World Kitchen World Kitchen, LLC 847.233.8800 5500 N Pearl Street 847.233.0961 Suite 400 Rosemont, Illinois 60018 Joseph T. Mallof President and CEO Septelber 8, 2011 Dear Consumer Reports: We at lorld Kitchen are deeply concerned that Consumer Reports published its October 2011 frticle, online report and video broadcast about glass products, without • ackno~dedging and informing your readers about the important inaccuracies, errors, Baker's Secret and miFleading statements contained in your original January 2011 article, despite our reasonable requests that you do so. Instead, in its October 2011 article Consumer ~~~~:j.,~as continued to communicate its false message that soda lime glassware is Chicago Cutlery I In World Kitchen's December 2010, January 2011 and August 2011 correspondence to Corelle consu1er Reports, we identified significant errors in your reporting, including, most importantly, that Consumer Reports' suggestion that American-made soda lime glassware, including Pyrex", is inferior or less "safe" than foreign-made borosilicate CorningWare glassw1re. This simply is untrue. EKCO As YOUI know, while the number of breakage incidents of soda lime glassware is extremely small, the most common cause of breakage is impact. Consumer Reports has not made clear to its readers and consumers that the federal injury data you have cited Magnalite shows ~hat in the rare instances when injuries are reported, they are more often caused by implact breakage than breakage related to abrupt temperature changes. Your October 2011 article misleadingly and unfairly suggests that this important safety fact is OLFA supported only by self-serving statements from the manufacturers, when, in fact, it is a I scientific fact, supported by the data collected by the CPSCand cited in your articles. There iJ no question that Pyrex products composed of a soda lime glass composition are Pyrex more rFsistant to impact breakage, the more common cause of injury (in the rare instances when injuries are reported), than is foreign-made borosilicate glass. Revere At WO~ld Kitchen, the safety of consumers is our highest priority. Our Pyrex glass products are, and always have been, durable, reliable and safe. While all glass products Snapware are su~ject to breakage, the number of reports of Pyrex glass products unexpectedly breaking is extremely small compared to the billions of pieces of Pyrex glassware that are safelv and reliably used in American kitchens. In fact, data collected by the CPSC Visions and melntioned in both your January 2011 and October 2011 Consumer Reports stories about ~Iass products show that reports of breakage (by any maker) are a tiny fraction of a percent of the billions of pieces of Pyrex glassware (let alone all American manufa!ctured glassware) in American homes for generations. Since 2000 alone (the time period referenced in your October article), more than 500 million glass products have bJen manufactured at our facility in Charleroi, PA. consuJer Reports further suggestion that glass bakeware used in the kitchen by consumers should be of a borosilicate composition similar to that used in laboratory glass is [scientifically unsound and inappropriate, as such glass is highly susceptible to impact rreakage - the most common cause of breakage in consumer kitchen usage. We also note that while your article states that "manufacturers should imprint clear and prominent warnings on their glas ware, not just on the packaging", you fail to inform your readers that, in fact, Pyrex bakeware includrs such warnings ("No Stovetop" and "No Broiler") permanently embossed on the bottom of the product. l In addition to these senlious concerns, in our communications with Consumer Reports, World Kitchen has consistently confirmed our commitment to follow up on reported incidents to obtain and evaluate the facts when possible. ~our October 2011 article reports that since your January 2011 article, Consumer Reports has received ard analyzed "121 new instances" of unexpected breakage. However, despite our repeated requests that you provide information about any reported incident involving our products to us to follow up and evaluate the information, you informed us about only one such incident. While you have reported that co1sumer Reports' analysis of those reports, "most of which occurred from January 2010 through June jOll, shows that consumers continue to face incidents of glass cookware unexpectedly shatterinf in the kitchen," you have provided no information to World Kitchen about 120 of these incidents. By withholding this information, Consumer Reports has allowed us no ability to review, evaluate or respond to the vast majority of "new incidents" that form the basis for your October 2011 article. Again, wJ request that you please provide to World Kitchen all information you have that reportedly involves a prrex product, so that we can evaluate the information, follow up and provide an informed response. WF also ask that Consumer Reports directs these individuals to report any incidents directly to the World litchen Help Center (800-999-3436t so the company can address them through the proper channels. In the interest of truth and accuracy, and on behalf of our dedicated personnel, all of whom take pride in producing an outstandilng product - one of the few still made in America - World Kitchen has identified the serious problems fith your reporting to you, to consumers on our website, and to the Consumer Product Safety Commission ("CPSC") in response to your FOIA requests. World Kitchen supports the mission of the CPSC,r~spects the FOIA process, and works closely with the CPSCto ensure that its staff and the public have ac lurate information. We will continue to do so. In addition to our excellent quality assurance process, World Kitchen's commitment to consumer safety is further demonstrate~ by our ongoing consumer education. As the industry leader, we will continue to educate consumers through media outlets, our website and our Safety and Usage Instructions that are provided with all Pyrex products. We look forward to promptly receiving the information we have requested and reiterate our request that Consumer ReportslacknOWledge, correct and clarify the problems in its reporting so that consumers will have accurate information. Sincerely, ~'L~~\~ a:::t'T~ Mallof President and Chief Exe JTMjld.
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