John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 9-24-1998 The aC rroll News- Vol. 91, No. 3 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: https://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 91, No. 3" (1998). The Carroll News. 1208. https://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/1208 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cleveland, Ohio September 24, 1998 New policy prohibits sex on campus Tom O'Konowltz m the Student Handbook. Editor-in-Chief Dean of Students Patrick Certain behaviors have a! ways Rombalski said chat the 1ssue of been prohibited on campus Th1s sexual behav10r on campus 1s not year, a new behavior is being just a john Carroll problem , but a added to the list: illicit sexual be­ problem at many colleges havior. "Our pri rna ry concern with the According to the revised john photo by Jim ~olar policy is roommate rights," Carroll University Student Hand­ Amy Miklos paints faces as part the festivities at Community Day. At this year's Community Rombalski said. "The pomt of the book, engaging in illicit sexual Day JCU welcomed over 300 residents from nearby cities. policy IS not for R.A 's to be lookmg behavior is unacceptable on cam­ for people engagmg m sexual ac­ pusand may result indisciplinary tivity." action because iris in conflict With He said studcms have com­ Building Community the Catholic nature of the univer­ plamed m the past about cherr sity. roommates' sexual acnvHy in Acknowledging the broadness dorm rooms Kelly Norrl s lecture rickets. great success with the great of the rule. Donna Byrnes, direc Romh alsk1 add d that the Staff Reporter The Community Day's suc­ number of community mem­ tor of res1dence li fe, s;ml, "It m poliLy J!:> m e <.~ nt to be suppo1 nveo[ John Carroll University hosted ber and children. But I would cess was parrlydue to the sunny dudes premarital sex." students in such SJruanons, "as a its most successful Community like to see more students at weather and Bluestreak win Byrnes said that such a policy counseling matter more than a ju­ Day, Sept. 19. the game." against Capital. Many children has never been included in rheSru­ dicial one." Community Day is an oppor­ Triumph of the john Car­ as well as adults attended the dent Handbook before, but sexual University offic1als sa1d they tunity to draw local residents to roll women's volleyball team game. "This is the second time behavior has been encountered by reviewed s1m ilar policies at other jCU's campus and encourage at­ in their pool at the volleyball I've been to Community Days," resident assistants in the past. jesuit schools in creatmg the rule tendance at future football games. tournament also added to the said Ted Wetzel, a part-time "[The R.A.'sl have stumbled on Loyola Marymount Univenty Festivities of day included the success of Community Day. graduate student at john Car­ it in the past, and l would guess in Los Angeles has a policy that is football game, with the "I'm glad we were able to have roll. "My kids love football so I they'll stumble on it agam," sa1d more direct than thatof]ohn Car­ Bluestreaks taking on Capital the invitational on the same always bring my family." Byrnes. "The difference now is roll. University and a women's volley­ Besides community mem­ weekend as Community how they deal with it." "Sexual contact IS morally ap­ ball tournament. Days," said volleyball coach bers, the game also attracted Students were discovered en­ propriate only within the context At Wasmer Field there were Gretchen Weitbrecht. "I alumni. "I'm surprised. This is gaging m such behavior while be­ of marnage," the policy reads. activities for anyone to enjoy. Face think it was good to expose the first time I've come back to mg evacuated for fire drills or be­ The LMU policy further states painting and apple bobbing were the community to the sport see a game," said class of 1995 cause they were makmg roo much that this is because sex outside of part of the entertainment orga­ of volleybalL" graduate, Matt Brown. "It's re­ noise. marnage and wnhout the 1ment nized by Pi Sigma Phi member "Because of the increased ally nice to see a lot of people "The times you areg01ng to en­ of pro-creation m a [a mil ycontra­ Amy Miklos.jamesSislodisplayed entertainment and activities, here. It seems like there's a lot counter it are few, " Byrnes said dicts the university's Jesutt and magic tricks throughout the day. I think thisCommunityDays more going on besides just the "We've never processed It judi­ Marymount values. Tickets and food were awarded was the best overall in com­ game." cially." Rombalski said that no John to attendants, with the presenta­ parison to all the other years," Although the stands were Now, when such activities are Carroll students have been wrn­ tion of the Community Day Cou­ full, jerry Sheehan, director of Sheehan said. encountered, Byrnes said, R.A.'s ren up for violauons of the new pon at the entrance gate to This year's Community public affairs, said there still will make disciplinary referrals policy yet this year, bur he said Wasmer Field. Door prizes were Day was the most successful could be improvements in at­ which will result in administra­ they could be. also given compliments of sur­ tenda nee. "I was delighted at to date. More tickets were tive mediation or a formal hear­ "We'llsee how the year goes and turned m this year than at rounding businesses. Prizes the results of the game as well mg. Fines or or her sanctions w11l reevaluate it," Rom balski sa1d. "It's any other Community Days ranged from free dinners and gift as the turn out in the stands. I be determined by these diSCiplin­ the first time around With chis for previous! y. certificates to picture frames and think Community Day was a ary bodies, and are not specified us." JCU fifth in national rankings U.S. News & World Report places JCU among top regional schools in the country definitely some good news to write Meagan Lynch ration like a dark cloud. top lO for the past decade. students someday We have a bet­ home about, it's a reflection of the Managing Edrtor Yetjohn Carroll University has JCU received an overall score terchanceof competing in the job good work done by rhe faculty, Parking problems Presidential managed to overcome this ad ver­ of 95 points (our of 100) that 1s market when we graduate if the staff ,adm i nistranon and students res1gnat ions Bank robbers Ann­ siry to rank fifth in the Midwest determined by seven indicators of reputation of th1s institution is of jCU to make this school h1gh feminist vandalism. Student ar­ Region's top umversaies for 1999, academ1c quality, such as aca­ advanced. rests Fraternity hazing accusa­ according to US. News & World demic reputation (3.8 out of 50), What's very impressive is that quality CongratUlations, john Carroll tions. Report. graduation rate(75 percent), fresh­ JCU hasconsistentl y ranked m the students. You are enrolled in one These are JUSt a few of the con­ F1f rh place. That's a very pres­ man retention rare (87 percent) top 10 universities for the past 10 of the mosteltre institutions in the troversies that have surrounded ngious ranking. JCU follows only and the percentage of freshmen years Everyone does the1r fair the john Carroll media scene 1n Creighton Umversiry, Valparaiso that rank in the top 25 percent of share of complaming about what nation. A com plere lisll ng of the past 7 months. They are University, Drake Umversity and their high school class(59 percent). could be 1m proved ar th1s school. "America's Best Colleges" is avail­ troubles that may seem to over­ rhe Umversny of Dayton. AddJ­ What's most important about Very often the bad news shines able at www.usnews.com whelm and hoveroverjCU's repu- tionally,JCU has been among the this rankmg IS that it may help bnghrer than the good, bur thts is 2 NEWS The Carroll News, September/f. 1998 The Carroll News, September 24, 1998 ENTERTAINMENT 3 ------------------------------- ~DllmiNrMNT HLIMOII' LOCAL H PL4~ PIABOIW'I JCU students walk against AIDS bv :Mickev A.a ron Baker He later commented that the Newsbriefs ~ ~ Entertainment Editor song may sound hke a negattve Baty~ke The nvo-man band, consisting slant at Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder Meg Wolchko and a free bus trip to the six mile student in ~Ul vement of guitanst and lead singer Scott himself. but he says 1t isn'tand that Staff Reporter walk. "Involvement creates aware­ You'reaskingyourself right nO\V, Lucas and drummer Joe Daniels, hes never had negative feelings to­ jesuits celebrate 50th anniversaries 100 John Carroll University Lisa Heckman, director of stu­ ness among students because no 'what 1s Edutainmemr Well, for called Local H hit the stage at ward him. Hesaid," It 's like, why do All students are invited to attend a mass of thanksgtving w students joined nearly 3,500 dent activities, explained that one is immune from the disease," those of you whodon't know, 1t was Peabody's Down Under last Th urs­ ~ople pay more attention to some celebrate the jubtleesof Rev.
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