga stumps in grassland is inferred to be a response to the affects of aspect, wind and shade. A rich lichen flora, dominated by Sticta delisea, S. filix and Sphaerophorus spp., occurs in rimu forest and subalpine scrub above 500m on Mt Moehau. Lichens are recorded from the northernmost area of subalpine vegetation in New Zealand on the upper parts of Mt Moehau (740-892m). Here three species of Siphula grow in abundance, but most other southern subalpine genera are absent. The total lichen flora of the Coromandel Peninsula is considered to be intermediate between a truly northern flora and the southern or austral flora. INTRODUCTION The lichen species recorded in this paper were collected by two of us (BWH and GCH) during the AUFC scientific camp at Wharekaho Beach, north of Whitianga, on the east coast of (he Coromandel Peninsula. Lichens were collected from grassland, manuka heath and rata forest on the southern and western slopes of Mt Maungatawhiri (Fig. 1). Lichens were also collected from rimu forest on ridges in the headwaters of Hope Stream and from subalpine scrub and grassland on Mt Moehau (892m) (Fig. 1) during the course of a one-day visit. A number of lichens were collected from Mt Moehau in the early 1930's by L.M. Cranwell and L.B. Moore and were sent by the late H.H. Allan to Vienna to be identified by A. Zahlbruckner who included them in his posthumously-published account "Lichenes Novae Zelandiae"16 The Moehau lichens there described are : Buellia singulata Zahlbr. (type locality being the summit rocks of Mt Moehau), Coccotrema cucurbitula (Mont.) Mull Arg., Lecidea cinnabarodes Nyl., L coarctata (Sm.) Nyl. var. decipiens Mull. Arg., L coromandelica Zahlbr. (type locality from summit rocks, Mt Moehau), Lobaria adscripta (Nyl.) Hue, Pannaria prolificans Vain., and Siphula mooreae Zahlbr. (type locality, Mt Moehau). With three type localities to its credit Moehau is of some importance in New Zealand lichenology and the accompanying species list *l)epartment of Geology, University of Auckland. Etiology Department, Auckland Girls' Grammar School. Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). London S.W.7. Permanent address: Botany Division, D.S.I.R., Christchurch, New Zealand. 15 16 and floristic comments are an overdue introduction to a highly interesting area. The list does not claim to be exhaustive and doubtless many species remain to be documented when a longer and more thorough examination of the lichens of the Coromandel Peninsula can be made. The lichens are arranged alphabetically according to the phylogenetic classification of Henssen and Jahns.10 Voucher specimens to all of the lichens are held in the herbarium of BWH and GCH with many duplicates held by DJG (BM and CHR). SPECIES LIST Habitat Substrate 1A = intertidal c = clay bank IB = maritime e = earth 2 = grassland f = fence 3 = 20-30 yr. old tea tree stand r = rock 4 = rata forest (30-300 m ASL) t = tree 5 = rimu forest (500-700 m ASL) 6 = subalpine scrub (750-890 m ASL) 7 = subalpine grassland and bog 1 4 are at Mt Maungatawhiri, 5 - 7 are on Mt Moehau. Order Caliciales Sphaerophoraceae Sphaerophorus melanocarpus (Sw.) DC 7t S. patagonicus (Dodge) Ohlsson ined. 5t,7t S. scrobiculatus (Bab.) Sato 6t,7t S. tener Laur. 6t,7t Order Lecanorales Suborder Lecanorineae Baeomycetaceae Baeomyces heteromorphus Nyl. 2e,3c,7e B. fungoides (Sw.) Ach. 2c Cladoniaceae Cladia aggregata (Sw.) Nyl. 2t,3er,5t,7e C. retipora (La Bill.) Nyl. 7e Cladonia bordonica (Ach.) Nyl. 2t C. capitellata (Tayl.) Bab. 7e C. cariosa (Ach.) Spreng. 4e C. chlorophaea (Floerke) Spreng. 2et,7e C. coniocraea (Floerke) Sandst. 2er C. cornutoradiata (Coem.) Vain. 3r C. deformis(L.)Hotlm. 7e C. fimbriata (L.) Fr. 4e 17 C. floerkeana (Fr.) Floerke 2t C. gracilis (L.) Willd. 2r C. lepidota Nyl. 7e C. leptuclada Des Abb. 2t,3r,7t C. ochrochlora Floerke 2r C. pityrea (Floerke) Fr. 2er,3e,4et C. 'pyxidata (L.) Fr. 2e C. ^.squamosa (Scop.) Hoffm. 2t C subulata (L.) Web. 2t,4e C subdigitata Vain. 2r C turgida (Ehr.) Hoffm. 2t Cladonia spp. 2ert,4t,7et Thysanothecium hyalinum (Tayl.) Nyl. 2t Coccocarpiaceae Coccocarpia pellita Mull. Arg. 4t Erioderma sorediatum Gall, et P. M. Jorg.7 3t Collemataceae Collema spp. 3t,4ert,5t Lecanoraceae Lecanora spp. 3t,4t Lecideaceae Bacidia sp 4t Catillaria kelica (Stirt.) Zahlbr. 4t,5t C. melaclina (Nyl.) Zahlbr. 4t Lecidea corallina Eschw. 4t L. atrofusca Mudd. 7r i. furfuracea Pers. 4t Lecidea spp. 2r,4rt Megalospora allanii Zahlbr. 4rt Af. marginiflexa (Hook.f. et Tayl.) Zahlbr. 4t,5t Pannariaccae Pan nana nov. sp. (isidiate) 4t,5t P. fulvescens Nyl. 2r,4t P. granulifera Mull.Arg. 4t P. immixta Nyl. 5t P. pityrea Degel. 4t Parmeliella nigrocincta Mull.Arg. 4t Psoroma aranensum^ky\. 4t P. asperellum Nyl. 41 P. sphinctrinum Nyl. 3t,4t,5t Parmeliaceae Menegazzia circumsorediata R. Sant. 3t Parmelia caperata (L.) Ach. 2rt P. cetrata Ach. lBr,7r P. crinita Ach. 4r P. dilatata Vain. 7r 18 P. isidiigera (Mull.Arg.) Gyeln. lBr,2r P. perlata (Huds.) Ach. 3t P. reticulata Tayl. 2frt,3t,4r P. rudior Nyl. 4t Usnea flexilis Stirt. 7t Usnea spp. 2frt,3t,4rt,6t Ramalinaceae Ramalina spp. 2frt,3t Stereocaulaceae Stereocaulon corticatulum Nyl. 7t 5. ramulosum (Sw.) Rausch. 7r 5. vesuvianum Pers. 7r Suborder Lichinineae Lichinaceae Lichina confinis (O.F.Mull.)C. Ag. 1 Ar Suborder Peltigerineae Peltigeraceae Peltigera dolichorhiza (Nyl.) Nyl. 2e,3er,4r Strictaceae Lobaria montagnei (Bab.) Hellb. 4t,5t Pseudocyphellaria argyracea (Del.) Vain. 2r P. cinnamomea (Rich.) Vain. 4rt,5t P. crocata (L.) Vain. 2r,3t,4rt P. episticta (Nyl.) Vain. 3t,4t,5t P. Flavicans (Hook.f.) Vain. 2pt,3rt,4rt P. granulata (Hook.f.) Malme. 3t,4t P. impressa (Hook.f. et Tayl.) Vain. 2t P. mougeotiana (Del.) Vain. 2r,3t,4r Sticta delisea Del. 4t,5t,6t,7t S. filix (Sw.) Nyl. 5t,6t S. coriacea Hook.f. et Tayl. 4t S. glaucolurida Nyl. 4t S. lacera Hook.f. et Tayl. 7t S. latifrons Rich. 3t,4t S. multifida Laur. 7t S. psilophylla Mull.Arg. 4t S. sylvatica (Huds.) Ach. 3t,4t S. variabilis (Bory)Ach. 2t Suborder Teloschistineae Teloschistaceae Caloplaca holocarpa (Hoffm.) Wade 2r Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (L.) Th.Fr. 2t Xanthoria parietina (L.)Th.Fr. 1 Br,2fr 1') Suborder Physciineae Physciaceae Anaptychia cf. japonica (Sato) Kurok. 3r,4t A. cf. obscurata Vain. 3r Buellia cf. punctata (Hoffm.) Massal. 1 Br,4t Buellia sp 1 Br Heterodermia tremulans (Mull.Arg.) W.Culb. 2f Suborder Pertusariineae Pertusariaceae Pertusaria cf. dactylina Nyl. 7e Pertusaria spp. 2r,3t,4t,5t,7t Placopsis spp. 2r,7r Order Gyalectales Gyalectaceae Coenogonium implexum Nyl. 4t,5t Order Ostropales Suborder Ostropineae Thelotremaceae Thelotrema lepadinum (Ach.) Ach. 3t Order Sphaeriales Pyrenulaceae Pyrenula sp. 4t Porinaceae Clathroporina endochrysea sensu Bab. in Hooker1 4t nan Muller Argoviensis14 Order Arthoniales Opegraphaceae Opegrapha spp. 2t,7t Basidiolichens Order Agaricales Tricholomataceae Normandina pulchella (Borr.) Nyl. 3t Imperfect lichens Siphula decumbens Ny]. 6t,7et S. fragilis (Hook.f.) R.Sant. ined. 7e S. mooreae Zahlbr. 7e MT MAUNGATAWHIRI LICHENS Grassland. The southern slopes of Mt Maungatawhiri (0-200m) are grazed grassland with scattered areas of andesite boulders which support a lichen flora 20 similar to that described from boulders on Slipper Island. Parmelia isidiigera (Fig. 2a) and P. reticulata dominate with species of Cladonia, Ramalina, Stereocaulon and Usnea confined to more sheltered positions. Other common lichens are Caloplaca holocarpa and species of Anaptychia, Lecidea, Pertusaria and Placopsis. No terricolous lichens are found in the grassland itself but species of Cladonia and Peltigera dolichorhiza occur on bare earth in areas from which tea tree has recently been cleared. The stumps and trunks of the felled tea tree are colonised by species of Opegrapha, Parmelia, Ramalina and Usnea. Occasional clumps of pohutakawa (Metrosideros excelsa) and other trees in the grassland support a sparse lichen cover of foliose and fruticose species, notably the orange-yellow Teloschistes chrysophthalmus together with species of Parmelia, Ramalina and Usnea. A rich lichen flora is found on ponga stumps (0.5-1.0m high) that dot a small grassy flat beside the stream at the foot of the south-western slopes of Mt Maungatawhiri. This flat is sheltered from strong winds by surrounding ridges and spurs. It is generally moist and warm because of its position in the floor of the valley and receives direct sunlight for most of the day. The lichens on these stumps are not randomly distributed but show an apparent zonation in response to a number of factors (aspect, moisture, competition from other plants). To study this zonation, a tape measure was placed vertically against the stumps on each of the north, east, south and west sides and the species present adjacent to each centimetre mark was recorded from ground level to the top of the stump. Results of 40 transects have been plotted as simplified range charts for the dominant lichens (Fig. 3). From these results a number of conclusions may be drawn. 1. Moss growth is most vigorous on lower southern sides and excludes all lichens except Cladia aggregata. 2. Lichen density is greatest on lower eastern and western, and upper southern sides, and lowest on the almost bare northern sides. 3. Parmelia reticulata and Usnea are restricted almost entirely to southern sides where they are co-dominant between 15-70cm above the ground.
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