Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1972-11-08 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1972). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2273. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2273 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Computer report denies $700,000 loss by Dennis C. King . Edito~-in-Chief In October. of 1969 a Generai Electric 430 the f:act t h at ACTS· was not likely· to renew · More than a year of controversy over Xa· . computer was installed in the Xavier Com-· the lease contract with Xavier negotia- rate rate costs. Keep in mind also that Xa­ .vier's involvement in computer time-shar- puter Center. Xavier had made a purchase tions with Honeywell began. ' vier had been given an educational allow­ ing was somewhat resolved last week ci>ntract with: General Elecmc for the ma- ance for the 430 and was paying a below­ when Mr. J.F; Niehaus Computer Center· chine with a penalty release. The computer In December of 1970, ACTS terminated market price for the machine. Director and Dr. W.J·. Larkin, Professor of was a thirty· port time-sharing machine. their contract with Xavier. This left Xavier At this point in the history, Xavier shut Matheniatics and Computer Center Direc· Shortly thereafter XaVier installed an IBM with the entire thirty port machine and no off the now:Honeywell 430 and continued tor during the 1969-'70 academic year, re- 360/30 computer to do Administrative income. Because Xavier realized in ad- negotiations. For six months the computer leaeed a report outlining the expenditures batch computing. vance that ACTS would probably not re- rested in the center without use and was of the computer time-sharing budget for X . new their contract, they had set to work in then removed from the center when Xavier aVJer leased twenty of the thirty avail- trying to obtain a similar lease contract broke the c.ontract with Honeywell and the period of October, 196.9 to the end of the able p orts on the 430 to a computer time-· with some other time-sharing vendors. No 1972 fiscal year. sharing vendor, ACTS (Applied Computer promising offers were yet in sight. paid the $19,000 penalty. The report states that during 1969-1970, Time-Sharing). The income from this lease Confussion stills abounds, however, on Xavier spend $98,025. 70 on the system was substantial and contributed the major· ·About this same time, a time sharing the soundness of the decision. A memo-. with an income of $72,976.36; $146,037.00 , ity of Xavier's expenditures on the pur- vendor in the Cincinnati area threatened randum dated August 7, 1972, Rev. John during 1970-'7 l with an income of chase contract with General Electric. This legal action against Xavier if the computer N. Felten. S.J., Dean of the College of Arts $118,282.71; and $21;032.34 in 1971-'72 left ten aviiilable ports for academic use by center continued to lease ports of the 430 and Sciences, stated that the cash loss to with an income of $7,950.00. The total cost Xavier's faculty and students. At this time machine a~ a cost which was below corpo· the University by this decision comes to of the system during this period (1969- Xavier was given an Educational Allow'. rate rates. For twelve months Xavier had about $700,000 dollars. 1972) was $65,885.96). ance on their purchase of the 430 machine. been marketing those twenty ports at The memo also states that "the fact that As the report states, more than $70,000 $735.00 per port per month ahd ACTS re- Xavier has lost $50,000 · $92,000 in unnec­ These facts supply· another piece of the was brought in by the.lease to ACTS. ma r k e t e d th e por t s f or $ 1, 8 00 to $2,000. puzzle in a very long history of business These prices reflected a competitive threat e~sary batch computing hardware expense transactions involving the computer cen· In October of i970, the division of Gen- to other vendors who maintained that Xa- smce January 1971 is part of why we have ter. Here are the facts as .they have come to eral. Electric With which Xavier was doing vier, as a tax-deducting institution, could not had academic time-sharing for over the News: . · business was sold to Honeywell. In light of not legally offer these ports at below corpo- eighteen months." (Continued on page 2) Cen tr ex installation THE====================================~ May come soon XAVIER NEWS by John.Lechleiter increase phone rates in January. Thus, if Ne.'!_s Staff J!eporter the Centrex system is to ·be installed at all, The proposed installation of the Centrex an installment of the phones before VOL. LVlll WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1972 NO. 6 phone system in each of Xavier's'four January would be of considerable savings. dorms was the topic of discussion at the '. However Fischer noted that full Centrex October 19 meeting of the University offi~ service c~uld not be expected until Septem· cials. Those present.a.t the meeti!1g in- her, since there are at present an in­ Silly Sousas to appear cluded Mr. Thomas Fischer, Assistant ·sufficient number of phone lines coming Comptroller of the University; Mr. Roder- into Xavier; by Steve Bedell Dave Sullivan, tuba; Rick Fujimoto, cym­ ick Shearer, Vice-President of Student Af· News Staff Reporter fairs; Mr. I)avid Tom, Director of Housing, Assuming that the phones themselves balist and dancer. John Posani has since . are installed before January, Fischer listed A Xavier musical group called the Silly and M. r. Tom Zeno. student representative. transferred to OSU, and has been replaced several alternative phone systems that Sousas will appear on The Mancini Gener- by Tom Keitkemper. However, it is John Installation of the Centrex system in the could be put into use during the second se- ation this week in one of many youth-ori- Posani who appears in the film on tele­ dorm was overwhelmingly approved by meeter. The first of these would involve· ented films set to Mancini compositions:. vision. students in a pole taken in the spring. I · h f th h · P acmg eac o e room P ones on a wmg The Silly Sousas is a group of 11 Xavier The University of Cincinnati was one of However, the proposal at that time, was ve- t i· L'k th. C ntr x system there par Y me. i e e e e students who perform as a band and also 26 schools chosen to make films for The toed by Father Robert W. Mulligan, who would be a service charge and long dis- stage unique song-and-dance routines. Th. e Mancini Generation, a new syndicated cited the increased cost burden which ta 11 Id b b'll d t l Th nee ca s woµ. e i e s~para e y .. e group came together here at Xavier last series. The series features films conceived, would be imposed on each student by the d Ite t Id giv ach ng 1 written,; and produced by college students, Centrex system. · · · :~Z~rt~es:°-:~i£/fiii~·9; 'wli~lee, tnet'fil·ra- · ·· fii:r~;:~:re~~:re~h:t~~:;j~ t:~~°iz~i~~:~ and set to Mancini compositions. At U.C., Under such a system, each suite in Kuh- would involve .keeping all the phones dis- Street Clown Band. They appeared on the idea chosen for the films was proposed Iman and Husman, and each room or alter· connected . until September. However the weekends starting April 29th and worked by Mark Spaner from Cleveland. Ray Bos­ nating. rooms in Brockman and ·Marian, thir_d f:tltefD:ative .is doubtful since. Cincin- regularly as one of the out~tanding at· ton, a film student from the Conservatory would be connected to a private line. The i:iat1 Bell plans to allow only out~m~g calls tractions, concluding their engagement on of Musi~ who is currently working on a University would collect a regular service on the.present }iall phones beg:mn:mg the the Labor Day weekend. They also ap­ Master's Degree is Media Communication, charge and installation charge fiom each second semester. peared several times on regional television was chosen to direct, and John Gebhardt, student at the beginning of each semester. Fischer noted that party lines would re- to promQte Kings Island. The ·group con· also a Media student, was picked as pro­ On the other hand, long distance calls suit in a lack of privacy, but stated that sists of Paul Murphy and Jerry Mescan, ducer and editor. Ray also wrote and would be billed on eeperate basis to each there seems to be few other alternatives un- drums; John Clifford and Paul Wessen­ filmed the entire production. suite or room. tit complete private service begins. A final . darp, saxophone; Bob Berling and Mike The film is called Cheers, and stars Mr. Fischer, speaking at the meeting in· . decision on the installation is forthcoming,· Fritz, trombone; Dan Lehmkuho and John Parker Godwin. Godwin portrays a clown­ dica~d that Cincinnati Bell, Inc.
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